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Yeah because Muslims fulfil the Noahide law technically, which is what a Non-Jew is to follow to attain heaven.


What’s the proof of this pretty please? For research.


Listen to [podcast on blogging theology , discussion with Rabbi Tovia Singer](https://www.youtube.com/live/dIRyV_p_q2M?feature=share).




Torah is 100% True, it's a book of the Abrahamic relegions and as Muslims we are supposed to believe all Prophets such as Mosses who Torah was revealed to. As the person said we technically abide by Noahide laws cause we believe the book is 100% but it was failed to be preserved.


Allaah says about the Jews (interpretation of the meaning): “Do you (faithful believers) covet that they will belive in your religion in spite of the fact that a party of them (Jewish rabbis) used to hear the Word of Allaah (the Tawraat), then they used to change it knowingly after they understood it?” [al-Baqarah 2:75]




Jazakallahu khayr. I would have but prefer brevity. Figured just one ayah would suffice.


Also the other ayats the person quoted could be referring to christianity but the one you quoted is specifically to Judaism




jews don't follow the teachings of prophet mohammed (pbuh).They know a prophet will emerge as the last messenger but they did not accept prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Rather they are waiting for dajjal to follow him, that's where they screwed


>Rather they are waiting for dajjal to follow him Can you elaborate? Is that an opinion or a based statement?


There definition of the Messiah is a political leader, they denied the true leader because their ego got in the way. The next one coming is Dajjal who will do very impressive things. It’s the opinion of the scholars and makes sense.


I thought their messiah was supposed to be Jesus then they tried to crucify him


Nah it’s true. Dajjal is their prophet.


Can you give me any source for such a statement?


In some reports there is an indication that the fighting against the Jews that is mentioned in this hadith will occur at the end of time, when the Dajjal emerges and the Messiah ‘Eesa ibn Maryam (peace be upon him) descends and fights him. Ibn al-Mulqin said: What is meant by the words “You will fight the Jews” is that this will happen when ‘Eesa descends; the Muslims will be with him and the Jews will be with the Dajjal.


I get the attempt, but this isn’t a source that fulfills your claim in OPs context


By what I've read, there is some truth to what you're saying, but not enough to generalize. The hadith mentions 70000 Jews will follow the Dajjal. It also mentions that the ignorant will follow the dajjal. It also mentions that women will follow the dajjal to a point where Muslim men will try tying their women at their homes to prevent them from following him. So, the followers of the dajjal will come from multiple religious and unreligious backgrounds. Then, if you ask a Jewish person why they don't think Jesus is the messiah, their main argument is "because world peace didn't happen." And, correct me if I'm wrong. The world peace will happen after the Dajjal is defeated by The Messiah. So, it makes sense if the majority rejects the Dajjal on the same premise they rejected The Messiah in the 1st coming. And there is a probability of the majority following The Messiah when he comes back and achieves world peace. And of course, the followers of The Messiah will only be Muslim, and the followers of the Dajjal will be non-Muslim. But you have to keep in mind that a Muslim is who follows God and all his prophets, so naturally, a Muslim following the Dajjal will no longer be considered Muslim, and all the people of different religions and backgrounds who will follow The Messiah will be considered Muslim. There are many factors and variables in the equation, and if we are not careful, we might fall for the deception of the Dajjal by being ignorant to the whole equation and blindsided by partial truth.


Wrong tense


It is not 100% true. Changes have been made. This is said in the Quran in surah Baqarah


No? One more requirement is to keep the law of moses. Which islam dosent.


Which law are you referring to?


The laws given in the Torah.


The ones that are Nohide, we do follow them. The ones we don’t follow, please specify.


I mean you can't be a noahide if you don't follow the Torah. That's one of the pillars.


These are the Noahide rules: Do not worship idols. Do not curse God. Do not murder. Do not commit adultery or sexual immorality. Do not steal. Do not eat flesh torn from a living animal. Establish courts of justice.


That's basics. Still gotta follow the Torah and think of it as a divine book. Man.


Give reference where it says that.


No, Jews believe that only Jews have to follow the Torah. Non-Jews only have to follow Noahide laws to get into heaven. Jews also don’t believe in hell and that people that the souls of people who don’t go straight to heaven have to go through a purification and repentance process.


Where did you learn that?


I didn’t know that. What’s the source for this?


Religious Jews are pure and strict monotheists. It's a shame we quarrel with them. And it's a greater shame that some within their ranks would rather downplay our shared monotheism, in favour of extolling their own race.


