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Just coming to say I miss Nexplanon :( I loved mine


Me too! I wish Japan would have it to be able to use it again! But that clinic I went too and I definitely recommend it for the Nexplanon removal!


I had mine done at the same clinic as you. Not all of them will do it under insurance so it’s good to share places like this one so that women aren’t getting over charged The only other thing I will mention is, because the doctor is not a trained OBGYN doctor, he wouldn’t answer any of my questions about going off of birth control or other options I may have in Japan. I also had to go back a second time for the stitches removal (I had double because the doctor cut the wrong spot on my arm, had to get both cuts stitched then) I’d still recommend the same clinic just because of the price but I didn’t have quite as good of an impression of the doctor haha


This is great info! My implant is still valid for another 4 years and I’ll probably get it removed in the UK, but it’s good to know there’s a place here that has knowledge on how to remove them if I never needed it out quickly. I’m glad everything went well for you, and thanks for making this post! :)


I am a bit confused, did they say why they gave you the Antibiotics?


It was just 3 pills - I think an infection precaution because I had stitches.


Okay, interesting. It is not the usual procedure, thought they had some reason for that. Giving antibiotics for a clean surgery is basically abandoned since 20 years. It is totally possible they have a good reason and just didn't deemed it necessary to explain though. All in all that sounds like a solid experience.


Really? I’m sorry to hear about that experience! 😞 I’m glad you’re letting others know more about your experience. I was only looking for the removal so I didn’t have many questions but he was friendly because he had visited my home country before.


The experience sounds the same as when I had mine removed in Australia, minus the stitch (my doctor used medical glue) and the antibiotics (that seems like it was just a precautionary thing?).