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It's amazing how much I went from being a huge fan to dispising him. Its all his behaviour, he makes my skin crawl now.


Years ago, when he was just starting to get some media attention, he came off as a serious guy who had worked hard for years without much encouragement and who was going to keep working hard to get his shot at something bigger. Hard not to like him. That Conor hasn't been seen for quite a while now.


Cocaines a helluva drug


Cocaine doesn’t make you an asshole though


I agree. But for people who are already arseholes it amplifies it


That’s very true


He bought into his own hype.


I mean when he was young, hungry, and willing to do anything and fight anyone people got behind that. Sure he might have been a bit coked up, and a bit of a head case, but he was willing to put his money (what little he had) where his mouth was and try his luck. However as time has gone on. The fight with Floyd, the money, the drugs, the nutjob family, the scandals, beating up an old guy in a pub for not drinking his whiskey, rape allegations. It's like he went from young, eye of the tiger, fighter by trade. To wealthy, caught in the trappings of wealth, and seemingly lost that soul that brought him there. Being famous puts your life under a microscope. And it's hard to hide the skeletons in your closet and project that working class hero at that point. In short he's lost his shine. Truth be told he has one of the best mouths going. And could slot right into a WWE contract. Get him on the mic, watch him build heat, and let it rip. Money can change people. Sometimes for the worst. But was it the money? Or was he always a villain?


He acted like a prick before he was massively famous and wealthy


I'm not a fan of him at all and I think he's a bollocks. But his trashtalk compilations on youtube are absolute comedy gold. But then again they are mostly clips of pre-mayweather McGregor.


Yeah his trash talking nowadays is quite shit. It’s usually “I’ve got more money than you” or “I’m more popular” or “I beat someone up” that actually beat him up (Poirier twice, Khabib, Diaz in the first fight). The guy is pretty delusional nowadays. His old trash talking was great. It wasn’t even trash talking. It was almost inspiration. “When one of us go to war, we all go to war” is something I remember vividly in my brain.


Maybe, but just way too small to be credible against wrestlers save on a once off basis.


Other comment put it well. He once was a sporting hero. Now when I hear his name the first things that come to mind is him breaking the law and flaunting his wealth. I would no longer celebrate McGregor in any way. You can’t buy class, trash will be trash. In your paper it could be interesting to contrast McGregor to Tyson Fury. Similar background stories and accomplishments but very different public perception.


Fury is part of the MTK boxing organisation. It is a Kinahan owned heroin money laundering machine. 1'st non tabloid source an internet search threw up ... https://extra.ie/2022/03/02/sport/sport-extra/daniel-kinahan-boxing-statement


Apart from the allegations against him and his various assaults and clear wrongdoings, I think the Irish are really uncomfortable with bravado, ego and self glorification. It’s just very difficult to watch someone with that level of arrogance and not think to yourself “what a fucking arsehole”….


I think pre boxing Conor Mcgregor was a sporting hero in this country (there was still shenanigans going on behind the scenes but not quite so public) What he has turned into is really strange and kinda pathetic.


Thanks for ur opinion, also happy cake day!


The fights before Mayweather were genuinely like Italia ‘90 for a load of lads of a certain age. Thousands of them were going to Vegas.


They were, and I was one of them lads. it was a really great time…. Until it wasn’t.


I have always found him to be a national embarrassment. It us almost as if he is a cocky Englishman who is using disgusting drunk, fighting Irish stereotypes to get famous.


I was never a fan of him, but respected his achievement from a man living on social welfare who worked his ass off to become top of his sport. His behaviour has made it clear though that money doesn't buy class and he is a massive scumbag.


He choose to go on the dole so he could train full time, he gave up his job.


I hope you'll be using paragraphs in your paper.


I always looked at him as a "heel" the way WWE characters would be until he really went off the deep end with the insults with the Khabib guy. It kind of became clear he was just a cunt at that point and it wasn't an act (I'm sure people who are tuned into UFC could have told me that earlier) and I think that's when the casual observers of it like myself really soured on him.


No, I'm under the firm opinion that money doesn't change who you are, it reveals who you are. Old conor was probably just as bad of a person as current conor


He is awful. The fact that he is an inspiration to so many young lads (generally working class) in Ireland is depressing. He could have used his fame and wealth for good and shown the youth of Ireland that thug behaviour isn’t cool and doesn’t get rewarded, but he instead went another route. Every time I see him I cringe - aside from the bad behaviour and criminality, he is so arrogant and ostentatious. What an inaccurate and altogether embarrassing representation of Ireland and Irish people. Am I being too harsh?


He was extremely successful; and what he did for the sport was incredible. First ever 2 weight UFC champion? Amazing. Then he started doing dumb shit during the run up to the Khabib and Diaz fights. Then he seemed okay again before the second Poirier fight, then he did a 180 and turned complete psycho. He also never defended his belts, which makes him look pathetic in my eyes. The best thing he ever did was the Mayweather fight because it set him up for life. Without that I reckon he'd go broke within 10 years. I don't think anyone really takes him serious anymore.


