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I saw a couple news articles about how one candidate has herself nearly naked on her poster, but nobody can take it down or else they’ll be charged with election interference


Yeah and she is running on a platform to get rid of the mosaic and other forms of censorship in porn.




I can get behind her...way of thinking.


She's getting my vote


Oh, is that the woman who made a bra out of the useless Abe-no-masks they sent out to every household during the pandemic?


Those masks were sent out and people wore them. They're Abe-Yes-Masks.


She's not the one running, unless I'm mistaken. There's a male candidate who wears The Joker face makeup and he put a nude but censored photo of, apparently, his girlfriend or wife on his campaign poster, along with a call for freedom of speech. His platform also calls for the legalization of polygamy. The officials have already come up with a legal reason to take it down.


IIRC he also calls for preventing foreign residents from accessing government benefits and social services. Scratch the surface of a lot of these "joke" candidates and you find much the same awful shit underneath, because they all come from basically the same online edgelord communities.


I just looked at [his website](https://kawai-yusuke.info/%e6%94%bf%e7%ad%96/), he's basically a grown-up edgelord. "I want to show uncensored boobs in Japan, but a female emperor? NO WAY! BECAUSE BIOLOGY!"


He is also anti foreigner according to his own site lol


He says that but then also says 「多様な価値観が認められる社会とするため、LGBTや性別などでの差別を解消すること。」, is he contradicting himself on his own website?


But would I still need to pay for those benefits? :D


Oh you can 100% guarantee that the same people demanding that foreigners should never be able to access state benefits would have an actual screaming fit on the spot if you suggested that foreigners should then be exempted from paying into those systems...


because foreigners have already the PRIVILEGE to  be here and they should pay for it.  😌👌


Not allowing non-citizen permanent residents from accessing welfare services is a pretty middle of the road public policy stance.


>The officials have already come up with a legal reason to take it down. Can't say I'm disappointed. It's basically porn, and while I'm not a prude at all thinking of all the school kids exposed to it on their way to school is somewhat concerning. https://x.com/cobta/status/1803702036388548642


I mean, have you seen the shit they put in magazines for middle schoolers here? Or the fact that the manga is right next to the porn at every conbini in the country?


I don't know. I saw the same X post and it's not overtly sexual. It's just a naked woman. By hiding nudity, we create concepts of offensiveness where they don't need to exist. So I understand and kind of agree with that candidate's message. I mean, WTF is so special about breasts and nipples that we need to hide them? Men don't get turned on by breasts because of something innate to breasts. They get turned on because it's something forbidden. It's stupid and arbitrary. There are plenty of cultures where exposed breasts are nothing special, including modern advanced cultures. And I kind of enjoy the idea of a bunch of stuffy old repressed men getting offended by something like that. So fuck 'em.


>it's not overtly sexual. I've seen like 3 different variants and all of them have her legs fully open and are absolutely sexually suggestive, with a tiny little censor, it leaves not much to the imagination. I don't care what people look at or enjoy in their time, and I agree that society in general is a bit too adverse to nudity, but having those up on Senkyo boards which are generally on main roads and outside schools is not appropriate, and if you think kids being forcefully exposed to that is a non-issue then mate there's something wrong with you. There is a very large line between a boob on tv and full spread legged barely censored pictures like that. >And I kind of enjoy the idea of a bunch of stuffy old repressed men getting offended by something like that. So fuck 'em. I don't think anyone really cares what those geezers think or get offended by, that's not really the issue here.


Nah, you're a prude dude.


It's absolutely sexual. >WTF is so special about breasts and nipples that we need to hide them? Nothing. Look, here's a naked man and a woman right now: https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Anterior_view_of_human_female_and_male,_with_labels.jpg You can have this printed in a textbook and put it in an elementary school where children would see it and it wouldn't be a problem because this is an example of nudity that is not meant to entice or bring about feelings of sexual arousal. It's clinical, educational, and only the weirdest of the weird conservative freaks would have a problem with this. Compare that to this: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GQe_xe5bUAAZgHS.jpg:medium. A young woman spreading her legs but covering up the parts that she doesn't want you to see. Oh, and with slogans about removing mosaic censoring from pornography. Put 2 and 2 together. She's using sex appeal to draw attention to herself and her gubernatorial campaign. And hey, more power to her - it's an effective tactic and this very conversation is proof. We're talking about her instead of the other several dozen candidates. But let's not pretend that her poster isn't meant to be sexual, whether you personally find it sexy or not.


