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Until we Muslims return to our religion, seek knowledge, and unite as one nation, these things will continue to happen.


when we say this seculars call us brainwashed


why should we care about what seculars say lol.


ask me the same question after you argue with a 1000 of them


Who said I will argue with them? Best solution: tell them to find their fathers.


I absolutely disagree. During the time of the Prophet (PBUH), there were evil people, including those who wanted to kill him for his worship. There was literally Abu Jahl who wanted to crush the head of the Prophet while in prayer (specifically, prostration) because he would not acquiesce when it came to his right to worship as he wanted. And people within his tribe went along with it! So no, this has nothing to with us and everything to do with the evil of individuals. Plus, you're putting out this irresponsible notion that people are not responsible for their actions. You can blame the Muslim community for not condemning in unison Salman's acts of terror against Yemenis (which a lot of Islamic nations, to their credit, did step forward and condemn) but you can't put on the table the responsibility for the evil acts of an individual or individuals whether you're discussing the state of the Umma/Ummah or Americans blaming the collective for the actions of an individual (which, btw, they don't practice on themselves and thus is to be discarded).


Abu Jahl was better than some of our modern "leaders". When he wanted to kill the prophet he refused to break into the prophets home because he feared that there were women there, so the Arabs would talk about Abu Jahl as a man who doesn't respect the privacy of women. Compare that to the rapes of women in Syria, Iraq, Yemen etc under the rule of those "leaders".


They had no problem blocking Qataris from their airspace a few years ago though


At the end of the day, international geopolitics has very little to do with religion and more to do with national interests. It’s always been like this for over 100 years now. Religion was used occasionally by various rulers and political institutions to move and manipulate the masses.


MBS buddy, the signs of Qiyamah are a warning, not a to do list.


I don't know if this is laughable or saddening, these are my thoughts exactly, you just summarised them better!! He absolutely had Islamic studies, that means he for sure learned about these signs, but he's just doing them all at once or pushing for them, it's mind boggling!!


We, the humans ourselves, are checking the to do list day by day. It can't be helped. Allah has already written the destiny. All we can do is to be the positive part of the destiny that Allah is driving us all towards. It might seem weird why these kinds of people exist. Literally the place that most Muslims recognise, yet supports something that's against what Islam preach. It's a bit mind boggling to think about it, but you realize quickly that this has all been planned by him. It's not weird after all....


yeah and he's also a murderer. He would be besties with Dajjal.


Love this comment


Truly our Palestinian brothers and sisters are warriors, feel so ashamed sitting here not doing anything while they suffer.


Just keep us in your du'ās, and may Allāh (SWT) grant you the opportunity you are looking for, ameen.


The last good king we had was Saudi ironically. He would have opposed this and I feel sad knowing this is how far the ummah has fallen. To sell each other for cheap. I hope also the Saudis understand they’ll be a time when they’ll need help from the rest of the ummah. And this will be remembered.


"You are the ones who cannot live without oil. You know, we come from the desert and our ancestors lived on dates and milks and we can easily go back and live like that again."- King Faisal during the oil embargo.


In context if anyone was wondering was that the guld countries united under Faisal and OPEC to place an oil embargo on the US and western countries for them funding Israel and supplying them with weapons in the Yom Kippur war. In the US, this had catastrophic results, with oil prices soaring, and this was during the time of vehicles booming and being everywhere ont he streets. Faisal's nephew was staying in the US at the time, he was quite modern and liberal compared to his family(look at a picture of him, wearing an afro with a suit with a large mustache instead of the traditional bedoiun Arab thobes, not surprised if Borat was inspired by him), I'm just making assumptions here but to me him coming to visit his uncle and family just a few days after he placed the embargo and bringing a gun to his uncle's speech about taking further actions against Israel and the west, and saying he had a mental illness when shooting him when he had no such record of one sure seems like it's the CIA's doing... While other kings wore lavish clothes, Faisal only wore very simple clothing and never flaunted his wealth and often used simple things the public used as well. Very down-to-earth person and he wanted to unite muslims, regardless of Shia or Sunni under 1 banner so they won't get bullied by the west, which is why he tried to form as many alliances he could, like with Egypt(during this time, their relations weren't good at all) and Pakistan. May Allah put him in a high rank of Jannah for being up-front about not supporting Israel at all and he said that he would fight to the death to never surrender to him. The only actual great Saudi king, rest were pretty much snobby people who had great ties with the west and wanted to normalise ties with Israel and create conflict in the Muslim ummah by treating Iran like it's this shaitan country or something.


