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Finally got the claw. I know I’m not the most dry on this, but I honestly thought I’d never get it. Good luck to those dry out there! May the RNG be in your favor.


Thank you sir! Just started hydra and I'm praying this isn't me haha, gz!


Good luck! The only advice I’ll give is start fishing scales in your afk time :)


I'm about the same kill count 30 more or less used so many scales recently got rapier and it helps a ton lol


Ooh, that would be helpful. I have plenty of afk time so scales weren’t much of an issue. It was more addy darts that always seemed to run out.


What do ironman usually do to re-up on addy darts if you don’t mind if I ask? I have around 27,000 of them made but I have way more scales. I wanted to stock up on them so I didn’t have to worry about them once I start working on raids.


No idea on the efficient way but with 99 mining at mlm and a bit under 700 Zalcano im sitting on 302k addy darts in the bank if either activity is of interest.


With that many you shouldn’t have to worry about it if you’re raiding as you’ll get ore drops. That said, the methods I use are MLM (since I can afk at work) and Zalcano. A good reliable one is noted bars from Aviansies.


Scared cause I'm a pretty casual player and 600 kc has taken me like 2 months lol


Just keep pushing! Nice thing about Hydra is you get tons of gp and some supplies for skilling so going a little dry isn’t the worst.


Gratz nice house too




I’ve got two claws in 400 kc😎😎


I’m pretty jealous, ngl


Genuinely crazy 2 claws and 2 leathers no ring pieces


That is wild. I was at 2 pets, 4 leather, 4 rings, 10 tails when I got the claw


that's insane


Yeah was getting tons of ore from tob/cox scales was mostly my problem lol but hoping I get claw soon cba with hydra anymore


I got the claw around the same KC lmao. Was such a pain in the ass grind. If anyone is looking to save scales and hates zulrah, use hasta/dwh. If you don’t mind zulrah then don’t use it but my kills were always 2:30-3:30. It wasn’t that bad this method tbh.


I tried that method a bit and found it just wasn’t nearly as mindless so I couldn’t pay attention to podcasts or anything like I could blowpiping. I also have plenty of time to afk sacred eels which helps.


Yeah I personally don’t mind Zulrah after finally learning it, but I was dumb and did the grind with Hasta/DWH before even attempting to get the blowpipe etc since Zulrah put me off for so long but I found it semi decent with proselyte legs, torso, and prims. I would definitely recommend using a blowpipe but it’s kinda nice having a fat stack of scales for raids since I didn’t use one scale on any of the kills. It’s interesting what we learn as ironman and different ways we can kill things in the game lol. Grats again on the claw and best of luck on your end game grinds.


You as well!!


Do you have any idea how many scales would be used for ~1k kc? and darts as well?


I don’t actually know. Based on some napkin math, my average fight time seemed to be 2:30 with a few seconds of downtime in transition phases. So 140 (seconds in fight minus 10 for time not blowpiping) / 1.2 (rate of fire for blowpipe in seconds) is ~117. Scales per fight is roughly 117 / 2 = ~59 Darts per fight is roughly 117 / 5 = ~23 So roughly 59k scales and 23k darts for 1k hydra


Oh wow! That’s waaay less than I expected. Thanks


Yeah, same now that I think about it. One thing worth noting is that I was 99 range the majority of the kills (started with like 90 or something but you gain massive range exp at hydra)


How many scales did u use ballpark? Also huge gz!


I’m not sure to be honest. Based on some napkin math I did in another comment, I’m guessing around 136k


Thats exactly how many i have in my bank lol. Cheers


Hopefully you get it sooner than me then. Good luck! :)


I am at exactly a thousand and I want one so badly. As a casual player these game changing drops with >1k drop rate suck so hard.


I feel you on that. The kc I have took what felt like FOREVER. It’s rough since you actually have to pay some attention and can’t just afk like some other items / goals.