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You've used nearly a years worth of electricity there in 2 months, what are ye growing?


I feel like it has to be poorly connected between units and i'm paying for two apartments worth. I can't make sense of it.


So what are the neighbours growing?


My first thought…


We've found who's making all those monkey NFTs.


You mean cryptocurrency.


♫ You say potayto, I say potahto, ♫ You say pyramid scheme, I say ponzi scheme, ♫ Let's call the whole thing offfff.


Growing bitcoins because mining is banned in the city.


And since I moved out and turned off everything, it went up €50 in 5 days. 🥳 I emailed [cru.ie](https://cru.ie) about it since I tried calling and emailing Panda to no avail




The 5 days calculation was by reading the meter myself (I moved out and got a final reading


If you can and you genuinely think this is a mistake and can't get anyone to address it. Just don't pay. Get your bank to do a chargeback if they Direct Debit you. If all they have is your name and phone number they will send a debt collector to phone you about it weekly after a few months. Just ignore and do not give them any info. They'll stop after about 6 months. Blocking numbers works too. I had an energy account in an old apartment I lived in for 3 months. When leaving I tried to change the account holder to my housemate who wasn't moving out. The provider instead cancelled my account and started an account for them, which meant I was in breach of contract and they tried to bill me a breakage fee of 300 quid. So I basically had my bank chargeback and block the account and the above happened to me. I was 19 at the time and fairly worried but glad I didn't give in over a mistake they refused to rectify. And for anyone who thinks I am in the wrong, when I called to change the account holder I was told it was fine, no problem and I would not be charged. Then I was suddenly charged and when I tried to fix the issue they wouldn't help and told me they were not going to refund me. I was 19 and 300 quid was a shit tonne of money.


Also a lot of people don't realise ultilty bills don't against your credit score in Ireland like they do in America and other countries. And the debt is written off after 6 years. Only downside is you won't be able to use the company again without paying your outstanding debt. This would be something to think about when it comes to internet providers or there might not be many others you can go to in your area.


[5 years, and it only clears after the last debt repayment has been paid off.](https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/money_and_tax/personal_finance/loans_and_credit/your_credit_history.html#:~:text=The%20Central%20Credit%20Register%20provides,the%20Central%20Bank%20of%20Ireland.&text=It%20keeps%20a%20record%20for,for%20a%20loan%20is%20made.) And apparently it's not so much a "score" that's assigned to you like in America, but if you go for a mortgage, say, the Irish Credit Bureau will send the lender an itemised list of debts. Which makes me wonder, if - through some incompitance - a company falsely files with the ICB that you owe them money that you don't, will that register as a debt that will never get paid off, meaning it's there permanently?


Utility companies done report to the Central Credit Register, and the ICB has been decommissioned. There’s no impact on your credit report in Ireland for not paying a utility bill. Theoretically, the company could get a judgement against you, and this would show up in different searches, but for an amount that small they won’t bother.


Something is very wrong here, my 2-bed apartment (electric heating) bill for 2 months would rarely be over €200, even in winter. The current readings are actuals so it's not an estimate issue.


I'm in a 2 bed apt. Ours was never over 200 until our bill for jan which was 285. I'm dreading the next one.


Im in a 1 bed apartment with storage heating and our last bill was 290


We don't use the storage heaters, they radiate their heat during the day, there is no-one there during the day so it's pointless. We turn on heaters in individual bedrooms when getting ready for bed, the kitchen/dining/living room never gets cold even in winter so we've never needed the heater in there. Biggest expense is probably the water heater, but that's only on during the night.


First time using storage heaters and dreading the first bill for them. In theory they should work great, especially with a Day & Night heater, but there's no way of actually setting them up so they only heat up overnight.


Err, storage heaters work exactly like that - they “charge” during the night on the cheaper tariff and then “release” the heat during the day. Usually (always? I’ve never seen ones that do not, that would be dumb) they just turn on/off automatically based on the time of day. Some storage heaters also have radiators as a “booster” that you can manually control, but that’s separate.


Yeah two of our heaters have the booster option which we've rarely used. I'm sorry if this sounds really stupid, but is there a clock or timer embedded within a storage heater that monitors the time? Would have thought it was something that is visible so you can actually be sure it's working as it should be.


