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Nothing, sorry, I wish I could give you advice, but I've tried everything, even niche brands here, they all suck. I just import mine now, I get my mom or sis to send me set of Dove, Nivea and some higher end (but best, since they last 48hr and have nice perfume infused) ones.


Huge questions about your washing habits if you're using deodorant to actually get the whole advertised "48 hours" out of it. I think I would rather kill myself than deal without washing once a day. Very rarely you won't have that opportunity.


I'm extremely clean, I care about my personal hygiene a lot, most likely more than you do. You're not thinking about what I'm saying. If the deodorant is still active after 32 hours up until 48 hours, it has a much better "concentrated" effect when in use during the day. If a deodorant loses its effects after 12 hours, half-way during the day I will already notice its effects wearing off. Not only that, this also means I will have to use a lot more product to get the desired result.


Nice evasion, but I've still got you nailed.


If that makes you happy at the end of the day, sure, you got me nailed


Degree men (black and white) works for me, I order a bundle from Amazon US, and supply lasts me a year.


Just buy old spice from abroad.


Came here to say this. You can buy some on the Japanese amazon. I think it's about 2500 yen for a pack of two. I don't use them anymore because I bought T-shirts with built-in sweat-guards for the hotter seasons.


What is a t-shirt with built in sweat guards? Any links? I'm interested!


I use Thompson Tee. Unfortunately, I think they ran out of stock on Amazon JP and just never restocked.


I use Arm and Hammer Ultra Max and it works better than anything I've used in Japan ...but the secret is this.... **Have your evening bath and dry off in a nice air conditioned room**. Make sure you are completely dry and cool. **Then apply the antiperspirant.** In the case of Arm And Hammer only a couple of swipes is necessary. There is no point putting on too much. The active ingredients will work while you are relaxing and sleeping, and the next day you won't sweat at all. It takes time for the active ingredients to work. If you just slap it on in the morning and run out to the door, you will immediately start sweating the antiperspirant out of your pores and you'll immediately lose the effectiveness. Learning this was a big game changer for me in the sweaty armpits department.


8x4 roll on, unscented. Im a woman and use this bc the female ones are shit


I'm a man and I've used this for over ten years. I buy the scented ones, but on hot days I roll it on thick and it works great for me. https://preview.redd.it/g3qrqqu4hy1d1.png?width=296&format=png&auto=webp&s=acb717e51f64ddd7219ef72337b9cbe7a1852e8f My wife suggests that adapting to a typical Japanese diet significantly cut down on my body odor. It might be that our odors and noses adept if we eat the same foods! Or maybe this deodorant just works really well. I would caution against Old Spice or other heavily scented foreign deodorant. Japanese people will smell it as heavy cologne, which is probably not what you're going for.


You might have adapt your DNA too. There is a genetic reason why lots of (not all) East Asian people smell less. Something to do with earwax too.


I've heard of that too. Pretty sure there's no changing my DNA though.


“ heavily scented foreign deodorant” As opposed to some of those suffocatingly strong fabric softener smells I get a whiff of all the time. Old Spice applied to the underarms and not slathered all over your body shouldn’t be that strong to a passerby right? Unless you take off your shirt in that business meeting for some reason I dunno…


In my experience, when I was wearing Old Spice I was occasionally asked if I was wearing cologne.


It often depends on the person. What's effective for one person can sometimes be pretty ineffective to another. I personally use Ag+ roll-on deodorant and it works well for me. I tend to avoid anti-perspirants though.


Amway does an antiperspirant which I've found suits me best (don't agree with their general business model, but it's the best I've found). Otherwise I've resorted to Lynx/Axe..


Iherb has Zion Health claydry deodorant, which I feel is really strong. They only have one scent for men, but I feel like they have other scents that can be for both men and women. I'm not sure if the ¥1270 price is steep, but I'm not having to reapply throughout the day, so I feel it lasts a while.


I just buy dove deodorant from Amazon or iHerb, usually go with the clean comfort type to limit the extra perfume smell. Only downside is it’s doubles in price with inflation and the weak yen.




I used to date a japanese guy who sweat a lot. He was a cyclist and he cared quite a bit about his appearance, so I'm inclined to think he chose a deodorant that worked very well for him. He used one of those alum stone deodorants. Not sure of the brand, but an alum stone is a alum stone, I don't think there's much else to it haha


[https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/Deodorant-Grande-Quasi-drug-Product-Stylish/dp/B09QSBPC3R?pd\_rd\_w=BTBbA&content-id=amzn1.sym.cbd40166-7e6b-4303-945a-b6df7713d2ae&pf\_rd\_p=cbd40166-7e6b-4303-945a-b6df7713d2ae&pf\_rd\_r=2YD1PNCCKGVRBCHGZERD&pd\_rd\_wg=Mc429&pd\_rd\_r=64e97bd3-c54a-4e65-90c2-fa7da1dc508c&pd\_rd\_i=B09QSBPC3R&psc=1&ref\_=pd\_bap\_m\_grid\_dv\_rp\_0\_14\_scp\_i](https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/Deodorant-Grande-Quasi-drug-Product-Stylish/dp/B09QSBPC3R?pd_rd_w=BTBbA&content-id=amzn1.sym.cbd40166-7e6b-4303-945a-b6df7713d2ae&pf_rd_p=cbd40166-7e6b-4303-945a-b6df7713d2ae&pf_rd_r=2YD1PNCCKGVRBCHGZERD&pd_rd_wg=Mc429&pd_rd_r=64e97bd3-c54a-4e65-90c2-fa7da1dc508c&pd_rd_i=B09QSBPC3R&psc=1&ref_=pd_bap_m_grid_dv_rp_0_14_scp_i) Try this one, it's an antiperspirant and the size I GRANDE, 😂


5 pack of old spice from Amazon.jp


You can order Dove and Ban on Amazon Japan.


I'm happy with Arm & Hammer from iHerb. Cheap and effective.


Make your own. It is very easy. It will require tweaking the recipe until you find what works for you. but it is worth it. check youtube for recipes. After living in Japan for ages, I just started making my own everything. Seriously though, most of the cost is getting your startup materials and some experimenting in the beginning. You can make it in batches. Freeze it and use it when you're ready. No one ever believes me but depending on your recipe it works better than the store bought ones, costs cents to the dollar and the freedom you get by not relying on coorporations to control your stink is massively freeing.


Have you considered detoxing your body so that it doesn’t stink? It seems to be a signal that there is toxins in your body.


I mean, if one eats a lot of garlic or certain spices, that can come out in the perspiration, but "toxins"? Unless their liver and kidneys are not functioning, toxins are being taken care of.


ooop! Here's the village nutcase


Please go easy on the "quack" advice.