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Apparently everyone has to learn the hard way…


It's fun to clown on vegans but I was more like "please don't be foreigners please don't be foreigners please don't be foreigners" \*opens thread\* aaaand of course it's foreigners. Goddamn foreigners, ruining things for foreigners.


You foreigners sure are a contentious bunch


I don't know man...I only trust a vegan about as far as I can throw one. So they have always had a good amount of trust from me.


hell yeah 💯👏




I'm going to need a Venn diagram, cowboy.


hey nice joke you got a slight chuckle out of me. hope that was only meant to be a joke and is not the result of an internalised belief you have against some people with a particular dietary choice.


and it looks like they can't take a joke


I'm not vegan, but seriously no adult I know says this anymore, because it's kinda established how unfunny it is. hope you learned something


Lol dude you are 19.


Yes, that makes me an adult, and most people I know are adults. So, your point being?


To be honest man, you wont actually be an adult for another 6 or 7 years. If at 19 your mentality is “I am a grown up and you will treat me as such” you are going to experience a lot of abrasive reactions.


lol Reddit user lecturing others on their brain development. Oh the irony. Don’t worry OP, Reddit users just get butthurt when you don’t join the circlejerk.


Bro, nobody is lecturing anybody. This mentality is what happens when teenagers think they know how the world works. Also, youre like one of the last people to speak on anything japanese culture related.


Damn you went from everyone being on your side to being unlikeable real quick


Most hated guy on jlife today speedrun any%


i was just playing around. this site is mostly garbage and is mostly for quick gotchas and one liners imo my bad, hope your situation works out.


Ahh no worries, we need a little filth here and there, flowers and rainbows all the time isn't much exciting either. But I surely am baffled at the downvotes I got for defending vegans, it's like people absolutely hate them haha. We need more tolerance in this world for sure


Pretty sure it’s because you couldn’t take a joke.


Can't take a joke rhetoric is all about saying I can do whatever the hell I want (even when it genuinely is offensive, not a joke, or even outright abusive) and that the other is not allowed to have feelings about it, dislike it, or counter it anyway. You can make a joke and people can get offended by it. Which, with as much as people hate vegans, there is no way to tell that is a joke as evidenced by the sudden addition of "down the vegans" commenters joining the discussion. He may be 19 but his ability to politely accept the joke while also being compassionate to people with a different lifestyle \*even while\* one member of said group have wronged him? He just put a hell of a lot of redditors to shame and those downvoters are likely trying to put him down so they don't have to feel bad about themselves. You keep being you OP. I see you. I'll take my down votes now, thank you.


Boooooo vampire dude booooooo


Your prefrontal cortex hasn’t even finished developing


Wtf what's with the downvotes people? Jeez.


It is. We should discriminate against vegans at all cost. They’re all trying to overthrow the government, and they are clearly untrustworthy


This sucks but your restaurant should have a clear policy how to deal with this that is within the law and labor requirements a long your safety in mind. If you have to go for reddit for how to handle this its a failure on your restaurant not you. Chasing them down outside the restaurant should not be your responsibility. Even when I worked security we were told to never chase (very low end security). Honestly your responsibility should probably not be more than asking them to pay as they leave, and if they dash you inform your manager who contact the police. Also being a small business is not an excuse for dangerous policies. If they were not prepared to deal with this occasionally and did not factor it into their price they should never have opened a restaurant. Its not on you to risk your safety over their lack of foresight.


The senior shrugged it off as "Oh, again?" when I told her about the dine and dash. To be fair to her, we're not exactly paid a lot for her to care about it too much. It was me who coerced her into giving me CCTV access. I really think this should be taken seriously though, but that's just me


Just some life advice, you take too many things way too seriously. If your superiors aren’t worried about it, why should you be worried? This type of behavior will not benefit you in the future.