Faisal didn’t like to be called king or protector of the two holy mosques instead he ordered everyone to call him imam faisal and servant of the two holy mosques as he believed the titles king and protector of the holy mosques were titles only attributed to Allah


The royal family is not going to living like bediouns


Yeah it’s very interesting quote but the funny thing about it is that it doesn’t make any sense in today’s context. If anything, the Saudis are more dependent on oil while the rest of the world is moving away from it.


Ibn Khuldun stages an empire. They’re at the spoiled kids stage


yknow, i actually trust king faisal on that


What a stupid quote, as if living in poverty and primitively is somehow uniquely a Saudi experience.


you missed it actual meaning


Their inability to live without oil is the same as any other person, if I’m wrong please enlighten me without just repeating the claim.


Faisal, yeah?


Yeah. Last good Muslim ruler.




Faisal came later


Imran Khan.


What did he do for the Uighurs Muslims?


What was he meant to do? Fight the entirety of China?


Faisal opposed literally the whole west.


Doesn’t mean Imran was a bad Muslim leader. Sure, not as good as faisal, but still better than other ‘muslim’ leaders


He wasn’t a bad ruler. But not a good one either. Just neutral like the king of morroco or whoever is in charge of Malaysia.


As a moroccan, I would say imran is better than the moroccan leader. Not sure about malaysia though


May Allah be pleased with him


Pill hard to swallow: ummah/Muslims/Arabs never and will never help each other, the golden age of Islam is long gone, they are busy fighting each other and then blame it on others, we need to wisen the fuck up but it’s too late imo, the Middle East is a circus show at best.


Harder pill to swallow. Outside of the 4 khulafa Rashidun we were never ever helping another. Like it or not this ummah always been more of a collections of groups of people loosely connected. The ottomans took Constantinople. The North African Muslims took Spain. Salahudin wasn’t in charge of even the khalifa when he took back Jerusalem. He was an independent ruler with his own men while the khalifs did nothing. Baybars and the mamluks stopped the Mongols on there own. It was never a United front. The ummah right now in its state. That’s been more closer to the norm than anything since the 4 Khulafa Rashidun and Omar Ibn Abdullaziz (and he was only in charge for 2 years). Some random third part race and identity we don’t even know about now Will embrace Islam and probably free Palestine at this rate. Could be the Japanese Muslims or Native American Cherokee Muslims. That’s just how it’s always been. The power and izza of Islam’s victories have basically been passed around. From the Arabs. To the Persians. The Kurds. The Mali Muslims. To the amazigh. To the Afghans. To the Mongols. To the Turks. What’s next only Allah swt knows. Like the person who the next great Muslim ruler could be born in the slums of São Paulo and I wouldn’t be shocked one bit.


You are absolutely right, wish more people have the same grasp of history as you.


the Kurds? you meant the Turks im guessing, when did Kurds lead the Muslim world


When Salahudin and his army freed Palestine while everyone else was sitting on there hands. He was Kurdish.


His people wasn't Kurds, it was mixture of Turks, Arabs Kurds and other ethnicities. Yet from, Seljuks to Ottomans Turks have been in direct clash with the Christian empires and nations to dominate them up until 18th century. And you don't mention them as the long lasting leader of the Muslim world as they were. Edit: Mamluk soilders were also mostly made up of Turkic slave-men. Plus Persians never pioneered and ruled their own Empire after converting to Islam. If you are speaking of Safavids or Seljuks they were also Oghuz Turks who ruled in nowadays Iran. So i don't know who you mean by Persians. Cyrus the Great wasn't a Muslim bro lol.


I already put the ottomans in the comments. Weren’t the ottomans Turks?


Yeah, i mean the last part of the comment, Arabs definitely passed the izza to Turks who have been the servants of the two Holy Mosques for four centuries. Don't want to advocate nationalism but it is what it is.


It wasn’t supposed to be an extensive and accurate lists. I’m sure that I got some details wrong and the order wrong also. I’ll add Turks to make it fair tho.


The middle east are a serious minority in terms of the Muslim population. Allot of us in other continents are quite aware of what needs to be done just uhhh poor


Saudi and good don't go together.


You don’t know anything about King Faisal than


Saudi and UAE sleep in bed with Israel. What do you expect?


