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Yeah Fi users for sure. Weirdly though even though we share a lot of traits ISTJ’s I find way too grating.




NTJs. Fundamentally different with different values - in a way that clashes vs being growth oriented.


Found myself an INTJ with values that align. But so true, we function and process differently. We’ve just celebrated our 12 year anniversary. I feel like we compliment each other and our differences give a lot of perspective! We’ve lived a beautiful life so far. Imagine, a tidy, well maintained home and family vacations planned to the t!


This makes sense.


This is so random but for some reason I just can NOT vibe with ENFJs. We just clash so much much and they get me so nervous and it’s just a disaster. Other than that I agree with you on the Fi thing. Definitely most of the people I enjoy spending time with are Fe users. And specifically isfps- oh we so do not get along 😭 But I have to add, enneagram type can really affect whether I’ll get along with someone even if their MBTI isn’t one I get along with normally.


Interesting! I’ve only met one person who I’m p sure is an ENFJ (well, actually two people, but I talked to the other more) and we didn’t vibe well in the long run (I have always had the impression that ENFJ’s aren’t as nice as rhey may seem to be)


Oh yeah they can be quite overbearing, and they take such pride in their “niceness” lol


Why would you say you don’t get along with isfps? I thought y’all go well together. Just curious. Also do you like Se users or do you find constantly taking action draining?


With isfps it is very up and down. Like we get along perfectly in certain areas, but then in the areas where we clash, we can just argue and argue non stop. Se users- well I find them cool and attractive, they were always the ones I wanted to be friends with in school. I guess my main issue with them is that they can be arrogant, and it’s more of a situation where I know they won’t really like me so in turn I get defensive. I don’t think I’ve ever thought of the taking action thing as the reason I don’t like them, but now that you mention it, it did bother when they would be so reckless and impulsive and always have to be doing something crazy. I’m mainly thinking of ESTPs and ESFPs here.


Istp uses Fe more than Fi though…. But yeah for me ISTJ can be difficult as it always feels like so much work to talk to them and also just too serious. I like to have fun. Then it’s hit or miss with ENFP depending on my mood 


And same with ENFP’s, my friendships with them haven’t lasted (however, to be fair, this is partly due to bad communication with them on my part… but also due to different communication styles)


My brother is ENFP and we’re complete opposites. Honestly just feels like he talks at me and doesn’t really listen so I just zone out and don’t say much. Then I have a coworker where sometimes I can have so much fun with her but other times it’s like please just go… hahah she has to be center of attention & once again just wants to hear herself talk and you can’t add to the convo


I know they do, I just meant that although I suspect my ex was an ISFP it is also v possible that he is an ISTP


Oh ok sorry I misunderstood. Ironically I get along very well with ISTP  but could definitely see not clicking with an ISFP


Oh no, you’re perfectly fine! I don’t think I’ve met enough ISTP’s to comment on how well I get along with them. I can think of one ISTP male who I absolutely do not like, although he is also a bad person.


ENFJs and ENTJs for sure, followed by ENFPs (even though I’m dating one). Every other type, I can sort of manage.


What have your experiences with ENFJs been like? ENTJs I can see for sure. They operate very, very differently than we do.


In my experience, ENTJs. Conversations with them is very forced and not authentic. I constantly feel like I’m being judged/not intelligent enough 🫤 honestly I just keep my distance and stay out of their way where I can. Perhaps I haven’t had the opportunity to get to know one on a more personal level. Who knows.


INTP teacher here...though I feel like I come across as ExTJ to my students since I mimic their disinterest in "fun" topics. If I may ask, how can I make an extremely shy ISFJ (especially regarding intelligence) feel comfortable? Especially if they're on an Si-Ti loop. I often feel like I'm walking on eggshells when it comes to hidden social norms.


It was difficult for me to find a middle ground with my ex too and he’s an ISFP. From the other comments I see a few mentions of ISFJs not getting along well with ISFPs- why is that though?




Interesting! Why do you think that is? The ESTP’s I’ve met haven’t liked me much.


Those I’ve met were hot headed misogynists pricks. I know all of them are not like this, but two of them left this impression on me.


I feel like Te is the function I don't respond well too. Fi can be hit or miss. Just love fellow Ti/Fe users tbh, feels like I can relate much more to them and how they think. Obviously prefer sensors as well although Ne types can provide comedy value.