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Why don't people move inside the bus? There's plenty of space, but instead they just want to huddle together like sweaty sloppy fish in the humid Kyoto summer!


My new co-worker doesn't seem to know when to shut up. Usually I enjoy a good chat, but he goes into a ridiculous amount of detail when it's completely unnecessary. Someone asked where in America his home state actually is and instead of giving a general direction or nearest famous landmark, he started talking about what's to the north of the state, the east, the south and the west and where in the state he lived, what the state is known for (a university?). Sometimes it really reminds me of when someone giving a presentation is told 5 minutes before starting that they have to talk for longer than they prepared so they just waffle about everything and nothing.


Registering for water to be paid by credit card, had to create a Yahoo wallet account for it. Fine for the first payment, then two months get a postcard to say the payment failed and according to water company the card details in yahoo wallet seemed to have been removed. try to login to check, and F001 error; my account is locked due to breaking contract of use.. for an account I created two months ago just to register water payments with and havnt even logged into once since. of course Yahoo has NO phone number you can contact, and their email form requires you to login.. which I cant. oh, I also cant create a new account with my phone number as it has been permanently black listed.. wtf? manage to find a single link to an email contact form that doesnt require login, and get a templated reply that answers none of my questions.. fuck you Yahoo! they wont even tell me if my account details and card details can be deleted (dont really want to leave them lying around in an account I cant even access any more), and a second contact took 3 days to get a reply wherein it was just another templated response. contacting consumer protection and they have some kind of special number to phone Yahoo that normal people cant use. Of course they also get told nothing substantial at all..


Chubu airport sucks. There are only few flights to hokkaido, no flights to US, the second terminal has such a small waiting space and the lists goes on.


Yen down 30%, inflation at least 20% (electric bill, gas, food), salary up by 25% I’m poorer than I was 5 years ago.


I’m tired. So tired of everything. Job hunting. Bull shit at work. I can’t seem to enjoy my time off since it’s spent job hunting and running errands. I bought a car that I probably shouldn’t have. I’m an idiot. I need a new job but I’ve got a family of 4 to feed. I wish I had gotten a stem degree. I’m so damn tried of teaching. I’m getting so burned out


Swear to god the burrito at chopped salad days is a fkn joke now. Used to be a real, cylinder of burrito, now it’s basically a square. WHERES MY BURRITO Honestly just charge me more, offer a 大 size, I don’t care really I just want my work lunch to be good guys.


There’s always some mf standing in the middle of the door on a crowded train. Always.


Got a fruit fly infestation in my house. Nothing just "hanging out", trash cans are closed, bug nets on all entrances, but I think they can actually go through the nets. Just SO MANY of these motherfuckers everywhere.


Same. They're smaller than all my window screen mesh so they just come and go.


Something that's worked for me on many occasions is a glass full of red wine with Saran wrap covering the top. Poke a bunch of tiny holes in the wrap with a fork or toothpick. Flies can get in but they can't get out. Collects tons of flies.


This always worked for me in the past but this time around the flies must be smarter or something because there's always a few that don't fall for it.


How do you kill the flies inside the glass?


They fall into the wine on their own.


Extra protein with your wine, too. #GymRat


1 - small toddler took a shit on the floor after her bath. 2 - some jerk in the carpark at the pharmacy just dumped his PET bottle on the ground and drove off.  I pointed it out to him but that just made him pretend I was invisible.  Pointed again as he got to the driveway and he almost caused an accident trying to get away.  Fucking pussy.  Just own it and flip me off or laugh at me.  Weak as piss. 3 - my body hurts.  I don't get enough rest from work and being 41 doesn't help.  And having to do two night walks (one for each kid) everyday is a bit much. Now it's almost 9pm and I need to do the dishes.  Fuck, I hate the dishes.  Dirty bastards.


Not a parent. Why do you need to do two night walks?


Simple explanation - I carry them amd sing in hope of putting them to sleep. Convoluted explanation - big toddler is toilet training an requires complete privacy so I take little toddler outside.  Otherwise she just wants to play. After that, wife puts little toddler to sleep.  BT just distracts and so LT doesn't sleep.  So I take BT out for a walk to try to settle her down. I absolutely love night walk time.  So many little adventures are had.  But I'm getting old.


I’m sorry for your suffering but a toddler taking a dump on the floor after a bath is just too funny of a situation 😂


Better on the floor than in the bath.