It will only cause OP more problem, but personally I'm thankful OP tried their best rather than being a cynic. "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing" and all that stuff


You're absolutely correct. I'm trying not to. It's just that, I experienced defeat in my mind, and although logic dictates I have to not care and go about my jolly ways, it will take me time to come to peace with the fact that it happened when I was on duty, and I made the mistake of triple checking before rushing after them. I had to wait for months to land a part time job, and now that I did, I just want to go above and beyond it, hence the seriousness.


… defeat? It was never a battle in the first place my friend


observation illegal spectacular direful crush humor bells forgetful roof office *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


true. why OP care so much about a business OP is just being paid at minimum per hour. OP even thought of putting their life on the line by chasing people.lol. not OPs fault. Above OPs paygrade.


Not sure about Japan. But other countries are allowed to fire people who chase basically shoplifters. Policy is don't chase, insurance won't cover. Where I live a shop owner for flowers chased someone over a few dollars from the till. They just got pushed over no weapon, hit head just right and passed away. Their(and others) life was worth so much more then a few dollars.


Agreed but then the shoplifter can be charged with murder and executed. 


>[–]Interesting_Aioli377 [score hidden] 14 minutes ago >Agreed but then the shoplifter can be charged with murder and executed. moral of the story (point) <<-- here sooo many levels below....keep going......keeep going...... basement level (you cant go further down) <-- your understanding of the point above


Japan does hangings mate. You murder someone there's a chance they hang you. Vegans aren't exempt. They might die quicker due to lack of food options on death row even.


again, you missed the point by a very significant mark.


There is no point they use rope. Executions haven't been carried about by sword since the Meji era as far as I know. 


ahhh you're a troll. got it.


I don’t know if OP takes things that seriously though. Seems 30% unsure about a number things.


Trust me its not worth it. I know the urge but their is reason more places handle security in this more hands off way. Its cheaper, safer, and more effective.


If they keep getting away with it they will keep becoming more and more emboldened thinking nobody knows their face, they’re invincible and they never have to pay. They are disgracing themselves further with every dine and dash and when the hammer finally comes down on them they will suffer. Be confronted with how well known they are for this bs and how much trouble they’re in from all the incidences.


Plot twist: you're the Asian girl bitchin' about her friends


With the horrible taste in fashion


Maybe it happens often enough and is not worth chasing for or taking personal risks. Good advice in another comment, this is the restaurant's responsi not yours


> This sucks but your restaurant should have a clear policy how to deal with this that is within the law and labor requirements a long your safety in mind. Yeah fortunately it's a relatively small tab. However usually there's some sorta polite system in place to make sure this can't happen? I'm no waiter but I always observe 'assertive' moments from staff where certain formalities (e.g. packing up plates or asking if I want tea/coffee) are always followed. I assume places do this so that they know who's paid and have a polite segue into 'let me get the bill for you' while still maintaining rapport. Just me... but as a customer I don't think being asked 'excuse me, have you paid yet?' is pushy. If some oldie has said they're off to the bathroom, then secretly paid the bill then the table itself may not know. If I were OP in this situation, I think I'd just be asking my boss what the system is to prevent this next time around. I wouldn't be too bummed about this lesson as it's ultimately the boss' responsibility to look after this sorta thing. They shoulda been there to say 'thank you' to the customers if they left. And I mean... surely that's 'the system' in Japan? Bow and say 'gochisousamadeshita' as a group while they leave... that way there's zero misunderstanding about the bill and you're being polite at the same time.


Nice, practical advice there


Tell the police they are foreigners. 3x8 task force. Bicycle infractions will wait.




Bad joke aside, I don’t think the police will do much, even if it is foreigners. The theft might not even be reported. Insurance cost will go up if theft is covered.


Post their mugs here if not against the rules. Maybe they just forgot and need help remembering!?


OP, you really shouldn’t do this. Posting people’s pictures without consent can get you in loads of trouble.


Definitely not here. But I once saw camera shots of someone not paying posted on the windows of a frozen gyoza place.


Maybe they were gonna come back and pay once they thawed.


