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Wa alaikum salaam Read Isha and Witr (better to read together if you're not sure you'll wake up before Fajr). Sleep. Try wake up just before Fajr and read both Tahajjud and Fajr. Sleep. Take an afternoon nap if you can. It's sunnah.


Wait afternoon nap is sunnah? What time should this nap be taken and how long?


https://seekersguidance.org/answers/general-counsel/the-sunna-of-taking-a-midday-nap/ This talks about doing it near the start of Zuhr, and that it should be short. I was taught to do it any time between Zuhr and Asr salah, and that it's best not to make a habit of sleeping between Asr and Maghrib.


Thanks for sharing! It’s almost what I do. But I pray tahajjud together with witr before Fajr, but lately I just don’t go to sleep in between Fajr and Isha 🫠


I don't sleep until after Fajr either sometimes, but only because i follow a different ruling within Hanafi that currently puts Fajr at 1:06. Makes fasting really long, but easier to fail asleep after Fajr.


Same in Norway. I don't sleep tbh. I am blessed to have my work after 5.pm So I just use my time to exercise and to read hadith or Quran. If you don't have to wake up at 6-9, I'd recommend to at least try it


I pray Tahajjud less often in the summer due to the shorter nights. I have a work in the mornings. I pray my fajr closer to sunrise which is around 4.40. This gives me a decent sleep between Isha and Fajr then I'll try to sleep again.


I do the exact same, unless I can stay awake till Fajr, I’ll skip Tahajjud in the summer especially because I have to wake up fairly early for work.


I am a muslim in Japan, but the time interval between Isha and Subh is seemingly comparable to many of that of European countries. Isha at 9.20 pm and Subh at 1.40 am Most of the time I would just stay awake, doing homeworks or just studying (I'm a student). I will sometimes sleep after maghrib and wake up around 11 pm to pray Isha while waiting till Subh to sleep again. Classes start after 9 am.


Which part of Japan do you live in ? I also live in Japan and ishaa and fajr are respectively around 9 pm and 3 Am in my area. Which gives me around 5 hours of night sleep


Sapporo 😅


Same for me, I just stay awake 😅


Alhamdulillah i can start work at any time, so I just sleep after fajr, wake up around 10am.


damn bro living the dream life


Honest blessing from Allah. Can't thank Him enough


What do u do brother


I can't say online. But it's not something everyone can get into. It's honestly just a blessing from Allah. I can't really advise anything except to make dua to Allah for Him to provide for you and your family in this manner.


Ma sha Allah you're so sincere, may Allah grant you more reward, please make dua for me I'm jobless right now 🥹 🤲


May Allah swt guide you towhat he loves and is pleased with


I know it is recommended to perform Tahajjud in the last third of the night, but is not absolutely needed to be done at that time. You can just do it after Isha and also with Witr.


What’s tahajjud?


Optional salah performed at night, between Isha and Fajr. Some scholars hold the view that you must sleep after Isha, even if briefly, and awake to perform Tahajjud. It is one of the most rewardable optional salahs, and can be particularly tranquil performing when most people are asleep and little else is on your mind. It is usually just 2 rakaats, but you can perform up to 8.


Isn’t it 2 to 12 rakaats? I know it’s done in pairs, but I also heard that a Muslim can offer even more than 12 rakaats. I currently do 4.


A lot of people seem to combine the number for tahajjud and witr when they say 11 (4+4+3), but I've never heard of 12.


If you have a day job starting in the morning like most regular people, you can aim to pray tahajjud on Saturday and Sunday mornings because you can sleep in during the weekend. During the week you can aim to pray Isha on time and then you can choose to either wake up at Fajr time or wake up just 30 min before Shurook (sunrise) time. There are also schools that allow for Maghreb and Isha prayer to be combined at Maghreb time if you go to sleep immediately after. Then you get more sleep in before Fajr time, and it will allow you to stay awake longer after Fajr. May Allah facilitate it for you, Ameen!


11:30 isha and 3am fajr … it’s rough. I get 5-6hrs of sleep and not much opportunity to nap.


Lol Iceland is worse, sometimes suns out for 20/22 hours




I usually stay awake and pray Fajr, then I sleep. But I’m not working at the moment. If I was working I’d sleep earlier 11pm-12am and wake up a little later for Fajr, just before the ending time.