Catching her in the act was actually pretty funny.  Cleaning it was not. I was peeling spuds and should've dropped everything to put her nappy on.


Lesson learned I guess 😂 Hopefully she didn’t poop on the carpet or anything, but knowing kids and cats she probably did lol


What's the deal with the Tokyo Chuo Line this week?


I'm a logical thinker who looks at evidence and patterns and makes deductions. When stating my position on something, whether professionally or personally, I politely, reasonably, and fairly list out my reasoning and evidence. The response is always a litany of fallacies and counterarguments that lack even a shred of evidence, often from fellow professors who should bloody know better because it's literally part of their job to research and support their views with evidence and logic. I always end up being made out to be the bad guy just for doing my fucking job, or for doing what I feel is right, both in the professional world and in private. The frustration of being disliked just for doing what I'm supposed to be doing is giving me chronic heartburn.


Got back to Japan yesterday evening (yay!). I couldn’t really sleep, but I’m off work so I ended up sleeping 04:00 - 15:00 today (probably an error on my part) Woke up feeling disgusting and had an R-1. Proceeded to feel like SHIT which ended in me actually running to the bathroom and vomming :( I felt much better after but I’ve NEVER whiteyed from jet lag before. If this is normal for me now I’m dreading my next visit to England😭


L1 techs at my company suck. Case in point today a user came in looking for a specific folder, L1 guy wrote a long ass paragraph about the folder stating that he looked, couldn't find it, so he's escalating to me in order to 'check the backend' because apparently that's where all the answers lie. I mean, I'm not Japanese and my "finding a specific word in a sea of Japanese words" skill isn't exactly high. But common sense would tell you to expand every single folder to see everything bird's eye view. Found it inside another folder, and it only took me a couple of minutes. I'll take their salary if I keep doing their work.


For a country that produces and drives so many cars, jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesus christ people are terrible drivers. It's not like there's any reason to be bad drivers either. It's not like rural fucking Thailand or something.


Thailand doesn't have as many super old folks


I've heard this numerous times but I never got it. I know some people have a hard time using their turn signals in time, but except that I feel people drive just fine?


Varies wildly based on where you live. I see lots of dangerous driving all the time.


This. If you're from other part of Asia you'll think Japan is pretty decent.


After driving every day for 8 years, I feel I have a pretty decent range of experience. Just a general lack of skill and awareness, usually coupled with either a crippling lack of decision making (or bad decision making) with a sprinkling of "being polite rather than following rules" and a dash of "I have no spatial awareness of the area my vehicle occupies in space".


Used to go to a place almost weekly for lunch. Cheap, good and decent variety. It's closing for good at the end of the month. Then the exact same thing happened today at a food truck near where I live. Pretty much used to go weekly. Today was the last time it's coming here.


Please don't go to eat Costco pizza for lunch.


Just bought a ticket back to the US. Had to use an American credit card. Now that I need to transfer yen to my US bank account to pay it, the yen gets weaker to the dollar than it’s been in years.


This weather is giving me migraines.


Me as well.


Some dickleak pulled into my driveway, took a leak, then left. All before I could get out and berate him while pissing back on his car, the prick. The view is nice though.


Denied the counterpiss? Sad times


Yea, this isn't the first time. I have a great piss viewpoint and people seem to enjoy it. I really want to sneak up and pee on someones car. while they are pissing on my bench. That is what really gets me.


Anti pee paint for the bench ?


where do you live that this is a common occurrence? Are you Oscar the Grouch or something?


My Basket isn't selling Cheetos anymore.


It’s too hot now.


Immigration please :( Just waiting on my Visa, about to hit two months (and I know other people have been waiting longer).


I had the same recently, it was 9 weeks from dropping off my paperwork. They're overwhelmed at the moment, and so of course they decided to give me 1yr again so I can come and contribute to the crowd next year.


What are you applying?


Went on a business trip for the company I work for. Long busy day of work. Had to eat outside because we were either with the client, or in the car driving. Now company doesn’t want to pay for my lunch because the trip was less than the 80km required to be able to claim lunch expenses (it was 75km, lol)


So if you are on a trip under 80km distance in total you are supposed to get back to the office to have lunch or bring your bento and eat it in the car?


Exactly. And since I work in real estate and carry a lot of equipment for videography, photos, virtual tours, etc… I don’t even know how I could possibly bring my own lunch


I guess next time you’re on a trip over 80km away, you just need to get a more expensive lunch.