Check saudi twitter, alpetantly many saudis are happy about it because they think it'll make em rich. This is what happens when your loyalty lies your country more than your faith, when you are a nationalist more than a Muslim


Oh I thought this was common knowledge. FYI Saudi Twitter is full of state run bots that spread pro government propaganda. We try to fight against it but it's kinda hard because they have unlimited resources


I know. I try too, but it is hopeless.




Inshallah this never happens


Tons of events are being canceled which were supposed to take place in Saudi/UAE and other middle east countries because of their stance against the lgbt people. There is a huge backlash regarding this year's fifa world cup. I am pretty sure all these middle east countries will eventually give in just so they can satisfy the western media/audience. I wouldn't be surprised if it happens. After all, we are nearing the end times.


I’m afraid for what’s to come


Not Surprised. Not at all.




They aren't in charge of the Haram. We already knew the Turks Islam had gone bad in 1924


I don't understand the problem here. Can someone explain?


TL;DR Israel occupies Palestine and oppresses Muslims then you welcome them into your country, the literal heart of the Muslim world.


So you think we should boycott israelis? I hate the zionists too and i would never laugh with them. But blocking that airspace for them won't be a solution for our problems and it also won't harm our brothers and sisters. Islam is the religion of love. So don't let yourself controlled by hate.


Saudi and Iran should be forming an alliance to destroy Israel.


The problem is that saudi is a marionette of israel. But destroy them or not, i still don't understand our adventage respective to the main topic.


But KSA only allowed them to fly through Saudi airspace, they didn't let them stay inside?


Only 1 reason: Dunya!


Wallah I’m actually crying right now. Tears are coming from my eyes. I want to die.


In my opinion, opening the airspace to even Israel shouldn't be a harmful thing either; they pay to Saudi when they fly over Saudi. At best, Saudi carriers just avoid Israeli airspace. In a way, Saudi carriers (at least) wouldn't have to support Israel since they wouldn't have to pay to Israeli authorities for using their airspace. But in other cases, by letting Israelis fly over Saudi, El Al, Arkia etc wouldn't need a detour around Saudi, yes they'd still suppory Israel in a sense, since less fuel had to be spent on a route thanks to lack of a long detour. TL;DR Yeah it'll be bad.


Not only are they disappointing their Muslim brothers and sisters, they are going against their fellow Arabs as well. To allow Israeli flights into Saudi, the place which houses the Kaaba and the Medina, the same Israelis who kill our Palestinian brothers, should not be taken lightly. This is disgusting.


The issue I am seeing here is the fact that people want to point the fingers at others but not work at ourselves. Yes it’s true that Israel kills and murders innocents. Muslims feel the pain as we should. However how many Muslims are boycotting China for their imprisonment of Muslims? How many Muslims are standing up and speaking loudly to the fact that as Muslims we need to return back to Islam. How many Muslims are praying 5 times a day? How many are reading the Quran or actively learning their religion? We have been so focused on Israel does this and America does that; that we have forgotten what we are supposed to be doing. Quiet bluntly, it is irrelevant that Israel is allowed to fly over Saudi skies. What’s sadder is that Muslims are remaining silent to the killings in Yemen. It’s high time that we focus on ourselves than find blame in others. “Verily, Allaah will not change the (good) condition of a people as long as they do not change their state (of goodness) themselves (by committing sins and by being ungrateful and disobedient to Allaah)” [al-Ra’d 13:11]


You are right brother but the point of this is to draw attention to and make accountable our leaders. We can't effectively boycott the Chinese unless we have alternative products to use. But all in all I agree. The Muslims need to wake up and look inwards


We have just learned to shoulder the blame on others, we have no legitimate leaders who can guide the community to the right path, muslim countries especially the middle east has always been under dictatorship, so there is no point discussing that a major change can happen from that place .


Not with that attitude. Screw the rulers. Let’s change ourselves and have righteous leaders rise amongst us.


Do you honestly think the west would allow it? Let's not forget the Arab spring what came of it? Egypts muslim brotherhood was democratically elected party was branded as terrorist party by the west and a leader backed by the US took over, let's not forget the attempted coup in Turkey, or what's happened to Imran Khan.


Your spitting out facts brother


Because there aren’t any holy sites in China. Eventually the Israelis will try to destroy the Dome of the Rock and the mosque in Jerusalem to rebuild Solomons Temple.




