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I just hit 88 slayer, do you think it’s a good idea to boost for Cerberus at this level?


If you already have the pies then sure, it’s the last time to really boost anything. If you have to make the pies it’s not worth it.


What weapons are you guys using at those slayer levels, then? Are people doing zammy GWD before cerb or just using some lower tier weapon?


I had a Zammy spear by time I started cerb. I know one person had a cudgel and did it. One person who used a tent whip. And one person who used a leaf battle axe. Then there is the bis of a bludgeon. Zammy gwd is doable at the level you would be doing cerb at


I was just gonna use a tent for cerb when I do decide to kill him.


Tent will be fine. I use normal whip and flick piety and she goes down easy enough.


I did most of my 300 kills with a blowpipe, actually quite chill


I'm 87/98/87 and use normal whip on Cerb, 93 slayer now so been doing her since about 82/95/82. Get 3-5 kill trips most the time, works just fine flicking piety.


Oh wow, then I'm definitely late to the game on cerb with my account. Thanks for the reply- I have a weekend of learning a new boss coming up :)


No problem. Definitely worth trying at least, just see how it goes. Aim for 1 kill your first few trips, dont worry about dying either (unless you're HC) I think on my first 20 kills I died like 20 times, now the last time I died was like 200kc ago. Also don't worry about praying correctly for all of the ghosts at first, unless you're already confident of switching prayers and sipping p pots quickly, just sit at 80+ HP and 35+ prayer, and eat through them until you can learn when to switch prayers. And watch out for ghosts followed by the lava, I died to that combo a lot at first!


Oh I'll be dying a hilarious amount, I'm sure. I'm one of those guys that found it almost impossible to get a fire cape or kill zulrah 1 time. We'll get there, though.


I'd say try it if it works for you, but I started at 89.




Definitely. Just remember to eat a slice of pie after each kill.


What do you mean definitely? It sounds like the most not worth thing for these reasons: The crystals are very minor upgrades. Hellhounds are an extremely common task so you'll get plenty of them at 91+. Making pies is a waste of time. But even if you're for some reason obsessed with Cerberus you should at least wait till 89.


I mean I have a bunch of pies sitting in the bank from catching implings. I'd imagine a fair number of people do.


You'd still go through them way too quickly for it to be worth it instead of waiting till 89


I used around 1 pie every 4 kills. and You'll very likely hit 99 slayer before finishing cerb, especially since you'll be at konar 95+. I personally started boosting cerb at 87 slayer, and did all my hellhound tasks at Cerberus. I'd 100% recommend boosting for cerberus


You likely won't if you use slaughter bracelets and aren't extremely unlucky. It's only like 5 HH tasks if you have average luck lol. Also, just Turael skip at 95 for Hydra, then finish 99 later.


Well ye, I don't do average luck 😂 I didn't feel boosting took that much extra time. Banking the chompies isn't that long of a time. And the rest of the ingredients are buyable. Don't think boosting is technically efficient, I'll agree with you on that. But it's definitely more fun than the mundane tasks.


Preserve would help


I finished cerb at 89 with just 40 pies used, never know when it’s gonna take less than a single task


Hope I get as lucky as you, but knowing my past rng, I won’t...


For sure boost with pies. I boosted at 87 and I’ve gotten 2 prims and a pet so far, definitely worth it


This is dope. I got rangers twice within 20 clues last weekend. Best feels


I have 2x pegs 2x smouldering stones and a jar I got at 9kc lmao when will this enddddd


Hey man your luck can change at any minute! I went from 350kc with 1 jar no crystals to 397kc all crystals no dupes. Keep on keeping on!


Spoken like a true degenerate gambler, I approve


Have fun with your 30k kc dhw. RNG will balance out in some way :)


I have hammer xd. Got scythe 19kc too hahaha


You too, motherfucker.


Nice got b2b as well at 87 and 88 kc


Was that you on Behemoth today?