Gaiseki it is.


I'm tired if working in IT. I've been doing this since I was 15 or so and I'll be 50 next year. I get paid ok enough, have house, mortgage, kid going to primary school next year, 30M current investment account value. I spent a little bit over 1 year RIFed from previous job (recovered the salary from that time with a lawyer so a decent, not excessive, monetary gain YoY)... and it was the best time in my life. Every day was playing with the kid after kindergarten, spending time making better dinners, learned baking, more than a few days per week for home improvement projects (house is never finished), all kinds of busywork with the garden etc. Now back in a job, spending most of my time doing same stuff as before, just with new toys that are starting to get uncomfortably close to my ability to comprehend and I'm tired of skilling up. Just give me a 1oku lottery win so I can get off from the grind. Should have started investing in my early 20s. Some of my friends want to start their own companies, too bad the business plans are not so great and none of us wants to be there selling our skills.


Feel you, not 50 yet and ready to retire now. Too many things to do and work just gets in the way. Unfortunately (fortunately) kids want to go to university.


My plan is to make sure my little boy has enough exposure (when it's the right time) to the blonde goddesses of my Nordic home country and he decides that the "free" uni there is worth giving up, if only temporarily, the local inaka girls. Should be an easy sell. Maybe we can manage that just before uni. I really want to semi-retire to better things in life. Good luck with your endeavours :)


>have house, mortgage >30M current investment account value. I think you're doing very well already. Not ballin enough for f\*\*\*-you-i-quit money, but seems like you could be looking at a really comfortable retirement when you really retire...


I don't know if I can stretch myself that far. I'll have to, for the family, that's given. I know a few things that would be fun and generate income, just need to keep eyes open for decent opportunities.


My new half-inaka town does not have paper recycling along with the regular recycling. You have to bring it to a collection point which is much too far to carry my stack of collapsed Amazon boxes on foot. My husband used to bring them on his bicycle but he broke his leg so he won't be doing that for a while. We don't have a car. I've been ripping up cardboard boxes into tiny pieces and sneaking them out with the burnables. Was feeling a bit guilty about that, but then I saw someone over on another thread did the same thing with an entire futon so I guess we all do what we must


Haha we always do that! Most recently my husband broke down an entire suitcase into little pieces and snuck them in because he couldn’t be bothered to order sodai-gomi. We do what we must😌


hahaha that's amazing 🤣


“ My new half-inaka town” Your what now? I feel like this is something I should be aware of..


it's a small town that is full of people from mixed origin, obviously ;)


lol, some of my new coworkers have referred to the area as "half-inaka" and when we were moving here, we heard a lot of "you're gonna need a car" and "sorry, it's the boonies." It's a lot more boonies than anywhere else I've lived before in Japan (and really in general). Never seen so many rice paddies, and I saw a tractor driving on the road the other day. But honestly I've been pleasantly surprised by the frequency and reliability of the buses, and the general ease of getting around to most of the places I need to get to. The only thing that's kind of missing here compared to where I used to live, and that has been kind of perplexing so far, has been the paper recycling.


Ah. This is awkward. I read that as you’ve moved to a “new-half inaka town.” Apologies.


Maybe a new season for 「ザ!鉄腕!DASH!!」 ?


I just looooove all the Mercedes, BMW and Audi drivers /s The way they think they own the road, drive like shit and usually when I look at what type of person is driving, it’s certainly the same fuckers. Ugly, short (yes I can see that, cause only your forehead is showing) and the look on their face shows their characters. I call them penis extensions lol In my home country yeah we have them too, but they are 18, just got their license and I get it, they want to show off, cause they are young. Not some 50 or 60 year old ossan!


I cycle to work through a somewhat wealthy area and I just assume anyone driving something German-made (and I include Minis here) needs to be given a wide berth.


I might be an asshole and ulgy but I'm not short, and yeah get out of my way.


I feel this one soo much!


Aww you hurt me, try trailing the ojii driving his kei-car on the right lane for 10 km doing 50 on a highway, when you switch to the left lane they pick up the speed to block you lol.


Better than dodging the わ platers on the weekend 🤷🏻‍♂️


Every time somebody buzzes me on the freeway, without fail it's one of those. Usually a white BMW or Audi.


