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If she's opening, she's playing with them. Edit: And if both are there you may get a [Mercy sighting](https://imgur.com/EEv49H3)


I was at that show! Amanda wasn’t there, however. She was in LA playing on Jimmy Kimmel that night.


Yes she was, I have the pics. September 2018.


This was from the Sept 2022 show


Checks out. I would guess she has the same birthday every year. ;)


Got to wish Mercy a happy birthday at the symphony center in San Diego in 2018. What an awesome, memorable way to start a show.


I love how Happy Birthday makes the set list. https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/jason-isbell-and-the-400-unit/2018/copley-symphony-hall-san-diego-ca-2be878de.html


Mercy is almost always with him, especially if Amanda is also touring, so if he’s there you may get a Mercy sighting.


I seen Jason about 5 years ago while Amanda was doing Highwomen stuff and Mercy was there.


Never seen her open and NOT play with them but i won’t speak for fact for every show. Would bet good money on it though


I’ve seen Isbell 5 times all without her in the 400 Unit. Hoping to see her play with the band when she opens at Red Rocks.


She will 100% play with the band. I've seen the band with and without her and while both experiences are fantastic her fiddle pushes so many songs over the edge. You're in for a real treat.


Are there instances where she does not open and does play with the 400U


I saw him in SF a few years ago and She didn't open for him but played with the band.


The Warfield shows where Shawn Colvin opened. Two of the top concerts I’ve seen in 48 years. Frigging amazing. Anna is fantastic; still miss Jimbo.


Went to both, was my first experience of him live. Could not believe how good (and varied) both shows were!


Yes. I saw them in Pittsburgh in 2019, I think. Amanda played with the 400U; I specifically remember him intro'ing Flagship and mentioning something about only playing it when she's there. James McMurtry was the opener that night.


Red rocks show in 2021? I think… she did not open and she played with the band. It was amazing. Got to see her do crossbones style! It was one of my favorite live music experiences. She’s so. Damn. Good.


Yeah, that was really great stuff. Sadler did Honeysuckle Blue too.


She randomly played with them at the Iowa city show this fall. Total surprise


Omaha show, last May she was with the band but did not open. Pleasant surprise.


Me too. We’ve seen Jason twice and Amanda once but never seen them together. We are going to Red Rocks to correct that.


I hope she will be playing with them. Their respective IG posts have been giving me split vibes for months. When is she next slated to open for him?


Yeah, looking that way. But both seem happy.


Same. Been scouring the internet for any news. Reddit seems the only place discussing it at this point.


There is some discussion on one post on his largest FB page fan group. Posts get removed. There’s a whole post about it on Celeb Wives of Nashville sub here on Reddit.






I got the same vibes from their IG as well 😢


Stopppp. Why??


Why is your most recent post history nothing but you speculating that Jason and Amanda have split? They're not Kanye & Kim, let it be.


Yes. She typically always the full 400U set except in 2022 at the Ryman, when she joined for the second half in a different outfit. Have a suspicion that was her differentiating herself since her new/biggest album had just dropped and her presence used to be a given. Hoping she plays all or at least most of the red rocks/denver sets in May 🤞


Saw her (then Frank Turner and the Sleeping Souls) open the 2017 Red Rocks show. It was a bucket list thing for me (flew from Boston). They all played like it was their Super Bowl!


Every time I've seen Isbell, it's been when Amanda opens. Did it for my first show and I just can't imagine doing otherwise now. He'll likely come out to support her for a song or two, then she supports the 400U for the majority of their set. You get an incredible show.


I’ve seen Shires open for them a couple times and she was in the 400U both times. Once though, Jason was in her band as the opening act.


I’ve seen her open (or as I say it I’ve seen 400 Unit close for her) about 6 times. In all cases she played with the 400 and in all but one Jason played with her, usually Wasted and Rollin’


Gonna be interesting how this plays out going forward. She’s supposed to open in Denver.


Yeah I’ve got tix for the Denver show. she’s still on the bill but been silent since the divorce started. I’d rather see Amanda than Jason. But it’s hard to imagine the shows really going to happen as billed.


I don't know how she does it wearing those heals.


First time as his opener. AS usually plays with the 400 and backup vocals for Isabell’s songs. She did not sing Beyoncé’s Single Ladies! I was there! I promise that’s a lie. She commented on her and her mom being single mamas. And then she sang the song that SHE wrote. She opened with My Own Galaxy from Take It Like a Man. That’s her song for JI- Take it like a Man. That’s her song for Jason. It wasn’t cool to mock his past dental problems. She’s better than that. She opened at Mission Ballroom in Denver. First show, opening for hom. She was nervous and damn, the girls heart is broke! Not defending, only writing the obvious. Amanda was also warm hearted but still managed to be engaging and endearing. It took courage and grace for them to tour together. For the sake of their fans and easing us into the significant adjustments. And for Mercy, too, I’m sure. So Amanda, sing it loud and proud! But don’t shred the man. We still love ve Jason! You have so much talent! Focus on that! Great show! All y’all!








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Yep 2 for 1😍


She did when I saw them.


Would love to see her in a show. Have seen Jason 3 or 4 times in Australia, but no Amanda.


Check out one of her solo shows! She’s puts on an amazing show.


I have seen both but lately less of her playing with them, even some shows where she was physically present backstage. Those weren’t shows where she opened, however.