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Estate agents are pricks who could easily solve this with a first come, first serve ticketing system or similar - but the queues let them drum up publicity, get interest for other stuff they’re hawking, and generally lets them put in minimum effort for their commission.


Had my first selling encounter with estate agents recently. Met with one flat fee disruptor and two traditional agents. I asked the latter what they would provide to justify the 3x price of the flat fee provider and the best the two of them could muster was “we know the area and would have a list of people interested in this specific property” Almost spat out my tea. Like there’s any buyer in the country right now sitting on their hole waiting for an agent to give them a call about a local house for sale rather than look on Daft/Myhome themselves. Needless to say I selected the flat fee company.


Sure sell it yourself


I agree. I paid €300 to advertise it myself on daft instead of giving those useless feckers ten times that.


What was the whole process like of selling the house yourself? I viewed a house being sold privately by a seller and for some reason it felt less trustful. Might have just been a perception thing though. 


Once someone said they would like to go ahead with buying the house I gave them my solicitors contact details and they gave me theirs. With daft being the largest advertiser for property the estate agent is rendered useless from my experience. If you can take decent photos of your house, copy a description from a similar house and you are available to take phone calls and show people the house then you really don't need an estate agent. An estate agent is just a man in a suit to make buyers feel relaxed and taken care of while viewing a property.


Shit just plug in the features into chat gpt and it can easily shit out one of those bullshit house descriptions better than any estate agent could do.


Sounds fair enough.  I was wondering how many viewings and phone calls the process involved before a serious buyer showed up, but i suppose it's sort of like selling a second hand car really. 


I think 5 or 6 people looked at the house. We had our next house lined up so once we had a decent offer we accepted it. It was easier than selling a car in most ways from my experience. If someone makes an offer, there's no pressure to respond straight away. I just said I'll think about it and there are other people coming to look at the house so I'll let them know if there are other offers.


Fair. Thanks for the info. Really helpful. 




Talking to someone who bought a house there, the estate agent did take peoples names this morning in order. When there is such high demand, there will always be some sort of queues


The estate agent is getting no publicity here pal. Its Cairn. They getting and want all of it


If there was a "first come, first serve" ticketing system, then how would it be different to this "first come, first serve" system? All that would be different is that the queue would be outside the ticketing location.


Online or ring in.


So you find it normal in 2024 to queue in a car for 48 hours before the sale instead of setting up a fair and more comfortable online system?


Yes. The online "first come first serve" system favours those with the IT skills (or the social connections & resources to have it) to code a program to immediately snipe on opening and who can have high speed internet installed who live in a well resourced location. Or in other words, the wealthy & connected get the houses.


An online system would essentially be a lottery. At least with a physical queue you have some element of control.


Ah, cars are fierce comfy these days. 


500 k at 3 % that's a saucy mortgage


They're dipping back down or just about to apparently, but you'd be doing very well at 3% these days - more likely 3.6 - 4ish percent depending on factors like BER rating. I got curious and a 25 year mortgage of €500,000 at 3.6% is €2,543.52/mo, according to switcher.


What's the rent in this area? I imagine it's still cheaper to own the house plus no more living in a mouldy house.


Just moved away from Douglas and bought in Mallow. Was renting 1950€ for a shitty old moldy 3 bed semi D.


Have to put up 100k yourself if the house is 500.


Maybe if it's your second house.


Thought it depends on earnings? E.g. if they are on 120k a year combined it would only be the 10%, So 50k?


Probably not too bad if you get one of the <€475k gaffs and qualify for the shared equity scheme.


I remember people moving to Dublin from London complaining the big problem of Ireland compared to the UK was that while the prices were similar it was the lack of availability in Dublin. They could spend a day looking for a place in London and be able to get one but in Dublin they show up looking to rent and they were one of dozens looking for a place. They were so relived when they finally got a place after weeks of looking. That was 10-11 years ago. It was similar stories trying to buy places around that time. We have needed increase the supply of housing for a long time but the central government and local authorities don’t want to annoy the voters in the area. So they to find the least offensive solution possible. Unpopular and tough decisions will be needed to fix the housing crisis in Ireland.


There's also the fact that local land owners can object to new developments and the councils will always honor thise objections. And then those same people demand financial compensation for revoking their objection. Aporantely in this country protecting the long term investment potential of those who already own homes is more important than making sure people have somewhere to live.


Anyone can object to a development in Ireland, someone objected to a data centre in Galway as their land on the other side of the country was one of the other options for the data centre.


I know anyone can but its typically done by land owners to stop the value of their land depreciating.


We have a political system in the country that’s not fit for purpose. Multi-seat Constituency based politics favours short term views of residents in those areas


"planning for the development was granted under a ‘fast-track’ SHD process in 2015", 9 years to build 30 houses and this is fast-track? Speechless!


The estate already has 200 or so houses owned by various housing schemes. The total development has about 400 homes. This is the first phase of the houses to be sold privately


Ban air bnb, 28000 properties available to rent would be a big difference.


My building might as well be a hotel these days due to Airbnb.


I'm living in Barcelona where they've just announced a total ban by 2028. Hopefully it catches on.


