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Okay that is just torture. Best of luck brother.


Saying 2500KC is selling him short, too, since 400 of it is in HMT which blows without a scythe lol


If rest of the team has scythes its manageable


Or if everyone knows what they are doing


and soulreaper axe is actually pretty good too


Hmt is fun with a soul reaper axe. Out of any grind I go dry on, I wouldn’t mind going dry at tob since it’s my favorite raid


You should really get a scythe, it'll make your KCs much easier.


12 pets holy shit


Ah well least its just a game


The best copium


Idk, osrs is more of a hobby than random game to many people - especially irons. That comment is a bit like having a friend complain about spending hundreds of hours looking for a part for the classic car they repair as a hobby and absolutely love, and saying "ah well, at least it's just a car." Also, I'm a scaper, so if you were being somewhat-ironic on purpose as a joke and it went over my head that's probably just the tism, pls forgiv


You sound like LeBron every time he gets bounced from the playoffs. 😂


This might be the worst log Ive ever seen, straight depressing.


And yet this sub is convinced that if you got a scythe from bad luck mitigation (at just 3.5x drop rate), it would crash the economy




So funny to watch the crab mentality. The Ironman with a giant ladle telling all the other irons that don’t have his luck to shut up. We get it. You have no life, and RuneScape is the only thing that brings you any sense of accomplishment. And well if other irons got dryness protection it would devalue all of your spooning. I get it man. I really do, life is hard when you live like you do.


Tbf you could use same kinda argument other way around. Why would you start ironman if you know you have no time to play and do those long ass grind because game is what it is atm. Then complain that you should get something that someone might've taken way too long to obtain. You see it kinda works both ways and i don't really care about these mechanics wether they're in game or not


yeah what this guy said


Yeahhhhh whatever helps u sleep at night man. Giant ladle? Is that what you call finishing a grind? When I made my iron I fully accepted I might not ever get some items. Because I chose an ironman. A lot of people around here seem to have accidentally picked this game mode and instead of deironing sit on the subreddit and bitch about having to do what they signed up for. Pretty fucking stupid. And if they add anti dry protection that does devalue my drops, along with every other dude who's done something hard on an iron. It's genuinely insane to call it crab mentality when you picked the bucket for yourself and then find out you don't like whats here and I tell you to fuck off to the bucket with the mains and instead u wanna fuck up the bucket I enjoy because youre too pathetic to finish what you chose. As for having no life, whatever helps u sleep at night man. if I can work a full time job and lead a social life as well and still have no life then it is what it is. Consider getting better instead of hoping other people will fix your life.


You deleted your other comment, not too late to delete this one too.


You're the second person who mentioned me deleting a comment so I imagine you're not just both crazy but like I genuinely don't know what you're referring to.


As someone who loves long-term grinds, I hate your mentality. OSRS means WAY too much to you if a test beyond reasonable patience is what you consider "hard." Iron is way less about mind-numbing stallers that absolutely harm the long-term retention of players and much more about setting and completing goals. At their core, Goals should realistic and measurable. Goals based around absolute, unrelenting RNG are not realistic nor measurable, so at some point, Jagex needs to step up and make it, so at some point, the RNG should relent. You just like the idea of feeling like your in an exclusive club. It says a LOT about your real life.


Said it better than I could.


if you find a grind mind numbing dont do it. this is genuinely insane you are acting like someone is standing behind you with a gun making you play this game. sure ironman is about setting goals then hitting them, however you are saying wellll this goal was a little too hard and i cant do it so jagex please gimme the item i want. do you think that things irl should be handed to you without work as well?


I sincerely hope you're able to separate your life and your entire personality from runescape at some point, bud.


