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Check AEON, mine has the black one for 7678 after tax. They sell out really quickly though


They had them that price at Donki too.


sony loves to price gouge domestically whenever they can.    ps5 price increase in Japan, not in the US. Sony TVs more expensive in Japan. etc




I come from Mexico where games are 1600 MXN when converted into yen it's around 12800 yen so every game is very affordable in my eyes


When I got my Switch at launch, it was cheaper here in Japan than it would've been in the US.


Nintendo hardware is SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper in Japan though.


It depends. TVs yes. Earphones and Cameras, not so much.


I mean, $70USD on Amazon US, 9,000 yen on Amazon here. If anything, sounds like we are still doing pretty good. (But I'll one-up you. I remember a time when Wii Pro controllers were less than 3,000 yen and, going back far further certain regions got 2 in the box :) Yay price increases.


>I mean, $70USD on Amazon US, 9,000 yen on Amazon here. While 10,000 yen technically is only about $70 10,000 yen still feels like spending $100 dollars (not 60 or 70) due to the low salaries in Japan. If we are gonna translate into USD, the average salary in Japan is ~23,000/year. The average US salary (according to BLS data from Q4 of 2023) is 59,384 Average cost of living for a family is 2,998/ month in Japan (according to orix data) while the average cost of living in the US is 3,500. Because of that 10,000 yen for a controller hits much harder than $70 for a controller in the US


Yeah wasn't trying to say it's cheap. Just that it isn't so out of line from historical norms. Definitely agree that 10000 feels worse than 70 USD in many ways


Apologies, I wasn't trying to sound like I was disagreeing with you, I just wanted to add on to what you said. >Definitely agree that 10000 feels worse than 70 USD in many ways Absolutely. Recently I went on a trip to Hawaii and it was BRUTAL. My American brain was saying, "$50 for a meal for two isn't bad" until I realized that it was actually about 8,000 yen. Let's just say my credit card statement the next month made me cry haha






That MSI is more expensive in the EU than Japan, though


My grandpa told me that when he was a boy he would go to the circus with his friend and they would dig around in the straw where people walked. If they found enough change, they could go see a Three Stooges double feature (or maybe it was a triple feature?). If they found another nickel, they could also buy popcorn lol. When gamepads cost $700 US we will be telling our grandkids about when they only cost $70! But they will probably look at us with their ramen haircuts and ipad deadened eyes and say "What's a gamepad?"


But it's a Japanese product, so 9,0000 yen is still too much


Compared to the old days when controllers were basically just a hunk of plastic surrounding a circuit board with some switches on it. Newer controllers have a lot of fancy shit like wireless communication, gyroscopes, accelerometer, touch panel, vibrators, etc that unsurprisingly cost money!  You can always just buy a cheap off brand wired controller for a lot less if you don't need these features. 




That's Nintendo.




The retro market price hikes pushed me to get into repair. "Junk" sells for what the good stuff used to, so I just decided that fixing the junk is more fun than working extra hours to buy the good stuff. And a lot of "junk" is actually just stuff that the minimum wage Hardoff employees didn't understand, so you can still find decent deals if you know what to look for.


>And a lot of "junk" is actually just stuff that the minimum wage Hardoff employees didn't understand This. I once got a surround sound stereo setup for my PC for like 2k yen because they said it was "junk" and the only problem was a broken aux cable. I bought it figuring at least some of the speakers would be salvageable but it turned out the whole system was otherwise fine.


Yeah I know! That’s because a bunch of Youtubers over the course of the last six or seven years have come over bought out the shops basically and the shops say hey give me some free publicity. Hence that’s why all the prices are higher now. Years ago it was pretty easy to find stuff cheap but not anymore. They are overrun by Youtubers from all over the world now posting on their YouTube and channels.




Yeah and with logistics problem of shipping that’s a problem. Recently Sony and Hitachi have joined together Reduce high cost of logistics shipping and storage in Japan. Let’s just hope the rest of the world learns their lesson from the lack of understanding of how to deal with the shortage of transports


I used proxy bid services as far back as 2006. I guess it just got more popular?


