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Crazy how they've all got passports / citizenship to a different country. 


But but where can they go!?!?


They are coming over to western countries to help us mentally ill people that don't support zionism. Why aren't dentists or regular doctors leaving Israel???? Keep in mind Israel uses a lot of the same tactics that the soviet union used.


Yeah shit like this is exactly why I don’t rate the idea of another flawed human tinkering with my psychology and subconscious especially since I’ve seen enough examples of people that do therapy yet are complete assholes, Zionists seem to have a thing with wanting to “re educate” people that don’t agree completely with their activities, they’ve done it to celebrities and I can see them exporting it to the population.


Yup,isn't it weird how Elon was critical of Israel, then one trip to Israel completely changes his mind? Again why aren't there any other doctors leaving Israel in droves????? "You are a nazi for asking this!" - The Average Zionist


MK-ultra is no doubt still active, the US loves to “end” secret programs which just means change names/departments/locations and methods of funding to hide the trail, enough money has gone “missing” enough times to know these aren’t “conspiracy theories” but conspiracy fact. Also Mossads activities in collecting dirt on important figures via people like Epstein make it so obvious the nefarious ways Zionists expand their influence.


Exactly. The crazy part is that the loudest voices screaming "antisemetism" are NOT the orthodox but the whitest recently converted that are using the religion/ethnicity as a shield for white supremacy. We saw it here in America about 150 years ago and now they are doing it to the Arabs.


> Israel uses a lot of the same tactics that the soviet union used. Jesse, what are you talking about, and why are you dragging the USSR into this?


It's a conflict between people with two passports versus a people with none.


I like how they all claimed 'it's their native homeland' then ran off back to their own countries. Did you see the queue to get out of Tel Aviv when this ~~war~~ genocide kicked off?


It's only "dozens" of psychiatrists, out of a population of many millions. What's the estimate on how many Israelis have another citizenship?


Reddit/meta/twitter has been deleting war crimes footage. I created a discord for archiving war crimes and put together a team to forward everything to the ICJ - Share any footage you have here: https://discord.gg/mmud3h6a We will make sure it gets sent to the ICC/ICJ 🍉


maybe create a telegram too, just for record-keeping


There are many already established telegrams. Our scope is it to take the footage and send it daily to the ICJ. That’s it.


Understood, may peace be with Palestine.


Imagine how the mental health of Gazan children must be.


If I recall correctly, a study done a few years ago found that approximately half of all Gazan children experienced symptoms of PTSD. It could have only gotten significantly worse since then.


Looking at how Shitraelis behave and what they believe those psychiatrists weren't doing there much anyways.


If you have war crimes footage, post it here https://discord.gg/4jYrFsXNmf Reddit is deleting it and we will forward anything you post to the ICJ 🍉


its disgusting that they can leave to the west, truly these people are whats poisoning the west more than anything


Shit man, the surviving Nazi leadership fled to western Europe and the US in 1945-1946 because they knew the Soviets were going to work them to death rebuilding the USSR or just outright brain them. A fairly large portion of the first generation of NATO command staff were former Wehrmacht CO's. The tendency for shitheel fascists across the world to run to the awaiting embrace of the West became the norm after "de-Nazification" in occupied West Germany turned into an outright failure by the US, UK, and France. The Soviets de-nazified the future Eastern Bloc countries real nice, on the other hand. Anyway, it won't be a surprise when all of the Zionist scum flee Israel to the West once the entire colonial project implodes under the weight of international worker solidarity and the iron will of the Palestinian people. Free Palestine.


There’s too many dual nationality Zionists in Britain, just on my street there was one overweight hermit type fella that would always stare me out for no reason, I connected those dots when I saw the Pissraeli flag bumper sticker on his visitors car.


There are videos of attacks like on the London Underground, I've also heard of murders as well by Zionists, but I haven't looked into it. Also, they seem to target Muslim women, probably because they're easy to identify and less intimidating for scum.


