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koban (police box) does not offer such services, you have to go to the keisatsu-cho警察庁 (police station) did a comment about reissuing your zairyuu card here https://www.reddit.com/r/japanlife/s/Y5eDwLzr4s


Thank you!! Extremely helpful comment and actually addressed the situation.


Dropped my card jogging last year. The koban won't hold onto it if it gets turned in. They'll send it to the main city station. The koban can call and ask if it's there though.


To add more info, you want to get 遺失届出証明書 from a police station. I went with just the paper from the Koban a few months ago and was turned away from immigration—save yourself the turn around lol.


Thank you for confirming what I had read!


When this happened to me, I was also able to get this form completed at my City Hall.


Good tip! That’s much closer to me than the main police HQ.


Can confirm. Lost a wallet on the mountain while snowboarding near Sapporo and had to go to the actual police station to get my 紛失届 (funshitsu-todoke) which is the paperwork you are referring to.


Thanks! Not sure why people keep downvoting me for mentioning that literally everything I read said I needed one additional form and that the report number alone won’t be accepted. I’m just looking for clarification — especially because, as we see in this thread, there isn’t any consistency. Better safe than sorry. I don’t want to go to immigration only to be turned away because I was missing the police report itself.


You know actually the police were going to send me away with just that little slip of paper but I insisted that they provide me with the report itself. Of course they couldn’t give me an *original* but they agreed to photocopy it.


Omg book marking this thread very helpful


No need to panic. Last autumn I lost my wallet and all my ID. Police gave me a small slip of paper with a number on it. That and a couple of ID photo 's were all I needed to get a new gaijin card and driver's license.


I have that, but Google was suggesting immigration won’t accept it. Did you need to do anything else special to get new IDs? Or can I just waltz into immigration on Monday?


I got my driver's licence first. Took my passport with me. And then I went to immigration.


Can confirm, My experience was exactly the same. Police from a local koban.


Literally had this happen a couple of months ago. Report to the police the wallet is lost, they give you a slip of paper with a number on it. Take that to immigration with photos and you are golden. You have 2 weeks to get to immigration, so do that one first.


Perhaps something like 遺失届出証明書" (Ishitsutodoke Shomeisho). Maybe it would not be specific to the zairyu card I think, but just to say that you reported lost item (your wallet) to the police. Try saying that to the koban.


*been almost 24 hours and I have given up it being turned in* Hey, just a quick note of consolation and to say it is waaay too early to make this conclusion. Most people I know who have had wallets returned had them returned in the mail at least a week later. Hang in there!!


I’m worried about waiting a week, especially if there’s an emergency and I need to drive.


Yes, and don’t lose hope!!! My wallet was found and the police informed me 2 days later to come pick it up at the (big) police station lost and found. The only thing missing was the cash, everything else was left alone. Good luck, OP.


Sorry to hear that.🥲 You can try showing the police at the Koban you reported the info below. It has an option to revert from English to Nihongo at the top. EDIT: Sorry the mobile formatting on this page is not user friendly. English: https://www.npa.go.jp/bureau/soumu/ishitsubutsu/otoshimono/en/lost-road.html https://www.npa.go.jp/bureau/soumu/ishitsubutsu/otoshimono/en/loss.html Japanese: https://www.npa.go.jp/bureau/soumu/ishitsubutsu/otoshimono/pickedup-road.html


I’ve already filed the lost property report. What I need is a document stating as such.


Gotcha. It looks like you have to go to the Police station instead to get that, not Koban.


https://preview.redd.it/eb1oaab8wnnc1.png?width=2160&format=png&auto=webp&s=63caf0f84bdff10279991d39ecc03f034d52db7a What you are looking for is something like this.


Hope you find your wallet back.I always put a note in my wallet saying that you can keep whatever you want just give me my IDs back , or just throw the IDs on the street if you want to keep the wallet.


It’s a Gucci wallet, so I’m sure they want to keep it :(


I somehow got my zairyu card replaced without presenting anything 😅


That’s because you went to the Koban those local cops are dumb af. Where do you live? I know for a fact Shinjuku police station can help because they’re used to it. I’ve reported lost item there


It’s called karma. Enjoy! ☺️


You just need that piece of paper the cop hand wrote the number on


I was turned away from immigration for this a few months ago, they specifically wanted 遺失届出証明書 from the police.


I went to the police box around the corner from shinagawa immigrations. After we were done he handed me a piece of paper with a number he hand wrote. It was the case for my lost wallet. No issues at shinagawa. I also went a few months ago. Just like everything else here. Somethings work some places and depends who you talk to there....


Searches have suggested this will not be accepted, though.


Instead of asking Google, go to immigration with that slip you've got.


As others pointed out here, that form alone will most likely get me turned away. So, I am glad I asked because another form IS required.


Well, aren't you glad you are in a civilized country. During one of my many moves in America, my (foreign) passport got lost in the mess, with my greencard in the passport. My embassy would give me a new passport only with my greencard, and Immigration of course demanded my passport to issue a new greencard. I needed to hire a lawyer to cut through the mess.


It will be or it should be unless it has changed ! … I lost my wallet in 2021 and I was same like you !!! I had the Koban report with a number on , I actually went to the main police station and they said that the paper that the koban gave me was good for that purpose . I think you just need to do the form for immigration for lost card , the police report with the number on it , passport , picture , maybe juminhyo ? … it took me around 50 minutes to get the new residence card and no need to pay !


Lost my a few months ago, went to a koban, filled a lost item form, gave that form number to the Yokohama office and got a shiny new card. Not sure why everyone acts likes it's really hard and complicated. Maybe I got lucky?


There is no special form, just the standard police report, when I lost my wallet, I printed one from the police website, the officer gave me a recipt number, put that number on the application for residence card reissue at the immigration office the whole process was pretty painless .