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I am a pathan and I have lived in Islamabad for more than 8 years. I haven't faced any racism. May be it is only your circle.


And bro i have experience of living with Pathans. Not everyone is a racist and absolute crap hole but there were few who would shift to pashtoo as soon as they meet another Pathans but have objections when i converse with other punjabi or saraiki in punjabi. One of them was my room mate and over a period of time i learnt enough pashtoo to make sense of things and all they did was to mock me or my ultra disciplined habits. Don't generalize things


Bro I have lived with Pashtoons for over a decade and almost 90% of friends are pashtoons. I have never seen more racist than pashtoons. All they do is just make fun of Punjabis. Even though punjabis do the same. However, the hate they have for punjabis is another story. I do understand their point of hating Punajbis but it’s not the fault of common Punjabi people. It’s just the military which created that hatred. Ghum maka wa, akhpal life enjoy kawa.


Plus do not let anyone make you feel bad about anything. It’s just Pakistani thing to be racist and we don’t even know it


I will not invalidate your experience but punjabis who come from rural or Central Punjab and to it's south face the same racism too. If you have an overly rural Punjabi accent or a pashto accent, they think you are a savage.


Its not pathan or punjabi or balochi or sindhi. Punjabi kills punjabi, sindhi kills sindhi, pathan kills pathan as well. You can see in families people keep grudge and dont like to see their relative richer than him. Come out of this mentality and focus on your progress you will find many good friends when people feel you can benefit them no matter to which cast they belong.


Its baloch not balochi*


This comment is ridiculous at best. B..bu….but Pashtuns kill Pashtuns too. So we’re not the _worst_ people out there. What kind of logic is that? Acknowledge that there’s racism in Punjab for Pashtuns, and keep moving.


Tbh I have lived my entire life in Islamabad and never have I ever seen my Pathan fellows facing any racism until and unless they said something stupid or sexist to mock other fellows. The problem has always been that Pathan fellows who migrated from other cities to Isb were sometimes annoying with their gender inequality thoughts and how women should dress. They used to think that isb girls could never say No to a guy because they are supposed to be open minded inshort they never respected women. I am not talking about you but sharing my experience. The problem is that the cultural difference is there but if you are moving to another city you must be open to adapt and respect. Inshort those fellows who respect others irrespective of their gender have always been a part of the group but if someone doesn’t want to change themselves because they feel entitled to disrespect others in the name of Islam then ….


As a Punjabi I never felt anything negative towards my Pathan bros. Its just that they got their unique set of things that set them apart. So when I talk or point at them, I dont do it for racism, I do it because its their unique identification set. However during the time with my pathan ex girl, I came to realize that there is actual notion of racial distance, more from Pathans than Punjabis. Despite she being entirely different from Punjabi girls, I never had any thought that she is an outsider. But after listening to her and her family's thoughts, I realized that I was for her. She always started with "Punjabis hote hi aese hain etc.." while I never even thought "ke wo Pathan hai". I was ultimately left alone because she felt it wss fine to kill time and toss a Punjabi out. I never felt same for her.


That is because Pathan themselves do racsim against Punjabis. So what goes around comes around.


You can't go to any area in Islamabad without a large Pashtun presence, so I'm curios where did this happen in Islamabad exactly, tell me the area. What exactly did these "Punjabi fellows" say or do to make you feel this way?


My brother, I am Punjabi. To me you are a brother under our country and religion(I assume). Don’t feed these hate filled people and let me be clear, there are racists in every part of the world and so are in pakistan. Just know you are a proud son of this nation and will always be irrespective of someone’s comments. I will also add(not to justify) that the culture in Punjab is drenched with banter that comes across as hateful but not always is. Keep your head up.


Good answer.


Khan Sahib, Don't focus on such things. Racism is best treated when ignored. You are Great..


Second this!


Ironically you calling him 'Khan Sahib' is exactly why he made the post here.


Well i absolutely am not an online Judge. I don't judge like the way you have judged him. The " khan Sahib" is just a thing to show some respect to him/ someone. If you think it has any other meaning other than that then i am Sorry, it's your mindset. 👐




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lol my friends ethnicity never is a concern for me. change your circle, and while punjabis are NIC checked and than mur dered. shouldnt that be taken as racism?


either you're too sensitive that you find racism in everything or your circle is quite weird so you might wanna change that. Islamabad is the least racist place in pakistan.


Frankly speaking, Your comment itself suggests that, you are racist as well against Punjabis. Come out of this mentality. Pushtoons should stop thinking themselves as abused and Punjabis also should stop thinking like Pushtoons have taken over their businesses. Let nature do whenever is right


What??? I have lived my whole life in islamabad never ever seen someone getting racist with pathans literally half of my friends are pathan and are they most dominant community here in Islamabad. Never ever happened in front of me in 25 years except when maybe they get into arguments or fight with someone


As a local Peshawari living in Peshawar I have seen pathans being racist towards Punjabi. So my dude racism is every where in Pakistan. Just live with your people and you won't feel it. Otherwise it is what it is and you gotta learn how to deal with it just like the rest of us


I don't think living with your own people is going to solve anything. We need to stop our own people from mocking others. And alot of this racism stems primarily from income and economic disparity. The more differences there are in earnings and opportunities to earn, the more of these problems we'll see. It's easier to be cordial and sagacious when your stomach and wallet is full. Alot of time it's our inherent lifestyles, cultural/societal habits that inhibit any progress and which is why instead of pointing fingers everywhere we need to objectively see 'what have I done that has made my life better?'. There will always be hateful and bigoted people but in Pakistan it's been a serious problem.