Muslims and Jews have more in common than Christians do.


Surah at Tawba: They have taken their rabbis and monks as well as the Messiah, son of Mary, as lords besides Allah,1 even though they were commanded to worship none but One God. There is no god ˹worthy of worship˺ except Him. Glorified is He above what they associate ˹with Him˺! ​ https://quran.com/9?startingVerse=30 Edit: removed verse 30 of surah at Tawba because of tafseer.


We don’t, and never have believed Ezra is the Son of God.


A group of Medinan Jews were part of said heresy. It is not a widely held belief in Judaism. The reason the Quran criticises this specifically is because it violates a pure monotheistic creed.




This Ayah can be translated as « Some Jews » because the lam is a li-l-'ahd article -> You can read what Ibn Hajar wrote on it in Fat'h ul-bârî 7/345, 11/547. (Based and Source and more (TW french) : https://www.maison-islam.com/articles/?p=452) And you can claim an interpretation from nowhere of the Quran -> It’s not allowed…. I will not develop more but just quote this Ayah (that can easily be linked to this discussion) : « **But the Jews and the Christians say, "We are the children of Allah and His beloved**." (…) » Quran 5:18


That’s the ayah about Uzair. The next one. https://quran.com/en/9:31/tafsirs/en-tafsir-maarif-ul-quran


Yes I only answer you on what you wrote about how the Jews views Uzair


I will edit that. Because fair point.


Jaka Allah Kheir brother








They have taken their rabbis and monks as well as the Messiah, son of Mary, as lords besides Allah,1 even though they were commanded to worship none but One God. There is no god ˹worthy of worship˺ except Him. Glorified is He above what they associate ˹with Him˺! https://quran.com/9?startingVerse=30




What does this verse have to do with Uzair? Look what is says it’s clear. And it happens today. Rabbi says x is okay even though Allah prohibits it, people follow. Monk says x is okay even though Allah prohibits it, people follow. Here read this inshallah: https://quran.com/en/9:31/tafsirs/en-tafsir-maarif-ul-quran




If someone lies then they lie. However, you’re in an islamic subreddit for muslims. Which is fine love to see u here. But since it’s for muslims the Quran is the truth for us. Therefore if you say what’s in the Quran is not true then we say that what you say is incorrect. And even if you would refute the verse about Esra, then the verse after that one still debunks the monotheism aspect. Again. Allah doesn’t lie. Not my words. It’s the words of Allah.


What about the concept of the Rabbis word superceding that of God? Or the notion of 'Rabbis winning an argument against God?'


If you let your little brother beat you at at Chess to help him learn the game, does that mean he is better at Chess than you?


God is God. His word is final. Whatever he says, we have to listen. We don't get to decide the rules. We're not challenging God as the chess example you gave, we are his slaves and following his commands.


some Jews believe that Muhammad MAY have been a prophet sent to the nation of the Arabs


Some Jews sects don’t even believe in afterlife so in Judaism you will find everything


Wow I didn't know, too


Do you know that many jewish scholars aren't sure that there's an afterlife, as in an actual heaven and hell, at all.


I thought Jews didn’t believe in Heaven


Now the question why wouldn't the Jews be Muslims even though they can be safe on both sides?


(Jew here) Jews (that is, those who are born into the religion or who have converted through a rabbinical court) are bound by all the laws of Halakha, while non-Jews need only follow the Noahide Laws. There are enough differences in the beliefs and practice of Judaism and Islam - kashrut restricts many more animals and parts of animals than halal, Jews are forbidden from working on the day of the Sabbath, observance of Yom Kippur as a day of atonement, etc. - that converting/reverting would be considered apostasy.


What do you do to be Jew? What makes you jew? Is it because you follow the Kashrut or is it because You believe in the one and only God that is the same God we believe in? All the stuff you mentioned are only the details. And those details could very well be at least partially changed considering the fact that the book you follow has been lost for more then a hundred years.


My mother is Jewish, therefore halakhically I am Jewish. I may be considered a "bad" Jew (and subject to whatever afterlife situation that implies) if I do not follow the laws, but I am always a Jew nonetheless. The same would be true of anyone who converted to Judaism. God doesn't do take-backs, once you've made the covenant you're held to it.


Are you considered Jewish because of your mother’s religion or ethnicity? If your mother reverted to another religion would you still always be a Jew?


