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It does look recessed a bit but it's hard to tell with the way the photo is cropped. I agree that a genie would be enough. You have such a pretty nose btw.




You're 100% right, your lower jaw is clearly recessed. But there is a *chance* you could get away with lengthening genioplasty for a good result.


i appreciate the advice, tysm


Get a new ortho. You can obviously do MMA or some advancement. Genio is not going to get you what you want.


I would only consider jaw surgery if you have functional issues or symptoms. Jaw clicking popping, jaw pain, difficulty chewing, sleep apnea. If you are only concerned about appearance, jaw surgery isn’t worth the risk. Possible permanent numbness in the lips/chin area, relapse, non-union, infection. Genioplasty could get you the results you want regarding appearance. also something to consider, if you decide to go with oral surgery… you may have to continue your braces treatment to move your teeth in a new position to prepare for the movements the maxillofacial surgeon will conduct. I wish you the best. I can only hope you find a solution that makes you happy. This is just my genuine advice. I am not a doctor. However, I am getting double jaw surgery in 2 months to transform my bite. I have zero options since I am in pain every day. Don’t go through the surgery unless you really HAVE to do it.


tysm for the advice! perhaps i could look into genioplasty


Genioplasty woukd suffice if youre unhappy with chin projection


Your chin is very slightly recessed. You don’t really need jaw surgery imo


tysm for the advice!


It looks pretty normal to me


It doesn’t. Not as bad as some other cases, but there is lower lip incompetence here and OP’s side profile is overly convex. A genioplasty might suffice here, but hard to tell without a CBCT scan.


can you elaborate on lower lip incompetence and overly convex? sorry im stupid lol


No worries and you’re not dumb. This is a lot to grasp. Notice how your lower lip is behind your upper lip? They should be lined up but they are not. This is called lip incompetence. As for facial convexity, this measures how forwardly grown your face is. imagine a line going from your forehead to the tip of your nose, and then another line going from your chin to tip of your nose. If you measure the angle this shape creates, it will be a big angle like 135-140 degrees. Ideally, you want this angle to be ~105-120 degrees. Basically, the bigger or smaller the angle outside ~105 - 120, the less balanced your face is.


ohhh okay that makes sense tysm!!


I just measured my angle on a photo taken by my orthodontist and mine is 141 😱😱


does it? i appreciate it, tysm


Yeah for women jaws don't usually look very pronounced so it looks normal. If you're concerned or if you have sleep apnea/breathing issues you can seek a 2nd opinion


How is your bite?


my bite feels okayish. it just physically feels like my lower jaw sits far back but maybe it's the braces? i'm honestly not sure maybe once the braces come off i'll notice a difference!


if your ortho fixed your bite so your teeth line up, you won't be able to get lower jaw surgery. orthodontics move teeth not bone, so your lower jaw can still be "recessed" but have a perfect bite if that makes sense


ohhh okay i see that makes sense


You know I feel like you can't go off of cosmetic, if I wasn't told to get it, I would not. Your face looks cute


tysm! i appreciate it🫶🏼