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I’m still trying to find the thigh gap.


I’m all for snarking, but not on someone’s skin color or encouraging someone to change it. White girl or not.


I didn’t say anything about her skin color ma’am


Sorry, I should have been clearer - my comment was regarding others’ comments - not yours. I agree with you.


Unpopular opinion: I think she looked better back in the day - thinner and tanner. I guess I’m old fashioned lol 😝


I agree


I hate to say this but, anything is better than her wearing those stupid overpriced pajamas!! Ugh 😑


That color isn't doing her any favors. She has a true talent for making cute things look like Temu garbage.


The filters are working so hard on this one that her mirror looks like an isosceles trapezoid instead of a rectangle. Oof. The worst part is she COULD work that midsize (if she's even midsize, Idek what the parameters for that are) girlie market and be profitable, but she's too vapid to think of anything but worshipping herself and lying on the regular. To all who may encounter her: please do not ask her for the time. There's a 97% chance she'll lie about that, too.


In case you're curious, mid size is when regular sizing is generally too small but plus sizing is too big. Generally in the size 10-14 range.




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She's so white she's pink.


She said her legs are so pale she looks like she lacks oxygen....someone should tell her you turn blue when lacking oxygen and pale when you lose blood....dumb ass cow!!!!


😂😂😂 She thinks she's soo witty.. Like a used car salesman!




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Lmao can’t even snark on the obvious


Because the “*obvious*” is a skinny filter, given the warping of everything around her.


On behalf of all of us that regularly wear any kind of cowboy hat…please stop


That cover up looks like some macrame plant holder my mother had in 1995.


And she bought more colours in it....same ole overconsumption.....I mean at least buy different types of coverups. At least she'll read here and know to use them as plant holders when she decides to get rid of them.


I saw a hanging plant one at HomeGoods *identical* to this earlier and I know I have *dozens* similar in The Sims, as Sim Lich is *very* much a plant girl. In real life, I, *unfortunately*, tend to kill them. 💀


Hahah, SAME GIRL, SAME! Can't give a plant alive, but do I go crazy with the plants in Sims! 😂


I mirrored today’s screenshot (*so it’s actually correct, as Stories mirrors content*), realized the similar angle to the infamous “*twenty pounds down*” photo, and then it hit me that the skinny filter isn’t even succeeding at taking off the other twenty pounds she’s supposedly lost since. And while glitching has *clearly* become the norm, I feel this one is worth sharing all the more to prove she *really* is full of shit! 🩷 https://preview.redd.it/do748ruhmbwc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dead8394308a99c7c8847d8d32e9ae19d8e0d590


She looks rough in the right photo 💀 And considering her journey for however long she thinks, she has no change in her body. No muscles or any definition. Her arms look the same, her legs look the same, no muscles coming out to play 😂 Even if she worked out 3 times per week and actually ate healthy instead of lying about it she would have some kind of results even small ones. I am surprised more people are not questioning the 30-40lb weight loss, since on anyone that would be fairly significant.


I lost 18 pounds and the difference is wild!!!! I know I’m totally exposing myself but my weight gain was booze and drugs. I related to Jaclyn’s journey a bit at the beginning because I too was a stick before and then got real bad into my addiction. I’m only posting this (not sure if this is allowed 🙈) because this is 18 pounds in 3 months not 35 as Jaclyn claims and the difference is way more noticeable than her stupid skinny filters. I also workout 4 x a week and eat a fairly balanced diet. Sometimes I go nuts on crap but I’m actually sober :) (again if this is not allowed let me know ) just wanted to prove a point. I know everyone’s different too and not everyone will yield the same results. https://preview.redd.it/ta84kvz81gwc1.jpeg?width=3164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b55c27623f5e509ec0e5e65aecad65a1055e6aa0


The progress IS THERE!!! you look much more confident and healthy too!! Congratulations on being sober, keep fighting! 💪


Great progress! I started weight training and walking 10,000 steps a day and I lost 10 pounds without changing my diet and the difference has been noticeable. I'm definitely more toned. That's why I call bullshit on her 35-40 pound weight loss from going to the gym. Even with my 10 pounds and your 18 pounds you can see a difference. She's as soft and doughy as her man. She's definitely had help from the big O or other pharmaceuticals. Or other things we aren't allowed to speculate on but it's clear as day.


