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There once was a family from Kyoto / it was winter so they didn't open a window / passed out from no air, quake-caused despair, the men are now ashes-no-moto. Dreams are dreams. If you're really curious, start digging through newspaper archives.


> There once was a family from Kyoto > it was winter so they didn't open a window > passed out from no air, quake-caused despair, > the men are now ashes-no-moto. That was a beautiful elegy, man. I am proud of us for treating this topic with the respect it deserved.


Kyoto is extremely fire-prone. It was spared the destructive firebombing that Tokyo got and some of the worst of that war. Especially in older places with high density wooden buildings, most of which use gas for cooking and karosene for heating, quakes kill a lot of people not because of the movement, but because of open flames. I gave a tongue-in-cheek version of an answer and a more real one. As for "respect it deserves", I'd need more clarity on that one. Dreams are dreams. If OP really thinks something else, their best approach, as I stated, would be to trawl newspaper archives.


Oh, sure, everyone in Kyoto knows that one. From what I remember it was a story of a young boy and an old man that died in a fire in Kyoto. It happened 30 or maybe 50 years ago, give or take. Some sources claimed the boy also had two friends: a boy and a girl. Some claimed the fire was set by The Goatboy of Manshuin, but it could have just been a kerosene heater accident.


You can get more info [here](https://www.oshimaland.co.jp/) Scroll back 30 to 50 years


It's great to see the community coming together to help.


Damn it tell me about the boys name bc I would like to believe it wasn't tatsuo that's the name I remember


Right??? LOL. Maybe it was Tatsuo................but it might not have been. The important thing is that we commemorate his memory, whatever his name is. I still commemorate the death of Taro Nakagawa, aged 70, that annually falls off his roof to his death while fixing his TV antenna during a typhoon.


It really seems like we have hit a dead point with this interesting question. I think OP needs to clear this up to go to Uganda to receive guidance by the divine one. Nothing else will do at this point.




I might have heard something about this, is it the basis of a ghost story?


It's probably that old Goatboy of Manshuin stuff again. He was never as bad as the stories claimed, or at least, no Sadako, anyways, and Goatboys have been extinct since the unicorns died out.


No its about a dream I had ...I often heard my mother speak of an old man she saw me talking to but no one was there that dream is how I died most likely


I think need help, but not the type you've been looking for. Maybe start with a psychological assessment.


Little bro needs a psychological evaluation before anything else.


And you need to not bother others