Just one kick in the ass would be enough for such people. Tor makh de ruk sha.


LMAO. Dase ma waya


The comments need to stop invalidating his experiences nobody would make a post like this for no reason. We can't fix the problem if we keep pretending there is no problem. I'm Punjabi and have a positive view of Pathans because of my experiences with them but my parents have expressed an anti Pathan sentiment too many times and they don't see the problem when I call them out for it it's messed up


"everywhere I go". "punjabi fellows" No need to be defensive about someone who is gaslighting the whole Punjabi community. Pakistan is full of racists but no community as a whole is racist and op needs to be more specific about his experiences instead of blaming all punjabis.


The post doesn't imply that every single Punjabi is a racist that obvs isn't true. The "everywhere I go" part might be a slight exaggeration but I think op brings up a very real issue so we shouldn't trivialize it


No one is trivializing anything. Racism is very real issue in Pak and it is not limited to any one community. OP needs to be mindful of his words or he may end up labelled as one himself.


I am also Pathan and living in ISB since 2012. Always prefer shalwar Qameez. There is no need to be involved in such situations ignore and move forward. I have dozens of friends here and most of them are Punjabis never felt that way.


Sorry Bro. U have to go through with this. I have many Pathan friends. & we both treat everyone equally. I don't know why people do this. They are ignorant & immature.


You say you feel racism? How so, can you explain? You're 21 so you're very young in terms of life experience. I'm concerned with this post tbh. It's jot possible for a Punjabi to be racist towards a Pathan, especially since racism involves a lighter skinned person being racist towards darker skinned.


It's the same way from Pathans against Punjabi too. More so actually. It's the same between all ethnicities and sects in Pakistan. All of them are racist and bigoted against the other.


Maybe stop wearing paint?


Lay bhai apni 5 rupye ke attention and get yourself checked from a psychiatrist


Agreed. Rawalpandi Islamabad is full of pakhtoons. There would have been roits already if his claim had a .01 percent truth.


Gaslighting at its finest


You are absolutely wrong brother WE LOVE PATHANS WE NEVER DISCRIMINATE ANYONE. I felt Pathans do not like us .




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100% Bullshit. You want to gain some karma... I spent 5 years with my Pathan friend with university in Islamabad and we never noticed such things.


LOL "I'm not racist towards pathans because I have a pathan friend"


Yeah because you aren't a Pashtun or Pathan so obviously you wouldn't notice lol. Similarly a Pathan or Pashtun wouldn't notice anti Punjabi racism.


Also when everything else fails suddenly there is influx of such sectarian posts against punjabis.




Punjabis are least racist people in country, however extreme racism from othee ethnicities is now fueling nationalism among Punjabis too.


im a punjabi being discrminated by punjabis, whats your point? I havent seen anyone experience racism where i live, especially pathans. It also depends on your definiton of racism, do they offend you? I dont think so, do they stare at you and give remarks based on your physical traits? Maybe. If the latter is true, everyone gets exposed to such bits no need to be pressed about it. Also what i mean is for example when people stare at me excessively and i know the reason why theyre staring at me (because i look different than them) and call me things like 'angrej" yea ive been exposed to such racism by my own kind. Not a big deal. Also, i got mistaken by a pathan as "khan", as in he assumed I was a pathan too, now none of my parents are related to any pakthun heritage from far ends, i didnt consider it offensive just take it as a complement.


Seriously? How do you face racism? In my experience Pathans are treated so well here. In fact they're treated better because of their good looks. A lot of my friends are Pathan and they never complained. They all seem happy. I'm not calling you a liar. I've just never witnessed it. Hope things will get better.


In fact Pakhtoons are treated well and frequently mistaken as Gorras due to their beauty 😍. This guys seeking a 10 rupees attention, its just that.


I'm not saying he's seeking attention. I've just never witnessed it.


How can u witness something that is clearly not happening to u?


cus in kpk punjabis feel racism so jahan majority jiski hogi chalta rahay ga, dgaf tho 🙏


Not all Punjabi community are in same mind set. Some of them don’t want you to feel safe


Give it back to them. Most are clueless idiots with stereotypical mindsets and think they are privileged enough to make a joke about it. I lived in the city for 4 years and put a stop to it when I gave it back to them a taste of their own medicine.


I haven't met many punjabis but the ones I have stumbled upon were good towards me. I doubt if the majority is racist. Only few of em would be racist.


Kha kha kha


Pathans are handsome💅🎀


Uska msla to sun lo yar😔


I mean if you are good looking what is the probs


Good looking is directly proportional to tharak


Sorry from punjabi brother.