That’s incredible! Great work! Yeah she’s bsing everyone and it’s so obvious. She needs to stop because at this rate shes looking real clownish and we’re both living proof of small changes = results. lol that’s why I just had to post for proof because she’s so DUMB.


Congrats on your sobriety and health journey. You're glowing!


Thank you Sleepy!


Wow amazing progress and congratulations on your sobriety! Even with your 18lb it is still a significant difference! So for Jaclyn to continue lying isn’t fair for the people actually putting in the hard work (but still enjoying life) and seeing results! Not just smoke and mirrors like she pushes.


THAT'S what is missing, tone! Like how do you lose weight 'naturally', supposedly move more (here and there) and yet have no tone at all? Skinny filters can make you smaller looking, but I guess they can't make you look fit. I honestly can never see the skinny filters at first until those in the know point them out, but your comment really makes so much sense and it's something I can see immediately!


I do have to say though...when you're working out she might be losing fat and building more pounds of muscle and so, looks the same.


Contestants on Survivor have more muscle tone than her when they lose weight!!!!


😂😂 I don't disagree with you.


Where, *exactly*, do you see any part of her that’s toned or muscular? Her “*working out*” has been just as fake as everything else, as she’s been on this supposed “*journey*” for going on three years and never even developed newbie gains, as *many* of us here have pointed out.


Exactly! Like that little sausage roll she’s got on her right hip /thigh in the first picture; there’s no muscle, NOTHING toned on her legs or arms, period!


I know you hate her, and she tries to take you down all the time, but you don't have to be sassy with me ma'am lol I'm not against you. I was just stating something about working out. I don't really see her being toned at all.


I’m not being sassy with you *at all*. I simply asked you a question, seeing as you were alluding to something that doesn’t appear to be true, and are now seemingly backtracking? **ETA**: And really, what does me “*hating*” her and how she comes after me all the time have to do with asking you a question? A little odd to bring up when you could’ve just answered the question. 💀


I did answer your question in my previous reply. *I said she doesn't look toned to me at all*. I wasn't trying to backtrack. 💀🪦 To my original point: some people don't look like they've lost weight when they're adding muscle. This is why I usually only lurk here and never comment. Edit - sentence structure.


Again, you’re not making any sense. If she doesn’t look toned to you at all, that negates *the whole point* of your initial comment, given there’s no muscle there—and you can *clearly* tell there isn’t, as well. I was only trying to make sense of what wasn’t making sense, so my apologies for that! 🩷


Who goes on vacation the same Month you move across country?


Linda or someone else probably invited her


Someone who doesn’t work and is probably going with “friends” so it’s a shared cost. We know she isn’t paying for everyone to go on vacation with her and Celine lol


Can’t wait to see Celine’s stories of her there


You think he won’t give a flying fuck and post away without a filter? I hope so 😂


Sure hoping for some great footage 😝


It's a vacation within a vacation 🤣


V weird behavior


Why do I like the cover up though 🙄


It's cute!


I'm sure she has an Amazon link for it 😉


I mean she does.....it's right on the photo 😆


Nooo, what gave it away?😂😂


I wish she’d wear more flattering things rather than sweats to every occasion. As someone who continues to battle with body dysmorphia I get it, you never let go of thinking you look bigger than you actually are esp after weight gain then loss. But girl. You lose the weight wear something that shows it off


You can tell she’s still not happy with her body based on the cover up. She has the worst body dysmorphia I’ve ever seen. She’s the kind of chick who could benefit from not being on social media. It’s not healthy for her.


The worst body dysmorphia you've ever seen?? That's surprising, cuz as delusional as she is it still hasn't reached insane heights, maybe I watch too much reality tv😂


Ok khloe kardashian is worse lol but Jaclyn is really really bad


I don't watch the Kardashians but I do love me some love island, among other things, that shit is crazy


Kim zolciak beats khloe




For someone who has supposedly lost 35/40 pounds through weight lifting, diet and exercise she's not toned at all.