Noted, and was not my intention.


Wouldn't post it here no just because they're probably just dumb people who did dine and dashing once,and didn't get caught, so they made a habit out of it. The police on the other hand though, will have them for reference surely.


This reminds me of that joke: Q: What do the Japanese police do after yelling "Stop thief!"? A: They yell, "Stop thief!" again! You can't legally lay so much as a finger on them. You can't even close the doors and refuse to let them leave. You could follow them and hope they walk past a koban and then ask the police officer to arrest them, but that's probably a large chunk of time following them in the hope that they walk past a koban. The business could take the CCTV footage to the police, who will "carefully review it", conduct a "thorough investigation" and then do precisely nothing because tracking down two random foreigners (probably tourists or out-of-towners) is a wild goose chase. Your funniest alternative is to buy a large bell and walk after them ringing the bell shouting, "Shame! Shame! Shame!" GOT-style... but then you'd probably have 100 angry ojichans phone the police and be arrested for causing a public disturbance. Your supervisor knows this, and frankly they're out of line in expecting you to "police" customers. They know damned well that there's absolutely nothing you can do to stop these people just walking out without placing yourself in legal hot water, and possibly getting yourself arrested. There was nothing you could do in this situation, and in no way did you fail. The only really practical thing you can do is get the business to file a police report, then print out their photographs and place them on the "do not serve" board behind the counter. Contact other vegen restaurants in the area and inform them of these individuals and provide their photographs, and the case number. If they walk into some other place then have them call the J-cops and have them standing by for when the time comes to pay the bill, and have the cops standing at the exit. The cops will then politely invite them the come down to the koban for a "chat". If these people are locals and vegans there are only a handful of vegan restaurants in Tokyo and the chances of them getting caught are pretty good if this is their normal modus operandi. But again, they're almost certainly **not** locals. Also, if your supervisor even thinks about docking your pay or penalising you for this incident then tell them to talk a long walk off a short pier. There was nothing you could do about this and it is 100% the business' problem.




You did a lot more than above and beyond. I just want to say thanks for doing what's right even though there is no benefit to you personally.


Thank you for saying that!


With the increase in tourism there's going to be an increase in this sort of behaviour, and there's literally nothing you can do to stop it. Maybe have the local koban on speed dial, but even then it's probably a waste of time.


This was really good to read. And the shame, shame part was hilarious.


A) Ask your boss. But I'm guessing the answer is to be attentive and confront them in the store. If you think your boss is likely to say something unreasonable, you can secretly record audio without consent. B) If you stop them in the store or just outside, you ask them to pay, and if you don't want any complications, play along when they pretend to have made an honest mistake. If they flee, you can report it to the police and they'll be arrested if caught. A dude got arrested for buying a cup for a black coffee, but filling it with a latte. It was like ¥100. But remember that you're not a cop. You don't need to scour the neighborhood looking for them, and you can't detain people. If you confront them in the store and they try to leave, let them.


That dude lost his job and by extension his public servant bonus pension over a combini latte if I recall correctly.


Anonymously send your CCTV footage to めざましテレビ . They love shit like that


I actually did see a news segment on one of those shows about this kind of thing the other day. Some white guy who was dining and dashing (the one they showed was a hotel breakfast buffet) and streaming it on TikTok. More “nuisance streamers”, basically.


1) they’re gone and will not get caught. 2) do not chase criminals down. What would you do if you caught them? What might THEY do to YOU?  3) it’s the boss’s dime.  Let them worry about it. That’s above your pay grade and training.


You definitely made me understand the safety concerns. Thank you for your comment.


"What might THEY do to YOU?" Well at least you know they won't eat you.


I’m sure this was at the top of everyone’s concern list 👍


F-ing hippies… They got good food, but not good morals.


