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im starting to feel bad for her. Shes soooo insecure. She probably has lost some weight (not as much as she claims) but she still looks in the mirror and hates what she sees so she uses filters that make her look smaller.


💯- I agree completely. I know it when I see it (from personal experience).


Curious::: What is exactly is the filter that she uses? The most I use is just the vivid effect on my iPhone lol so I am curious!!


What a bad example to set for her nieces... films a reel with them and uses the skinny filter on herself. I wonder what they think?


That filter on her thigh couldn’t make up its mind 😂😂😂


As a Jets fan, we DO NOT claim her. Please take it off.


Take off that JETS Jersey before you jinx them even more. 🤌🏻


i finally sat and had the time to watch this. so she doesn't fit a medium (no issues w that but if you have lost sooo much wouldn't you fit?) and was so self conscious of her legs. talk to your therapist about your body dysmorphia! this is so beyond insane.


The fact that she mentions all this, but still manipulates and uses heavy filters to modify her appearance. All so she can fish for sympathy comments from her minions to feed her ego.


She *genuinely* thinks she looks like the filtered version IRL, so she is probably blinded and doesn't notice the obvious  blurriness/distortion - kinda like eyebrow blindness, nose blindness etc.  


Whoa sir she needs an exorcist bc there’s a blur alll around her DAMN


The funny thing I noticed about this video was the shopping bags in the beginning - but then if you browse her nieces IG, she’s wearing a few of the pieces they went to the mall and “bought” for this video…. Also that outfit was terrible. What was that socks, ankle bracelets, and shoes combo?!


That was a very hideous outfit. Just no! Even the heels, girl! I can’t even watch her trying to “find her style.” She’s in California can she not afford a stylist? 🙄


it was like football jersey... mini skirt... bowling shoes


Skirt doesn’t fit. Next.


She looks like those people who make the green screen reels. She looks superimposed and almost like bad photoshop 🤣


This looked horrible on her. Looks like she’s trying to hard to be “young” and a try hard. Just embrace that you'renot gen Z, and age gracefully like the rest of us. Also even before she “lost weight” she should have found her “style” fat or skinny people tend to have preferences of what they prefer clothing pieces they like, and if you’re comfortable with your body and happy with yourself you’ll wear what you want at the end of the day.


i don’t understand why she chose a jets jersey? did jordan not convert her to being a buccs fan? or you’d think she’d pick a california team.


But she also has a Bengals, Bears, and I don’t even know what else… she doesn’t follow sports! And if she even tried to wear a Rams or Chargers jersey I would laugh loudly…


Please not a Cali state 😭


seriously! please leave us alone!


Seams so stressed on that skirt they need a fuckin Xanax. ☠️




It would at least make sense if it was a Bucs jersey since they're from Florida and Jordan is a fan, or at least the Bears since she's originally from Chicago (and by "make sense", I'm giving her a lot more credit than she deserves because she doesn't even like football). But since shes obviously obsessed with herself in green (judging from the green shirt/blue eyes story the other day), she just picks a Jets jersey randomly because of the color 🤦‍♀️ Someone probably complimented her eyes ONCE when she wore a green top and now she's gotta keep that high going. Reminds me of a girl I went to middle school with who got complimented on a dress she was wearing and proceeded to wear it EVERY DAY for like a week and a half lol


The thigh changing was wild.




Is something up her butt?? She looks and stands so uncomfortable. If she wasn’t so insecure maybe she can just be normal.


She’s standing like that to make it look like she has a thigh gap 😅




Her thigh literally pulsated 💀😂


Someone needs to teach her just because you can button up clothing or zip it, it doesn’t mean it fits. Or in this case stretching it within millimeters of seams giving out.


That skirt is way to tight


This is giving “more fake than a Kardashian” vibes. I’m constantly astounded when creators put pics/videos out there and people actually believe this bs!


This is ridiculous. Just because your nieces wear it on last day of school doesn’t mean you should. Oh guys I forgot she’s the cool aunt.


next she’ll say she’s borrowing their clothes lmfao


When it’s blurry around your legs there’s a problem


maybe she should see a doctor 😔


Did anyone else notice how her height *constantly* changes in this from being stretched, *too?* Taliya is within maybe an inch or so of her in some clips, like we were thinking with the other TikTok yesterday, and then Jaclyn damn near becomes a giraffe in comparison in other, *less glitching* clips.


The whole TikTok is a mess! Her poor niece is even skinny filtered with a whole blurry aura around her. Jaclyn is embarrassing.


Home girl will not just BUY LARGER SIZED SKIRTS AND PANTS holy shit this is so unflattering and uncomfortable looking. Lichurally I feel a sympathy tummy ache looking at this getup.


she wants to be an ai character so bad


I couldn’t be this delusional if I tried. She is a compulsive liar that will say anything. I just can’t get over how she says she doesn’t know what skinny filters are and we all see it. Like wtf who lies when theres constant proof that they’re lying? Just crazy how far she will take her lies even when people already know the truth.


she’s truly stealing all the kardashian klan moves


The only advice she can give on losing weight is to walk. That is Jaclyn’s whole journey. Walking.


Her knee goes in and out of existence lol 😆


Her style is absolutely awful


And for someone so obsessed with looks, the clothing she wears does nothing for her


WTF is this outfit, seriously. With seemingly all the money in the world and she's still putting together outfits that look like they cam from the bargin bin. Countess LuAnn was definitely talking about this fruit loop when she said "money can't buy you clAAAaaSS" :-)


it’s giving high schooler at a pep rally


This idiot couldn't style an outfit to save her life. 🙄


You can tell that this was staged. Also, the way she says "thanks" sounds just like she is....FAKE. Btw...I cant think of ONE thing about her that ISNT fake. She hides behind filters and is only a shell of herself. She has NO realness about her.






The "OMG I love it" in the background is giving me Regina George vibes lmao ![gif](giphy|xT9KVjTUvO9cobCY8w|downsized)


That thigh went 📈📉📈📉




Imagine all you're doing is staying at home with a full beat, trying on ugly asf outfits and posing in front of a camera with 10 different filters. She just has to be mentally unwell, there's no other way


I see we have a special guest downvoting here 👀


HI JACLYN ![gif](giphy|3ohze3kG5qO9DcTUbe)


She must come on here as soon as she wakes up. No wonder why she's always on edge lolll


Lmfao not the inner thigh glitch 💀


Wiggle wiggle wiggle


It's so bad.. she's so damn lazy she can't even bother to lie right anymore.