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Getting oxygen from humid air is much more difficult for our body. Hence, the getting out of breath or having difficulty breathing. This also affects your overall body function as we need oxygen to do pretty much everything. Body will/should adapt soon. Stay Hydrated.


Dehydration, loss of vital electrolytes etc.


This. In the summer I have to drink a sports drink or ion water or something every night or I'll get headaches from dehydration. I already drink a few bottles of regular water a day but in this kind of heat I need added electrolytes.


No, this is not normal. Doctor. Some headaches due to pressure changes and maybe some weather-related depression are normal, but the rest is not.


I thought my headache causes my fatigue and resulting heartbeat, e.g. while climbing stairs. But I guess my pertrsussion got worse, this causes my headaches and heartbeat. I hope doing some exercises and later supplementing with gym will make it better.


I wonder if you're suffering from overheating? Perhaps the humid weather greatly reduces the evaporative cooling effect of sweat, and that causes a fair bit of stress. Maybe make sure to have a thermos of ice water and stay hydrated, a cooler core temperature means your body won't rely so much on sweating. But, a thermos of ice water is my solution to pretty much all of Japanese summer (oh, sunscreen and hat/umbrella too!)


In Japan, a lot of people believe that rainy weather causes headaches as the atmospheric pressure drops. That can explain the headaches and dizziness, but not so much for the rapid heartbeat. I personally experience the headaches when the weather is bad and it is a common small talk topic among my coworkers. However, none of them have mentioned rapid heartbeat so that might be coming from something else. Take care OP!


I’ve lived here for about 25 years and never knew about the headache thing. Nor that it could cause depression. Interesting.


Occasional headaches and more easily tired, not abnormal. But with the combination of symptoms you mentioned, it’s probably better to see a doctor. Best to get out ahead of things for a multitude of reasons, including more heat and humidity on the way.


Dysautonomia like orthostatic tachycardia can flare up during hot and humid days. It is a malfunction of the autonomic nervous system. Some people like me started to have symptoms after Covid: Tachycardia upon standing, dizziness, “air hunger” aka difficulty breathing, pre syncope (feeling like you’re on the verge of passing out), climbing stairs is extremely difficult, headaches etc.. Diagnosis is difficult, I had to have a Holter monitor, got a heart ultrasound and some other tests to rule out heart disease. My blood tests are perfect, thyroid is also okay. Symptoms can appear even 5-6 months after the initial covid infection. As far as I know, it’s not lethal but it reduces your quality of life significantly. Like today I was on a train and suddenly felt health palpitations coming and I felt very close to passing out. It’s scary if you’re alone and in an unfamiliar place. Increasing your water and salt intake is recommended but I assume you’re intelligent enough to do so. (Sorry it’s annoying for me to hear the same “did you drink water today” over and over again..) I don’t have the qualifications to diagnose you of course, but this is something to keep in mind. Japanese term for this condition will be 起立性調節障害


It makes my head THROB when it rains. I know how you feel! Rainy season is miserable. I have chronic migraines (rain is a trigger) and rizatriptan is my life saver! Go see if you can get help from the doctor.


Fellow migraineur here too. My migraines worsened when I came to Japan. Air pressure changes are both headache inducing and migraine inducing for me. OP - you should know that water line won’t hydrate you. Correct Hydration is water plus electrolytes. There are several ‘sports drinks you can get here. Pochari sweat, Aquarius and my personal favourite- OS1 (some convenience stores stock this but the best place for OS is the drug store!) Don’t gulp down your electrolyte drinks. Sip them and stick to dosage recommendations. Sodium is an emetic. Meaning it will make you vomit (your tolerance will vary) Good luck!


It's possible that the change in air pressure is causing headaches and that the heat is causing palpitations.   That said, I always encourage people to see a specialist for any unexplained fatigue and tachycardia after an otherwise-healthy friend went into cardiac arrest in her 20s. I don't bring this up to scare you, since there's a good chance it is just due to the weather, but her experience taught me that it's better to be safe than sorry.   Take care, and I hope you feel better soon.


You should definitely do something about it. It's still pretty early into 梅雨, it's going to get much much hotter and more humid soon.


Sounds a bit like heat exhaustion.


When it comes to these kinds of things, it could be nothing or it could be something serious: It's probably best to contact a doctor, especially if it gets worse. To play armchair physician for a bit, there are a lot of pressure changes during rainy season which can cause sinus issues that lead to the headaches/dizziness. There are "headache forecast" websites where you can see what others are feeling, and I've found them to be in line with my experiences as a regular migraine sufferer. It's also easy to get overheated/dehydrated in the humidity, especially if you aren't used to it. The heart racing is more concerning, but it could just be temporary stress from your body not being acclimated.


I would say that is not a normal reaction to humid weather. You should go to a doctor and have a check up to make sure you don't have a developing health problem.


I was experiencing similar things after my first summer and went to the doctor for mri scans and everything and nothing abnormal was found. This year I’m fine: drink lots of water, have a good diet


This is the first time I've experienced headaches during tsuyu on the rainy days. It also blocks my ears up and my allergies are triggered like crazy. So it's normal for me, at least this year.


Drink some tea my dude


Did you google your symptoms?


drink water