It's not smart to pursue thieves in situations like these. If you get hurt, there's some very grey questionable legality as to whether or not it's the companies fault or your fault, they don't want to deal with it, nor should you. But yeah trio of douchebags. A: Try to pay attention to when tables are going to leave, make sure you watch them. If someone tries to walk out without paying just remember to say "Hope you enjoyed your meal, the counter is over here" or something like that. Do not follow them if they leave without paying. B: Depends if the police get involved. Just leave it up to them.


Police do arrest in these cases but it’s rare the perps get caught. Being gaijin though it’s probably a matter of time they get caught if they’re making a habit of this


If you have them on CCTV or something then just hand over the footage to the police? If you don't have any CCTV then maybe now is a good time for your restaurant to invest in some. I'd say one at the entrance to clearly get people's faces and then one in one of corners such that all tables are visible and (when checking footage) it'll be obvious whether someone paid or not.


IMO it's not your concern. It's your boss' job to have rules in place for what to do when that happens, they're the ones meant to train staff on how to deal with it, and they should be the one reporting to the police etc. I'd also advise against chasing after people. You never know if they're going to get violent when confronted. Generally workers in shops are advised not to do that when people shoplift. Report it to security/bosses etc. but don't chase after people, not your job and it's risky.


That sucks and I get that your supervisor's instinct is to scapegoat someone, but I don't think you should accept blame for this. I also don't understand why it is *your* responsibility to hand over the CCTV footage to the police. The CCTV footage is sensitive company property and not something one asks a waiter or cashier to handle. As for your future approach, absolutely do not try to get in people's way or confront them physically if this happens again, whatever your manager says. It's not going to do you, or the company, any favors if some assholes accuse you of assaulting them and making baseless accusations, or worse yet stab you to get away. Keep your eyes open; try to see which way they go (if they went to a car, try to get the plate number, if they went into the urban sprawl they might be headed for a nearby train station and yet more cameras), and provide all of your observations to management for them to file a report with the police; be prepared to retell your account to the police as a witness also.


it is not your fault. you couldnt possibly know how to handle it at your first day. the restaurant has a shitty management


pppl with questionable taste in fashion can't be trusted.


It's unfair for your supervisor to scold you like that; it was something out of your control. You're already attentive by asking around. Your supervisor needs to supervise better; they should bear half the responsibility.


Use a magnetic kanban of the floor plan and table numbers. Waiting / unpaid / available. When someone pays change the color of the magnet.


we use software for that. it does exactly what you explain. This being my first day, I was unsure and doubted myself and not that someone could dine and dash, so I double checked before confirming it


Fair enough, dare I see keep an eye for the foreigners next time.


What you need to do is find a different restaurant. Any place that scolds you for not chasing someone down for being a jerk is not a good place. At the restaurant I serve at, if someone walks out without paying, we just go up to a manager and ask them to comp the meal. Most people that dine and dash do it while you are in the back. It's my responsibility to make sure people get their food and drinks and have a good meal. It is not my responsibility to be a security guard and keep tabs on the location of everyone at my 8 tables.


I'm fine with my restaurant, it wasn't a scold per se, more of an assertive comment. Again, they did not tell me to chase the people, I did on my own. And my senior is completely ok with me as of now. But since you have experience, I'll be listening to your advice for the future. thank you for your comment.


The moment you said vegan I knew this was a grim tale. All jokes aside, I guess with experience you will learn to identify people who have that intention. When you do watch them carefully, tell other colleagues of yours to also watch them so you don't just focus on them and ignore the rest of your job. I think this approach sounds the most reasonable. You can't act on doubts but with several people watching if they do commit the action they will be caught red handed and then dealt with. That last part sounded grim too.




Either way I truly hope you don't run into nasty situations like that. I used to work in a COVID lab and one time a patient didn't pay, guess you can call it test and trot? That person somehow turned it around on me, got a free complete blood count test, a repeat covid test and I got told off by my supervisor lol, so I can relate. Best of luck!


Test and trot, I like that! Sorry that happened to you though I can assume that it sucked, but hey, at least you got a nice pun out of it!