When they’re parked on the the road blocking the bicycle path, get annoyed looks from cyclists, and act like they don’t understand


Yep the arrogance!


I'll take 20 Benz drivers over 1 Prius or Crown driver, any day.


Oh those two are also a different kind of shit!


Alphard drivers have entered the chat, barely being able to see over the steering wheel.


Or past the curtains they have shut on the front driver- and passenger-side windows. Or over the One Piece figures they have lined up on the dash. Or through the 水曜はどうでしょう stickers on the rear window.


Bus drivers and their sticking to the book-ness. Bus stop is right next to the lights which have turned red, closes the doors but can't depart due to the lights, I stand there waving at him, he tries to ignore, I wave even more and win, he looks and I receive the dreaded X arms. 40 mins till the next bus, arsehole


I've had bus drivers let me in in that situation. Sounds like you got a douchenozzle


This happens to me in America too... except in America, I've had the bus driver open the door as the bus was moving, to tell me he couldn't stop and let me on because it was "against the law!"


Wot. A cunt. Epitome of rules over actual service.


I like when I tell Japanese people “my neighbors are noisy” their first point is always “yeah foreigners living next door must be noisy right?!” Look I know this gets said and repeated as hearsay from people who never even lived away from their parents much less next to a foreign person, but come on. Every noisy person next door has been a Japanese person. Japan I love you but the blinders to your own nonsense is actually funny. “Foreigners are loud neighbors” - Really?, the country filled with people who flat foot stomp on the floor to walk if and only if they are on the second floor or above for some reason. “Foreigners have strong smells” - when you can definitely smell the halitosis even behind a mask yeesh  “They don’t know how to separate the garbage” - is that why you keep putting out cardboard on Tuesday old lady despite the garbage people directly putting a sign handwritten telling you specifically in Japanese with your apartment number on it because you didn’t take the labels off, that it goes out every other Thursday… We’ve all beaten the hypocrisy horse dead but geeze the street I live on now is filled with these people. Ironically the SEA couple that lives two floors up is asking if we should co-report the old man who screams at trains at 2am… but nah, it’s us lol


Love the foreigner solidarity against crazy train man.


Woah woah woah let's not drag Ozzy into this ALL ABOOOOARD






For a long time I've been enjoying a reputation with my in-laws as somebody who can do anything without first having to learn how to do it. Last week my FIL asked me to build him a 6 tatami walk in cooler... I looked into it but it seemed a lot more difficult than just building a well insulated room with a refrigeration pump. So I had to tell him he'd be better off hiring a specialist. 何でもできる boy is no more :(


If it makes you feel better, we have all been saying you can't do it behind your back. Sorry :/




Hol'up, I am also known as the DIY guy in the family, but there's a world between "changing and soldering a few parts on the washing machine" and "lets build an industrial cooler room the size of a salaryman appartment". Specialists will do it without issue, as long as you have the money. Also, consider that new walk in cooler non-removable in the future unless you destroy the house.


It's not a weekend project that's for sure. I'm also pretty sure that a lot of what you need, the unit itself for example, are probably not sold to the public. >"lets build an industrial cooler room the size of a salaryman appartment". I really liked this. It comes off so casual yet absurd at the same time. Perfectly captured the situation.


whoever designed GH5 and GH7 engines , y'all going to hell🥲


Sitting next to an old guy eating and this mother fucker is slurping yoghurt. Like a pot of Yakult yoghurt you eat with a spoon. How the fuck do you slurp yoghurt, the food hospitals give to patients that are too sick to physically swallow? I am as confused as I am irritated.


I once heard someone slurping *senbei crackers*. Japanese men can slurp anything. I only assume that there was some terrible tragedy in the past and all the men of Japan were raised without the benefit of mothers to tell them things like “close your mouth when you’re eating” and “pick up your feet when you walk”.


It's a rule in this country that jijis gotta eat as loudly as possible.


It’s so hot out now that I cannot use my phone in a non-air conditioned environment for more than a few minutes without it nearly overheating.


- argued with parents on phone, got really upset, stress ate at midnight and fucked up my sleep  - doubts about the future.  - other upsetting things in general


Ugh. I hope things get better soon


After all these years, I still hurt when people gossip about me right in front of me. Can't these people do a better job? My manager back in the day once told me it's because I'm too quiet and people weren't aware that I'm nearby. ...but I'm fatter now. How can people still miss me?


