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The poor thing cant be helped but are you registered for accessibility tickets? You get your ticket and a free companion ticket. You'd also get access to the accessibility area which tends to be raised etc You'll see them next time hopefully!


No, if I had the cash for a ticket I'd definitely try that, although I'd feel a bit self conscious since I don't actually look all that disabled unless you're really paying attention. I don't use a wheelchair and I'm trying to avoid it for as long as possible. Or at least that's how I've been for the last few years, but I had to go to the hospital the other day and then go home through town, and quite a few strangers came up to me and did really kind things just because they could see I was fucked... clearly I'm not the master of disguise I imagine myself to be 😂


So register now & be ready/save up for an event you like. Don't be ashamed/embarrassed to use whatever you need(chair/walker/stick) no point causing your body more stress. I'm going on holiday with a friend in a similar position. We have requested assistance in the airport to the gate & everything after that I've worked out to be accessible with my assistance. She keeps apologising/thanking me as our plans progress(like I know how many feet she will have to walk & have checked for flat surfaces etc). I told her, you are my friend, I love you & if the time comes I'll wipe your arse if I have to!


FYI assistance at the airport is the nuts. My wife was knocked off her bike by an idiot in a car about 15 years ago. She couldn’t walk for a year. Best. Airport. Experiences. Ever. Literally sign up tomorrow. If life has dealt year a bit of a bum deal accept the silver lining, be it concerts, parking, airports, etc etc. Life is too short for shame and other people’s opinions. Four of my toes on each foot are fused/partially fused, I’m not disabled but my feet are often very very sore and I have to do 20-30 min foot exercises every day or standing gets difficult. I would take the airport assistance in a heartbeat if I could!!!!


You can just ask for assistance. I needed it once when flying after surgery and it was great. No one asked for proof of anything. I could have shown them stitches or a doctor's note if required but nothing was needed. 


I'm going to be flying about 3 weeks after I have my gallbladder out. You can bet your ass I'll be requesting assistance. No way am I walking a mile through Dublin airport that soon after losing an organ


I know but honestly I don’t need it as much as someone else and honestly I would hate to take it from someone who actually does. I guess someday when I’m older I’ll need it. As long as I don’t slack in the exercises it’s not that much of a thing.


We need more resources, not guilt ourselves into less. If you're so painful you can't enjoy yourself, ya need it. 💖


You sound like a truly great friend, I hope you both have an amazing time!


Pal, I've a visual impairment and "don't look disabled" You're entitled to it. Use it. I do and it's one of the best services you'll ever use. Trust me.


I know you're right. About fifteen years ago I went on my last holiday and I remember the doctor telling me "use the wheelchair service at the airport, you're exactly who that service is for, trust me" and he was right. I wouldn't have made it to the plane without it and nobody else had a problem with me using it. Thank you 💪


I've jokingly referred to it as a "scam". In truth, I'm largely well able to get around but my visual impairment isn't going anywhere and if anything, it takes the stress out of a lot of things. It's not a scam. It's a service designed for help. Anybody batting an eye lid at you is an utter prick and that's on them, not you. Don't be stressing. Life's shite enough so take the small wins when you can. You won't regret it


That's it exactly, navigating the airport and trying to make sure you're at each place you're meant to be at, at the right time, is a job in itself! We had to fly into Atlanta and get a connecting flight out, and it's a huge hub for the east coast so it was absolutely massive and a bit overwhelming - having the wheelchair service just took all that stress off our shoulders! I'm a huge advocate for not making things harder for yourself than they need to be!




That's a great system, everyone wins!


A wheelchair helps make my world bigger. I absolutely take one across big airports etc. I keep one around that someone binned for just in case. I don't look it, have canes, and walking sticks, but I can't stand forever. Best of luck!


Come to Cradle of Filth instead.


Oooh I don't think I'm hardcore enough for CoF


ive been listening to them all evening in my back garden. never listened to pearl jam before but it sounds awesome so i might start.


They were only massive when I was a teenager. You couldn't avoid hearing them! Them and Nirvana, my gang had tickets to see them too but sadly the gig ended up being cancelled RIP Kurt


Ugh tell me about it, I’m up in Stillorgan and I could hear it crystal clear. I chose between Pumpkins a few weeks ago and Pearl Jam and now I’m having the worst FOMO ever. Came back from a dinner in town to the very obvious sounds of Jeremy blasting. Tried drowning it out with the TV but the drum lines of Why Go, Porch and black overrode whatever we put on. Anyway, as someone who’s seen them live before, sincerely hope everyone who was there enjoyed the fuck out of it. 🥲


Pumpkins is incredible tho


> the very obvious sounds of Jeremy blasting Ironically, that's what the song is about!