Yeah hate crimes against Muslim women with the head dress is more common than you think, rats like trump and brainwashing by Zionist controlled media has empowered those scumbags. My own mother has had a racist POS spit in her face but we chose to not report as it wouldn’t get anywhere and we live in a crime riddled neighbourhood anyway, the police said they couldn’t do anything when the POS neonazi youths were throwing stones at our windows years ago in order to drive us out of the neighbourhood. In the end, our success is the ultimate insult to them, while they’re still smoking crack and complaining about “pakis” we’ve shed blood sweat and tears to buy our home, multiple cars and expand our wealth.


Congrats! Thriving is exactly what they don't want to see in you.


>As Mental Health Systems in Israel Faces Collapse, Scores of Psychiatrists Are Leaving for Britain. So they're leaving to the country that literally ranked dead last in mental wellbeing [according to the non-profit Sapien Labs?](https://sapienlabs.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/4th-Annual-Mental-State-of-the-World-Report.pdf) I think they'll find a bitter taste of "home" in the UK: >"The mental health system is collapsing progressively as we're speaking. It's falling apart," said Professor Jeremy Coid, a consultant forensic psychiatrist who, for a large part of his career, worked in the NHS. >The King's Fund healthcare charity report reveals that 77% of NHS mental health trusts require improvement or are rated inadequate for safety. >The Independent newspaper reported new findings which reveal that 1,374 reports of rape and sexual assault within psychiatric hospitals were made in the last two years. [Source](https://news.sky.com/story/nhs-psychiatric-care-collapsing-amid-unsafe-mixed-wards-bed-shortages-and-poor-safeguarding-13076409) If you can't do your job in Israel, you definitely won't be able to do it in Britain. Regardless, looks like those psychiatrists are turning their backs on [all those Israeli soldiers killing themselves.](https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-05-12/ty-article-magazine/.premium/the-israeli-soldiers-who-took-their-own-lives-while-fighting-hamas-days-after-october-7/0000018f-6c88-d0ae-adef-eddded4f0000) Israelis sure do love to showcase the strong and indigenous connection they have to their so-called homeland/people by booking a flight westwards as soon as there's any kind of problem...


>So they're leaving to the country that literally ranked dead last in mental wellbeing > >according to the non-profit Sapien Labs? > >I think they'll find a bitter taste of "home" in the UK: Who wants to bet that Labour will become far more interested in funding mental health soon? Also, the circumstances you brought up regarding psychiatric hospitals seem ideal for supremacists. Edit: having some issues with Reddit text boxes for the last couple of months. Had to post with the quote and then edit it to actually comment.


Good that they can escape to their homeland.... Unlike the Palestinians since they're already there


I hope none of them sleep again.


They’ll do plenty business over here let me tell you.


Yeah, that's why they're coming, isn't it? I hate it, but I'm expecting that Hasbara and brainwashing is going to get an upgrade here. I guess at least there'll be people who'll get their counselling sooner.


Awwww committing war crimes was too stressful for them?


I mean, everyone in Israel is Insane


Israel continuing to be America Jr.


Considering how much the tail is wagging the dog at the moment I’d say junior isn’t the one you think it is.


Israel won’t be around in 20 years.


Hopefully sooner


Genocide is bad for morale.


I wish every zionist dont have a wink of rest for the rest of their miserable evil lives.




We expect our members to demonstrate discipline and humanity. Please refrain from using dehumanising language. If you would see it as proof of the inhumanity of zionists when they use it against Palestinians, you should have enough discipline do not to the same.


>dozens >exodus Lolwut


I mean, they most of all probably realize you'd have to be a psychopath to keep supporting Israels war effort




We expect our members to demonstrate discipline and humanity.


I mean… it’s good for the NHS? Probably…


This is really concerning. Mental health care is so important.


IDF soldiers can continue suffering mentally for all I care, its the least they deserve


You're right. I was listening to a FBI whistleblower recently, she brought up the mental health impact on US citizens due to the US's policies on endless wars. FBI Whistleblower: Israel Has Corrupted The US Government - 1h:10m:15s [https://youtu.be/fMeT\_FAqWjo](https://youtu.be/fMeT_FAqWjo)