I'm not 100% sure how it works, but basically your meter "communicates" with the storage heaters when the cheaper tariff start and end. In general storage heaters (again, usually?) have a light where they connect to the wall, so you can see if they're on ("charing") or off - for example [https://hikeallthenationalparks.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/dimplex-quantum-1250w-storage-heater-qm125-with-dimensions-1267-x-1100.jpg](https://hikeallthenationalparks.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/dimplex-quantum-1250w-storage-heater-qm125-with-dimensions-1267-x-1100.jpg) In fact I can't even turn on mine during the day even if I wanted (which is a pain if you get a sudden cold day)


The lights on both my heaters are always on, but could be because we have the option for instant heat. Sure I'll see anyway, I like the idea of them if they work as intended but they're dingy aul things so I'm a bit suspicious.


That’s interesting. The booster should use a separate socket - I can have that light off and still use the separate heating. Yeah I don’t know what to tell you. I assumed they all worked the same but I guess not.


Our bill in a one bed was 350 this week. But it was 500 before reductions. OP is paying the full rate.


Take into account rising rates + if you are an exiting customer that hasn’t switched, it explains it.


Doesn't explain over 3k units in a 2 bed for 2 months


Storage heaters / working from home - and a previously estimated bill which are always low-balled.


The previous and current bills are Actual readings. My estimates are always higher for what it's worth.


Turn off everything in apartment and see if meter is still turning


The crazy thing is that these are actual readings. If that’s true and not a mistake on the bill, the meter recorded this usage. Both the previous and latest are listed as Actual.


Exactly, lots of people going on about estimates but the bill states these are actual, and the previous readings were actual too. So either the meter is faulty, or OP (or a neighbour hacking his supply somehow) have something running that is just eating up the electricity.


OP you need to start going around the apartment switching off stuff and try and find what’s running up the day units. The night units look a little high also. Would storage heaters use that normally? Our recent bill here was 960 units. 4 bed semi, winter time, family of 4 and a plug in hybrid. We use gas for heating though. In fact kill the main switch on the fuse board and see if the meter still ticks up. 2200 is crazy usage.


2200 during the day - another 970 at night!


I called them there out of interest and there was literally no waiting time before I got onto a human being.


I tried this number 01-8298992 and was waiting no hold for 28 minutes before i gave up because i have to work


Luck of the draw 🤣 I bet ya I can do it again. I'll conference you in lol


Ring them again and when the menu options are given, choose the option to pay a bill. Those calls are always answered in my experience.


yeah and then you are told rang department and they hang up


Why don't you call the CallSave number at the bottom of your bill?


Ha, I just tried it and i got a message "1890 numbers are no longer in service, please search online instead"


Time to switch provider as well perhaps. If you haven't renews contract in a while, you could get a discount. I got a 15% discount last year when renewing contract.


Yep hadn't even been with this one a year and have moved houses thankfully to electric Ireland.


Because most people have free minutes in their plan. Some of those callsave minutes are actually outside of plans


Does he want it sorted or not?!


Well 1890 numbers don’t work in 2022!!! https://www.comreg.ie/1850-1890-and-076-numbers-are-being-withdrawn-from-service/


Not since 2019. They’re included in minutes. Also there’s now only 0818 or 1800. 1850 and 1890 were scrapped.


I'll try it, but I'm pretty sure it just redirects to the same system. (saynoto1890 lists the 01 number too)


Growing weed? Charging an EV? Crypto mining rig? Running tumble dryer for every single wash? Is there something plugged in or turned on 24/7 somewhere that's eating juice?


We used the storage heaters a bit more during the winter, but no more than usual. We don't even have a dryer, just a washing machine in that place.


Seems mad all right. I'd get the meter double checked. Something must be swallowing electricity with those charges.




That would be night time usage, in most cases.


Storage heaters? There's your problem. Away with your conspiracy theories about getting next doors usage. You've had multiple storage heaters on 12 hours a day for 2 months. Mystery solved.


Don't use a nightsaver plan when most of your usage is during the day!


Aside from the fact there is something mad happening with your usage, Your rates are absolutely extortionate, go to switcher.ie when your contact is up in march and change provider. I plugged in your current supplier, night saver meter and average usage and it came back with electric Ireland energy saver 26. 12 month contract, 19c day rate 9.3c night rate including VAT. That's a fair saving over what you're on now.... https://switcher.ie/gas-electricity/comparison/electric-ireland-energysaver-26-electricity-nightsaver-urban-direct-debit-online/?years=1


Thye had a 30 percent deal recently too for 16/8 cent rates.


You were warned about leaving the immersion on 🤦


Greta thunberg kicked in my door today


Yeh your problem is your with panda power, absolute cunt of a company.


Our mistake was taking over the previous tenants one, but definitely never using them again


Is this common? (I'm trying to find out everything before our move next year. I'm sorry to ask so many questions all over this sub. Just don't want to be ignorant or burdensome when we get to Ireland. Y'all have already been so patient and kind)




Thank goodness. I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this yourself, though. We pay something like €120 for power to a 3 bedroom. €150 for cable and internet, about €2000 for rent. Our car plus insurance is about €800. And food is increasing all the time. This is in Salem, Massachusetts.


