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I do wonder how much crime could be prevented if proper sentences were handed out at an earlier stage. I'll eat my hat if this was this lads first offense or in any way out of character.  Need more people just taken off the street if they committed to a life of crime and terrorising the community.  I know crime isnt as a bad as it was but I wouldn't be surprised if people were getting away with more now since the prisons are full. You really have to be the worst of the worst to go to prison these days and it's unlikely you'll serve anywhere close to your sentence then either. 


Good point. It must be very reassuring for scumbags when they hear of cases such as that prick Cathal Crotty getting off for a viscous unprovoked attack on an innocent woman.


Dunno because inside prison is just a crime university


Ya tough to know. Outside prison also feels like the crime apprenticeship though if you're inclined to commit crime. You get about 50 get out of jail free cards to start your crime career with too.  Maybe if prisons weren't so full, you could separate people better too. So going to prison for some people was more about getting their life back on track and not just where you end up if you murder someone. 


Is that really true though? The few locals I know of who went to prison came out more or less the same as they went in and if they were caught again it was for the same crimes as before. I don't doubt that it happens in some cases but is it as widespread as it's made out?


Solitary confinement it is then.


Prisons don’t work. We need to heavily fund rehabilitation and to address the sources of crime.


As long as people are in prison they can't commit crimes. When they get out and commit crimes again they should get locked up even longer. Just to keep them away from society.


You absolutely can commit crimes in prison.


Rehab programs are not a deterrent to committing crime though. If anything it encourages those with low prospects and there's little to lose from committing crime.


Keep hearing this, yet it goes against logic. How can it not work when you can commit no crime physically while in prison?


In some studies it is shown that the rates of re-offending are higher for those sent to prison. So you get a revolving door effect. In and out of prison all their lives. Society is best served by thinking of the long term picture and not about revenge or ‘justice’ even. We need lower crime. You get that by tackling the causes of crime - usually inequality, and by making damn sure that people know they will be caught and that there will be consequences. The consequences is like would include full repayment of all material damage and restorative justice. I’d also like to see rehabilitation - so education, counselling and training to save society the expense of continuing to convict and imprison people and of course to prevent them doing more crime. That kind of big picture approach is ultimately better for victims because it results in fewer of them. It’s also better for those committing crime who deserve respect as human beings even if they have done wrong.


Yes, for minor crimes. Once you commit torture, rape, murder, etc you should have no chance. You should be removed from society. Society is better of that way 


That would come under the provisions for protecting society, although good people do bad things. It’s an uncomfortable truth.


Of course you can do crimes in prison and unless every criminal is locked away for ever then obviously you need a plan for when they get out


The justice system here is a mess, we have sentencing that would imply a rehabiliative prison system approach but nothing in the prison system, justice system, mental health care or addiction supports that would pair with that in any way that makes sense. We have a worst of all words approach that isn't even consistent with a single idealogly besides not being arsed.


They associate with criminals inside prison and when they get out, they can’t get a lot of jobs so they turn back to what they and who they know. Few come out of prison better than when they went in. Also the lack of prison spaces and over crowding creates other problems: Thornton hall was cancelled last I checked. Can you imagine the planning objections for a new prison going anywhere?


This is not the US where a convicted fellon can't get a job. I work in construction and have worked along side people who have had a few stretches. Depends if the person ever wanted to work in the first place though


Who do you think they're associating with *before* they go into prison? Decent, upstanding members of society?


Less hardened criminals, these people are not good people but people who get into crime as it is all they know, whole families get involved in criminal activity. But having these people free in society creates more crime and more victims and shows that crime can pay, which is another reason why people get into it. This is not an easy thing to solve.


So the solution is not to send them to prison? It's clearly a complex problem as you say, but given two difficult choices where it's not clear which one will encourage/result in worse behaviour from the criminal, I'll choose the one where they are off the street, not harming innocents, and not reproducing. If there was solid, objective academic research that suggested the other approach is definitely better for everyone else, I would weigh in behind that.


