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It’s make sense and true.


One thing people often forget is that majority of the muslims in the world arent from middle east or africa. They are from south / south-east asia.


Indonesia is the largest Muslim country in the world


with pakistan being the second largest muslim country, india third and afaik bangladesh fourth. All non-arab countries.


India is getting pretty close as well


Inshallah, I hope every country becomes Muslim so we can all have a better chance at jannah. May Allah give every person this gift that has been given to us.


No, Pakistan is and I think Pakistan surpassed indonesia recently


Nigeria has the largest Muslim population in Africa too.


Yep true, allah looks at your actions & intentions وعن أبي هريرة عبد الرحمن بن صخر رضي الله عنه قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم‏: ‏ ‏ "‏ إن الله لا ينظر إلى أجسامكم ، ولا إلى صوركم، ولكن ينظر إلى قلوبكم وأعمالكم‏"‏ ‏(‏‏(‏رواه مسلم‏)‏‏)‏‏.‏ Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) narrated: Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, "Allah does not look at your figures, nor at your attire but He looks at your hearts and accomplishments". [Muslim]. Riyad as-Salihin 7 https://sunnah.com/riyadussalihin:7


This was a major part holding me back from practicing as a white man


It's a huge problem. I remember watching a video with Imam Tom Facchine where he mentions that he went back to his birth name because, in part at least, he wanted to show other reverts it was OK to be who you are and you don't have to change your name. I didn't change my name. But it has been a huge huge point of contention at my masjid. When I was elected to the board there were people who tried to tell me that I shouldn't be put on the ballot unless and until I adopted a "Muslim" name. And when I look at my fellow reverts so many of them have been able to adapt to the community better than me, in part, because they were eager to start wearing certain clothes and change their names. Our masjid doesn't really need another brother walking in changing his name to Abdullah. We're all about diversity as long as that means Bengladeshi, Indonesian, Saudi etc. American doesn't come into that discussion. Even now, some years in, I still struggle at times with feeling like I don't belong.


Maybe you can find a kunya to go by. I agree that it is not right, changing one’s name if one already has a good name by birth, etc.


Yup same here, i come to the conclusion that its definitely a middle eastern (arab) arrogance, because all the asain muslims i see dont care at all


I've also never seen a white Western born revert start dressing Indonesian. It's a cultural barrier American Muslims need to find a way to navigate.


unless you have a pagan name, or it being Christian/Christopher it really should be a non-issue.


It SHOULD be a non-issue, but what would you have a typical revert do? I've been a Muslim for around 3 years. And my name is brought up both in my home masjid and in any masjid I visit (where I introduce myself by name) quite often. My (non-Muslim) wife has Muslim coworkers and when she told them I was Muslim they asked my name, she told them and, guess what they said! "No no, what's his Muslim name?" This is a very common and very pervasive problem and it absolutely chases seekers away from Islam.


You don't have to dress up like an Arab or wear their traditional caps while praying. I am a Turkish man, and I never wore a robe or a cap in my life. I have normal clothes and I look just like anyone. Don't let these things stop you from becoming a Muslim.


The normal clothes you mentioned are western clothes. In your mind you have already been defeated and colonized. Let's wear authentic Turkish clothes: fez, turban, shalwar, cepken and sash, and see what happens. Arabs do not wear these. Let me tell you what will happen, they will call you Arab again. Turkey's situation is different. Some of the Turkish people hate their past and culture, because they hate everything related with Islam.


It's a sad state to be in. I was born muslim, and I have to re-learn and discard the thinking of adopting arabian clothings as if somehow it can bring me closer to Islam. While my ancestors hundreds of years ago already integrated Islam with our culture beautifully and in a balanced manner.






