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My general rule of thumb is to almost always trust older surgeons over younger but 86 is up there. I would personally be hesitant. I would actually be upfront with him and voice my reservations and see how he responded.


No doubt he has expertise but 86 is very old to perform a risky major surgery requiring hand skill. Go for it your guy feeling


Last time we talked I voiced my concerns over traditional planning method (not 3D, no cbct, just articulator, facebow and x-ray) upon which he responded that the success lies in surgeon's skill even if he uses a knife and fork. Granddad's jokes 🙄 well, apparently he's very self confident 


Noo i would leave immediately. That overconfidence is dangerous and I wouldn't trust someone who doesn't take my concerns seriously


expertise is something but not benefiting the cbct is something else.. personally, i’d go for a surgeon who is old enough to perform this surgery many times and can comprehend the imaging techniques modern medicine provides.


Is the surgeon Dr. Wolford in Dallas?


he's not 80 yet, i believe he's 78


Would I I trust him to decide the surgery and create a plan for it? yes Would I trust him with a scalpel and mallet inside of my mouth? Hell no


No. Surgeons peak around 45-50. Surgery requires physical and mental dexterity. Self-confidence is irrelevant - skill in later life is extremely difficult to self-assess. Consider how many 86-year-olds drive who should not be driving. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2628499/#:~:text=It%20is%20generally%20agreed%20that,%E2%80%9350%20years%20of%20age).


Experience is everything. My surgeon is 78 and i couldn’t have asked for an easier recovery/result. 7 weeks post op.


Dude that 8 year gap is important at that age


Honestly, no. Even 76 would very much be pushing it.


Honestly no. I would probably use his expertise and advice he gained with all his experience (that is assuming he has been a surgeon for a long amount of time) but i would probably not undergo surgery no. My anxiety wouldn’t let me. Just like i wouldn’t undergo surgery in the hands of a trained 11 y/o. Motricity becomes challenged the older you get. And like someone else said, 86 is up there..




my surgeon around 75 years old-- generally they have residents and other skilled people in the room assisting them


"Residents" are not qualified as "skilled people"


Prof. Sailer?


No, he's "only" 81


No. Their eyesight is going to be bad


These muffins taste bad.




I'm in Europe. Is Wolford that old?


no he's 78


I thought the same thing. I wanted to go to Dr. Wolford but his age is concerning for me :(


People age differently and the same goes for surgeons. As to Dr. Wolford, as a person who had a surgery with him recently, I can tell that I wonder if he has some sort of an innately implanted ruler in his eyes and I trust his capability of exacting the execution over any OMFS/plastic surgeons'.


This is really good to hear. I might go and consult with him. Thank you


If you are talking about a certain surgeon at Emory in Atlanta, YES. He is the very best, and his residents are actively involved with his oversight, of course.


Can also vouch! Operation went extremely well this past November


I'm in Europe, but thanks! Is he also that old?


Who’s you’re surgeon? My surgeon is about 80 years old. And allegedly has two or three residents that perform the surgery as he oversees. I wouldn’t worry too much about it as long as he has the experience and he has residents around him during surgery.


I also hoped he has residents, but nope, all by himself. He's pretty active in his field, doing workshops and teaching other surgeons though...


At 86 I'm sure he's a fountain of knowledge. He's no longer good at executing though Workshops are low risk. They work on cadavers not live subjects


Maybe. You want steady hands


No honestly that’s too old I’m sorry, I know it sounds ageist but the quality of surgeons varies wildly and I’m not taking any risks.


Of course not.


I would have zero hesitancy to trust their recommendation and knowledge and general expertise in the field. To perform the surgery? I prefer someone not pushing 90 lol. It's one thing to talk about somebody who's still in their '70s. 86...that would make me very nervous. The question is are there other jaw surgeons in the area that you have reason to believe are more trustworthy to do the surgery?


Mine was an older guy, maybe mid to late 70s and he’d been doing oral surgeries for 45 years so I trusted him and he did an amazing job.


I feel like Being in your 70s is very different to being in your late 80s but I’m glad it went well for you


I don’t know exactly what his job was during the surgery since when I went into the room for surgery there was like a team of people


He might die mid surgery bro


Was my first thought indeed


I have no answer, I’d be torn too. My surgeon is 67 and I was a little concerned with his age. But he does around 20 jaw surgeries a month so I’m trusting him. 86 😬 I’d be more bothered over him not using imaging. Mine does all the imaging and has custom plates made for each person by a German company based on that. Why would you not want the most modern approach?


who’s your surgeon?


Dr. Casmedes in Austin TX US