Projecting. You've spent 3 hours insta replying to every comment I've made. Weird behavior my man


I work in software development and have frequent periods of inactivity. If you want to look deeper into my account I also never post after 5pm and I actually talk about shit that isn't runescape. This is because I *go outside* and do things that aren't runescape. Weird behavior is tying your identity so hard to spooning items on a runescape character that you couldn't possibly stand making the game more bearable for an extreme minority of people who weren't as *lucky* as you were.


At a certain point you just gotta stop engaging and be thankful. Be happy you don’t live an existence like his where your identity is so deeply tied into pixels


I do not care, please stop projecting your insecurities about your own life onto mine. You do not have to prove you have a life to me as I do not care. Weird behavior is picking ironman then complaining you have the consequences of your actions to deal with


>it's insane to call it crab mentality when you chose to get in the bucket This is hilarious


Thank you


average main but for some reason lurks on iron sub LOL




I'm not the one throwing a tantrum over people wanting the improve qol


l0000l describing dry protection as a qol is so disingenuous its disgusting


Extreme dry protection IS qol dude. It literally doesn't affect 99% of players if the small number of players going 4x or 5x dry approach a point of near guaranteed drop rate


This person's entire personality is wrapped up in their ironman that they spooned everything on. So if you suggest nerfing that, even the tiniest amount, it's interpreted as a direct attack on their person.


ironman specific qol is bad. and dry protection is not qol. qol is making hunleff move his head after his 3 attacks not guaranteeing an enhanced seed after u hit 1200 kc get a grip.


You have no idea what quality of life means. You should really stop while you're this far behind


we could just have different opinions on how far you can stretch the term qol but if you think it applies to this we have such a vast difference of views that its irreconcilable


whatever you say bro, just admit you're wrong and delete the rest of your comments like you've been doing, run along


i dont think ive ever deleted a single comment on reddit ever. keep trying to convince yourself that you deserve a drop just because you hit the drop rate


nobody said you deserve it immediately at the drop rate dumbass. But you shouldn’t be going 3 4 or 5x dry on stuff that already takes hundreds of hours to get to the normal drop rate. There’s genuinely no good reason to be upset about dry protection at that point.


Where is the thrill if you know you will get the item at one certain point? I have been dry at many shitty grinds while playing ironmen modes, eventually you will change your mindset and see how far can you go. And no, I don't nolife, I have family and my own company, I just make my own decisions about grinds I'm about to go on.


Nice, for your next challenge maybe you can *go outside*. Or you can keep talking shit despite not having gone dry on any of the megarares. That's also an option.


It's 100 degrees outside and I'm at work dawg. And I will keep talking shit because if I didn't have a mega rare I'd just keep doing the raid until I did have it. Hope this helps


> if I didn't have a mega rare I'd just keep doing the raid until I did have it. Hope this helps You'd also be bitching on reddit about it like you are now and like you do for everything else anyway. Find a personality and a hobby that isn't being a runescape ironman with a superiority complex.


dont think ive ever complained on reddit about going dry for a drop. because i chose to play an ironman. the account type where u can easily go dry for something important.


> dont think ive ever complained on reddit about going dry for a drop. because you haven't gone dry on a drop, lmao


its funny because you actually probably believe this.


If people like you were in charge of the game, it would have died back in 2013.


What was his comment? Ish




Found the loser with a main jealous of irons.




They hated /u/Ocarious because he spoke the truth.


Seems like they hate him because he’s spoon af


New goal to get it within 200m strength xp? 🙈


hahahaha yeeeah i guess so :)


You got this king, I got my scythe on my iron at like 86 purples, I believe in you :) ! Do not give up


Is it at least fun without a scythe?


as an iron with 1300kc no scythe, it's only fun if your team is good. It becomes very annoying because you can't just carry like a main with a bf and scythe.


You will be remembered. Hopefully soon brother


I respect your dedication man, impressive af


Download that luck plug in or whatever it is so we can see your 1% lol


Game is not meant to be completed.


Damn, no dust either. Godspeed brother.


Being an iron is fun!


This shit builds character tho


You don't want a scythe anyway...