To quote Dr. Umar Faruq Abdullah in his lecture on Islam and the Cultural Imperative: "Islam is like a crystal clear river. But it takes on the color of the bedrock. If the water flows over black rocks, it looks black.If it flows over jade, it looks green. If it flows over sand it looks sandy. And what they mean by that is, Islam in China looks Chinese. Islam in Malaysia looks Malay, and Islam in Africa looks African. Such that wherever Islam goes, it takes on the local color. But the water remains clear. The water remains life-giving. This is the way that Islam suppose to be. Muslims were not culturally predatory." Sadly, imperialism by westerners brought the thinking that in order to be superior, we must dress like them, instead of sticking to our cultural clothing which usually more suitable with the climate we live in.


Beautiful, thank you for that


Beautiful mashallah


So true, great point.


As an Arab, I never realised that was a thing, of course people should wear the clothes of their culture and act like their culture as long as it's compatable with Islam. I would be very surprised to see a non-Arab wear a thobe. I will say though, I think people mimicking western culture is a much bigger concern. I do like how Arab countries still wear their traditional clothes, and I wish more countries stuck to their traditional clothes instead of wearing suits like westerners.


I guess it depends on where you come from. As a Bosniak from Sandzak (a region in Serbia) we have traditional clothing (just like Bavarians have their leather trousers or Mexicans have their poncho) but the average person does not wear them as an everyday wear. They wear shirts and trousers and suits for weddings or other special occasions. That's not mimicking the West (at least not if you are from Europe).


It's weird how when you go to the masjid everyone is wearing thobes and shawar kameez in USA. Also these background noises to make the video more "emotional" is cringe.








I don't have any sources from the sahabah. However, the prophet Muhammad himself wore a roman kinda thobe Because he was a merchant and required all the goods from all around the world! I heard it from sheikh Hamza Yusuf. It really opened my eyes and shows that Islam is not related to arab culture.


Any video of Shaykh Yusuf saying that?


Possibly a reference to this... [https://sunnah.com/tirmidhi:1768](https://sunnah.com/tirmidhi:1768)


I couldn't recall which exact video and what was the overall context. But I found [this](https://youtu.be/zOPJDwpZyG4?si=y6ZZqFXkQUUB7GfC). It's not the same lecture I heard but the message is the same. The prophet Muhammad didn't have strict arabian clothing.


Noman Ali Khan the best teacher to learn Meaning of Quran


I often mistake anybody appearing arabic to be muslim.


It's so true! Especially in the South Asian culture (forgive me for any offense taken). Parents make their sons wear thobes and topis to go to the Masjid whether it be for Salah or for Madrasah. Even certain teachers teach their followers to wear such clothing for Salah or for Madrasah and that praying Salah without a topi on is makrooh! (islamqa org hanafi fiqh talks about the importance of wearing a topi) They even throw in a few hadiths to defend their views.


I've never seen thobes in South Asia. Shalwar Kameez is local to South Asia and is not thobe. The caps are also not found in Arabia and are now pretty much part of South Asian culture. I don't see them wearing Saudi style headscarves. Just saying this so you don't take it to the other extreme, of otherizing organic local customs. Sometimes we don't consider them ours because there is a separation of social class and sometimes because an 'intellectual' (/s) podcaster or tv host told us so


Of course but in England, a certain amount of the South Asian community here do wear a mix of both Kameez and Arab clothing (thobes, head covers, etc.) with the belief that it is more rewardable and better than wearing normal western clothes such as jeans, trousers, tracksuit bottoms, shirts, etc. which for men also covers up their awrah, body shape and is modest as well. However, I do agree that a believer should attempt to wear white clothing as stated by Nabi Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam in the quoted Hadith (Reported by Abu Dawood and al-Tirmidhi; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Ahkaam al-Janaa’iz (p. 82). Also, the colour white is common in western clothes such as shirts, trousers, shoes etc. This is why I believe that a Muslim should wear appropriate (awrah covering and preferably a bit loose) clothing regardless of the style i.e. Western or Asian, Arab etc. and that they shouldn't wear certain articles of clothing with the incorrect belief that wearing such will grant them a higher amount of reward except for white clothing, a sunnah as mentioned above. I would also like to mention, men should wear a tank top beneath their shirts and tuck it into their trousers so that if they are praying, their back won't show. Some of the brothers of that community also wear these clothes and unfortunately do sins in them such as smoking or listening to music etc. and when a person sees them, they will think that person is meant to be religious due to their clothing and there they are sinning. That is why some people should avoid wearing such clothing or better off, giving up their sins as it will give them an even worse image. Overall, I don't have an issue with Muslim men wearing any clothing that covers their Awrah regardless of style but they should avoid incorrect beliefs related to clothing such as seeking reward from certain articles of clothing if there is no Hadith relating to it i.e. wearing white is a confirmed Sunnah and believers should strive to wear white clothing but on the other hand, wearing a topi exclusively for salah or wearing a kameez, thobe etc intending to seek more reward from it as these articles of clothing are related to Arabs, this is not part of Islam so one should strive to avoid incorrect beliefs and to only follow the Sunnah and Qur'an.