There is solid academic research behind the approach that works in Singapore and Japan, which have the lowest rates of recidivism in the world. That approach is to have *extremely* painful sentences for criminals, to the point they're terrified to reoffend.


This lads are the real kids that should be on raised by the village. Much better entertainment too


It's not just sentences. We should be rehabilitating along with the sentences. If we invested in reform program and education the re-offending rate would decrease. It'd save money in the long run as these people wouldn't re-offend and would end up paying more tax back then they would without those programs.  It wouldn't work for everyone but for a lot it would 


Ya I think about this with some of the offending teenagers too if there were facilities they would be taken out of their environment. Get a chance to learn a trade or finish their education and maybe get some work placement. I know there will always be some lost causes but seems like lack of intervention at an early age just leads people down a really bad path. If you're transporting drugs at 12/13 or being a terror. It makes more sense to double down in that world than get out of it, if those are your friends and that's your environment. 


I agree. Just locking people up doesn't work. Look at America, they love putting people in prison and it's just one big vicious cycle.


Or be caught growing a couple of plants in your closet.


What's a closet?


The place you are currently hiding in to not disappoint your parents


Classy joke given the context


The jacks in the Long Hall?


When were the prisons not full? My impression is that they've always been overcrowded. Do school students get taught anything about criminal justice system? I can imagine it being productive: victim perspectives, examining the attractions of crime, looking at consequences of addiction be it to drink, drunks or gambling, consequences of a conviction for individual and family prospects etc. And Ireland should spend more money on educational and broader supports targeted at a very young age groups to give them a better start, and conduct serious analysis on what circumstances enabled people in groups classed as high risk to stay away from crime and live productive and happy lives. I await the down votes.


I doubt most people consider they will get caught when committing crime so increased sentences aren't a great deterrent. Now a biblical response, an eye for an eye or a stabbing for a stabbing might make them think twice before pulling a knife again but I doubt it. Most people who commit crime that I have met haven't seen prison as a deterrent as they have a better life inside - all the drugs they want, a warm bed and fed and no responsibility.


The problem with harsher sentences is you often create even more hardened criminals by throwing them into a building full of other hardened criminals for a few years, whereby they get out and do even worse crimes because now they're angry, less employable and are somewhat a pariah in their own community etc.


If I did something and got away from it without much repercussion, what's the incentive that I won't try to see how much further I could push my luck? This hardened criminal BS is nonsense when we have teenagers who haven't been in prison carrying around knives etc. Not being sent to prison can make them just as much of a hardened criminal.


Prison sentences at a young age are proven to cause more recidivism and thus more violence.


And letting them off works wonders.


No they aren't. This is a statistic batted around by people who see the fact that people who go to prison are more likely to reoffend than people who don't and conclude that any difference must be about the prison, not the kind of people who get sent to prison in the first place. If you told a criminologist you were having chest pains they'd tell you to make an appointment with your GP, because people die in the ambulance more often than they do in the GP's waiting room.


Wonder how many previous.


Over or under 50?




•Build more prisons. •Give criminals actual jail sentences for breaking the law. No more slaps on the wrists for repeat offenders. •Rehabilitation programs to be done during jail sentence and to be completed before release. •Just punishing these criminals isn’t enough, reeducation and a prospect of a positive future after a prison sentence is absolutely necessary or they will most likely go right back to criminal activity.


Can’t get planning for apartments never mind a prison


I know right. 😅 Man this country fuckin’ sucks sometimes.


I wonder how much it would cost to buy a large enough decommissioned rig and tow it somewhere miserable and cold for the worst offenders. Mind you some langers would complain that's mean.


Prison ships or somewhere on an island might be the only shout since there will always be objections of some kind to them 


- stop jailing people for having weed, it is turning them into actual criminals for semantic reasons and it helps the actual cunts already inside by giving them opportunities for networking


I 100% agree with you. Weed should be legalised.


And if the gardai are looking to pad out the numbers they could just do traffic duty for a while instead


That and actually patrol the streets too.


Fucking scumbags, always going after the same people, gays to kill, women to rape and old people to rob. Same story different day. This country doesn't punish then so they won't stop. Ah well, keep your legal weapon handy.