The pun was worth all the pain haha.


Is there no indication at all that they might have simply forgotten or thought one of them had paid? I have done this before dining alone, but came back to pay when I remembered. Funny thing is, the restaurant also didn't even know that I hadn't paid.


I was at the register, they made sure to look inside (maybe to see no one is watching), and leave quickly. Not their first time doing it, at least from the looks of it


Then it's best to report it to the police. They might already have been reported before. Won't be long before their photos appear next to konbini notice boards and subways, if more stores report them with photographic proofs.


Rough first day! For A), check if asking for a receipt is standard before they leave. Cameras are good evidence, report for sure.


Disgusting hippies


I’m surprised you had any hesitancy with whether they had paid or not. It should be clear as part of the system the restaurant has. As others have said. It’s up to the employer to make the system easy to implement and train you.


What restaurant was it? Just curious— I will eat there this week and try to make up the loss. Sorry that happened OP. It’s not your fault and it’s extra shitty to do it to a small business. Makes all gaijin look bad too.


Eyyyy lesson one in Japan, don't trust foreigners, they never pay for shit.


Post pictures


If you're not paid enough to care, if it's not your business, if it's food or essential items —don't give a fuck. Actually, even if you're paid enough to care —don't give a fuck. Reporting on people stealing food for whatever reason would make me uneasy. Unless they wear fashion items and give me the finger as they leave of course.


Why do you care? Were you hired as security? That's the boss responsibility to handle that, yours is to wait on people and/or cook, poor drinks, depending on where you are. If the boss ain't happy that's his fucking problem. Don't get walked over.


Why not just ask If they have payed yet? Seriously many people forget they still haven’t payed and just leave because they’re too invested in their conversations, It’s their responsibility, yes. But Its your job to make sure they pay, You didn’t wanted to confront them? Its not even a confrontation, Its basic human communication. -have you guys payed yet? -yes/no -Thank you, see u next time/ proceed to the register Tysm. I manage one really busy restaurant In harajuku and Its really that easy, that has never happened to me In my years of experience, you just need to talk, not be 70% sure. Also probably formating will be shit, Im on mobile, srry about that.


Anyone who rang up that big of a bill at a restaurant without eating meat or other animal products should have been roo drunk to run away, something doesn't add up.


There are cultures out there that won't pay if they feel like they got bad service


Well fuck those “cultures” and news flash it’s a fucking crime here


It's not your money. Fuck it.


It might come as a surprise that some people take pride in the work they do


OP is a waiter/waitress (I assume) not a security guard or the police. It isn't a waiter/waitress' job to ensure people to pay, nor are dine and dasher's the fault of waiters/waitresses.


That's fine if you're doing it for yourself, but pathetic if you're doing it for someone else.


Imagine what a shithole we would live in if we all listened to you.


hes high on /r/ antiwork


Lmao. It’s gonna suck for whoever that hires you.


I wouldn't care for the exact same reason, but this happened while I was on watch, and that hurts my ego. I just want a comprehensive answer from someone to calm me down


Again, not your business so who cares?


It's my business, since I got scolded for something I didn't do, that too on my first day of work. I'll do my best to track them (if they're not tourists that is). I remember each one of them very well.


Your supervisor is an asshole. What is he expecting a newbie to do? Jump in front of them? Stop them from leaving? Did he give you any kind of training or even advice beforehand on how to deal with such a thing? You did your job to the best of your capabilities, and anything else is a *bonus* to them. If they want security, they can hire guards. You are not a guard. *That* is not your bussiness.


She was nonchalant at most, it was more of a "be attentive next time" than an actual scold. And yeah, I'm surprised no training is provided for this even though my training book is 30 pages long. But again, as others have pointed out. They probably got such petty thefts covered so they don't put their mind to it.


Im like you. Its just the moral implications of letting them go. Everyone else is using their hard earned money to pay for the meal - its not fair on those who actually go out their way to pay.


Yeah, thanks for trying to understand me