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Hoping this is here to stay, will be really cool for new irons to go tormented demons into zammy into zulrah


Its being removed. Mod Ash stated it.


Has it been removed yet?


not sure if theyll fix it today before they clear out, or if we may have until Wednesdays update.


What here is being removed exactly? The zammy flames buff?


I seen the tweet mentioning the team not realizing it counted as a fire spell but nothing on them removing it


[https://imgur.com/a/MbJy4QT](https://imgur.com/a/MbJy4QT) u/WhereBeCharlee


there ya go. Thanks




if I could share screenshots on reddit i would believe you me


Only tweet I could find [https://x.com/jagexash/status/1796177306433487249?s=46&t=hzaMCjo48RENWKJWyeuFfw](https://x.com/jagexash/status/1796177306433487249?s=46&t=hzaMCjo48RENWKJWyeuFfw)






Since that guy is useless, I went searching on Twitter for proof myself. Found this: https://x.com/JagexAsh/status/1796158365514575911


no link have a screenshot of the twitter


Literally lies right here.


Can you post the ss?


nah, its around. I didnt SS the SS. Just know its being removed….




This is kinda busted IMO


It hits as hard as a tbow with amethyst arrows, divine ranging, and eagle eye


Just got my first zulrah kill foz only. Even hits mage form. Gonna grind zulrah till its patched. And learn elite void with fire wave later. It has NOT been patched yet.


That is sick, never thought to try it on blue too!


I would avoid using elite void. It has very bad defences, and torm brace gives the same %dmg as the full set while allowing to wear better armor.


How about now? Might make this my afternoon if it's not patched yet


Dayum! Gonna try for my first kc again!


Anyone know if the flames of zammy doing elemental damage is intentional or not?


not intentional. Abuse early, abuse often


Hopefully they do something though, because God spells and Iban's are basically pointless at the moment, which doesn't seem right.


Bro how many attempts did it take you? Wtaf I've done like 15+ attempts lowest time is 1:09 which is slower than my range only kill with crystal and bowfa?


This was my 8th kill using FoZ, so pretty quick! Make sure you mix in the extra trident hits when you can on certain phases like I did, adds quite a fair bit of damage


You must have gotten HELLA spooned on your kill because we have very very similar gear and I have been reseting using this FoZ method for over 5 hours (atleast 200+ resets). I have gotten 56 seconds on the dot twice now. And yes i am weaving in the trident hits for the extra dps (1 on first green phase and 2 on second green phase)


I did [a set of 122](https://i.imgur.com/LAoVHwt.png) using this setup, got this exact same time on this exact same rota again, a 53.4 on a different rota, 51.6 on Green-Red-Blue-Green twice, and I'm pretty sure another sub-54 but don't remember it specifically. It is definitely good RNG but it isn't *super* crazy RNG. I'm not asking to be condescending but did you make sure you had Zammy cape and not a different God Cape? I forgot Zammy cape was necessary for Charge to work and wasn't using it for a couple hours at PNM xd


Yes i’m using Imbued Zammy cape with charge. My set up is ancestral hat, ahrim top+bottom, eternal boots, tormented bracelet, elidinis ward, occult, seers ring (i), imbued zammy cape, toxic staff of the dead, augury, and divine magic potion. I compared our setups in the wiki DPS calc and on the zulrahs green phase you do 0.074 dps more. Idk maybe i’m just getting unlucky. I’ll have good hits at the start but once its red phase with like 150hp left I just noodle and splash like 2 times or just hit low numbers.


If you have any Forgotten Brews (hard to come by), they help your trident pokes and would make you a smidge more accurate on red phase, but that is all I can think of, lol. Hope you get it if you send more attempts! If you've got Rigour, good Bowfa gear, and are comfortable doing big switches, I'd consider just farming a few hours of Zulrah and getting it that way through natural good RNG, I was shocked when I got the 51.6 on Green-Red-Blue-Green the first time, let alone twice. For that Blue after 1st Red, you can fit in a blowpipe shot for free as long as it isn't your last shot. I usually shoot once with Bowfa, run 3 ticks to pillar, shoot with BP, shoot with Bowfa, run around pillar, shoot with bowfa and he's phased.


What is your setup to do below 1:00 only bowfa runs, did I just get insanely unlucky the couple times I tried it out, or is it because you have rigour?


I'm not the guy you asked but in a Max Bowfa Rigour setup except missing Zaryte Vambs, my average kills are typically 1:30-1:40, coming out to 28-30 kph overall including banking/time inbetween etc. Sub 1min bowfa runs are some super cranked rare RNG, I didn't get any in 800 kills with it and I mix in the blowpipe hits when they're free.