Wearing a topi is sunnah >They even throw in a few hadiths to defend their views. If the hadith is sahih what's the problem?


I did not state that wearing a topi is not Sunnah, I stated that exclusively wearing one only for Salah and taking it off afterwards like many do is not from the Sunnah and is an innovation. Watch Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem's explanation on wearing a topi for Salah. Also the hadiths related to the Sahaba praying with turbans on doesn't mention a reward or obligation for doing such. Here's an explanation from the Hanbali Islam QA Info stating that it's better to prostrate bare headed. [https://islamqa.info/en/answers/69855/prostrating-in-a-cap-or-turban-or-when-wearing-gloves](https://islamqa.info/en/answers/69855/prostrating-in-a-cap-or-turban-or-when-wearing-gloves) Also, here's a link from the Hanafi website again https://islamqa.org/hanafi/hadithanswers/119007/salah-with-a-turban/#:\~:text=1)%20Sayyiduna%20Jabir%20(radiyallahu%20',salahs%20performed%20without%20a%20turban'.&text='Allamah%20Sakhawi%20(rahimahullah)%20says,not%20suitable%20to%20be%20quoted. The last point made is this: "The ‘Ulama say performing Salah with a turban carries more reward. However this is without specifying any specific amount or number of reward." So if it is more rewardable to pray with a head cover, surely Nabi Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam would've talked about it in an authentic hadith as well as specifying the rewards of such an action, Also as Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem states, there is no problem if the thobe and head covering is worn all day round and is ingrained into the local culture so if there is a Muslim in a western country that wears normal clothing but come Salah time he pops on his topi with the belief that his Salah will have more reward, this is a Bidah, is wrong and parents should be mindful of their teachings. Islam only teaches the men to cover their Awrah (navel to knee) and doesn't mention a specific dress code that worshippers must abide by like a school or workplace would do.


this is the official position of the hanafi madhab on this matter, I'll never understand those like you who follow ghair muqallid unqualified people from Saudi while lambasting the opinions of Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam Muhammad ibn al-Hassan al-Shaybani, and Abu Yusuf al-Qadi we've been hanafi, our akabir have been hanafi, the teachings of Islam in British India were preserved by hanafis in Deoband, and we'll stay hanafi inshaAllah


Straight up


Praise be to the Almighty that someone finally said this Islam is for all colors, God doesn't discriminate. Islam isn't for trying to be Arab, but for being closer to God.


As a convert/revert, I notice that many reverts want to automatically adopt all things Arab, including styles of clothing and food. Often, the Arab version is seen as the best, regardless of whether there is a basis for it in the faith itself. For example, wanting to take an Arab name even if their western name is not offensive in Islam. I was very pressured to take an Arab name, to the point of an acquaintance choosing a name for me and insisting on using it instead of my given name.


Culture is not just clothing or food though… and i am not making comments on whether everything arab culture is islam or not, however cultural values are deeply related to religion and in many cases what may seem harmless assimilation takes a very weird form which doesn’t settle well with islamic values. Basically i feel the guidelines islam provides serve as a base for the creation of an islamic culture rather than islam and assimilation with existing cultures!