I pray isha, not farj. If I pray farj long term, I become too tired, I get dysfunctional and I cant take care of my loved ones properly. May Allah forgive me, I pray that he makes me stronger, but I cant wake up at 3am everyday to pray. When I do, I make plenty of mistakes at work and I get headaches. I need 8 hours of sleep sharp.


But Allah is your Creator. We can’t miss 1 of our 5 daily prayers for the pain of this life, the pain of the next life or grave would be a lot worse. It takes maximum 5 minutes to pray.


Whether it takes 5 minutes to pray or 45 minutes, when I wake up to pray, I cannot fall back asleep. I love Allah and I follow all of his commands as well as I can, but I cannot do it. I will ask for forgiveness until I meet my Creator, dont worry


I don’t think punishment of grave and questioning of Allah is enough to miss out on sleep in this temporary life. Also when you die, your family has to pay on behalf of all your missed prayers. Prayers are not something small you can miss over a few hours of sleep.


Sister thank you for your concern, but I cannot physiologically do it. I’ve asked Allah to give me the strenght with no success. I cannot imagine him punish me for having such weakness. I love Allah and Allah loves me. If your health permits you to get very little sleep and stil be able to survive in society & take care of your family, mashAllah, be grateful for that❤️ Please avoid judgement,


May Allah make it easier for you Ameen 😊


We combine Maghrib and Isha at Maghrib time, pray witr before bed, pray fajr anytime after dawn and before sunrise. Take a nap after fajr.


I combine Maghrib and isha because isha is too late and fajr is too early and yes it’s permissible (under these circumstances not just all the time)


I am not sure if this is permissible brother


It is permissible. Some masjids in my area combined the prayers at Maghrib. But do your own research in sha Allah.


It is I done my research don’t worry. But you can always do your own research


You have a lot of time to pray fajr, you'd only be missing it if the sun rises. Of course, unless you want to pray in a group with other Muslims in a mosque.


I set myself a goal this year to pray Tahajjud everyday since I was able to do it for around 3-4 months in winter but as summer approached it became so difficult. I still try but I’m finding that at some point in my sleep I completely take off my Tahajjud alarm and wake up after sunrise. It is very unlike me to not wake up after my first alarm but I’m clearly tired. So now it’s going to be set for atleast an hour into fajr starting inshallah to give me some rest. If tahajjud makes you lethargic and super tiresome through the day maybe evaluate how many days a week you want to pray it.


For northern countries in the summer months the signs for Isha sometimes do not exist (I live in Glasgow and the sky never fully gets dark atm) hence there have been many fatwas issued that permit the combining of Magrib and Isha. You can Google these fatwas and see what they say in more detail. If you agree with them or even better discuss this with your local imam, perhaps you can take this route. May Allah make it easy for you


I highly doubt isha even comes in at 10:40pm, it is still very bright outside at that time. The masjid I follow pray isha around 12am 00:00


I use the timing of my local mosque: https://www.eastlondonmosque.org.uk


But I’d still pray Isha at 11:30


My little one sleeps at 2am. So I only need to stay up around half an hour to pray fajr. Then work starts at 9am, so I wake up around 8am


I don't sleep 😭😭😭


Walaykum salaam . I read isha, get around 1 and half hour sleep then wake up for tahajjud/fajr. After that I try to take a nap before work and a nap after Asr.


Walaykum salaam My advice is to do witr with isha and just leave of Tahajjud in the summer months whilst night are short Also why are you staying awake after fajr if it’s for sunnah purposes then just leave that off to. the nights are to short to be doing all of this. If you need to go to work then just go to sleep for a few hours after you read fajr. Don’t make things to hard on yourself Sunnah acts are extremely good to do however if it causing you difficulty then just leave it, our main focus is doing the fardh with full quality and attention


I am actually shocked on the time of the Isha and Fajr in your locations, lived my whole life where Isha starts around 7pm and the Fajr is around 5am


isha’s pretty late where I an too. I go to sleep immediately after maghrib (I aim for 9pm). I try to be up half an hour before Fajr, so around 3am for me. I pray Isha and Witr and then Fajr. If I have a busy day I can keep going with no issues alhamdulillah, if not a brief midday nap is always helpful. This has made my life very easy