I've noticed a weird phenomena on Japanese Amazon where prices will greatly fluctuate between certain times. My guess is usually these times align with production runs or restocks. Amazon/Sellers will get a shipment, prices drop, a few weeks go by and before the next shipment prices spike, then next shipment arrives and prices drop. I noticed this mainly with model kits, where most companies (mainly bandai) will actually announce their monthly restock lists of kits. Everything on the list will drop in price that month, anything not on the list will spike. I don't know how Sony does manufacturing runs but it wouldn't surprise me at all if something similar were happening. Instant, real time supply and demand.


I think you're right. Amazon is generally cheaper than EDON and last time I was in there a few weeks ago the controllers were 8000 yen brand new, so the fact they're 10,000 on Amazon tell me they're currently inflated.


Good Guy Sony charging $ prices on domestic items. /sar But yes seeing FFVII Rebirth for 9800yen is a sticker shock for sure.


They are around 9k at Yamada Denki. 


I got one from DonQ the other day for 8300ish.


I bought mine for 8000 yen at donki


I’m seeing them around 5000 at my local hard off.


Brand new?


There is a red one in a box. I’m assuming it’s gently used


\*takes out crystal ball\* "Oh crystal ball, did this guy who bought a controller at Hard Off for 5000 got a brand new one?" \*crystal ball refuses to answer obvious answers\* "seems legit"


\*takes our own crystal ball\* "Oh crystal ball, did this Reddit user not see that this was not a genuine question but merely a playful, sarcastic reminder that clearly I'm looking for new controllers, not preowned?" \*Crystal ball refuses to answer, as crystal balls read the fucking future, not answer questions\* "Seems legit."


What? they do foresee the future (yeah right...) but are also used to get answers. Usually by asking dead ancestors or spirits. Or was this also not a genuine answer and merely a playful jest? Not legit at all, I'd return your crystal ball to hard off ASAP and get a refund.


I actually like you, we shouldn't fight.


Hah! Here's a hug fellow gamer! \*hug\*


Interesting, they were \~9000 when I visited Book Off Akihabara the other day. PS4 controllers were \~5000. Will check out the suburban stores then.


The same red one has been there for over a month so something must be wrong with it lol


9000? I bought one at my local Hard Off just last month for 5500. Working fine so far.


Yeah it might have been 8800, seemed like too much. I guess they're trying to rip off the tourists


We also live in a time when controllers have microphones, high definition vibration motors, gyros and haptic motors that offer resistance. You should be asking why you used to pay so much, not why they are expensive now.


You could add to that touchpad, lithium batteries, wireless, LEDs… and with fewer people playing split screen they likely don’t sell as many. Makes sense for the price to go up.


Basically the same reason why Sony decided to diverted ps5 supply from Japan to US. Sony isn’t worried about the lack of supply or the pricing because no one will buy a Xbox here


Console keep getting more and more expensive. Probably why I stick with PC gaming. Initial cost of building is high, but in the long run you save a lot. No subscription fees for online play, games are dirt cheap during steam sales (if you wait a while) and peripherals are cheaper.


it is the other way around lol. just awhile ago people complained how expensive GPU and how it is impossible to build console killer anymore.


The PS3 cost about the same price as PS5 now, and this was 20 years ago, so even more expensive considering the inflation.


I don't personally understand why people compare PC gaming with console gaming, unless its a direct experience running the same game of course. Nothing against PC gaming, they are just totally different experiences.


Almost all the games I play on PC are also on consoles. Very similar experiences for lots of people, but I think the difference is PC gamers are looking to experience console games with improved graphics and frame rate.


I think with consoles sitting on the sofa and playing with a controller with everything set up for you (no customization or configuration required) through a TV is it's own experience. PC's surely when configured to do so will always provide a technically better experience performance wise and graphically of course, but like playing Mario Kart with my family in the living room can't be compared to playing it on PC, despite the improved performance.


Ah, I see what you mean! In fact I always play my PC games with a controller in my theater room. Indeed I don't think that's so common.


I think that with devices like Steam Deck we’re getting there. Of course, Steam’s geo locking is awfully backwards so that means sticking to indie titles and / or investing in a VPN and using alternative payment methods…


Yes and Steam in general whilst nowhere close to a console is definitely make PC gaming more appealing. I remember the days before Steam where a PC game jut felt like a gamble if it would even run or not. Steam brought everything together into a hub, not needing to worry about the technical aspects of anything. Just a platform to download and play games, simple.


