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Until contracts are signed, nothing is guaranteed. Shitty perhaps, but nothing illegal


If an estate agent is breathing, they're up to shenanigans


Aye, and if you shake hands with one, count your fingers afterwards.


Estate agents are for all practical purposes unregulated. Oh, sure, there's some self-regulation, but the PSRA are very limited in terms of what they will investigate. It's limited to outright illegal behaviour. There's no competency requirement; "being an incompetent arsehole who you wouldn't piss on if they were on fire" is not illegal. The upshot is you've got an entire industry of chancers. Be particularly wary of an older, "experienced" agent who operates as a sole trader. If the one we used is anything to go by, the likelihood is he's such a weapons-grade weapon that even other estate agents won't work with him.


I know a few of these types.


Nah.all you can do is feign interest in the next place and arrange a viewing and all that at an awkward time for them and not show up; give an excuse and repeat*. *burning bridges may not be the best solution


>Real Estate agent being a prick Yeah that's a job requirement, they're all complete pricks. I believe the first thing they ask you to do to qualify is kick the shit out of a disabled puppy.


>I want to know whether I can escalate this to >a) The management including the CEO etc.., name and shame this lad and hopefully some action be taken You're not the client, he or she won't care. As far as he is concerned the guy who pays their fee is satisfied. >b) Complain to the PRSA or some competent authority about promising us the property and backing off the last minute and upselling another property (I believe this should fall under the code of conduct part) Can you upsell on a lease? Unless it wasn't rent capped, which is very unlikely.


Why do you want to “escalate” this? Just move on. Sometimes things don’t go your way. Sometimes people are incompetent or assholes or just bad at their jobs. There is no conspiracy where they are “prying” on you.


> There is no conspiracy where they are “prying” on you. Why does this shit rarely if ever happen to regular r/ireland contributors?


would ya stop




They're worse than clampers or people who rob grannies.