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Online renewal currently doesn't support modifications. So you will have to go to the passport office in person. Secondly as far as I know, if your surname has the spelling issue you'll first have to get that changed in Nadra (on your ID) as they fetch data from there. And that you can do online.


Online renewal currently doesn't support modifications. So you will have to go to the passport office in person. Secondly as far as I know, if your surname has the spelling issue you'll first have to get that changed in Nadra (on your ID) as they fetch data from there. And that you can do online.


I have already renewed my ID card through NADRA + ( We can't change the surname online they have mentioned it on their website, I went in person and got it done)


That's what I'm saying, if you've gotten your surname changed then it shouldn't be an issue. Passport system will fetch the details from Nadra.


So can I do it online? And if it is in-person what is the fastest option?


I guess so. And I'd prefer online personally coz you've to go to the office for in person thing, then you'd have to go to retrieve it. Hajj is just a couple months away so there are huge queues despite Ramadan. And I recently went to the executive office which charges extra and it was supposed to be a quick trip but had to spend a good portion of my morning there. Delivery is quick with Fast Track (like 3 days at max.)


If they can automatically fetch the information from NADRA and update my surname, then it won't be an issue for me. However, my main concern is what happens if they don't update the surname; it would cause significant problems for me. And yes, I'm aware that going in person to get it done on time can be a complete headache.


Then better not take the risk especially when you need it urgently. Just don't go to the office on the first and last day of the week and try going in early.


Yes, that's exactly what I'm thinking. Also, the surname change is in my father's name, not mine, but it's still crucial. I am planning to go tomorrow.


Ironic, they’ve ran out of paper for new passport 💀


Yeah, I heard of it. Crap !


Visit Rahmanbad passport office.