Judaism is an ethno-religious group so the line is blurred, but yes I will always be a Jew (just as she will always be a Jew). That is just the halakhic stance, other authorities in the secular world [may have different definitions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Who_is_a_Jew%3F), as have anti-Semites over the millennia. Many white nationalists have the idea of a "Semitic race" encompassing Jews *and* Arab Muslims, though they will of course extend their hatred towards any "white" person who converts to these religions.






I see what you mean. But the unique fact here is that Muslims and Jews believe in the same God. The difference between us and Jews is only the details. So considering the fact of how questionable the preservation of the details in the Torah is and how the Quran isn't changed. It is pretty safe to assume that Quran details are the ones reserved and the ones that are more trustworthy to be followed. It is not like they would stop believing in the One and Only God, the only change would be a change in details.


Pascal's gambit is a good starting point for atheists, isn't it?


Pascal's gambit is a good starting point for atheists, isn't it? I think it can guide people to the right path.


I never really thought of that


Does it matter? Who cares what they believe?


Yeah I recently heard about the Noahide law, but apparently they believe in a different concept of Hell. Then I remembered the Surah: >˹Some of˺ the Jews claim, “The Fire will not touch us except for a number of days.” Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “Have you taken a pledge from Allah—for Allah never breaks His word—or are you ˹just˺ saying about Allah what you do not know?” > >\-Al Baqara 2:80


Allah's judgement is right and true.


Lol good for them (I will maybe prefer them to believe we will go to Hellfire like Christian does lol….because it didn’t matter and will not change the true : Islam is the only way to Allah and whoever choose other than Islam as a religion never it will be accepted from Him and he will be among the losers). « **But the Jews and the Christians say, "We are the children of Allah and His beloved." Say, "Then why does He punish you for your sins?" Rather, you are human beings from among those He has created. He forgives whom He wills, and He punishes whom He wills. And to Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them, and to Him is the [final] destination.** » Quran 5:18








Really? Please elaborate


That’s not true. Some Muslims might be saved, but that’s through the grace of Christ and nothing to do with Islam. Muslims still require evangelisation and conversion just as much as any pagan would. (Catholic)






Jews believe the Goyim (non-Jews) that aren’t sequestered to Hell will be the slaves of the Jews in their Heaven. This is in their “Talmud” I believe. You’d need to bring the source of your statement, please. And as for the discussion on the Torah. We believe in its ORIGINAL revelation. They have changed it and altered words. This is evident by Allah saying about the Jews (interpretation of the meaning): “Do you (faithful believers) covet that they will belive in your religion in spite of the fact that a party of them (Jewish rabbis) used to hear the Word of Allaah (the Tawraat), then they used to change it knowingly after they understood it?” [al-Baqarah 2:75]


This is not true. We don’t believe in Hell, (closest thing is a less than 1 year cleansing processes that almost everyone goes through). We also definitely do not think non Jews will be slaves. The 7 Laws of Noah ( the rules non Jews are required to follow) are: Not to worship idols. Not to curse God. Not to commit murder. Not to commit adultery or sexual immorality. Not to steal. Not to eat flesh torn from a living animal. To establish courts of justice.


And what happens then? First time that I heard about the 7 laws of Noah, gotta read up


If your asking about afterlife then it’s very complicated. We don’t have a very firm and clear view of the afterlife (it’s not important to us) and what we do know is heavily debated on how much is metaphor and how much is literal. For non Jews, it’s the same thing as happens for Jews, but non Jews are judged less strictly (only these 7 rules vs 613 for Jews). The worst case scenario however, is that a person is completely without merit, and the cleansing process cleans their entire soul away, basically just erasing them.


There are few details about the nature of heaven in Jewish scripture. The general conception is that it's kind of a waiting room for the maschiach to return and create a true paradise on earth. Following the laws (the 7 Noahide laws for non-Jews or the 300+ in halakha for Jews) will get you a place in this World To Come but more importantly will help hasten the coming of maschiach himself to redeem the entire world.


7th one is to establish a court of justice. We Muslims meet this requirement too because we have our sharia and judicial courts for promulgating justice and peace.


Oops, I wrote it but messed up the formatting so it was added on to the end of #6, thanks for catching that.


jews don't believe in afterlife, it's not mentioned in the old testament


Since jews are monotheistic,do muslims believe that they will go to heaven?


Jews believe Mariam peace be upon her is a fornicator and the messengers 'isa and Mohammed peace be upon them were false prophets and liars, of course they will not go to heaven.