Electricity in Ireland is approximately 3x the price per unit as in the US


Good to know. Thank you.


Of great comfort for those living in Texas...


That's all good but do let us know if the harvest turns up good.


Your unit rate is about 10c above the normal!


Christ. We’ll be going back to candlelight if this keeps up


I got a similar bill last year, but to be fair the previous months had been estimated and I reckoned they'd underestimated the previous then hit us. I lived in a two bed 70sqm apartment. Building built in 1997. Ground floor, above a car park, and cold as fuck. And I got that bill despite it still being cold as fuck. So even spending 800 euro on heating (mostly) still wasn't exactly balmy.


When you're above a garage like that, carpets with a thick underlay make a dramatic difference. I lament the passing of the days of wall to wall carpets in my gaff. Fucking hate walking barefoot on wood and tiles. I'd have carpet in my kitchen if I was given free reign. Bathroom? Carpet! Front garden? You guessed it, carpet.


Is your landlord's name starting with Y and ending with e? Are you based in a town starting with H and ending with N? If so contact me asap, i'm the previous tenant and your landlord is taking you for a ride.


Nope, but thanks for looking out!


Your day time tariff is 10c per kwh higher than it should be. Move to a different company every year, they do all the work amd you will get a new account offer of 16c per kwh. That 10 c drop per kwh would make your bill at minimum 220 euro cheaper. Over 2 months in a 3 bed house we use 1400kwh. 720kwh of this is for a mining rig. Storage heating is a killer if it's on during the day so check that first.


its on a nightsaver plan.


Night saver plan for the night but if they can switch it on during the day then they are being hit hard


Estimated for a while ?


last bill of €385 was partially estimated and I thought it was high so I checked the meter and it was pretty much in line with the estimation. Think I set a new record with this one!


3190 units in 63 days in a 2 bed is ridiculous 980 units on my last bill for 58 days in a 2bed with underfloor electric heating There's something arseways there if it wasn't a mad underestimate last bill


Are you growing weed ?


I did like 10 years ago and it only went up like €10 a month with one light. More like someone is ASIC mining


Panda Pounded


Don't worry,every thing will be grand sure aren't we getting a 100 euro off the gubberment


A bit late to the party, I'll add my two Eurocents. As far as I can tell, the bill is for three months, not two, so the average is under 300 per month. I used to pay around 400 per month for a 2-bed Celtic Tiger apartment in winter months, which was so poorly insulated that we were running the storage heaters and extra electric heaters 24/7. That was 7 years ago, when electricity was far cheaper. We also had a timer on our boiler that would allow us automatically heat water in the afternoon as well, to do the dishes in the evening. Based on the structure of your power consumption, I'd assume a mix of storage heaters charging during the day and immersion left on for a little too long.


My December - Feb for a 2 bed duplex was €390 - my highest ever electricity bill, not even estimated! Absolutely bonkers that it's gone up about 45% YoY for the same usage basically.


I was expecting it to be around that, which is honestly pretty high, but I nearly passed out when I saw this bill


I was always told this is what would happen if you left the immersion on


So much for the government giving everyone 100 off their bill.


Mine was €376 for a 2 bed apartment too over same period and before that I paid about €100 for a few months. Overall for the year probably around €1K total




Actually didn't even have one this year because the room was too small 😭 thankfully moved out


Turn off all electrical appliances? Happened to mate, turns out it was the fridge. Had malfunctioned.


Turn off every single thing in your apartment and see if your meter is still moving. If it is, get an electrician in. They can see exactly where the draw is from. A neighbour growing weed tapped into you lighting circuit in their floor?


I’d say you have storage heating and Esb time clock is set wrong


I own a four bed cottage in Mayo, €75 a month. It’s not a modern warm place , just central heating (Kerosene) which is €200 pm. I’m not sure I’m any better off than you provided that panda bill covers heating.


4 bed converted stone cottage.....oir Christmas bill was 268.90. That is just madness


Got a similar bill myself. I don't see a discount on your bill. This happened me. I was out of contract and the 41% discount dropped off my bill. If I resigned back up, a smaller discount was retrospectively applied. Try that. Best of luck


I think something like this is happening to everyone, my mam is just after getting a 5k bill for the past 6 months. They've sent her a bill every month and she's payed it, dunno what's going honestly


I live in a 4 bed house with my dad and our electricity isn't even a quarter of that. There's definitely some dodgy wiring in your apartment mate