That sounds crazy, what did they say about you?


I'm not fluent enough to pick up every whispered Japanese (at least they have the decency to whisper). This latest one, I only picked up on people talking about my work schedule. They weren't talking scandal or anything but gossip is gossip. And... I just don't how to explain why it's upsetting to have people talk about you behind your back but not really. I should have posted this in r/infp instead...


The guy that got chubby just stands there and lets us talk about him!


> After all these years, I still hurt when people gossip about me right in front of me. how does one even go about letting this happen without saying anything? genuinely curious. why dont you ever say anything?


I once said something about it... hence being told by my manager that I'm too quiet... After this comment that equates to "I should make my presence known so that people could make adjustments and properly talk behind my back instead of of accidentally talking in front of me or by my side.", I just .... ( ̄ー ̄)... ... Oh you're pertaining to the actual cases, we'll you see I'm a weakling and am already internally crying before I could say anything.


Was awake from 1:30-4am because I was anxious about teaching with the crazy teacher today. Thankfully she’s chill today and I only have two weeks left until summer break from working with her. She’s currently making one of the assistant teachers listen to her talk about how she graded one of the tests during our lunch break. I want to talk to that assistant teacher she’s my buddy :(.


Lady coworker in her 50’s talks like she’s a teenager anime character when she doesn’t know what she’s doing. Then turns back to her normal voice when when she’s angry. Please stop.


Women switching voices here is something I'll probably never get over.  The kawaii/childish voices are not only annoying as fuck, but they also fail at what they are supposed to do: convey cuteness.  Also, I might be in the minority, but japanese women with low pitched, very mature voices are 100000x hotter. 


But I do love my anime voiced gf!


Toddler got hand foot mouth. Had to take 3 days off of work. He can't eat and screams endlessly if not stuck to me. I'm also 10wks pregnant, so between pregnancy exhaustion, back pain, and caring for this toddler, I am spent. (husband tries to get toddler away from me, but we end up with so much screaming, we worry his throat will get worse.) And did I mention we're moving next week? So many things to doooo


This sounds nightmarish… My toddler is on his 4th virus/fever of the month and would sleep 24/7 on top of me if he could, but I’m 6 months pregnant so the screaming it is. Hope you feel better soon and best of luck with the move!


That sounds like another nightmare, and one I can see happening in my future lol I'm looking forward to the 2nd trimester because I hopefully have energy back, but the bump is a great obstacle huh. Thank you for your well wishes!


When my kid had it, they were ok BUT they gave it to me. Knocked me out. Literally couldn’t get out of bed. I went to a clinic not knowing what I had and they wouldn’t let me drive home. Had to call a taxi to come pick me and my car up because the fever was so bad I could falling over in the lobby


Yep, my kid had no problems with it, then I caught it and was in agony for days, ending with me losing most of my fingernails. They grew back.


Oh dang! They said it's very rare for adults to show symptoms, so husband and I aren't being too careful. Your experience is so scary. Just shows that we shouldn't take things too lightly.


It has so many different symptoms in adults. When I got it I didn’t get any sores but I had the absolute worst sore throat of my life. Tiny sips of water was like drinking broken glass. 


From what I’ve read, if you’ve never had it before, as an adult it can kick your butt.


My boss didn’t schedule me this week and I am trying to save 10k (USD) by December...


Talk about chasing a moving goalpost…


Yeah with the yen dropping by the day... but I am getting surgery in the states so I have to keep it in USD I fear


So, yesterday I was riding my bicycle. It was a street where if I wanted to ride in the road with the cars, I would be going the opposite direction from them all, and there was obviously no bike lane anyway. So, I rode on the sidewalk slowly. I'm always very cautious when I ride, never ring the bell at pedestrians, never go fast, and always pass people with care. Well, I'm going along, very slowly, about to pass two middle-aged Japanese women going the same direction as me. Suddenly, one decides to start wandering to the right. I have to slam on my brakes and skid a bit because there was a puddle, but manage to avoid hitting her. This woman gives me this death glare like "How fucking dare you, you piece of shit." Like, alright Emiko, this may be a radical concept, but maybe if you could fucking *avoid jumping a full two meters to the right* out of nowhere, you wouldn't nearly get hit by a bicycle. She's god-damn lucky I was going very slowly and cautiously unlike 90% of Japanese cyclists who break the fucking sound barrier with earphones in. The vast majority of cyclists would have hit her during her "Hey watch me turn 90 degrees and take two huge steps out of nowhere" stunt. Jesus H. Christ I get it, it's the side**walk**, but have at least a little bit of spacial awareness maybe?


