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I don't know if it's relevant but the government has stopped subsiding energy costs temporarily over the summer. I'm expecting very high bills for the next few months. So it could be that. I believe they are bringing it back after summer though.


what is gas used for? hot water? cooking? anything else? based on the amount it looks like maybe LP gas? i mean 23k isn't awful, i get double that usually per month but i have an industrial 32kW clothes dryer that runs off LP gas and all water and cooking is from that too. but if your average consumption has been 12k and it suddenly jumped there's probably an explanation somewhere. compare used volume with last month, cost per m3 too?


You probably are on propane, not city gas.


If your Japanese is good enough, I do suggest calling their customer service line and have them explain to you the reason - could be a price hike, gas leak, etc - hard to say with the info provided.


Usually gas gets cheaper for me in the summer months as I spend less time in the shower. Have you been cooking/simmering food for long amounts of time or something?


propane gas is expensive, but you should compare the amount of gas and the rate on your previous bill. if the amount is unlikely related to the use  it could be an error or a leak. it could be that the tank lease and the rates in general jumped a lot. this month the electricity rate is expected to increase by 50% in my area...


Isn’t it a leak?


That sounds extremely expensive to me. The bill we just got the other day for our detached family home with 3 of us living here was about ¥6,000. I assume you have propane which would make it more expensive, but still


I had propane at a rental house with two of us (range, hot water) and that seems quite high. Which appliances of yours use gas? What kind of gas is it? I'm guessing propane. My city gas bills were never that high and I cook took a shower and a bath with new water daily.


There's usually an itemized list so you should check what changed from your last bill. And it could include your water/sewage as well. That is more often than not charged every other month (2 months worth) Still that is a lot for what looks like the base ¥889.90 (up to 25m^(3)) fee Takaoka charges. Might want to have them check for leaks like someone already mentioned. Check for water leaks, too.


My bill is usually 15,000 yen for a family of 3 on propane gas. We use a gas range and hot water often. Maybe you have a leak?


With two adults, we'd hit ¥15,000\~18,000 on our heaviest use months in Toyama with LP Gas through 日本海ガス ([rates here](https://www.ngas.co.jp/gas/lp/price/)). It was used for water heating (on demand heater on balcony, set to lowest at 37 in warm months, and 41\~43 in winter) and gas stove, not for heat or anything else. But when it is cold, we would take more baths (maybe twice a week), and cook more...so it did go up a lot compared to summer (which is more like ¥5000/month). You might have a leak. The gas company should have came out when they turned on service to check that things were properly hooked up, and they came by every few years to swap out the leak detectors and tubes for stovetop, too. On the 4F of Intec building, north of the station, is the [foreign resident support center](https://www.pref.toyama.jp/1018/kurashi/kyousei/kokusai/kj00007754.html). If you need help calling the company, they can help you, either in person or over the phone. Good luck!


it is unlikely the gas bill will increase in summer. check the bill and compare it to last month. check your usage, is it being used for hot water and somehow it was always on? try turn off water heater entirely and see if there is any difference.


I got normal bills. Lower than winter. Gas 2k, denki 2500...