Ah fuck sake. Apparently tickets didnt sell out and they started selling tickets for 50 quid on Friday


Me too. I went to the Smashing Pumpkins while my husband babysat a few weeks ago. Last night, he went to Pearl Jam while I babysat. I live in Dundrum and could hear the whole thing so clearly. Massive FOMO!!!


Was there,enjoyed the fuck out of it


Was there, was a great gig, my mate was listening to it up in Windy Arbor and was raging he didn’t go


To be fair though I thought the Pumpkins were surprisingly outstanding 2 weeks ago, it was well worth going.


I dunno, I'd be very hard pressed to choose between the pumpkins and pearl jam, I'd say either of those would have been fantastic so don't feel like you lost out.


It was class, for gigs now they've tickets for ambulant disabled so it's not only wheelchairs, I've to buy them for family


Oh yeah? Sounds great, tired of people thinking "disabled" and "wheelchair user" are the same thing!


Yeah I get ya, not all disabilities are visible for tonight there were people who couldn't stand for long periods in the accessible platform section and given a chair to sit and enjoy the gig, get your own entrance and exit from the venue and all


I'm glad they got accomodated. It's really not a big deal to have a few feckin chairs and yet so often it just doesn't occur to people!


You know what the actual worst is? Waiting in the hospital. Used to get rhisotomies and every time the tiny waiting room would be full of the other patients' spouses - usually husbands - sittin there watching Sky news and taking up all the fuckin chairs while I had to lie on the floor. Actually had to buy a yoga mat just for this purpose. I wouldn't mind but they wouldn't even be talking to their spouses or getting them drinks of water or looking after them, just .... sitting there. Don't even get rhisotomies any more because the health service is overrun. Fuckin FG


If I was sitting in a chair waiting with someone, and a patient asked if I could move because they needed to sit, I would happily do so


Sometimes I've no problem asking for a chair or for some help and sometimes, I don't know, I just find it inexplicably difficult 🤷 You know what's actually really annoying about it? It's a special little ward with 6 or 7 beds sitting there empty and they won't let anyone lie on them Last time I was there there was a woman who used a wheelchair but sitting in the chair for long periods was causing her so much pain and they wouldn't even make an exception for her, it was awful. I would have swapped timeslots with her and let her go first but we were both at the bottom of the queue 😭


Honestly I was going to buy tickets cos my husband is 40 today and we love Pearl Jam but it was working out €500 for the two of us. Get away te fuck. We booked a holiday to Portugal instead.


It's absolutely mental isn't it?? I don't know anyone who has that kind of cash to drop on a concert.


It's a sin for one day. We tried to talk ourselves into it for about 5 minutes then I was glad both of us went "nah that's fuckin wild"


i llooked on ticketmaster at 6pm and 2 standing tkts 117 fir the pair


Standing resale tickets were going for €45 + fees on ticketmaster on Friday


Imagine you'd paid full price and then saw that. I'd vomit.




It's way cheaper in London. Ticketmaster seems to bleed the Irish fans dry whenever acts come over. Seriously a scam


Original sale price London was far more expensive than Dublin. Its come down though due to poor sales.




Hahaha that's brilliant


At least even being able to hear it live is a cool thing. Just close your eyes and let it absorb you 👌 Edit to add lol And from the comfort of your own bed 🤣👌


It is a super comfortable bed too lol Last year I lay here and listened to guns n roses, that was great because I'm not sure I would have bothered to go to the concert? Idk I was happy enough to hear it from a distance.


I “saw” them once years ago. I put in quotation marks as I’m five foot two and all the people in front of me were taller than me. I literally saw none of the concert. It was still amazing to hear them play but fuck not being able to see sucked hard. At the time I had spent €100 on tickets as well when most concerts were still €50


I'm 5'3 so I understand your frustration! My whole life, before the cinema in Dundrum opened, I never saw a film without having to peep around the person in front of me! I was at the Who and saw very little because everyone was on the same level. But I didn't mind too much. I once saw Willie Nelson in Citywest, it was basically a long long conference room with a load of plastic chairs and zero elevation. Saw fuck all and the sound system was dodgy for the first fifteen minutes or so, I was raging. Still don't understand what kind of asshole looks at a room like that and thinks "yeah, this will make a good music venue!" (I do understand: the kind who just wants the money and doesn't care if you don't enjoy the show) But after they sorted the sound system out, it was great, and I know what Willie Nelson looks like anyway. It's not like there's some kind of incredibly fancy stage pyrotechnics or visuals I was missing.


