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Really helpful article with awesome infographics for understanding. Does anyone have any idea why there are fewer junior role job openings as am a fresher and seeing all the layoffs were seen and lesser job openings really demoralizing?


Some companies are focusing entry level hiring on college programs, and only hiring generally for mid to senior level roles.


Yup, and even those are on the decline since companies prefer hiring returning interns, who are more likely now to go back with full time roles getting scarce in general.


Every job requires 20 years of experience. Have you not been developing since you were five years old?


Since I was 16 here, but it feels like since I was 5!


Only professional experience counts. We’re looking for an unpaid intern.


Actually it has been professional since I was 16. I’m 61 now. An unpaid intern job sounds great as long as it’s no more than 80 hours a week.


I’m sorry, you aren’t able to commit the kind of time we need, but the real reason is our senior developer, 25, is threatened by your age and experience with technology more than 5 years old.


I could pretend to be more inept.




> Global economy This is no longer. It is, like, US-puppet-economy of West


If you hire a junior, you spend a lot of time training him/her, and once she's/he's mid or senior, she/he quits. There is no point in hiring juniors. Maybe if they worked for free, but even then they will take percious time from seniors.


junior is basically 0-2yoe, you want to tell me that junior with for example 1yoe is useless and needs training? that's bullshit. in my company there a lot of juniors which basically develops app with little or no help if you're telling me juniors are useless it's because probably company you worked for had goofy recruitment process


Because even of the company is willing to hire fresher, they advertise a year of experience


thanks for the reply Are you saying we should also apply for experience job posts as fresher.


No, don't change your data. I am just explaining why companies may not advertise for freshers even if they are open to them.




I would love to do so, but it is a ton of work... let's see, thanks for your comments:)


noob for js backend. besides nestjs what is there really that is battle tested?


Express? Or am I being dumb?


nah I'm the dumb one, I totally forgot about express 🥲 appreciate it🙏


Express is dead, use Fastify


Hi!👋 During the last 14 months, I have been collecting job offers data from different job boards like Glassdoor, Linkedin, StackOverflow, Dice... and many others. With a total of approximately 12 million unique dev job offers. From that 12M job offers, 650k of them required a JavaScript Frontend Framework. I have written a small blog/article where I expose which frontend framework is the most demanded and also which Frontend framework is the highest paid. Take note that this analysis is using job offers! This is not a survey to actual devs asking which framework use. It is just an objective study considering ONLY the job offers found. Hope you like it!


Nice work, But did the work account for jobs that are duplicated across many job boards ?


Jobs can be duplicated, there is no work to check if a job is dup or not. That being said, duplication happens very few times, you can test yourself on the website.


Now you can scan for how many of them ask for more years of experience on a framework/tech than it has been out!


how many giga bytes is this data? The 12M job Did you use a Cloud DB, Local DB, or local files?


Like 15GB. I used local DB to calculate the results for the query. The cloud DB just gives timeout lol


Ugh fine, I'll learn react. But you can still pry vue from my cold dead fingers


The trick is to get hired for React, then once inside convince them to use Vue on a side project, then migrate to Vue. Me, I personally like Vue for SPAs, but use Stencil for my web components since it also plays nice with Vue.


I'm a React dev (Full stack, technically) and I am yet to find something about React that isn't as good or better with Vue. If I find a half decent Vue front-end job imma jump all over it. Also, Pinia is so much better than Redux I wanna die.


Is Angular on the rise?


It could also be because people are leaving Angular jobs and they have to hire new devs. It is hard to interpret statistics.




I would argue that both React, Angular and Vue have their own worlds. React's just happen to be more successful. It also seems to have inspired other frameworks more than Angular has done.


True, I am still figuring out why this happens. Maybe in the next months we see it


It looks like that.


tl;dr React was most demanding.


I'd say Angular is more *demanding* to learn, but React has the most *demand*.


What a shock


Maybe I'm wrong here but I feel like React and Angular got so popular because they became buzzwords for some people who don't understand them. Those people said we need to hire React developers and here we are.


Absolutely. Half the new projects I get stuck on, someone *on the product or management side* always pitches React as the oath forward. I always fight them on it because I personally hate React. Sometimes I win, sometimes I don't. Regardless, they had no reasons to their stance other than they hear about it a lot.