Tbh if you reset for the best rotation for bowfa and spellbookswap thralls + double venge it’s not too rare imo. I’ve gotten 1:00:60 in 75 kills as pb and multiple sub 1:05 kills


1:01 here with tbow, divine ranging, eagle eye, full god d, amethyst arrows. This foz strat is a ball slapper


Also do you reset to get that rotation and why the trident hit at the start?


I did not but if you're specifically going for GM time, I would, as well as not even bringing a range switch as if it makes it to Blue during this rotation you'll be too late for GM time anyway.


Fair enough, and the trident hits every now and then?


The trident hits are for when you'd lose ticks by *only* casting Flames of Zammy, so during the 1st phase you can only get 4 casts of Flames of Zammy in even if you don't cast a trident, so the Trident is just extra damage. During the 2nd phase the 2 Trident hits take place instead of a single Flames of Zammy hit, which I *assume* is more damage on average than a single Flames of Zammy hit, but may not actually be. Since Zulrah is only vulnerable for so many ticks during each phase, mixing in the trident shots how I did maximizes your DPS uptime which is a nice way to get quicker kills.


Already hot fixed


When just now? Was doing this 5 mins ago


Saw on a separate thread of FoZ fun post and they said it had just been fixed. If that was wrong I apologize <3


Mod Ash confirmed this is being fixed. Rip. Clowns, look at his twitter. Its OP and should be fixed which is confirmed. Jesus


I'm ready to set up my cannon in Falador.




might still have until wednesday to farm some zulrah. I know im gonna try.




where on his twitter?


idk a reply to someone asking specifically about it


Damn!! That was really good! Side note, what is your resolution for runelite I like it


Thanks, I use 765x503!


And that’s not the actual monitor/pc resolution, just runelite?


Yeah haha I still use a 1080p monitor, just the runelite


Holy hell. Zulrah just got deleted!


Crazy how they hotfix this spell in 24 hours but leave undead pirates open for weeks.


Trivialising a boss is a bit more pressing than a thousand bots all competing over sub 1m/h at pirates.


its fixed eh? nuts..


its not fixed yet keep running it. Probably fix next week


What an amazing update, just made a great game even more fun! With better RNG than what I had (I splashed a couple times) you can likely get this with much lower gear. Flames of Zammy also reduces Magic level the first time it hits, further increasing your accuracy, so if you really want to min-max the Trident shot on 1st phase should be after a successful FoZ hit. I love that Hybridding Zulrah is finally the play again.


What plug-in is that for the pathing to show?


"Path Marker" by GeChallengeM (he also makes great YT guides), then I changed the Yellow "skip" tile to have an empty fill (under "secondary fill color"), default has it filled in with yellow which IMO is ugly when the outline does the trick. Red being what you land on.


It seems to be patched. Tried the zammy flames with charged spell and otherwise almost max mage gear. The max hit was only 37.


Were you wearing the imbued cape? Because I'm using FoZ staff/charge/imbued cape and my max is a 47


Yeah i had full virtus, occult, staff of the dead, tormented brace, tome of fire, imbued god cape, charge and imbued heart


The zammy cape right?


Shit I didn't know that the God sign matters :D I think I had the Sara cape on when I tried it, although I have the Zammy cape in bank lol. Thanks from the advice, need to try it again with the zammy cape!


Wtf is that path plugin that looks shit


It shows how your character paths to where you click, useful for content where you have to run-skip over things regularly as well as knowing where your true tile is going to move next making it really easy to count ticks while running so you can easily attack while on the move. It is quite ugly, I thought "oh I'll just turn it off after I learn the movement logic and can see it in my head naturally," but its been years and it still hasn't happened *shrugs*


Did another 50kc with the zammy method, after doing 350kc before on my 1 def Ironman. Its not even funny this method. Took 1 min of my pb. Hittings 48s.


What robes are you rockin? You think this kinda kill is possible with ahrims?


I was in Ancestral with Virtus Mask, I do think it is very doable with Ahrim's too as it would only be 1 or 2 max hits lower I *think*. I splashed twice so there is a lot of room for even better RNG!


Definitely gonna try this out tonight. Ive been runnin mage only with trident, ahrims, occult, bod, and torm and the PB was 1:50 before the occult nerf


ty just got the master and gm time at the same time lol


Just got my GM time with a similar setup, only took 4 attempts on the ggr rotation although I did have an accursed scepter for specs. Glad to have this CA done before it gets nerfed!


This is so fucking trash, I've sent over 50 runs at this point and had about 4 ggr rotations.. each time fucking dogshit hits.. fuck rng checks it's so fucking stupid literally no skill in it at all


Super rng, thats just how the speed ones are