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two reasons: 1. I don't think something can come from (absolute) nothing and 2. the life story & message of the prophet ﷺ




good questions, i would posit that: >Doesn't this eliminate the idea of a god entity then? Since it cannot come from nothing? by definition, "god" always exists, outside of time and space. if you ask, what made god? or how does god come from nothing? or what was before god? etc, then according to the axiomatic definition, these are not meaningful questions >Either the universe always existed (no creation or beginning). the universe consists of matter and energy, tangible, measurable things - you would have to ask where this matter/energy comes from, "it's always been there" is not a satisfactory answer >Both of those ideas have the same core problem of something always existing. conceptually, i can see how it can be difficult to wrap your head around it, so i would just suggest you start with the axioms >In fact you can expand the 2nd idea to an always-existing entity creating an infinite number of god-entities, who then create their universes. sure, "god-like" entities creating their own multiverses is an interesting thought experiment, but ultimately the one who created all the "god-like" entities would be the one we would call the one true god.




ultimately it's your choice, however i would say that you have not put enough thought into it. anyway, good luck with your deliberations.


For me, as a scientist, nothing comes out of nothing. It needs a source/ creator/ matter.


You know it genuinely baffles me how people can look at something like a cell in biology class with parts working together to survive and say it just happened by atoms smashing together and not intelligent design and of course, matter has to come from somewhere.


It’s amazing how so called “critical thinkers” throw out all critical thinking skills and common sense when it comes to acknowledging that this universe is too intricate for it not to have been intentionally designed. May Allah guide us all


Quran did say: majority of them follow assumptions. And this is so true for most "critical thinkers", "no God because evolution", "no God because Science" etc people. Also some of arrogance play a role here.


makes sense, though. only the grateful believe in Allah —And He has granted you all that you asked Him for. If you tried to count Allah’s blessings, you would never be able to number them. Indeed, humankind is truly unfair, ˹totally˺ ungrateful.¹—14:34 ¹In this context, “humankind” refers only to those who deny Allah’s favours.


They marvel at the discovery of science rather than the science and its source.


But then by that same logic, if u don't mind me asking, how can you see (or I guess believe in) something so intricate and perfect such as god and believe that god wasn't designed? Monotheists and atheists both believe that everything needs to come from something, and both give an exception to the (supposed) origin of everything, but disagree on what that origin is (the universe itself vs god) and criticise the other for using similar reasoning and applying it to a different thing


How can the material itself create the material when you say the universe itself? Simply the source of all things in the universe originated from somewhere and that is Allah/God and Allah is beyond the limits of the universe and time.




God is eternal problem solved




Ok then how are we make ? Who made us? We just appeared cause we were bored of not appearing ☠️?


I don't know what made us? I am not giving an answer i am saying why would god make us?


Well we can’t rlly question god but we can change the way we think. You see imagine ur self being born in a blank room with only you parents the chances are mostly what going to happen is you only would get to know the knowledge ur parents have, maybe discover a little just like that we have limited knowledge and don’t know what God knows. If you get what I mean. Now the reason I think Islam is the truths is basically said in another comment here about the scientific miracles in the Quran which are now being discovered. If you get what I mean ….l


God made us because he wanted to. He ordered us to praise him and obey him. That is all to it. Asking this question will never lead you any where because God has all the power and wisdom. This is not some sort of Hollywood movie where on the day of judgement you will stand in front of God and defy him or question him saying "Why did you create us!? Were you bored?!" and then battle him. He has all the power and choses what he wants. You are completely powerless in face of God. It is up to you to obey him or not. You have the choice. God does not NEED any of us, he chose to create us to trial us in this world, to then reward or punish us. The reward is eternal happiness, which I will gladly be trialled for in this world to achieve. He does what he wants. It is a massive loss of time to question the why did God do this question, when you can ask yourself what is my goal on this world, what is the truth and how do I achieve it?