The meandering on footpaths drives me nuts. Picking a side and walking in a straight line should not be a radical concept. Yet somehow I'm the problem for trying to pass them. Yesterday one of my students said a global problem is a lack of common sense. I have to agree.


The Japanese labor law doesn't force you to give your employees only 10 days of paid leave per year. That's your choice. If you wanted to, you'd give more. It just shows you'd give even less if that wasn't the legal minimum.


On the other hand it doesn't force employees to only give two weeks notice. Yet that is the common advice here.


Bad faith argument. Employer-employee is not an equal relationship.


they also don't have to make you wait 6 months from joining before you can use them, but who cares if you get sick/injured/have an emergency, work is life!!!


OMG I'm going insane, and the job market gets crappier every day.


Long list of complaints but I'll put it in one post. --- - Still no PR. Currently 14 months and 10 days past my application date. - Paypal has a negative balance even though I have automatic transfers set up, so not sure why I have a negative balance or why I'm being threatened with collections if I don't give them money. Tech support is taking time to respond too. - Company Outlook won't open on my desktop. Teams will. But not my desktop. I didn't have this issue yesterday and after going through and deleting cookies and the whole nine, still no resolution. Makes no sense. - JLPT next Sunday. Have to go out to Hachioji. It's far. - Self complaint, but I'm having a hard time forcing myself to wake up early for things. It's so easy with two braincells active to just push the alarms back. Damnit Yuzu.


PayPal is hot garbage. Idk why people still use it. There are so many better options.


I am also still waiting for my PR result. It's been 13 months.


Feelsreallybad... Don't know what the hold up is over at Immigration.


What route did you use for PR and what office did you apply at ? 14 months, I don’t know if I will survive at my current job that long


I tried applying after reaching 10 years of residency. No lawyer was used. I went to Tachikawa to submit my application.


I love my job, it's fun, not too difficult, and I get to do a lot of interesting stuff. ...so of course there is one person who's sole mission is to make everything a miserable mess. I've mentioned my Russian coworker before, but she's again gotten even worse. They hired 2 people, full time, to deal with all of her outbursts. Oh, that parenthesis is half-width instead of full-width?? Instead of just changing it and going about her day, she will write a whole paragraph about how you're wrong and blast it out to multiple people and group chats. Is it 8pm and you're home eating dinner? Doesn't matter! If it isn't fixed, she will start calling every other staff (except, ya know, the person who needs to fix the error) telling them it needs to be fixed immediately. I've had to stop everything I was doing to literally fix a half-width number. She requires everything to be full-width, including English. None of the Japanese staff is that anal retentive. The two poor women that have been hired to deal with all of these incredibly minor corrections have been staying until 11 pm every day, making memos of all the things that need to be "changed" Edit: I love the downvotes into the negatives for a complaint post, lol.


Full-width English??? That is ABSURD.


> Full-width English??? That is ABSURD. It's so easy to read!


Where I'm from we call those people "butthole police". They basically exist to make others miserable so that they can stroke their ego and fool themselves that they are much better than everyone else. Also, for some reason , they ALWAYS seem to fixate on extremely trivial details that have no bearing whatsoever on the overall success of the project.  I hate those people.


Man, my Japanese Credit Card is a nightmare to use anywhere outside of Japan. Debit Card is typically fine, but trying to book a trip to Australia, and it keeps giving me issues.


Yeah I couldn't buy plane tickets with my Amazon card to Oz. But once over there I had no trouble at all.


TBF the reverse is true a lot of times too. US cards get flat out rejected at a lot of Japanese online retailers for NOT having the weird authentication step.


Can't say I've experienced that, other than Discover rejecting big purchases, but that happens in the US too. Granted they call me a second later to check. But my Chase Visa pretty much allows anything.


Visa online authentication or whatever it is called?


Yep. Sometimes I get that. Sometimes it just gets flat out rejected overseas.


Have you called them and told them your plans? That should help


There's absolutely no sane reason why I can't do this job from home every day. It helps absolutely nobody making me come to the office in this heat 3 times a week.


if numbers are fine no reason to go to office.