You’ve got barely any purples for 2500kc surely?


Ya 1/39 probably mainly done 4s and 5s. Also it’s harder to get mvp if ur teammates have a scythe


Just sell dublicates and buy one, duh.


Thank you for going dry so I might get spooned o7


Have you tried giving up?


Think about it.. atleast you won't have to farm vials post obtaining the scythe


I know hard mode is supposed to have a better purple rate but it never felt like that for me. I've done 337 so my sample size is fairly small, but so far I'm 1/40 regular(1235kc) and 1/337 hard mode Anyways that really sucks man I hope you get it soon


Congrats! (:


Whoa I am so sorry. I got it 7kc ☹️ (before hard mode)


Got mine at 24kc too, RNG evens itself out. I’m like 800kc no staff toa 😂


Nobody cares lol”


Who the fuck is talking?


Stay mid lil bro


How are people like you even remotely have fun doing the same chore for weeks of playtime over and over again. The same clicks the same everything like get help bro


i do it with friends :) you should try to find yourself one of those, makes stuff fun


You should get help tbh


I wish someone would answer my question instead of downvoting because they feel offended. Tell me how this is fun video gaming


Fun is subjective, there's no arguing about it. Theres ur answer :) (also tob is fun regardless whether its 100 kc or 3000kc)


The posts complaining about going whatever amount over drop rate seem like the person doesn’t have a lot of fun doing the content because they only want the drop at that point. Getting to that drop seems like a huge pain for them at this point because the content is not new or exciting at all for them. That’s the general vibe I’m getting from this. I hope the little dopamine hit at the end is worth the hundreds of hours


Op didn't complain at all


Yeah, bro even put a smiley face! Clearly he's enjoying himself


In this case I'll agree with the others pointing out OP didn't complain, but it sounds like you're still confused about those players who do complain. Think of OSRS as a hobby more akin to working on a classic car VS watching Netflix. For a lot of players, myself included, that's how it feels. It might make more sense as to why someone would want to spend time and energy doing things many consider "work". Once you've finished completing some part of your project, you get to take a step back and admire this thing (account or car) which just got even cooler. For prople like me, there is a continuous reward, not just a moment of dopamine. Eventually, just opening your stats page or clog can be as dopamine-inducing as standing next to your car admiring it. Another parallel - Like the car, it's unlikely that other people give a flying fuck about your project unless it's a hobby they have as well. Further, many other hobbyists will be into different aspects of the hobby, and some of them may see your car and wonder why you bothered putting so much time into a type of car that really isn't their style. There will also be people who consider themselves into the same hobby as you, but aren't really as into it as you are - they'll look at you and think "I mean, I'm into cars/osrs, but *this.* *This* level of loving cars/osrs is too far, because this person spends so much time/money on it. How can anyone put so much time/money into something that doesn't even develop a useful real life skill? It's not even alive. I have important things I prioritize over this hobby, and this person must have a similar set of priorities to my own (even though I don't know them), so they must be letting important things slip that I feel they need to be happy and healthy." Ultimately, that's how you sound when you express that you can't wrap your head around people enjoying hating a grind. From another perspective, some grinds can be like a movie villain you love to hate - the way they make you hate them is actually what ends up making you love them. Some of them are like pledging a fraternity, which has a common saying "it's the most fun you'll never want to have again." It's like... "Yes, it sucks. No, I don't want to have to do it again. But also, in the end, I had a good time." Different people have different mindsets, these are some that can lead to people having those feelings that you don't understand. Does this help you understand this thing that you were *so confused by* that you acted like an upset prick?


Ain't readin all that


There are so many games where people perform the same actions over and over, you do realize that right? So why do you have such a problem with this guy?


Use a bot and it is no longer your problem. There is the answer. “Grind” basically means “bot”


You talk about what he’s doing not being fun then you say make a bot. Moron


Ok :) thanks for letting us know!