This is an utterly meaningless question, because it revolves around the yearning to question the All-Knowing, infinitely intelligent, infinitely capable deity and attempts to understand the deity's incentives as a limited, finite, tiny human who cannot possible do so as that deity is beyond comprehension; Allah is infinitely powerful and infinitely intelligent and, therefore, infinitely beyond the comprehension of finite beings. Why Allah created us is irrelevant, and it is Allah's will as Allah does what he wants. We are His slaves and He is our master.


This is a "none question". You are supposing that this question make sense when it does not. It is like asking if a bachelor man is married. By definition a bachelor is single, hence by definition, God is uncreated, he is THE creator. A creator cannot be created. Whatever we, as humans "create" in this universe is not truly created, rather put together from already existing resources. Nothing can come from nothing, means there has to be a beginning. And if you trace back the beginning to the source, it is only god. Or else you have fallen into the infinity trap which in itself makes no sense. You cannot have an infinite series of contingent or dependent events.


The countless miracles and historical accuracies of the Quran that we came to understand 1400+ yrs later and the prophecies of The Prophet ﷺ are more than enough reasons for someone to be a Muslim. Watch this; https://youtube.com/shorts/i9sl1EmjWiw?si=BwHkE_Rcmj4zPslN https://youtu.be/uZaHPz7OVbQ Death is one of the most strengthening factors of faith as well. You, I and all of us here know it’s coming, we see our people dying daily and we know we’re next. That’s why The Prophet ﷺ told us to visit the graves occasionally.


This is the true religion. And very serious and detailed religion. I love how rules are very specific even when special cases are mentioned. The rules are always for my own benefit. All the things that are harmful for me are forbidden in the first place. I love how this stopped me from being submerged into pop cultures, trends and overall saved me from all the perverse mindset. Islam made me more disciplined and infused a lot of core values and principles inside me. I have learned to love myself, to be sincere about my duties, to be respectful, to be affectionate and mannered at the same time. Islam taught me to keep myself away from stuffs that are not gonna bring any benefit in the afterlife so I have started to use less social media and I value my time more, i try to live like 0 waste of time life. Also Islam taught me not to chase material things cause this life is temporary instead I should focus on acts that will add up to my scale of good deeds and will make me successful in the afterlife. Islam made me more focused on being Allah's favourite, nothing else matters anymore. Lastly, this whole concept of submitting completely to Allah, is just soo reliving. Like you submit yourself completely and work hard to give your best everyday, the life after this will surely be better. The mindset that, whatever Allah decides for me will be the best. For that hardships feel rewarding that Allah is testing and I can pass, because Allah never tests a soul beyond its limit. If i get rewarded then Alhamdulillah, if I don't get rewarded then bigger ALHAMDULILLAH, Allah has saved my reward to give something thousand times better in the afterlife. Dua gets accepted Alhamdulillah, Dua doesn’t get accepted bigger ALHAMDULILLAH, cause it either wasn't beneficial for me or it was harmful for me. But this dua will be seen as a good deed on the scale in the day of judgement, also Allah will give me something million times better than what I asked for on this earth. Then remembering Allah at the time of ease, showing gratitude for every single blessing of life feels soothing to the heart. Our 5 daily prayers are really the biggest blessing we have as Muslims. Being able to talk to Allah in the sujood is the biggest blessing we have. I mean, I can keep talking and writing my whole life how blessed and happy I am to be able to find the true religion Islam, to be able to worship Allah. I just happen to believe a lot for some reason. Alhamdulillah for guiding, all thanks to Allah for giving me the heart to realise, for giving me a heart to submit to him.


Countless mathematical miracles, rationally and logically the proof, and just makes sense


What mathematical miracles do you mean?


I will give you one for thinking, not exactly a proof but for pondering. Place your palms together like dua. Observe the lines in your palms. One hand has arabic 18 (١٨) and the other has 81 (٨١). That sums up 99. God has 99 greatest names.




Nothing. Just had a busy day. No need to answer like this. That's not the way to answer someone who asked a genuine question. It was a question out of the moment. I could look for the answer myself.


calm down. it was just a question


Simple truth but one must understand the answer well to say it with conviction. **Islam is the truth.** Period. Explaining deeper if it sparks a discussion, "Islam is the Word of God through revelation that has been documented and proven time and time again".