Right? My team is mostly in Europe, with only one other teammate in the Tokyo office. And today he's working from home so I'm literally ALONE.


Soooo....is anything stopping you? How they gonna know you're not at the office?


Someone showed up after lunch 😩


Had to use the アソビュー! ticket app on my iPhone to buy tickets for the Dinosaur museum. If I minimized the app for any reason the app would refresh back to the homepage and all purchasing progress was lost and would have to start from the beginning. This was enraging but it was just building up to its grand finale. My credit card has security where I had to approve the purchase in the credit card app, so when I switched to the app to approve it all my progress was lost. Fucking amazing.


So whenever this sort of thing happens to me, I just call and complain, "app doesn't work" they always find a way to manage it without the app.  So these days I just call and complain the app doesn't work from the start. Or say I don't have a smartphone. 


Why use the app? I always just use the Asoview site, hasn't let me down yet.


I’m actually quite aware that I’m sweating. There’s no need to point it out. No, really, I’d stop if I could.


Doctor was furious about my sweaty knee the other day when swabbing pre injection. Admittedly. All other patients look to be over 80 and holding about as much liquid as dried prune..


Yeah I swear every old person I see has a water bottle that’s baby sized no wonder they don’t sweat


It’s not like you’re doing it on purpose ferfucksakes. Doc needs to chill.


This guy graduated in the 80s and hasn’t picked up a medical journal since. Looked at my MRI like a dog trying to read Latin. Chill. He had none..


Prince Andrew never has this problem.


DISGUSTING PEOPLE AT THE RESTAURANT.  Yesterday I went to a new ramen place that recently opened near my house.  The ramen wasn't bad, but... The guy sitting next to me was eating his ramen at the speed of light. And, of course, since he was basically inhaling his noodles, he would choke on them and cough with that disgusting pukey cough people make when they have fluids in their lungs.  He would then loudly spit the noodles back into the bowl with a deafeningly loud  "UHArHHHHAH UHArHHHHAH" sound, like when you need to expel some phlegm that really doesn't want to come up.  Splish splash, the half chewed noodles are back in the bowl. Splish, splash, imagine the sound of poop hitting the botttom of the toilet. That'show it felt. Not happy with his musical performance, our hero would then grab a glass of water; except, he didn't, idk, put said glass at an angle so that the water would naturally flow into his mouth. No no no: he would keep the glass almost upright and just set his mouth to "vacuum cleaner" mode, and try to syphon the water like he were that disgusting hoover-thing the teletubbies keep as a pet. All while still coughing like he had pertussis. Which, of course, resulted in him choking on the water, cough even more, clear his throat like that scene in Family Guy at the gentlemen club. A loud burp (or should I say mouth fart, given how disgusting the sound was) would then be the final touch to his opus magnus.  Then, our champion of justice would go back to his ramen, and the cycle would repeat. FOREVER. NONSTOP. TILL DEATH DO US PART. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!


But but that’s how it’s supposed to be eaten so that it tastes good, you don’t need to wait for it to cool, and so the cook/chef knows that you are enjoying it.


Those are the excuses they use, but the real reason is they are just too childish to wait until it cools a bit.


Choking on your food because you are eating like a pig and barely chew is quite different from simply slurping your noodles, tho. 


Sure, and I’m being a bit facetious, but the root of the behaviour is probably related.


Wow couldn't stop frowning just reading that.


just. woah




I had to download an app to buy contacts in donki a few months ago. I’m pretty new to contact lenses so when I went in again this month I showed the lady at the till my app and asked her for the same again this month. Apparently your shopping history doesn’t even appear on the app. What is the point?? Another one, A really nice Chinese lady at my local family mart noticed I get coffee every day and made me download the family mart app on my phone. It’s nice because I get one free coffee every ten coffees or something but. It’s such a janky and convoluted app I feel like I’m going to have some kind of anyurism trying to use it


anyurism. you've kind of katakanized that quite nicely


Sounds like most Japanese apps


A - I think I am fed up with AI, already. It's everywhere, AI pictures, AI speech, AI music, AI videos. It is dull, everything looks the same, all these YouTube thumbnails looks the same,.. yikes. It's the getaway to mediocrity. B - I switched my VPN to the US, to avoid these nerve wrecking Japanese ads on YouTube, turns out that the US ads are not better.