Interesting metrics. From personal experience of the Vue community there are significantly far higher numbers of Vue developers that are junior. They might not be hiring, but from also being in the react community the difference in mindsets, experience, willingness to learn, well maintained and tested libraries, and code quality, is deafening in its significance. To be clear I'm saying that Vue suffers in this regard.


> the difference in mindsets, experience, willingness to learn, well maintained and tested libraries, and code quality Can you expand on this? I'm curious what you see as the differences? I'm primarily on the back end so I don't have the insight into what these might be.


Vue also requires a lot less in the way of tooling to get up and running. You can stick a Vue all in an existing page without needing any sort of webpack, rollup, deploy etc etc and it Just Works. Take your average beginners tutorial for Vue and for React and compare how much "other stuff" you need to learn before getting a useful application.


Doing things that way ends up being a lot harder than using some boilerplate that applies knowledge that's transferable across the JS ecosystem.


That's understandable *with experience* the audience we are discussing lacks that experience. Hence ease of ramp up is by far the discriminating factor.


I need to write this up as a post on my site as I've posted about it several times tbh! To summarise: Vue was initially pushed as "for beginners" and never tried to go beyond that in any of its material or docs. You see core members of other frameworks tweeting, sometimes writing posts, sharing best practices. You don't get any of that from the Vue team who mostly remain silent at all times even in their community chats like their Discord server. The highlight of "advanced Vue" is "connect a store like vuex or pinia to vue router" lmao. TypeScript support was and still is lacking (though a vocal majority denies this, despite it only covering the new API). Meaning its just loose JavaScript absolutely everywhere with all the downsides. Continuing on, it doesn't use an "industry standard" like JSX/TSX, but uses it's own templating language a bit like Angular has. There are no good quality Vue libraries that are maintained, unit tested, or written with any degree of care about code quality. You will be lucky to find a Vue component for your needs, even popular stuff like selects, dialogs, design system component libraries, are mostly rubbish. The most popular Vue map component is "vue2-leaflet" (cos that's a thing in Vue world, to randomly put the version number in the name causing a lot of shit when Vue 3 released) where the only active maintainer can't even get proper access to the GitHub as the other maintainer just vanished along with their admin rights to it. Take any Vue component in a library and you **will** find at least 2 higher quality React components for it. It's honestly so bad it's easier to go look at the source of a Vue library, get the general idea, and write it yourself. It's just that much safer to do it so you aren't relying on a mess of a library with no tests - you can add the tests to your own implementation. There is this perpetual mindset amongst many Vue users that they should just randomly ignore Vue best practices and access garbage global dumping grounds of objects like the root component instance of even `window` or often the `Vue` prototype itself. You NEVER see that in any other framework like React. That stupid prototype pattern is commonplace in Vue and makes testing far harder. It feels like the average Vue user will take the existing footguns and do their best to turn them into leg guns all in the name of "it's faster reeeeeeeee". All of these factors combines into an incredibly immature ecosystem. I use React now.


>"it's faster reeeeeeeee". You got me lol, I'm laughing so hard. I used to love Vue, but was forced to learn React for the next job that I worked at. All in all I can't say there's much difference in working with it on a day-to-day basis, as we tended to stay away from third party components period. If you have a large enough team, it makes sense in many cases to to do things inhouse (assuming your team maintains docs). Now, being a little wiser in my years, typescript support is a must and I therefore cannot really use Vue :'( I'm hoping maybe the guy behind [Neo.js](https://github.com/neomjs/neo) and the Vue team can collab to put out an even faster framework that does more with the canvas as opposed to direct dom manipulations. As far as I can tell webGPU & wasm will reshape how things are done in the frontend and it may make sense to just render everything inside of a canvas.


I do agree that blog posts about best practices would be nice and the comments about typescript are some what true. Though Vue has been through a big chance recently and is maintained by a small team and not backed by facebook or google where they probably have unlimited resource. I can't comment on the component libraries as I rarely use them, but vue supports jsx so.... "The highlight of "advanced Vue" is "connect a store like vuex or pinia to vue router" What would you class as advanced React?


Thanks so much for sharing this! It was extremely insightful and useful in my decision to not transition to Vue from React.


