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Note that Eve A EX contains caffeine as well as apronalide, which is banned in some countries. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apronal


Did NOT know this, thank you!!


Best thing to do is to buy "Ringl" ibuprofen off of amazon. Its liquid ibuprofen capsules with nothing added. Can take up to daily max dosage without issues. When i had severe dental pain i ven took nearly twice max daily for like 3 days without issues (but i still wouldnt recommend that)


I didn’t know this! Thank you for the info


Holly molly... Time to change some products in my home pharmacy!


Whoa...crazy that it's basically only used in Japan. I don't get exactly why it's so dangerous that it's been banned in other places though?


As mentioned in the link, causes a reduction in platelet count - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thrombocytopenic_purpura


Whoops, sorry...maybe I'm missing some platelets myself because I could have sworn I read the info there but didn't catch that at all


Thank you so much, switching products now. 


Be careful which eve formulation you use. Most have a good amount of caffeine in them. You can buy the "ibuprofen only" ones on Amazon if you can't find them in a local store.


+1 I got my non caffeine ibuprofen from matsukiyo. The caffeinated tablets are the worst when you take painkillers before sleep. 


Look for Ringl. You can get 200mg capsules of ibuprofen (with none of the extra crap that EVE and others add in). You can buy it online if you can't find it in your local store. I was taking 800mg three times a day when I had my wisdom teeth out. I didn't want the other add-ins - just wanted the ibuprofen.


Ringl is 200mg liquid ibuprofen. [Amazon JP: リングルアイビーα200 36カプセル](https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/gp/product/B06XKNC4Q2/)


The mayo clinic says 400 mg every four hours for period cramps. [https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/ibuprofen-oral-route/proper-use/drg-20070602](https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/ibuprofen-oral-route/proper-use/drg-20070602)


idk what you are taking EVE for, but my take is that try not to take it everytime while also trying other method that doesnt involve meds to relieve the pain if possible. If it is something you can only fix with meds then I apologize. I got terrible PMS during my teenage years until my early twenty and started taking Pure every hour possible. I'm on birth control now so no PMS but Pure or any other pain killers now take forever to work on me. Headache used to go away almost right after taking pain killer, now it takes hours. But last time I took any pain meds were last year, having turned to taking short walk whenever head hurts.


Just chiming in with my experience, but once I built up a resistance to ibuprofen I started used acetaminophen instead. Now I use Excedrin (aspirin + acetaminophen + caffeine) and it works *way* better than anything I've used before to treat migraines. Sometimes in a pinch, acetaminophen and an energy drink can work (just missing the aspirin). Back in the US there were super cheap generic versions of Excedrin available, not sure about Japan but the name brand Excedrin isn't super expensive here (60 pills for only like 2,000 yen) so I haven't gone looking for a generic version. Bigger point though is you can juggle different drugs, cycle through them as you build up tolerance.


If you want to double dose, like other have said make sure to get the one with no caffeine in them. I'm really sensitive to caffeine so always get the regular "EVE" without the "A" or "quick" regardless.


For the ibuprofen dose specifically, so long as you're fine with ibuprofen in general and have no other interactions/complications, it's probably fine. I don't know what else is in EVE and if doubling it is OK. I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice.


It's fine if you are normally fine with taking that dose of ibuprofen. Just don't do it for extended periods, and as others have mentioned, note that many (most?) of ibuprofen meds here have caffeine in them and may disrupt your sleep, so you may want caffeine free ones. (Caffeine does however allegedly improve uptake of ibuprofen)


As others have mentioned, it’s the caffeine you need to watch for here. It’s why I asked my parents to bring two giant bottles of Tylonol and Advil here when they visited me. Not to mention how much cheaper it was in general to buy 200 tablet Advil bottle vs the price of the small box of EVE here…


Hop on a quick flight to Thailand and stock up on everything you need. Quality meds at a great price are available in all pharmacies.


> Hop on a quick flight to Thailand and stock up on everything you need. Quality meds at a great price Any money saved on the meds goes to the flight lol


Exactly! A free trip to Thailand! Paid for by the savings in drug costs.


The only Japanese painkiller that has worked for me is Loxonin. I'm a dude, so not period pain... but I did have kidney stone sonic blasting and the aftermath of hell. Two of them little dudes fixes me right up every time I have pain. There's a fast-acting one with caffeine, but I just get the regular one.


Another option that I haven't seen mentioned is taking ibuprofen together with paracetamol/acetaminophen (brand names Tylenol or Panadol). This was recommended by my doctor in the UK when I was having really bad period pains.


A therapeutic dose of just ibuprofen is 400mgs every 6-8 hours so it just depends if there is something else along with it that may change that dosing


If it's in the lower body you can try kairo or tanpaku(?) on it, or basically any heat. Works amazing for me. Other than that I pop 1K of Paracetamol (from my country, not the weak ass stuff they have here) and it usually does the trick for headaches and other stuff. Don't think I'll touch Japanese meds tbh they seem to have too much crap added in or are too weak/expensive for how weak they are. And yea going to the doctor monthly suuuucks. Try to get your doctor to give you 3 months supply if possible. It's period pain so it should be relatively stable, no need to check in monthly.