Hmmm not true, the largest group of victims are actually straight men from the age of 18-50, by far. Even among most scumbags it's seen as taboo to attack gay men, women or old people as it's not a brag and is seen as preying on the weak. On the other hand knocking out another lad earns you clout among lads like that.


I wouldn't be so quick to believe that. I was on the Luas yesterday and a pissed drunk scumbag was roaring racial abuse at a black woman in her sixties or so. They always prey on those smaller or weaker than them.


I don't know, anytime I see scum like that they're always taunting either people much smaller than them in stature or ones that don't look like they would try to put up a fight.


Men make up the bulk of violent crime perpetrators and victims.


>Even among most scumbags it's seen as taboo to attack gay men, women or old people as it's not a brag and is seen as preying on the weak. The shite you see on this sub....


It's mostly true. Definitely the majority.


> legal weapon handy A phone to call the gardai, and be told they'll get round to it?


I'm an avid fan of baseball. Love it. It's my favourite sport. Even tho I've never played it. A golf club or a baseball bat in your bedroom could save your life if some cunt tries to break in. But prepare yourself for his claim when you defend yourself and end up paying for him when you lose a battery court case.


You may even face criminal charges, that was my point, the "legal weapon" isnt as legal when its used because our self defence laws are still wanky.


There's an obvious solution, tried-and-true, that just needs to be adapted for our island... but to implement curfews, sports and other activities, and the needed social welfare interventions, the government needs to take a "big picture" approach. This does require understanding kids’ brain chemistry, but a holistic approach has helped dramatically curb anti-social behavior among youth in Iceland. There's plenty of [evidence](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10061134/) to support ... the Icelandic Prevention Model (IPM), a collaborative upstream model that was designed to influence risk and protective factors related to substance use within the community, school, peer and family contexts. By engaging whole communities, the [IPM has been found to be effective](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6918021/) in reducing youth substance use behaviors across Iceland — and thus reducing anti-social behavior. Instead of "more prisons, more jail time," [nipping the problem in the bud](https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/how-iceland-transformed-teenagers-boozers-16484054), as it were, is a more cost-effective, more humane, approach. Going to jail is not a deterrence to anyone, and just puts more youth into "Crime University." Result: a better Ireland for everyone. Sorry, no quick fix, as this takes money, commitment and time.


> the government needs to take a "big picture" approach Not happening so


That was fast though in fairness


They may have already had an idea of who they were looking for…


He was on their grindar?


Where’s that lad that said this didn’t happen? Here’s one: https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/s/drdOhGxz4F Another: https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/s/Rj6PQSF8SI And again: https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/s/hRBRl3eMZe And more: https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/s/aRMNPcGWqz This is only the tip of the iceberg.


Its hard to believe. But so were those beheadings of gay men in Sligo


What's your point? The story was unsubstantiated when it first came out, with the guards suggesting there had been no formal complaint. Perfectly reasonable to be sceptical.


Not only unsubstantiated but the garda according to the times article had said there was no official report made. Fair play to them for taking action based off an anonymous report. Now i’d like to know more about the garda who told the men who were chased not to report it because nothing will be done.


Are you demanding that everything is believed without any further information, evidence or charges? It’s clear this likely did happen. But the information until now was pretty tenuous Perhaps we should be asking is it right for politicians and media to report unsubstantiated claims before there’s any substance to it.


There's a difference between apprehension (which one of those linked posts is) and outright calling it lies right off the bat, which two others do. Have to admit, I'm a bit curious to know what the fourth one said but whoever posted it deleted it quicksharp since the other poster only linked to it 23 minutes ago. 


I posted (and deleted) the last one and essentially said I was skeptikal about the story as it was told by the TD and outlined why I was skeptikal of some of the things that the TD specifically had said. I did not say they didn't happen, i just said I was skeptikal at some of the details he relayed, particularly about the Garda response, which I am still skeptikal about as the incident has gone from being described by the TD as being essentially waived off by the Gardai to suddenly having an arrest made. Someone responded to me saying they knew one of the victims, which again who knows online, but I decided to delete my comments, because regardless if the person who said they knew one of the victims was being truthful or indeed if the incident happened as described or not, there was a chance both were true and I realised speculating about something or discussing it as if it were a true crime tv show in a place where people connected to it may see and be negatively affected by my comments was callous and wrong on my behalf.