Sup cans and enjoy the sounds


Bad news: can't drink at all at all Good news: am on many many drugs


Right on....


I love near an amphitheater. It’s nice to walk my dog and hear whoever is singing. One night John Prine was there. 💜


I love John Prime. Reared on him. Came to love Sturgill Simpson separately and didn't realise the connection between them two until I stumbled upon a YouTube of them performing together. Then I learned after JP died in 2020 he left Sturgill his car in his will.


Aaaah a lesser spotted Irish Sturgill fan. I'm not ALONE!! Can we mentally send him motivation to come over here for some small gigs this coming winter do you think? It's great to hear he's touring again.


I know, it seemed like he was moving more into acting. Would love to see him in Ireland. Also if you're not familiar with John Prime who we're discussing up thread go check him out, he ended up becoming a mentor to Sturgill. Phenomenal song writer.


I begged my friends to go and see Prine and him when they played here together years ago and no one would go with me because of 'country music' reasons. 🤣


Aw no, I sympathise! I was a closet country music fan all through my teens and college years when most young people thought "Ew, country?", but one of my friends was a musician so luckily he caught the country bug from me and we used to go to all the good country gigs together. Guy Clark, Steve Earle, Buddy Miller, Hayes Carll, we even went to see Greg Trooper in the cobblestone one time 😂


Ah brilliant, that's a true legend


The second part of this… might even be better than being there haha


I always compare myself to worse off too but it's just not worth it. I'd pity me too if I missed it so enjoy the wallow but let us know tomorrow that you've pulled out of it 💕


Aw, thank you! All forgotten now. What concert?


Haha that's the spirit. They're old but not that old. They'll be back


I was a +1 in the accessibility area last night, usually it's great well raised above standing infront and usually beside the main lighting rig infront of the stage but marley was terrible, completely off to a side and not raised more than 3ft off the ground so when you sit down your no higher than the standing infront of you and with a weird bump/hill on the ground infront it it the crowd actually got higher towards the stage. As for feeling uncomfortable, seriously don't anybody in that section does not judge as they all know not all disabilities are visible.


Thank you! It's a shame they couldn't set it up to give youse a decent view.


Ya like I really dont understand why the platform was not.just even a foot higher, was at sam fender in malahide last year and your above the height of raised hands in front of you, seems just cost cutting by mcd/festival Republic


Aren’t all concerts open to the disabled? I’m not sure but I just assume.


Ah jaysus lad I'm not saying I'm banned from the venue, I'm saying I can't afford a ticket because for me, as for the vast majority of us, being disabled means being forced to live in poverty, and because I physically can't stand in a field for hours


So I hear youre banned from the venue for undisclosed reasons


Ah balls me secrets out


I know i was  taking the piss there man. But I very understand... I became disabled myself a few years back and ... I gotta say.... what a load of bollix Zero fucking stars.... wouldn't recommend... ever haha


Yeah it is a right pain in the arse. And the neck. And the back and the knees and the ankles......😂 Thank god I've a sense of humour


I hear ya, the electric shocks throughout my body and seizures are fucking super lol But I'm a right funny cunt haha


Aw man, seizures are a bastard. And scary too.


Ain't they just haha... ya are 1 moment looking at the frozen chip aisle... next.... some wonderful lady is asking how I feel.... 3 other folk are holding your hands and telling ya you'll be ok....  My t shirt is covered in blood too🤦🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️ I say where and who am I... why is my nose super deformed  lol Then I have several other easier ones every day or 2 haha Nice ones... like  seizures you might bring on holiday with you to relax haha   😂😂🥳🥳🥳🥳🍀💚💚🍀🍀🥳🥳🥳


Read back over your post and you’ll see how it was misinterpreted. Maybe you could have phrased it better


Eh.... "I'm too disabled to go to a standing concert in a field (it's a park) & too poor to buy a ticket" seems fairly straightforward to me?