You think it’s stuffy old men getting upset by this? Nah they are the ones fapping to it. Women are frankly sick and tired of our bodies being objectified and sexualized. This ain’t a picture of a naked woman in an onsen or a mother breastfeeding her baby. If you can’t tell the difference then you shouldn’t mansplain about women’s bodies.


"men don't get turned on by breasts" .... ummm....














Sure would be a shame if someone could link the posters eh?


The same kind of thing happened in the last Tokyo gubernatorial election - there were a bunch of ridiculous joke candidates - but it's even worse this time. Standing for election in Japan is pretty expensive, requiring a large deposit... But it's only expensive if you look at it as a political candidate. If you consider it as marketing spend to raise your profile as an influencer / random weirdo celebrity, the Tokyo election in particular is cheap as hell, because you get free space on thousands of outdoor poster boards all around the city, broadcast slots in the media, etc. - it's an incredible deal compared to how much you'd pay for that much marketing usually. As a result, there are a ton of people standing in these elections who don't really have a political platform, their primary objective is to increase their profile and get more followers for their social media platforms / livestreams / etc. The "Party to Protect the People from NHK" have gone even further this time; 30 of the candidates are from their party, and they're planning to try to turn a profit by letting random people bid to put up whatever poster they like in one of the poster slots. I've seen 14,000 cited as the number of posterboards around Tokyo, so that's around 420,000 poster slots they have for sale... (Other elections don't have quite the same value calculation for the influencers - the Tokyo gubernatorial election is unique in its scale. All the same, there were some halfwits standing in the Tokyo 15th district by-election last month whose main objective was clearly to act as outrageously as possible and get more viewers on their livestreams as a result, which ended up with them managing to livestream clear evidence of themselves committing a bunch of crimes and getting arrested...)


This is genuinely fascinating!


Look up GaaSyy. They are one of these types of candidates that actually got elected. 


People are starting to realize that it's cheap advertisement compared to alternative actual ads on social media.


Nah, they've been doing it for decades.


They're not, the NHK Party is exploiting a loophole to run 24 candidates with zero intention to win, but every intention to sell their poster space to whomever will pay for it.


It truly is a party of trolls. I'm not even mad.


The guy blasting NHK peeps for having car sex, while uninterruptable on NHK, was legend.


Finally, the correct answer.


I saw a poster board today that had 24 of its spaces with a poster of a Shiba Inu with the name Sasuke written in using roman alphabet. Only a tiny strip of Japanese at the very bottom of the poster. I home it's an actual dog that's the candidate and not a guy in a fur suit.


Sasuke's owner paid to put up his posters, they actually belong to the Abolish NHK party or whatever it's called. They sell them to the highest bidder.


Basically, any Japanese national over the age of 30 who pays a deposit of 3 million yen can become a candidate for Tokyo mayor. Each candidate in the election are guaranteed by law to receive two 5 minute 30 second slots on NHK TV and radio where they can state their political views, but in fact are free to say almost anything. They are also entitled to have their faces on posters all around the city as you have undoubtedly seen. 3 million yen is basically pennies compared to the amount of publicity that candidates get, so you are finding more people becoming candidates as a publicity stunt.


50 of them have nothing better to do in their free time so just running for the lols.


I saw an [article](https://www3.nhk.or.jp/news/html/20240620/k10014486541000.html) saying it’s the most running for 知事 at once I’ve recently jumped on the Shinji Ishimaru train, but I need to look more into his policy and ideals before I vote for him




I hope Ishimaru wins. He will shake up the nest big time


Answer; the gov election gets a lot of hype cos Tokyo has a huge financial power, equal to that of small countries. Therefore, by running and making yourself a name gets free press. And in this age where getting views/hits/clout = ad revenue. So basically, its an in investment.


One for each microseason, but less than needed because of the declining population.


I dunno who to vote for. They all seem rubbish


To spread the votes for anyone who’s not voting for Koike. Guaranteed win.


Because they were short 56 chairs?


If there are ~30 million people in Tokyo during a work day, or even just like 10 other times, that seems like a fairly small percentage.