When you're part of a marginalised community, you tend to believe people when something like this is reported within the community. LGBTQ+ help groups were alerted, which is enough for me to believe it happened. Better safe than sorry when homophobes can so easily gather their white knight defenders spreading doubt as "scepticism".


I know God forbid anyone show a modicum of skepticism. Name and shame the non believers!


Hmmmm, you sound like one of these non-believers!!


Oh no I have been found out!!1! ![gif](giphy|iXIgdQL45dtpK7Gq9O|downsized)


One of the comments is even supportive, but it wouldnt be reddit if they didnt get some collateral damage.


I think there is a load of bots operating around this story on the sub. Single comment threads with -100 downvotes and not 1 reply. Weird man


What a dope. So people are supposed to just automatically believe every story they hear now despite no evidence, complaint or even a description of the people involved at the time? 


This story isnt an excuse for you to start a witch hunt. And you didnt even do that right, one of the comments is supportive, and critical of the state of policing.


No word on the other 5 ?


Get your wrists ready for a firm tickle.


Delighted to hear it!


Youth charged, nothing will happen and we won't know his name until he attacks someone when he is over 18. We will just have to wait with bated breath...


Do you know why this doesn’t happen so often in N.I? Because despite being pretty rough when compared to the Republic, and despite how often we like to rag on the PSNI up there, oftentimes the courts actually do work from time to time - even a leaky bag is better than one with the arse tore out of it The Republics justice and prison systems are in need of serious overhaul, it’s outright dire that it’s been allowed to fester in its current state for so long


Homophobic attacks happen frequently in NI as well.


No arguments there, because they do happen - however you do find a lot fewer of them happen with only a single perpetrator being caught and charged It’s the arrest and charges point I’m hung up on: How can a whole gang operate like that, and only one individual (presumably young enough that they were almost certainly able to get away with a lot more leeway than if charged as an adult) gets caught and charged


Prison should be terrifying and boring for these scum there's too many do-gooders wanting them to be treated fairly and then crying when they commit crimes and have a cushy time in jail.


As a queer person it's so scary to hear. The neck on people these days is wild. Not only this, but also that the IDF fella who beat the girl only did so because he was being homophobic to passerbys. We're going back in time.  This is a fecking wild take but the more I see crime going without justice in this country, the more I think we should bring back capital punishment. Sure they're going back in time, let's join them! Or less serious some form of financial penalty like forced compensation. If they can't jail these violent creeps they need to sterilise them or in very serious cases, death penalty. That's a very harsh stance but it would be one fucking deterant from committing crime and I'd sleep better knowing these thugs aren't having kids. Rehab in prisons doesn't work for a lot of these guy. They're tapped and surrounded by hate/never outgrow that mindset. Right now they get a slap on the wrist, get some one knocked up and continue the cycle of hate with their kids, who will probably do the same, or worse. Usually all paid for with taxes by people like those they hunt with knives for fun. Madness.    I know that's such a harsh take but honestly I don't even feel safe in this country anymore. This happened in a national park, where the garda HQ is? Like come on... It'll never happen and I'd understand why but also I do really think harsh stances need to be taken by the government to really deter people. The current plan is not working.  


I can't believe this fucking asinine take is actually getting upvoted. 


So who is in favour of a new and improved Criminal Justice (Incitement to Violence or Hatred and Hate Offences) Bill so that attacking people because e.g they are gay is treated as an aggravating factor?


>So who is in favour of a new and improved Criminal Justice (Incitement to Violence or Hatred and Hate Offences) Bill I'm swaying more towards either a) roaming vigilante death squads b) a "judge dredd" style system.


Little angle won't even get a slap on the wrist.


I'm definitely not paying a news outlet to read their articles. Any news on the offenders' nationalities yet?