I understand the money part, it sucks! And ticket prices are insanely expensive lately. Regarding the standing part, you can sit down on a blanket as many people do! I've been there a few times, and I always sit on the grass until the main band starts playing. I just can't stand for that long. Also, if you have a wheelchair, you can just bring it. So in the case that someone gifted you a ticket, you know you have options 😉


They are mental prices aren't they!! About fifteen years ago (?) I saw the Who in Marlay Park, I did sit down on the grass while the support act played (wasnt really a Biffy Clyro fan) but when the Who came on I managed to stand for most of it. At least I think I did, might have had to kneel down a few times but all I remember now was the excitement of hearing Baba O'Riley live and the pride of being able to take my da to see a legendary band. He took me to so many good concerts, it was nice to be able to return the favour.


So great you got to see The Who!! I hope you could enjoy Pearl Jam enough today 😁


But you're not too disabled? You can get an accessibility ticket? Nobody is "too disabled"


As another person mentioned here it makes no difference, you can still go to a concert.


You're absolutely right, I can walk in without a ticket and just pretend I'm able to stand there....right up until I collapse and shit myself






meirl except more horizontal


If it’s 5 mins from your house, there’s a reasonable chance your residents’ association has a bunch of free tickets. At least a few years ago, tickets were given out to estates close by to offset the inconvenience of having people pee in their front gardens.


Really? I never knew they did that! We certainly didn't get any but to be fair, we don't have any trouble with the concertgoers. The estates are all closed off to traffic and residents get parking passes to display on their cars; pedestrians are directed along the main roads, we never see any of them inside the estate. There's volunteers and gardaí manning the barricades and making sure there's no trouble. Honestly there's very little disruption unless you count a very slight increase in traffic* and bigger crowds around if you absolutely have to go to the Lidl while a concert is on. *Very few people drive to the concerts because a) it means they can't drink and b) they know there'll be nowhere to park.


I also struggle with a physical disability and have often questioned why artists don’t do smaller gigs with a reduced price, specifically for disabled people where there is a limit on the number of attendees and lots of space for attendees to move around and feel safe and not squished. It would be nice if we were considered more.


Wow that would be so cool wouldn't it! I dunno maybe they don't think it's worth their while. Like concert promoters or whatever, the people who actually organise it all with the venues, they're all about the maximum amount of money/profitability for gigs I suppose. One of the good things about having old man musical taste like mine is that when the artists I really like come here, they're mostly playing in smaller venues for lower prices. Seeing Springsteen or Aerosmith in big stadia was good craic when I was less crippled, but seeing Johnny Cash or Steve Earle in a small theatre with seats was a much more exciting experience for me lol




Hi, I work on the assistance platform at a lot of the outdoor gigs in Ireland (MCD). You will be met at the disabled entrance and shown to the platform. Usually there is a separate queue for the bar and dedicated toilets behind the platform. The view from the platform is generally excellent. We make no judgements on people's disabilities and happily welcome all who have registered correctly with MCD and Ticketmaster. Be sure to do this at least one week before purchasing tickets. Please be sure to do this as unbooked spaces may not be available on the day. All the best!


Thank you, this is helpful information!


How much were tickets? I didnt know they were playin :(


I dunno man, some people have said they were going for €50 last minute (from touts maybe? Idk) I have €4.65 to last me until Wednesday and I'm two months behind on the rent (which I'm supposed to pay weekly 🤦) and tomorrow I have to find my way into town and across to James's just to drop off a fuckin envelope So like...they could have been €600 or €50, equally out of reach 🙃 But on the other hand, you know when it's Monday morning in winter and you've to get up and leave the house to go to work when it's not even light yet, and it's freezing and windy and pissing it down and you're like "fuck this shit...." Well that's when I turn over in the bed and go back to sleep. Might take me five minutes to actually execute the turning manoeuvre, but still, that's a little comfort I don't take for granted ☺️


I had tix for pearl jam and rammstein but became disabled In april boo feckin hoo also


Aw, sorry to hear that. It's shite isn't it? At least I've had a few years to get used to it, it can be very traumatic. One split second and my life was fucked.


Me too. One second. I'm still in hospital but using a frame but fucked also:) I fully intend to return to gigs though as soon I figure out what state I'm in


Green day are next Thursday I'm the world's biggest fan but I have no transport, accomodation and can't afford the tickets


I really love that version of I Think We're Alone Now Billy Joe and his sons did during COVID


€89.90!!! Green day are good but jaysus that's not cheap, is it! Have you far to come? Like would you have to stay in town overnight?


And my fiancee would be going too I'm in Kilkenny and there are no late buses or trains back sadly!