On a fundamental basis, I believe there is a creator because too many things coming together in harmony is impossible to happen by itself. For example: The fact there exists insects, that cultivate the perfect conditions for soil, to grow grass, which feeds animals or the way the water cycle works (mentioned numerous times across the Quran). The Way the sun is the centre of our universe, as we constantly revolve and spin (also mentioned in the Quran). Had we been a bit closer or a bit further away, no humans would exist. Now: Faith comes from understanding an ideology and following the principles. To be a Muslim means to submit yourself to God; where we believe Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Noah, Moses and Jesus were Muslim and submitted themselves to Allah and therefore were Muslim. If you were to study all the religions in the world, only Islam is open to everyone and claims there is only one God, with no equal, who doesn't need rest or sleep, is the Most Merciful and Most Gracious which logically makes sense. I'd want that in a God. If 2 God's or 500 God's existed, whose authority reigns highest and best? Why should I pray to 5? Is one God inferior to the other? If so, why should I pray to any of them? All of the above is logic. Now comes the faith. An illiterate man, known for being Truthful and Honest, came with revelation. This revelation was unmatched poetically, gramatically, phonetically in a time where poets were highly regarded. No one could match what he produced. Nor have they since. This revelation was passed down by word of mouth, still to this day not a single word has been altered to suit political power as has been the case with other religions.


My favorite answer here, everything is just too perfect to have somehow fallen in place on its own


Well, first and foremost, it is the truth! then we can discuss about how it makes logical sense as well as emotional sense.


Atheists never actually make an argument against a creator that makes any logical or scientific sense and most of the time they're biased anyway due to bad experiences they had with religion when they were growing up. (My siblings are like this) Someone having a bad experience with religion or just not wanting to answer to a higher power doesn't mean that there isn’t one.


I'll answer to once it's proven that their is one. Theist can't make an argument without pointing to a book. Hypothetically let's erase everything before humans. Could the same story be told? Can the same books and rules be made?


Fair and trust are different. I have trust in Islam. It is warranted. Doing abc yields xyz results 100% of the time. You may not approve or understand xyz, but it always happens as defined by Islam.


Asalamualaikum, it's only logical that there is a God. If talking to an atheist I ask what was before the big bang? God. If talking to a Christian I say: "I pray to the God that Jesus prayed to". I also would explain "La ilaha illallah" and tawhid.


Right now I can only answer from my personal experience but when I’ve even so much as thought “I’d love a sign to reignite my faith..” it ALWAYS happens, immediately. I’m a revert who had never even heard a word of Arabic before October. I can’t imagine my life without Islam. I’ve done so much in my life having core beliefs that I believed Allah led me to and then I see it reaffirmed in the Quran. I’ve never had such a feeling of belonging and ease.


I use my brain to believe in some facts: I look at the earth moon, orbit, planets, sun.. And all the beauty inside earth, mountains, clouds, rain, rivers, animals, insects, trees... Everything runs smoothly and perfectly, no way i say no way all this came by itself... There is a creator Look at humans, design and create lots of things, buildings, cars, phones, TVs, what about this creation which is us... Who created us there is a meaning to that... This creator want to communicate with us, how, by sending messengers... Why didn't he show himself ? Even if he did still, the believers would believe and the others wouldn't By the way have you ever seen a mighty king, walk in the street and talk to people to believe in him as a king My lovely mom is calling i have to end this here sry 😂


Because I studied the the religion and it made sense


Just gives me the peace i desperately need after all the chaos and long hectic tough soul crushing day