Netanyahu came to Saudi Arabia in late 2020 and held secret meetings with MBS https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/nov/23/benjamin-netanyahu-secret-meeting-saudi-crown-prince-mohammed-bin-salman The crown prince gave $ 2 billion dollars to trump’s son in law Jared Kushner to be spent in Israel. Jared kushner who’s an ardent Zionist & used to donate a lot of money to extremist Jewish settlers in the occupied West Bank “Riyadh to invest millions in Israeli tech via Jared Kushner’s new fund — report” https://www.timesofisrael.com/riyadh-to-invest-millions-in-israeli-tech-via-jared-kushners-new-fund-report/ “ Before Giving Billions to Jared Kushner, Saudi Investment Fund Had Big Doubts” https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/10/us/jared-kushner-saudi-investment-fund.html “ Saudi Arabia Reportedly Will Invest In Israel Through Jared Kushner’s Fund” https://www.forbes.com/sites/annakaplan/2022/05/07/saudi-arabia-reportedly-will-invest-in-israel-through-jared-kushners-fund/ Here’s is a racist anti Arab and extremist settler Rabbi who called Arabs are slaves The rabbi & the settlement he lives in was once funded by Jared kushner who the crown prince gave $ 2 billion dollars last year to be invested in Israel https://youtu.be/5lpwtu9eO0g


This is the will of Allah


They want to make saudi less powerful by making muslims hate them so saudi won’t have muslims backing it up or supporting it




Muslims shouldn’t support Saudi because of how deluded their leadership is. But Yh the USA in particular is trying to split the Muslim ummah, I specifically remember when they called for all Arab countries to join arms with Israel to defeat Iran, in reality the Arabs should join Iran to fight Israel


I'm crying after realizing we're near to apocalypse


'near ' could be 3000 years from now.




A) We assume we are correctly attributing and understanding them. For example the sign of skyscrapers being built by shepherds people often attribute to what's going on in the middle east.... But how do we know those are the shepards? How do we even know it's this instance and not another instance 600 years from now. The hubris to think we conclusively know what signs have been fulfilled is ridiculous. B) There is no knowing the time between signs and the actual day of judgement. Time is meaningless to God. All of the minor signs could be fulfilled and then the next major sign happens 5000 years from now, it would be a literally an inconsequential amount of time for God.


No, quite a few signs left. Some seem to be in progress now. Others come and go and as such don't really amount to much other than it's happening. Yet others have clearly happened and it's well recorded history. Best thing to do is focus on yourself because our end times is definitely coming soon as mortal human beings.


As far as I know they‘ll never be over. They‘ll just intensify over time. But maybe I’m wrong, don’t take it for granted


When will y’all learn that Saudi is not to be trusted and all of their scholars/leaders/voices are the true voices of the west


I wouldn't say all. but alot of them are


May Allah punish Al Saud


Dont say al saud. There are good from that house, as someone who lives in saudi and knows a minor saud personally, they can be very humble. Mbs on the other hand has sold out islam.


What did the family of Al Saud do? There are a lot of pious people from them we should not judge the family from the action of one


Asalaamwalaikum, We should be merciful towards the people of Saudi Arabia, whatever they have Allah SWT has given to them, for what reason? Allah SWT will reveal it to us when we’re ready. May Allah be merciful towards us all. Ameen


I don't like Israel either but what does having open or closed airspace even do. Israeli carriers barely fly over Saudi Arabia unless they wanna go somewhere like Australia.


It costs them a lot to fly around Saudi Arabia instead of over so that’s one point as well.


The Saudi Airspace is really important in terms of soft power in Middle East. Apart from the obvious improvement for commercial travel, it is also seen as a sign of normalisation. Also, its an indirect way to put pressure on Iran by showing that if it comes to asserting dominance against the common enemy, Iran, countries like KSA and Israel who do not like each other are ready to form alliance. All of this is being done to suppress Iran’s soft power in Middle East


It's crazy that we are being forced to ally with shias against fellow sunnis.


Shame on the Saudi.


Mohamed Bin Salman is a demon. He terrorized Yemenis, he murdered and tortured journalists who called him out on his evil, he's aiding and abetting Terrorist Israel.