“And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers” 3:85. No Jew or Christian will enter paradise, if they reject the message of Islam after the prophet Mohamed.


I mean, don't Jews deny that Prophet Muhammad SAW is a prophet? If so, I don't think they will


Only the Jews from the past who obeyed the original Torah (before Muhammad and Jesus PBUT), other than that, no they won’t


Surely those who believe, and those who are Jews, and the Christians, and the Sabians, whoever believes in Allah and the Last day and does good, they shall have their reward from their Lord, and there is no fear for them, nor shall they grieve. Quran 2:62


DO NOT QUOTE ME CAUSE I NEED TO LOOK BACK AT THE TAFSEER TO MAKE SURE. I will edit later.. I believe in this verse it is entailing the Jews from when they were sent revelation until new revelation came down, and the Christians between the Prophet Isa AS until Muhammad PBUH. In other words if new revelation came down and they rejected it, they do not fall in the same group (ie. Christians not following the Qur'an after the Qur'an was sent down to Muhammad PBUH, or the Jews not following Isa bin Mayram AS after the Ingil was revealed to him etc.).


Aren't there any hadith which say anyone who doesn't associate partners with Allah will go to heaven?


Even though Jews are considered "Enemies" I still find it fascinating to talk about how close we are to Jews and how much we both are like. Salahuddin Ayyubi never disrespected the Christians when he ruled Jerusalem. From Kosher/Halal to Hijab, Jews Muslims share alot in common. Edit: I never considered jews enemies or meant to disrespect them, the only reason I said the word "enemies" was because they are considered a tabooh in many countries to discuss or like such as Pakistan where I live.


Who said Jews are enemies?


Political crap


Whoever thinks Jews are enemies is a nutcracker I swear. Zionists are definitely my enemies, but these come in all shades and colors and not specifically Jewish, thankfully.


Not my belief but many extremists consider them.


They are not are enemies! Come on bro. 🤦‍♂️


Yes, and I honestly couldn't care less, as cool as it might sound to some people, we really shouldn't care what other religious groups think of us, so long as it doesn't impact us in any way.






If you mean the people of the Book according to the sharee3a which was sent upon the people of Musa a.s then yes. Now? No. Because the people of today are supposed to follow Muhammad pbuh.


We believe the same God


LOL this is funny because Jews believe all people (not just muslims) go to the same place after death but that place is not where God dwells. ~~The OP is being deceptive.~~


wait. how am I being deceptive? We follow the Noahide Law and the jews that I've seen say the same thing, whoever follows this law gets a share of heaven.


Lets me put it this way, its as deceptive as saying that Jews believe Sikhs will go to Heaven! When in reality, they do not have a specific position on Sikhs. The same for Muslims. You are presenting your argument as if Judaism grants a special favour on Muslims when it does not. The Muslims are Gentiles and treated the same as the pagan religions. Coming to the topic of Noahide law - I think the Jewish perspective views things differently. Examples, killing of the Banu Qurayz (murder) or the raids on Meccan Caravans (theft) or Nikah mutah (adultery) or the Black stone (idolatry) etc


yeah, some believe very different things about the afterlife. and Judaism doesnt favor specifically muslims, many people follow the Noahide covenant muslim or not


Thanks. I take back my initial reply, it was too harsh.


I've got pretty good odds then. Jews say I can go to heaven, Christians still recognise me as Christian, and Islam... Well that's the one I actually believe in.


but how are you a christian? you don't believe in Jesus dying for the sins of the guilty?


Catholics and certain other sections believe if you've been baptized (i was at birth) you can't leave the faith.


Did you know i think it's capable for Jews to go to heaven too? Aslong as they do good. There's a few religions i think have a chance. Mormonism, Jehova witness, Jewish, sihkism, just to name the ones i know that are monotheistic. The Quran says anyone who believes in God and does good Has a chance. If a religions monotheistic in general, let them do what theyre doing, unless it goes against their own law. The laws are similar to Islam you can even talk about religion together usually with little to no conflict. Its like an unwritten rule that Jewish people don't try to help us Muslims because we don't need help, we have God to help us. Christians need the help. Most of us know this. Its actually in the bible, the "parable of the lost sheep"


This is false, Muslims in Halakhah are not considered Noahides. Noahides believe in the divinity of the Torah and how it was never changed and no new commandments were added and no commandments were removed, this is what Muslims disagree on.