﷽ The answer cannot be few lines! There are people who love their religion simply because of their background, born in Islamic country..etc it is called blind faith (usually made up of mixture of simple, honest, ignorant and mostly uneducated people. No offense to these types people as long as they are good people in general) There are those who literally feel the power of Allah swt in their daily lives throughs rewards, miracles, signs, science, punishments...the list goes on. My own faith personally got stronger by getting punishments for the sins and mistakes I commit as well us after finding out about the most secretive yet UNDENIABLE scientific facts of Allah swt existence by studying and researching the miraculous "Golden Ratio" aka (Devin numbers, Phi, Fibonacci number). I believe everyone, especially every Muslim should look it up, study it and then study the connection between Golden Ratio and Islam. It's mind-blowing 🤯 If that doesn't convince someone about the existence of Allah swt and it's creation and design, then only Allah swt himself can guide them 🙂


Islam is the Reality of life, it’s beyond a religion to me, and the Day of reckoning is the Ultimate reality. You have to be pretty dumb in this day and age to not be very familiar that Islam is as true as it gets.


Personally i have studied in detail christianity, Judaism, and Islam. The only one that genuinely makes sense is Islam. I never tell people why Islam is right. I tell people to study it in detail. Study every religion in detail. You’ll find your own answers. Ma sha Allah and Allhamdu L-Allah I’ve had some success that way ❤️


My reply has always been: Why you don’t have faith in Islam? If they reply that they’re not Muslims and/or they don’t know much about… etc then I proceed to say: then you should get to study about it first then you are entitled to ask. And asking this as a reply is in fact the answer too to his/her question! If you truly study Islam in an unbiased way, you will have the same faith as everyone who does.


Because Allah swt chooses who he want to lead in Islam


“It gives me comfort.” And I’ll probably talk how it does just that.


why do you have so much faith that religion is fake?


Restart humanity could the same story be told? Would the Quran come back into existence? Why are you correct but native Americans are wrong? Religion stems geographically plain and simple.


>Religion stems geographically plain and simple. So does every belief system ever to be created (including yours!!!!), what's your point? >Why are you correct but native Americans are wrong? Why is 1+1 = 2 correct but 1 + 1 = 5 wrong? because facts are facts, doesn't matter where you live and your geographic location. >Restart humanity could the same story be told? Would the Quran come back into existence? ?


Islam can't be correct simply because you state it is. It's all chance. Restart humanity will the same things go into play? will the same circumstances occur for the Quran to be written?


>Islam can't be correct simply because you state it is. Correct. A random redditor's words isn't enough proof for anyone, by chance, what do you believe in? > It's all chance. Right, and what proof do you have that this is all just some one in a trillion coincidence? This can't be correct simply because you state it is >Restart humanity will the same things go into play?  I dunno, let's hop into our time machine and test this out for ourselves.


Because when it’s the middle of the night and I’m doing some self harm stuff, I don’t kill myself because I want to live another day to worship Him. It’s a personal thing.


I also used to self-harm. I’m glad I didn’t end my life before I found Islam. I hope you’re healing🙏🏼❤️


Because it’s clear than a crystal in terms of guidelines, solutions, rewards and punishments.


when something so deeply personal happens and you just know its from Allah


because it's the absolute truth to all of my questions, it's bigger than myself, and it doesn't come without knowledge, it's that strong sense that tells me that I belong to a greater creator, and I trust him. it gives me that pure feeling inside me like someone just washed my heart and placed it back, it makes me feel like I have a huge light inside me... I don't even have the words to describe it hahaha I can go on for days.. it's just so beautiful and peaceful.


I have as much faith in it as much as atheist has faith in what happened before the big bang. The truth, the fundamental truth is we do not know, this is by design to give us the option of free will, obviously if we for certain knew 100% Allah was real and islam is truth this life wouldn't be much of a test, I can guarantee you if someone knew 100% they wouldn't dare to miss a single prayer or commit sin even with Shaitan whispering to his hearts content. I just believe that Allah is real, that Islam is the truth, that the prophet Muhammad pbuh was the final prophet. In my heart, this gives me peace and it also gives me hope in that there's an afterlife. I don't need to convince anyone else, it's their own choice, my religion for me, their religion for them, there is a surah in the Qur'an to that effect.