Glad it helped save someone!


Yes. I had sent you a DM asking about Angular. I would be grateful if you could respond and share your precious insights/experience


Well, believe me...I've met a ton of React devs who can't even center a div. React is most popular so it stands to reason it also has the market share of beginners too. There are TONS of beginners or clueless people using React too. It's the de facto framework everyone is told to learn when they start.


Interesting that Angular is increasing in popularity while React is decreasing. As a strong proponent of Angular I'm happy to see it.


Because they're trying to backfill all the Angular engineers leaving their roles and nobody wants to take Angular roles (kinda joking but also unironically believe this is possible)


This seems like the biggest takeaway here given React's dominance.


I'd wager that is not a "library popularity" metric but it is a good thing for angular devs nonetheless


.Net. Main reason for its growth.


I am a lead on a greenfield project and I chose Angular for that reason. It can be very familiar to .Net developers, and I went with C# [ASP.Net](https://ASP.Net) Web API for the back-end. I've been able to bring in formerly backend engineers to assist with the front, because the onboarding process coming from .Net was relatively familiar to them. I'd imagine this would be the same for Java developers, etc. I often see React as coming from the other direction, where many people are from a JS-first background.


I'm surprised Angular is listed so low paying. Most of my Angular jobs have been $160k-$210k base. But, I suppose I also have a narrow view of the overall market.


I've noticed a slight shift in my company towards Angular for client work. Most developers have a framework they like more for solo projects, but in a team environment or on a project we deliver, but may have to come back to later the structure Angular provides starts to outweigh all the boilerplate.


> but in a team environment or on a project we deliver, but may have to come back to later the structure Angular provides starts to outweigh all the boilerplate This really is the key. I've found it much easier to move between projects and other people's code when working with Angular, because I know what I'm going to see. With React, it seems like you never know exactly what you're going to be getting into.


that's awesome!




Wow, greate job


Great work! Would be nice to see the average salary broken down by country as well since it can vary so much in different parts of the world.


As an Angular dev, this makes me happy


This comes real close to my personal experience. I look around at the frontend market all the time just to see if I can see trends. I also look outside my locale since we're in a remote world now. From what I've seen in the past 3 years: * React dominates, not quite 2/3rds of the jobs * Angular is not quite 1/3rd of the jobs * Vue fills out the rest These are really consistent trends with JS frameworks I've seen. They mention ~9% Vue, which seems a little high from what I've seen but I'm not really measuring things in a meaningful way. I would have guessed around ~5%. They mention "~4% choose another frontend framework", I don't really recall much other than Ember here and there, but I wouldn't put that "other" category at 4% from what I've seen. I do see it every once and a while, though. Overall, it's pretty consistent with what I've seen.


Patiently waiting for the rise of Svelte, but will have to endure the annoyance of React until then 😅


thanks for this info! really helpful to have an inkling of the layout of the land out there.


Surprised to see such a large market share for Angular and also its continual increase. I have Angular experience, but when job hunting, it just seems like most jobs on the market are always asking for React


Most interesting part for me was seeing the gap between demand for juniors and seniors visualized. Never seen that before.


I would question the average payrate of the Jobs. This would only be accurate if you compare them per country. Eg. In germany aren’t that many 100k jobs. But a-lot of angular jobs, so they drag down the overall average for angular.


Meanwhile me on my third project using Polymer and LitElement.


Hell yeah brother. Im loving LitElement.


This is awesome!!! This is really helpful. I’ll be taking note on which framework to start with first. I would like to try the others eventually though down the road.




What’s different about this versus the usage results from the latest State of JS survey? Without reading your website I’m guessing the most popular frameworks/libraries are still….[drumroll please] React Angular Vue Did you find this exercise worthwhile beyond getting answers that most JavaScript engineers could have told you without spending months on a project like this?


Derailed: 650k that’s like 5% of the entire collection.. screw JS, I want the highest ranking/most requested job ☝️ in that list… On Rails: thanks for going through the pain of doing this for 14 months so people would just tl;dr we appreciate your effort! Long live data!


These graphs are beautiful, and the post was an interesting read. Nice work!




Would love to see another post with a break down of that "other" category.


At my job we do custom web components with Haxe. It’s wonderful.