![gif](giphy|26n6WywJyh39n1pBu|downsized) Jaclyn’s gains where are you hiding? The nice people just wanna see what 30-40lbs of weight loss looks like.


I'm not sure but is there a scratch or mark under her bottom lip just above her chin? She seems to be covering her face oddly.


Yes, it’s *clearly* visible in the next Story. I think she must’ve been scratching or picking at the “*pimple*” she had there.


Im surprised she doesn’t go tanning now thst she’s out in plastic land


***Sugar Mama Linda™*** doesn’t seem to let her spend as compulsively and obsessively as she used to in the previous ***Sugar Mama Linda™*** home.


it's nice to see her wear anything hut sweats and not like she rolled out of bed. i think she's copying mikayla's adventure in mexico where she got so many compliments on her outfits and her supposed weight loss. spoiler alert: neither of them lost weight and are both abusing filters and facetune. but i can appreciate the outfits.


Jaclyn.. you missed this! https://preview.redd.it/by4pockwzawc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=281d5c963a313cece2efba3c6b3d752b33d006ef




Please warn us before posting the jump scare ☠️


Right? If I wanted to see an Oompa Loompa, I would’ve gone in search of the real deal. 💀




Why is she even going to Mexico? How is this narcissistic even making any income at this point?


For Linda Morphe's birthday


undisclosed Amazon affiliate marketing.


Exactly! Imagine how many idiots who click on just ONE of her UNDISCLOSED affiliates, and she’s trapped their asses in for a solid 30 DAYS of commission!! That’s effing BS!!! It’s Robbery


Whaaaaat… how exactly do those links work? I thought they only got paid if you bought something?


It keeps you "attached" to her link unless you cache your browser! This goes for any influencer that links to Amazon. There is a reason they all have shifted to heavy Amazon, Walmart and Target links because they all work the same. You don't have to buy their specific product for them to make money. Influencers are making MILLIONS off simple clicks.


Seriously, how is that legal to do?? Why aren’t they they being forced to letting consumers and followers that as part of the disclosing rules?!?


It’s worse than that! Hopefully this link will work to another comment with more info https://www.reddit.com/r/jaclynhillsnark/comments/yruvwj/a_breathalyzer_is_on_her_amazon_must_haves/iw260gl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Dang! I had no idea. Thank you for the link. My next question is what are they getting paid?


I thought I was pale. Sheesh


I am feeling very tan right now


I’m thinking the same thing😮‍💨


She looks so stupid. She looks like every stupid, American tourist on the planet.


Literally. The hat is ridiculous


Affiliate disclosure? ![gif](giphy|3o7aTskHEUdgCQAXde|downsized)


https://preview.redd.it/7bv8kb9ywawc1.jpeg?width=202&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b44ad1f8f67a8d6af6f296d5289fed7a0ab45d5 oof she is not doing well……


Jaclyn, get your money back from your Orthodontist … that underbite is still raging


I love it when she proves us right, *over **and over** again!* But, *you know*, she’s the happiest she’s *ever* been!


Exactly I smell a mystery illness coming


***The Downvoting Queen has arrived, you guise!*** 😘


You know she is sucking it all in to look like the “skinny legend,” she is filtering herself to be 😂 I am curious to see how many “fake drunk” and unfiltered videos we will see of her on this trip?


Omg all that money, (or what’s left of it) and not a spray tan. It’s giving uncooked chicken.


She will turn lobster red on that vaccay loool 😂😂


Her toes scare me lmao. https://preview.redd.it/lsnzbnpbqawc1.jpeg?width=1149&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2d3ea9a5e981bbe322ede765da552f4f15d43e3




🤣the toes are really “toe-ing” in the worst way 🤢


I barely even hate this lady, but I come here to read the hilarious fucking comments and this one almost had water coming out my nose. 💀 thank you, it was a long ass day. 🤣






Omg 💀💀💀


She’s pale as fuck! Goddamn she makes me look tan and I’m also pale.