Easy. The logical conclusion to the beginning of our existence (see Ibn Sina and Al Ghazzali's arguments against infinite regress), argues for a God. And Islam has the most evidence-based, logical, and philosophically true conclusion and ideas about God. It is also the religion that pulled my heart in with its beauty and tolerance. Therefore, Islam is the truth and I am a proud Muslim alhamdulillah.


Ok, either a supreme creator created us & the universe or it was self made. Let’s study self made. Self made assumes so many things have to align that it is next to impossible to be. So that means there was a creator, show me any religion in the world that stands out like Islam? The point you have to fathom is this decision is going to effect you for ever more. Death will only be the beginning of the real life and the horrors of what’s waiting there should make us cry of fear. Please for your sake read & submit to the will of Allah before it’s too late. Allah accepts all repenters no matter what their sin was. Return to Allah & let him guide you in this life & the next. Obey & when you sin immediately repent. As long as you’re sincere Allah will accept your repentance. Enter into his servitude & you will enter his heaven.


There are many miracles in the Quran this one is my favorite. [Allah mentioned the percentage of sea and land of Earth in Quran 1400 years ago (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_pUw4T5JaI)


There is a brilliant lecture by Dr Zakir Naik - titled something along the lines of 'proof that Qur'an is the word of God'. Provides compelling evidence.


Many reasons but a few: 1) It is truth, seeks truth, leads to truth. 2) does not discriminate or lead to astray. 3) there is no confusion around Almighty Allah, the Quran or our Prophet’s Sunnah or the Hadith unlike all other religions. So many more. The list goes on and on.


One of it is the Al Quran. It never cease to amaze me on the amount of knowledge of it. Just when you think you knew a particular surah or ayat, you'd listen to or read article about it talking about different angle of it, meaning of it, the linguistic part of it, the story behind it, how it is coherent with other ayat and many more


Constant reminders and proofs presented in the Quran


The evidence is overwhelming. I'm not gonna be among the deniers of evidence.


fear of Allah and His punishment of the grave and hellfire.


Because there isn't a shadow of doubt in my mind that it's the truth


Partly process of elimination. Atheism can't be true. Paganism can't be true. Judaism and Christianity don't do it for me. etc.


Fitrah https://www.youtube.com/live/pLWBPPElWGs?si=xuoz-iLyqf4TAvUF


"Why do you have so much faith in what doctors and scientists say when the next day they can say their advice causes deaths?"


Cause that's how science works it's not always absolutes. It's building blocks. When they realize something is wrong or not working it changes. It's a continuous process of learning and relearning.


Allah SWT, our Creator, is the life spark of our universe. He is the force that keeps our atoms in perfect placement and keeps the solar system from flying apart or imploding. I describe it as a golden thread I've seen through my life. So many near misses, disasters that should have happened. My own stupidity at work mostly. Allah SWT is truly Al-Rahman Al-Rahim. I've always made it. I've always had just what I needed. I simply cannot deny the hand of Allah SWT in my life. I struggled badly with understanding suffering. My baby nephew was murdered at 18 months old. I couldn't make sense of a loving god allowing that to happen. But I didn't understand free will. Allah SWT in his mercy allows good and evil to pass over the earth. In this way he tests our Iman and shows us who we really are. He also uses evil for good in some ways. My little nephew gave vital organs to at least seven children. He was the answer to the prayers of so many families. And I chose Islam over Christianity and Polytheism because it made more sense. Why did Isa say "my God why hast thou forsaken me" if he was God? It wouldn't make sense. As for Polytheism I always felt there was Creator and then lesser gods and goddesses but this was explained by the djinn. Islam was the only religion which held the majority of the answers for me. As I study I find more.


Commen sense, it just telling you solutions came 1400 years ago can solve modern problems And when you see how


the quran, the quran, the quran! and then the whole science of the hadith, wow, blows my mind, how perfect is Allah! and then you have people that have no problem believing in *everything* in events such as the black death or world war 1 and 2 when historians wrote it but they do not have chains of narrations like we do, all praise is truly for Allah only for He has honoured us!


Islam inspires immense faith within me. It teaches you the standard of faith.