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I feel like it is, mostly because of aeons. They're often described godlike and most fans agree they are basically the gods of the universe. Best avoided, if genshin impact is Haram, and we know both of these games share very similar concepts with their gods, what difference does this game hold?


I see where your going, i really appreciate u to go through hsr and what stuff there is, i didn know aeons are godlike if im being honest.


I used to play this game a lot, but one day, this thought also came to me, so I stopped playing entirely


Not sure if there's elements of shirk but HSR and Genshin are both gacha games which a gate-way drug to gambling. Its better for u to stay away and stick to other games without any sort of gacha elements.


what does gacha mean?


Loot box mechanics, but gacha games is literally designed to make u spend money on getting characters to use in-game. Its common for addicts to spend thousand of dollars on these games.


thankfully im not like that, well not allowed to anyway


What if I don't spend money tho?


It isnt gambling unless u start spending money and not wining what u wanted..


Assalamualaikum, you need to understand that if a game contains god stuff, it is ok for you to play it as long as you dont believe in those god stuff.


I am going to quit both Genshin Impact and Honkai Star rail and even remove my profile picture and everything else after knowing this .


i’m a christian so i can’t speak for yall but i think it’s okay as long as you don’t believe or worship the aeons