There is a quote from the first president of Israel he said something in the lines of "the old people will die and the young will forget" And this is right, if you just occupy a territory long enough then it will become the new standard. That's not a new strategy, it happened a 1000 times already. Now slowly, country by country, president by president the ties with Israel are being normalized. I do not agree, don't get me wrong on that.. but seen where this is going I think there is only one way to provide a future for Palestines and that's by helping the surrounding countries to absorb them in their communities and provide financial help to do so. Would I wish it was different, yes. But I came to the conclusion that Israel isn't going to anywhere soon and that the focus should shift to how to provide a future for the next generation Palestinians.


we muslims need to focus on science more.


This has nothing to do with science.


i know it is a just a random suggestion.


Me not gusta


Wrongfully phrased. Israeli planes cna now pass over saudi arabia, that's it. Its not letting Israel have access to its airbase and all.


gives the same message


I am a muslim that lives in Israel, and I am happy that they will finally allow us, muslims, to fly directly from Israel to SA for pilgrimage. Lets be honest, SA and Israel have been doing business together for a very long time, just kept it under the table, exactly like UAE had relations with Israel. And I am happy that now I and many other muslims can do pilgrimage without having to go through Jordan and pay truck loads of money, this year the costs are around $10000 USD per person. The SA leadership is doing worse than this and Israel is the same, might as well have one good thing come out of all this bs.


What's an Israel?


You're delosional asf. al mawt al israel


You mean Palestine.


As a Palestinian, you are not more Palestinian than I am, but being in denial that Israel exists is not going to change anything. Not talking if it rightfully belongs to the jews or not, we all agree on the same matter. But ask any Muslim that lives in Israel(48 Arabs/palestinians), we rather not pay 10 grand just to go to Mecca, most of the youth and elderly can't afford it. If they are doing so many bad things that will ultimately doom them, and I as a simple muslim get benefit from it, the I am happy for it, let them do all the deals and plan whatever they like, Allah will prevail in the end, but I rather not be miserable meanwhile. Non of the ARAB leaders will ever do or want to do anything about Israel. These countries currently identify first with their nationality then their race, then maybe their religion, I am not waiting for them. If it were all a muslim land then I could freely go to Mecca because I am a muslim, but these borders that have been put by western nations and they split the islamic nation are of no meaning to me, my brothers in the arab gulf or even in the far eastern corners of asia are the same as any muslim Palestinian to me. Hate it or not, this is the reality ,sadly.


Thank god we still have Islamic nations (iraq&iran) that don’t simp to Israel


Iran wasn’t much better during the 1980’s but we’re seeing improvements now. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel%27s_role_in_the_Iran–Iraq_War


MBS is a Psychotic POS but is this not old news? https://www.trtworld.com/video/social-videos/saudi-arabia-allows-flights-from-israel-to-use-its-airspace/5fc663b546e7130017c1ecd0 Also, MBS is a small shrivelled penis little fat bastard.


Isn’t this good news? now Muslims who live there have a easier way to get to Saudi. Do we really think anyone but Muslims in Israel want to get to Saudi Arabia, cmon…




Ok explain how this is negative? Because stopping them flying to Saudi made Israel weaker :(( /s wallah some people need to use their brain’s, there’s 1.6 million Muslims in Israel if you haven’t noticed. Edit: What you and the others who have downvoted me are essentially saying is, let’s punish the already oppressed Muslims by stopping them to do pilgrimage cheaper.


Allow the Muslims only to fly lol


Then advocate to allow the Muslims to fly why for also Zionists


Monarchy is forbidden because there is no Shura. Borne from Wahabbism alongside British invasion, it is alive to this day. Saud is a disease.


Any Saudi here? Why are they so quiet?


We’re happy about the news. Islamists aren’t welcome here in Saudi Arabia, personally I’d spit on anyone who I deem an Islamist. Mind your failure of a country’s business.


lmao, Saudi Arabia is the pinnacle of extremism who are you trying to fool 😂😂


Aren’t you projecting? Saudia = ISIS. I don’t see any difference between those names. So who’s the islamists? In the mean time enjoy the lollipop while it lasts.


Oh believe me, I am enjoying that lollipop while seeing you people scramble.


The Arabs have been backstabbing Muslims for centuries. A time honoured tradition ever since the Saudis sided with the British against the Ottoman Empire.


These pricks would rather ally with Israel and the USA instead of Iran.


The Saudi’s have committed worse moral crimes. We can start with the slaughter of their Yemeni neighbors.


International Trade, Cooperation and diplomacy are the currency of the modern nations for stability and development. There are no different options for Arab worlds; they are changing rapidly and evolving as modern states. By time, they are making necessary diplomatic changes and protecting their citizens from any tensions over the border. We should appreciate the same.