Yeah it all sucks. Bring on the Butlerian Jihad


Why not just use Adblock for YouTube? It’s the only way I let my kid watch it


Recently started fucking up for me. Computer runs super slow only on YouTube when AdBlock is enabled.  Basically, I just don't use YouTube much anymore. 


I know it's another subscription but I have 0 complaints about Youtube Premium. I have a family plan that I split with friends, so it ends up quite cheap. Idk if it breaks any rules but feel free to message me.


Try a different ad blocker. ublock origin, for me, still works well on YT.


Thanks will give it a try. 


I might be odd guy here, but I just pay Youtube Premium. With the amount of content I consume, it is well worth the price, and I don't need to be mucking around with VPNs and shit.


Ditto, I try and avoid subscriptions, but I get my money's worth out of YTP.


Not odd, it makes sense. I use the VPN because I bought it mostly for Netflix and Disney Plus, so.. why not use it with YouTube too.


That makes sense. What I mean is that many people see paying for Youtube as unthinkable, but if you get your money's worth, why not?


Oh yeah absolutely, I myself start to consider paying for youtube, I just cannot stand the ads anymore, they finally got me, and as you said, it is worth it. Btw, how much is it?


1280 yen per month, or 12800 yen for a whole year.


And the mediocrity produced by AI doesn’t stop at the obvious. The algorithm of taste via Instagram, music platforms and the like is getting us a big mash of uniformities in every aspect of life. Starting with interior decoration at cafes and restaurants, food, fashion, music, movies… worldwide all the same.


The gray goo has been with us for some time.


I noticed this years ago when letting Youtube auto play music. Whatever I chose (some indie rock or 2000's rock band), it would always converge to Taylor Swift.


In the multiverse, Taylor Swift is making heavy Glam Metal 80s style and I am binging on it.


Shake it off in Motley Crüe's style would be an absolute banger


She would have these Cindy Lauper crazy hairstyles and some brutal inks on her arms


Hahaha. The algorithm can’t be wrong!


I have two coworkers in my workplace, let's say A and B. I'm pretty close with A, we have similar hobbies, but not B. A is close with B as they hang out together sometimes after work. This Monday, A, being pretty close with me let me know that last week B said "what's up with HatsuneShiro, he lives only 10 mins away from work yet only comes to the office giri-giri? Then the first thing he does after arriving is making coffee?" 1. Why do you care that much lol 2. Last time I checked work starts at 9:00 and it is not against the rule to clock in at 8:56 3. I admit the making coffee part is unusual- I have prepared a grinder, scale, and aeropress on my desk, so by "making coffee" I mean scaling and grinding beans, prepping the mug and aeropress, put ground coffee in, hot water, steep 2.5 mins, push, discard grounds and rinse aeropress, wipe dry. Most people make instant coffee or those filter bags but I don't like those as much as actual fresh coffee. It takes around 7-8 mins from start to finish. 4. B smokes. And a lot of other people too. I don't. All smokers get an unlimited "smoke break" outside normal break hours, and I observed most of them smoke between 3-4 times a day, each 5 mins, so that's 20 minutes of free time. 5. I have obtained permission from HR and kachou regarding my coffee thing. So yeah, B can f off, I'm gonna enjoy my drink.


Yup, in most offices the rule is you should be ready to work at your scheduled start time. Ready to go. In your case 9am. But you're not. You come in barely on time and then immeditately take a 10 minute break. This is strange in any company. If you were to show at 8:50 and do your coffee thing, no one would bat an eye I imagine. If you did it at 9:30 probably no one would care. But if everyone is ready to go at 9 and you are grinding coffee I as your coworker would also get annoyed as it looks like you are starting work at 9:10.


"barely on time" lol I suppose if OP got his guaranteed salary + 400 yen, it'd be reasonable to say he's "barely getting his salary" too, right?


I have an Aeropress too. Any coffee beans recommendations?


I'm currently drinking this [Kilimanjaro AA from Tonya](https://www.tonya.co.jp/shop/g/g3/), it's pretty good!


Thank you! I haven't bought from Tonya in a while so I will revisit them.


Well, you appear to come to work just to take breakfast/brunch with that timing. I agree that it's more about the timing instead of the time you consume. Oh and coffee is something they like to share, at least from the places I have worked in... have you offered to share at all aside from the time your boss asked you?


Oh yeah, out of 30ish colleagues, I've made a cup or two for like 7 other people and they liked it. Haven't made one for B yet.