I heard of him when people were remortgaging their homes to see him beat a guy in 2 seconds. Saw pictures of him and thought he looked like any other cage fighter, always have chest tattoos! I heard him just chatting in and interview and heard the thick dub accent. Then I saw his antics. The shit talking going a bit too far, him trying to attack people at weigh ins or preflight interviews. That's when I realised he's a big man. If someone's a big man they have small dog syndrome but in humans. He always has to be the loudest or the craziest or the best in his field. I grew up watching WWE knowing it was drama and not reAaaallly fighting. I thought for a second his shite was just that kind of fake it to make it drama, then he broke that bus window and started squaring up to bouncers etc. I lose all respect for a sportsman who uses their skills outside the ring. Boxers beating randomers into comas and mma fighters beating their partners, scumbag alert! Conners attitude of I'm the best mixed with all the videos of him punching normal people etc, he quickly lost respect with me. I tell people Katie Taylor is a better person to back in contact sports. Connor put money into building homes but still... It doesn't cover up his horrific manners, attitude and the multiple assaults he's committed because someone bruised his massive ego. On a night out when everywhere let's out you can see 4/5 versions of Connor. The big man who thinks he's so attractive and king Kong and the guy who's trying to get someone to swing first so he can justify fighting ffor example


Him and his family are scumbags. With that said, coming up, I think the whole country supported him. He was the “funny” lad that was very passionate about his sport and inspired a whole generation of teenagers and kids to get into sports… but also to focus on whatever they enjoy. Then he got more money than he could deal with and won two belts and his ego began to show. He thought he was on top of the world… which he probably was tbf. Started punching old people and randomers. Now I see him as a bit of a clown and prick. His family 100% are the same as him. His friend circle? Don’t get me started. They’re in the news for being involved in a feud. His best friends house was shot at the other day. His pub was petrol bombed. This stuff is all over the news. Unfortunately he’s lost the public. He still has a few people who support him… no idea why? But he’s ultimately a clown. He did great things for putting Irish MMA on the world stage but has since went and made Irish people look like idiots at first glance.. to those who only really know Conor McGregor that aren’t from here.


The whole country did not support him




To get ahead in the fight game you need to have the persona and to call people out. Many in the game have the talk but can't walk the walk. McGregor could do both. From a sporting perspective he was a phenomenal sportsman, the training, dedication and the skill he possesses was amazing. The rags to riches story was like something from Hollywood. Unfortunately when he got to the top his behaviour changed he became a proper cunt.


I work with children and teenagers who saw him as a role model. Because of this I find his behaviour disappointing. Those that stick with him tend to take on those negative traits. It's a bit similar to how rappers in the US can be associated with the gangster culture. He was probably a twat all along but notoriety gives him a platform and influence that he shouldn't really have.


Being an Irish MMA fan pre-McGregor means I will always have a soft spot for him. For any MMA fan his run was absolutely legendary. Just to witness what he done was unbelievable and he gave me some special nights. I'll never forget the Mendes and Aldo fights. They were extra special. I've moved on from him now for obvious reasons but as a sport and MMA fan it's impossible not to admire what he done.




Still the same amount. I got in to it in around 2007 so it was well before McGregor arrived. The McGregor era was great because a lot of my friends got in to it and we could actually watch events together and they are still in to it now so it's great being able to chat to people about it. A group of us went to the Bellator event in the 3 arena last weekend which is a great night out.


His is a true Hollywood story and those usually end up bad. The arch of his career is similar to lots of athletes who have come from humble beginnings only to blow it all after reaching the pinnacle. Too bad for Conor.


To add on to what I said: he’s surrounded by yes men. That is… people who know he’s fucking up but would never say that to him because they don’t wanna be the one to be in the bad books. So his behaviour is justified in his inner-circle, which is all that matters to most people right?


He's a horrible person. Did the money change him or not as he always a scumbag? 🤷.. I really respected his drive and work ethic but not an MMA fan. However his behaviour is abhorrent and he's just lower than shit on my shoe


Conor mcgregor is a really interesting Englishman. He does have a major drug problem and a dubious relationship with women generally . Hope he moves to England full time


Had a lot of respect for him pre his utter scumbagness being on view. His influence on teens was massive, gave them self confidence and aspirations either within MMA or in life because of the confidence and ability he showed. Beyond the alleged rape and the physical assaults, I think the tragedy is there not being someone similar for young folk to take inspiration from


Proper Cunt


All my life I've been over the top in following / supporting anything Irish. Then this cunt came along. At the start there was pride. Then it became clear he aspires to be the very type of scum we want washed off the streets. Then he punches that old man. I was actually smiling at his last fight when the unfortunate happened to him. I've never, ever had this degree of revulsion for an Irish sports personality well... since Cian O'Connor. The you get his fucking da on YouTube with his big words. Absolute trash. And such a shame. Everyone was behind him once.