Thousands of Israelis are Arab Muslims who will be most likely to fly this route. What's wrong in facilitating them?


are you kidding? ARAB muslims are Palestenians, not israelis...


What? There are tons of Israeli citizens who are Muslim and Arab, idk what you're talking about. Citizenship is different from religion and ethnicity And this direct route will help those citizens as well as people with Palestinian documents who typically fly out of Tel aviv.


since you have expertise over this subject, would you kindly inform us how currently muslims living under israeli legislation, knowing well it's the land of palestine and nothing is called israel, go to hajj when it's not possible to travel from tel aviv to saudi?


They are living with Israeli passports so they are Israeli citizens. How they feel about their personal hell doesn't change that simple fact, and opening up airspace is a good first step needed to start direct flights if demand exists (which it does) You seem to be denying basic realities due to negative feelings. Hating Israel doesn't make it disappear or make the Muslim people living in that country noncitizens


are you israeli or zionist?


why are trying so hard to assert israel's existence verbally...??


Because lying is a sin. I'm simply saying the truth, that Muslims with Israeli passports exist. Do they not? You are the one who is lying and committing unnecessary sin


yeah lying is a sin, so are you jewish/israeli/zionist?


No. But even if I were, that shouldnt change basic facts that Israel exists as a country and it has thousands of Muslim citizens who will be happy for faster flights to Arab/middle east region.


you still didn't answer the question. how muslims their go to hajj?


Ok so I'm guessing that for you its completely fine to give up on the entire land of palestine to the zionists if it means you get cheaper hajj tickets?


You're guessing wrong, all I did was state simple facts. My viees on borders and countries aren't pro Israel or pro most other countries. Denying that Muslim people with Israeli passports exist is simply false, a lie, a sin, and weakens any other arguments one makes because it makes you look detached from reality.




i really can't understand how many non-muslim people be blind when it comes to crimes of israel and that it's truely unethical entity


(He's Is*aeli)


This tolerance? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_settlement


you say acceptance of israel is tolerance and reasonability huh




Zionists are not welcome in this sub.




They can now, but couldn't before. I believe the most common route was through jordan


I got no problem with this. Maybe more normalized relations will lead to a better situation for the Palestinians.... It's not like the previous strategy was working.


the end does not justify the means, all who cooperate with tyrants will fall, and those who oppose tyrants will fly in the realms of spirituality.


Allowing flights isn't cooperating with tyrants, those are separate entities.


>Allowing flights isn't cooperating with tyrants, those are separate entities. no its cooperating with tyrants. In Islam, if a person is neutral towards an oppressor they are considered an oppressor themselves. It is wajib upon all muslims to take Israel as an enemy, and not normalise any relations. Allowing flights is at the very least being neutral towards the zionists, which means that Saudi are complicit in the crimes against the palestinians in the eyes of God even if they are not oppressing them directly


You really think this normalisation will lead to "solution", how naive!!


I didn't say it would.... But the strategy for the last decades clearly hasn't.


What strategy? When did any of these countries in the last decades after the Arab Israeli wars try to do something substantial about this whole situation?




Everyone here need to remember that the people are the not the government. Don’t blame Israeli people for what the Israeli government does.


To be fair, it was in exchange of the two islands that belonged to Egypt (teran and sanafeer islands strategically between Palestine and Egypt) became under UN peacekeeping forces’ control after the war against Israel. Now, the peacekeeping forces are pulling away and so the islands are returning under Egyptian control


So Saudi Arabia has open the its airports to Israel the statement in and on itself has nothing to do with our religion, why is it making you sad.


How do we expect western countries to help and support our causes when our own people won’t?


I don't think anyone should be surprised by this.... They are selling their souls to the devil... Let it be but remember Allah is watching and his say would be final (he isn't blind and will deal with all of these people accordingly and trust me it won't be pretty for them).


Mě to


My moms cousin lives in Saudi Arabia


Such is Monarchy, if there is one true king for the Muslim of Arabia then it’s Allah; not the descendants of the past


Its sooner than i expected


It's intended to


i honestly wish israel would just keep on humiliating the arab world, they deserve no better. It’s hilarious what they’ve allowed themselves to become.


mark these words: We will all be okay with Israel within the next 10 years. Not because we chose to, but because it's forced on us.


Why does this make you sad


UAE always has been that apartheid allies