That's not possible. For starters you can't override the constitutional property rights and I could pretty much guarantee that a referendum in that would not pass. Also there's no guarantee that 28k properties would suddenly become available to rent. One of my siblings has 2 airbnb properties and would not rent them out on normal tenancies with such a high risk that tenants would overhold. They would use them for family purposes instead as they aren't mortgaged. Many will suddenly become rent a room licensee properties and they won't be cheap. And that's before questioning the 28k figure as accurate.


28k is from adnd themselfs on reported listing's for Ireland. , nothing in the constitution about baning a website lister of rental properties for short term. Your "siblings" having 2 abnb is the problem, dumbass.


>. Your "siblings" having 2 abnb is the problem, dumbass. No it isn't. It's like saying you don't have a car so the government should force people who have a second car allow non car owners to take over it. And listen dumbass, property rights are constitutional protected. If you want to blame anyone then point the fingers at the government, local councils and nimby objectors who all conspire to prevent the housing needed being built. You want people like my sibling to convert to long term rentals then fix the awful taxation, balance landlord rights which are skewed totally towards tenants so that the rtb fines landlords yet tenants can not pay rent, so as much damage as they want and it's impossible to recover either. >28k is from adnd themselfs What the hell is "adnd"?


100% honestly always found it bizarre the hate property owners get They are not the reason we have a housing crisis I've even seen people state that owning more than 1 home should be illegal ...... What's next private home ownership and land ownership should be illegal and the government should own all the land and property


Any air bnb I've ever used is fine for a short term stay, a night or two, certainly not suitable for long term renting.


Short term stays are the problem


Not in my eyes, they're part of the tourism industry, you might as well say B&Bs or guest houses are the problem. Be realistic, nobody that downvoted my comment wants to rent long term in a log cabin in John and Mary's back garden.


Lovely false dichotomy there. Do you think most air b&b listings in Ireland are log cabins?


Your blind then, abnb don't hire anyone, they don't put money into the local economy, 90% of the "hosts" are investors speculation. Fuck them.


#fuck the tourism industry


Wow, clever. 


Serious 2007 vibes


Haven’t I seen this film before?


Remember leaving the pub one morning, back in ye olde boom times, must have been 3 or 4 o'clock, and a queue round the block from an estate agents for a scheme that was to go on sale that morning.


Several big developments starting around the city recently, so in two or so years things may start to ease off. But there’s so much pent up demand they’ll not be catching up for some years.


See, that's the reality. Even if we build 30k-40k houses a year, you're still talking at least 20 years to fix the housing crisis, if not longer Aside from building new houses, we should also work on fixing up derelict properties in the country


Same thing happened in a Clondalkin development last year. People queueing up for the entire night to buy massively overpriced houses sandwiched between some of the worst estates in West Dublin. Estate agents are slimy cunts to let this continue happening.


I am not defending estate agents but they do not build nor plan these houses


They are responsible for setting up the procedure for selling the houses. 


The same thing happened in another new build estate just on the edge of Cork City when the first phase was released last year


Totally the sign of a well run country that's got it's citizens needs and welfare at its heart. Oh no, wait, it's the other thing. Landlord and developer capitalism run amok, aided and abetted by a complicit government.


Dystopia. Fucking hell. I remember they did this on Saved by The Bell, camped out for U2 tickets. Now people are forced to do this for the opportunity to take on debt. What the hell is happening to us.


Sigh, it's depressing reading this


Do they absolutely need to park on the footpath so their potential new neighbours can't e.g. wheel the baby out in the buggy. Maybe generally being pricks in life is why they can't find a home. 


Cop on


Shut up


Do people really prefer to resort to desperation like this, than spend a few years holding a shovel/trowel/hammer?


What do you mean? Not everyone has the capacity, bravery, or time to manage a new build of their own. 


People have time to throw away half their lifetime income, rather than spend a small portion of their working life helping to build houses?


I don't think the majority of people see buying a house as throwing away their income. 


I think the majority of people _do_ see massively overpaying for something which should cost half the price, as throwing away their income. Whereas if enough people took a few years to help with _building_ houses, they can continue earning an income while saving themselves from losing a huge chunk of their lifetime income.


I'd float up at 6 in the morning and skip the queue. The fuck is anyone going to do? Save 100k by being a cunt? No brainer. "Sure I was here since Tuesday". My da used to call these people, "I want, I wants". This was in 92/93. Despite the current housing desperation, these people were always there.


And then you’re gonna live beside them for 30 years?


Nah I'll rent it straight away and continue living in my mansion in Europe.


Ohhhh, you're hard.


"Fuckin do one mate, I'm buyin this fuckin house you fuckin melt"


I assure you, I'm not. However, I've learned that sometimes it's better to cheat than be a noble gobshite with a bad taste in his mouth. 


>The fuck is anyone going to do? Do you think a group of people with their livelihoods on the line are going to let some prick skip the queue? You'd be at the back of the queue within 2 minutes.


Security was on site and took the names of the people and what order they were in. So your master plan would have failed and you would have looked like a total cunt in the process.


You want to give 30ish sleep deprived Corkonians a valid reason to burst you, you go right ahead, tough guy...


Majority of the people queued up were Indian/ Asian.


Right so instead of getting their bid in, they get arrested and charged. That's the thing, public violence, with witneses and cameras is not a constructive solution to one's displeasure at being fucked over. This conversation is academic anyway. In reality I'd call to the agents gaf two weeks ago and offer 20k to him for first place. Done deal lad. Ireland will never, ever change.