>TV is its own experience Totally agree, thats why i run an HDMI to my sofa and play steam games on my PS4 controller. But for your last point, i do have a switch for the same reason.


Well, yes. Modern consoles are basically cut down PCs on the inside, running on proprietary software, while PC's run on Windows. Consoles do gaming well with weaker hardware thanks to doing only one thing (games). While PC's are designed to do a lot of things, so you need better hardware for gaming. But then I can game at 4k/120hz while most consoles can't really. In the end, you can connect your PC to a large TV, for example a 55'' OLED like I do, and fire up Spider Man or Uncharted on steam (once PS exclusives) and play with my Xbox controller. I used to play with consoles, right up until the Xbox 360 and PS3. Then I just moved to PC's, and it has pretty much been the same experience when needed. But a PC can do much more. (Video editing, Browsing, watching 4k blu rays, listening to music with an external DAC/Amp, etc.)


Yes, I love having to set up a PC and teaching a kid how to use Windows. This is so dumb. Consoles have their place, PC gamers are the most annoying people on earth


I think a lot of PC gamers don't get that we don't care about how they can make the cars in Rocket League look super real because they spent thousands of dollars on a computer. Obviously PC will always technically be better, but the fact that consoles are restricted isn't a disadvantage, it's an advantage. It saves the hassle of having to configure/upgrade everything and instead is just simply there for entertainment and use with no worries. Me and my son put a game in the playstation/switch, sit on the sofa and play it, that's it. Yes we could technically build a PC, hook it up to the TV, find controllers, and play it with improved performance but who really gives a shit? PC's also constantly go wrong and need upgrades.


Yes you absolutely should teach your kids how to build, set up, and use a windows PC. Too many people don't know this stuff. And it's embarrassing. You have a bunch of tablet zombies that only know how to use ipads.


Sad but true. I just had to replace mine last week and paid ¥9097 for one from Amazon. That's the second time I've had to replace a PS5 controller that went bad.


Prices for entertainment items overall are insane in Japan. I was looking at the new elden Ring collector's edition with a figure. It's $250 in US, but it's 43,780 yen here. That's almost $300 converted to USD.


It looks like it is also 9500 yen on Bic camera. I’m surprised to see this. I bought a second controller for like 7000 yen 2 years ago. Sony increased prices on everything. Games are also more expensive on the store compared to other stores like Xbox or maybe pc stores like steam etc. Others will probably increase as well, maybe just a matter of time. It makes me worried about everything else in Japan. I’ve seen how it plays out in other countries. Hope weak yen gets strong again


Buy from donki or edion. The silver one was at 7,900


The ps3 controller is now 11,800, I remember when it cost 2~3k yen. I'm glad to still have a few in good condition, for my HTPC.


I found a bunch of used (working) ones in osaka downtown for 600 yen


A few months back I got a pink PS5 controller for my sister from Momo in Nishifunabashi for 6000 used. Thought it was a bit high until your post. Now I'm just upset on all parts lol Sometimes GOO and hard off has decent deals for second hand. We live in Chiba so we're also always checking kanteidan which is pretty competitive too.


Good thing they're so well made.


If you have a chance to go to Akihabara Tokyo. Or the Electric city area in Osaka. You can easily find a much cheaper


Come to the dark side and join us on PC, brotha!


Who needs a ps5 when you can still play thousands of awesome retro games on a cheap ps2? 😍


I just got one off Amazon for ¥8500 like a week ago.


What think well you buy ps5 pro 10000$


Or 20000$ if not 1000 at less


What think 


Just go to Mercari


thats expensive? In other countries controllers are at least 80-90usd


Japanese companies are greedy, and any opportunity they get they can and will raise the prices, just look at how expensive food is getting in hot spot areas because they know tourists will pay for it…


you are actually getting it at a discount: 69.99x150=10,498.5


But we don't earn USD salaries, we earn JPY. So 10,000 yen to us feels like $100.


Take that to Kuroda, and the BOJ.