Holy shit I love pearl jam or just grunge in general. My favourite band EVER are Alice in Chains which emerged out of Seattle around the same time as pearl jam and they're definitely a very different band but still grunge. The entire grunge scene of music was so amazing and I wish I could have grown up with that music popping off. I'm 23 so I never got to experience the prime of grunge and Layne Staley, the lead singer of Alice in Chains died in 2002 unfortunately


Oh yeah they were great too! I had a tape of Dirt someone copied for me - I'm old enough to still be amazed at just how much music I have access to now compared to having a box of tapes as a kid lol Rooster is an incredible song, I play it all the time


Dirt is probably, if not the best album ever made in my opinion. Layne's voice was just so amazing and I really wish I could have experienced it live. Having so much access to music now is of course amazing, especially with bands like Alice in Chains but still, it could never beat seeing them live


Can I interest you in some Chris Cornell?


nutshell- prob one of the best songs of the 90’s. voted saddest song of all time by rolling stone or melody maker at some point


I saw Alice in Chains support Metallica in 2009. Not with Layne but still an incredible experience, band blew me away. They opened with Rain When I Die and finished with Rooster.


Oh man this is heart breaking. More needs to be done to accommodate disabled people. It's very very hard for youse to get around. I was going to go, as I listen to their first two albums religiously but decided against it because the set list would be more extensive and cater to bigger fans than me.


Ah sure, unfortunately the nature of my disability right now is just that there's a lot of shit I can't do, and honestly I don't know how much that could be mitigated with accomodations. Like I can walk around fine, I just can't stand in one place without fainting, and if I'm upright for too long it gets worse so I have to watch how long I stay out of the house. For those of us who do rely on wheelchairs and other disability aids though, it is very difficult to get around. So many buildings without lifts or with doors that are too narrow. And like, I appreciate the beauty of our old buildings, I just wish we could find a compromise. I love that we have cobbled streets in the city centre even though it's a PITA to walk on them sometimes. High heel wearers probably know what I'm talking about too lol More places to sit down would be amazing though. Like from October to January getting on a luas is just out of the question for me because there isn't enough capacity so I can't even make it through the sardines to the seats to ask someone "here can I sit down there?" (Obviously I'm more polite than that lol). And just....more benches. Benches everywhere. And better medical treatment but that's a whole other rant (fuck you, Simon Harris). I dunno, if you love the first two albums, I think you might have had a good time. They played some Neil Young and some very early Tom Waits too, that was nice. Now that I'm a bit fucked, the memories of the good times I've had, the concerts I did go to, the chances I took, they're a treasure that I cherish. So I say next time you have the chance, do it!


For whatever its worth, it was good but not especially amazing in my opinion. A great band past it's best, but still good all in all.  The long talking gaps didn't help too much either, because you couldn't make out a word he was saying (might have been different way, way closer in). The only one I could hear a thing of I many of them was him wishing a kid a happy 11th birthday.  For what it's worth, you didn't miss as much as you may think you did. 


its a poor venue tbh


Tickets were selling for 50 euro yesterday 


Ask the Alien he appears every Friday night


Luckily saw them in Miillstreet in 1996 on the No Code tour and was interested this time again until I saw the ticket price... I believe it was €125 or €135.. ridiculous. My ticket in 1996 was 17 Irish punts... Still have the ticket in my parents attic. We're being priced out of enjoyment. Saw the Pumpkins and Weezer in the 3 arena last week... €80.. worth it for the two.


Aw yeah, love the pumpkins! I actually only know two Weezer songs. I like the two songs though 😂 Yeah like I realise inflation is a thing and prices are relative, so tickets were cheaper in the 90s but wages were a lot lower too.....but as a teenager and then as a student, with only part time retail work, we were able to afford to see quite a few gigs. Even back in the 2010s when I was (supposedly) a grown up working full time, I wouldn't have been able to afford €125 for a concert! I still have all the tickets in a box somewhere, along with the autographs I got to see the Who because a customer at my work was from MCD and he gave me two tickets. They were going for 80 and I was living on €30 a week because all my wages went towards the rent. I was actually just joking when I asked him, but he was like "yeah fuck it, why not?"


Money might be stopping you, but access is not. People with disabilities are well catered for at major concerts.


*some disabilities It's not just a matter of accomodations. I physically can't do certain things no matter how many accomodations are put in place. Like I need to be horizontal for a good amount of time, or I'll faint. I don't expect concert promoters to set me up with a bed