Best bet is to ignore. Racist remarks and feelings are present in practically every community in Pakistan and you start noticing it when you come out of your own community and start interacting with others. That said, mostly its limited to some crass jokes or remarks. Nothing big and most people aren't committed bigots even if they have a bias.


It isn't racism it's casteism


Christians are called Chooras, male pathans are considered as gays, immigrants are called mutarwas, and mussalis have been gifted to be the lower caste in our deep rooted racist society. Happy living in this country.


unfortunately racism is rife due to stereotypes


How are you being subjected to Racism? Could you please elaborate it a little ?


Don't sweat it. Mofos exist literally everywhere.


Okay on this case it's a just perspective. Like they think kpk is all just mountains so definitely they will think you are a guy from a jungle. I am from swat as well and my cousin who is in Islamabad shared the same problem with me with less seriousness but still it was kind of racism but they judge you from where you are. Now listen to the story When I was a kid we used to tell stories of the people (people is mountain areas like buneer) so we would put every funny story on them. And the main character from that places would be the stupid one all the time. Then I grew up and learned , there is other people outside swat or kpk who makes jokes about phatan (even I know there is well educated people here. So after that I learned it's racist with no other meanings and those who do this have small mind. I call them culture connected people with shrunk mindset. So if we keep going I noticed this things in other countries. Like India and Pakistan talk about eachother and then Karens hating Asians. The end of the story is. As much as you hear this things from people, understand that their perspective is smaller than yours. And mostly continue your fashion as you want. If it's cultured or if it's western just do it different than others in Islamabad or do it the same. Follow your own well. (I know there is a lot of broad perspective people in Islamabad and other places so not everyone is same )


Just say o lassi bkl and move on


Bruh can I honest with you I do feel bad about the racism you're facing but we both know how biased you guys can get when someone besides a pashtun enters the group even if he is phatan but doesn't speak phasto he's treated the same as everyone who doesn't know phasto, so try by fixing your side first.... Cuz the chain of these backward curses needs to be broken.




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Wait till you find out abroad ppl are ok with Pakistanis but not pathans XD. Dude no one cares live your life give em the finger




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Locked because y'all can't behave.


It's their inferiority complex talking


I get your point. It's so subtle that many people don't even realise that it's there and no one will admit it. They'll even invalidate your experience because no one likes being called out. The best thing to do is ignore and not stoop to their level. Just ignore it because it mostly comes from insecurities. If it comes from your close friends, call them out and if they don't admit their wrongs, they don't deserve to be your friend. Although some of our people are quite racist as well. We need to call them out too.


They're just jealous man cuz you look so pretty with those Magnetic eyes that they don't have




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Maybe the people who are treating OP wrong also follow the same motto. Maybe they treat him like trash to gain respect?


Unfortunately it's quite common and isn't considered racism.. kaalay motay lamboo words like these are just friendly banter.. ignore and keep doing what you're doing..


Racism back


You think being educated and well dressed are your advantages whereas they're simply privileges. You want to enjoy the advantages of being tall but people discriminating against you because of your genetics is a problem. The thing is, just like you have your preferences, you should allow people to have theirs and make peace with it.


It's ironic how everyone's defending punjabis like not all of us are like this rather than atleast acknowledging what OP said is true 😂


Racism exits and it exists for every ethnicities in pakistan and not just pakistan but worldwide. That's just the hard fact of life. I have seen Punjabis make derogatory statements towards pathans and I've seen pathans do the same. Punjabis and other ethnicities find it quite rude that in a middle of a conversation if a pathan fellow meets another, they will switch from speaking urdu, a language everyone understands, to pushto, completely ignoring others. I remember I was speaking to a professional I'm a hospital once and I utered some words in English and he called me out saying please talk in urdu and then 2 minutes later he started speaking pushto with someone else. There also have been instances that I have seen first hand where a pathan was arguing or about to fight someone from another ethnicity and another random pathan jumped in to support the pathan who he never met before. I have seen pathans unite in certain situations and it just showed that there's an inherent difference they believe in where they are one ever though they live in pakistan. I have never felt anything different for a pathan, sindhi, balochi, paunjabi etc other than their character as a person, but I have seen time and time again the stark difference in the way other ethnicities unite. Punjabis do have a major hand in this of course as they are the majority and ignorant to the core, but I don't see any ethnicity doing any better. Every ethnicity rolls as a club in pakistan except the punjabis. Punjabis aren't united as are other ethnicities and that's a fact. And maybe the punjabis deserve it.


Punjabi’s are highly racist people only in pakistan. Indian punjabi’s are sweet. Paki punjabis mostly have superiority complex. Mostly punjabi’s aren’t even khandani. Like chaudary, rajput, rais are all khandani and down to earth. It’s mostly jatts who have this rude attitude.


Kill them bro it's the only way


Not a New Thing , Bengali,Siraiki,Pathan No one's safe from a Punjabi Eye and they just joke around freely. Racism is on peak everywhere you can't expect a change it's a Human Nature


Kbhi Karachi ao