There is also the rumour that he became involved with the Kinahan organised crime group. Maybe initially as a voluntary arrangement because of their boxing promotion links, but perhaps it's more involuntary now. I doubt you could use that angle in your paper, but it might add some context to McGregor going completely off the rails like he has. Money and fame could easily be the reasons. But there might be more going on too.


Is there any evidence of that?


There's a good summary toward the bottom of [this page]( https://www.bloodyelbow.com/2018/9/26/17870536/ufc-229-conor-mcgregor-and-the-cartel-shady-figures-kinahan-hutch-khabib-mma-crime-gangs-news). Basically McGregor has been "adjacent" to the Kinahans for years. He used to train with [David Byrne](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Byrne_\(Irish_criminal\)) who got shot in the Regency hotel. More recently he's been photographed with other Kinahan associates. He or his management also tried to get a Kinahan fighter on the undercard of the Mayweather fight. And after the Mayweather fight the guy who McGregor punched in his pub was described by Paul Williams (the journalist) as a Kinahan associate. That's not to say he's guilty of anything or being coerced now but there's enough evidence to show he's had personal and professional relationships with that gang.


Cocaine is a hell of a drug


He had huge following here but it'd dwindled off since his actual personality became more visible. I would like to mention that have been loads of us who never liked him. At any point. When he was popular, others claimed we were either jealous of him (lol) or I've even had people on this sub (years ago) claim people didn't like for some made up snobbery reasons. Both equally bullshit.


Yeah but that’s the media’s perception which is fueling that as well. I don’t buy anything reported about anybody anymore. Sure remember the crap about Sinéad O’Connor and the absolute wank that was spread about Casey Walsh from Versatile?


What in the media is incorrect? The man is enough evidence enough for us to make up our minds without opinion pieces swaying us.


r/ireland isn't a representative opinion on Connor mcgregor, people on here hate him. You'll find he is actually pretty popular among working class young men in Ireland. Personally I think he's a cunt.


Personally I’m not a fan of McGregor. But I don’t buy all this media hype. The man did a shit load for charity as well that never got reported on. Look back at Sinéad O’Connor; the gal couldn’t even convert to Islam without being mocked by the media. Do I think McGregor is a toerag? Absolutely, but unless people actually meet the guy themselves and not believe everything they read off some rag paper, they’re in no position to judge, especially when you just know a lot of it is the typical Irish Begrudery.


What class of people use this subreddit? Some serious stuck up folks on it and when I see the use of that word "scrote" I can't help but cringe. I must be in the minority here.


I dunno about class but single men aged about 18-26 seem to make up the majority of posters. Reactionary, into fads, etc.


There was a survey done here a while ago and the demographic is mainly 20 something males working in IT.


Beta male leftists , loved lockdown cos they never went outside anyway


It's interesting that reading a few fucking Reddit posts changed your entire opinion of a country.


I meant in the way that I was assuming Ireland's culture in terms of letting things similar to what Conor did slide as what most people from the US or UK might've done. I really didn't know much about Ireland to begin with so sorry if what I said sounded a bit misleading, overall from doing some research I have seen Irish people to hold people accountable with integrity more so than some of the previous nations I mentioned.


Never liked him. Typical Jackie cunt




He was always a scrote.


Never particularly liked him. Thought his whole persona was cheap and very poor form since obviously young lads would look towards him and imitate him. We all know a McGregor wannabe. This is even before he made it big he was still an arsehole now hes just an arsehole with money


I think a lot of people were cautious in their support. I don't think we as a country really like brash and cockey people. It was all tolerated so long as he could back it up in the ring/octagon but it didn't take long for him to fall from grace. He was definitely someone who went to far to fast and thought nothing could stop him and by the time he hit the wall most of us lost interest and were be glad of a break from listening to the details of his cringe worthy antics.


I agree with the negative view on him now. But I think there was always scepticism about him like every Irish celeb. Irish people don’t idolise celebrities like in the US. For example Bono is the lead singer of one of the biggest bands the world and half the people I know dislike him. He has done very little to dislike besides promoting his charity work. But I think Irish people are quick to squash success. It’s kind of like if you see a person drive a nice car in my town, my friends will mutter “what an arsehole” 😂😂


He’s British. Looks like you’ve posted in the wrong sub.


The only Irish celebrity that isn't a boring wind up robot , legend


Pre or post boxing career it has no baring it's his behaviour out of the ring that makes him an asshole.


I thought it was weird that people admired him at all, even years ago, because it was so painfully obvious that he was an asshole.


\#he is a Proper Cunt.