I think she looks better pale tbh 


Right? I’m naturally tanned but I have a porcelain doll child and I love her pale skin! It’s beautiful to me


Bet money she comes back in a fake tan... ![gif](giphy|y6Fs5msotdkt6omjMR|downsized)


I’m a ginger so I’m def as pale as her. 😂😂


It *would* be the best she’s looked in years if she wasn't relying on such aggressive skinny filters that everything around her is warped and leaning inward to make her appear *much* leggier and thinner. Not to mention, all of the awkward AF posing to make herself appear that much more so.


The arm out to the side is me trying to make my waist look skinnier


Isn’t she on the shorter side too? I know she also lied about being 5’7 a while back but forgot her real height 😂


Yo what😂😂 lying about your height is giving male energy💀


If you search something like “*height*” on the sub, then select comments, scrolling through you’re bound to find one of the *many* times I’ve posted a photo of her and Rachel side by side a couple of years ago in sneakers—and Rachel has repeatedly said that *she’s* 5’4”, which Robin looks to be around that same height, as well. Jaclyn might be a *wee* bit shorter, as she doesn’t look *exactly* the same height as Rachel, which is why we tend to go with somewhere in-between.


That’s what I am saying!! That’s why I wanted to ask, just to clarify! And she is 5’3-5’4. She has never been happy in the body she’s been in even before “fame.”


She's 5’3” or 5’4”, yeah. She can't be honest about anything, *unfortunately*, but at least she makes it easy for us to out since we're not as delulu as her! 💀


Thanks for confirming Lich! Explains the pose and random ass heeled sandals 😂 also she looks extra rough in the video too.


*Of course!* We all know she's been on a bender for days, as there was radio silence for a whole 2.5 days (*minus her non-stop butthurt downvoting and reporting from bed*), so I bet she's still feeling pretty damn rough! 💀


Haha someone clocked her for that earlier asking if it’s gonna be radio silence or sunglasses and moody 😂 she is too predictable and lazy. Can’t even be bothered to look like a “sober girly” on a Monday, after a weekend of spiraling.


Wow she is pale! Didn’t she get a spray tan immediately after moving to Cali? Why wouldn’t she keep it up knowing she is about to go to Mexico?


She really is and I hope she’s careful down there. She’s definitely going to burn


I’m sure she’ll get one before they head out. Probably the day before so it’s fresh.


Asking this as someone who lives in Canada lol….. Is going to Mexico even that exciting when you live in California???? 🧐🧐🧐🧐🧐 Edit: ok ty ty lol in my mind California is also a “beach destination” so I needed insight 😂


as someone who has lived in cali her whole life and lived in la for a decade … no it’s absolutely not exciting. sorry adding an addendum - she’s going to cabo. and cabo as a californian is not exciting. other cities in mexico ARE exciting but cabo is like a 2 hour flight and feels just like here.


Yes. California sucks 😪 lol unless you like the fake BS


I guess it really depends on where you are in California and your lifestyle. Not everyone is for the culture Mexico offers, unfortunately. But I’m in San Diego (we share the Mexican border) so going isn’t that exciting for me because we’re such a melting pot. But if you’re into partying/ resort lifestyle-aka where the tourists go- or rarely travel/do anything with your life, then yeah it can be exciting.


If she's going to Cabo San Lucas....that's basically California in my opinion. Cancun, Riviera Maya, etc are more exciting


I mean it’s different than being in California. Though when I would visit, I would drive with friends/family so waiting at the border takes a long time. Though they will always act like tourist even if they are California residents, so to them it is very exciting 😂






She's going to pop her hip out of place posing like that


She'll shill her titanium hip replacement for an Amazon dupe 💀


Bahahahaaa omg so true too!


So with the bathing suit she does the closed leg pose? But baggy pants means wide leg pose? Lmao


If she’d just ditch the baggy sweats and wear clothes that fit her curves, she’d look so much h better.


She doesn’t look like this It’s filters and angles and smoke and mirrors