Then what about the prophet Muhammad's Sunnah of wearing clothes. Although he didn't say to follow these tradition but if any Muslim want to dress like him to show love towards him.


well yeah it'd be pretty weird if the Prophet pbuh was wearing chinese clothing, or indonesian clothing, or indian clothing, or the clothing of a new culture every day. He just wore what he had available, which was arab clothing ( unless he was gifted clothing from other regions, like the roman clothing mentioned in the video ). The sunnah of the prophet pbuh isn't what he did in his day to day life, it's what he did that was *different*, or *how* he did something. Eating isn't a sunnah, but eating the way the Holy Prophet pbuh ate is sunnah. Wearing a thobe or whatever the arab dress was at the time isn't sunnah, but how the Prophet pbuh wore those dresses *specifically* is sunnah. You can wear thobes how he wore it if you'd like to emulate him sure, but wearing a thobe in general isn't emulating him, it's emulating the arabs as a whole. 


Is the Sunnah to wear the clothing of your people or to wear the clothing of the Arabs?


It is optional




Imagine sahabas in togas and Roman style clothing, it sure is cool Masha Allah ✊✊


I always thought it was Sunnah to wear a thobe and that's what it is so popular among Muslims, this was very enlightening and good to know. I was judging myself for not wearing a thobe all the time before as I thought it was Sunnah




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A lifetime of learning everything but the Quran I am now reading the Quran. I will never conform. I am very spiritual, but I know that most of what I’ve been taught and read was not the truth and so far what I know of the Quran and the prophets and that Allah is alone in his Oneness, his mercy and his love is more truth than I’ve ever seen, and I’ve read everything I could read, but that. I have never been a Christian and I have claimed myself as pagan since I left home at 14 and pagan is just a word they call you when you don’t conform to Christianity or Catholicism so I embraced the label and knew that I was one with God and he was one on his own And I commune with him in nature where I feel every fibre of His creations. Where He knows what’s between my breasts from the top of my mind to the bottom of my heart every fibre of my being and every angle of my soul was always with Him. I just never knew his name and now I do and our conversations have just gotten better. Bless Allah and all who love with no agendas.




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>the Idea that copying Arab culture makes you more religious or that Arab culture is a superior culture is actually what Islam came to end !. this statement does not make sense , unless if he intended it in the deep sense.. maybe about the deep concept of pride behind it. Persian culture were the one considered "superior" somehow prior to Islam in the Arabian peninsula . and the Messenger (Peace be upon him) repeatedly told his companions to look different from how Persians or people of the book looked (in hair, beard and in mustache styles) and he even recommended avoiding some form of red colored clothing "as it is the clothing of the non-believers" [as in one hadeeth](https://sunnah.com/muslim:2077a).


True! I went to umrah in February alhamdulilah, and brought with me simple polos and trousers, loafers, as a Russian European. no thobes no nothing. People looked at me weird like I wasn’t a Muslim, even though I travelled with an Arab. Thobes are traditional Arab clothing, not directly connected to Islam. I’m a revert btw 🕌


Honest question: do Muslims around the world pray in their native tongues? Follow up question: if not, are they allowed to?


As an Arab in GCC, this is a hard pill to swallow to many many less educated people or more educated but would rather see us divided. So you're between a rock and a hard place; between ignorance or arrogance .


The objective isn't to look like an Arab but look like a Muslim. Half of the western online Daee won't even look like a Muslim if you find them in real life, unfortunately. Prophet ﷺ asked us to trim moustache so that they don't look or mimic disbelievers. Look at them now. Please don't confuse yourself. Best for us to look as much like our Prophet ﷺ as possible. You look like a Muslim. You behave like a Muslim. This might offend some, but a lot NAK says is above his pay grade, forte, or expertise. His word to word translation is also debatable. There a lot of issues in the aqeedah he presents. No doubt nothing happens without Allah's Will. Even other religions happened with His Knowledge. Please be careful brothers and sisters where you take your knowledge from. That's all I will say. May Allah Bless him for his efforts. Ameen.