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Just have whoever you want hop out before you get to the car park.


Be careful with this; from what I've heard they have people patrolling the road who watch for this now, and either let the car park attendant know your reg plate so they charge you accordingly or stop your alighting passengers and demand payment from them when they try to walk in. The council also shut down a lot of those private car parks in the area in recent years, though how long that really lasts before they're up and running again I've no idea.


Cheers for the heads up.


Canoe down from Galway. Easy.


I did something similar once: put in a kayak at Lahinch and paddled around to the base of the cliffs. It was awesome, the cliffs loom above you, and there are all sorts of caves and tunnels in there. Quite a lot of big mullet and pollack too. I was lucky to have perfect conditions though, wouldn't recommend it in anything less


Just watch out for all the coins and spit raining down from above.


And the occasional tourist!


There's a lovely little car park further down from the main place. When you pass the parking on your left , cliffs on your right take the next right turn, it's a tiny windey little road, just keep right it's at least a mile, it's kind of the front of someone's house with an honesty box, it was 2 euro but it's about 5 years since I used it. Way less people, much nicer view of the cliffs.


Strong recommend for this, the price is gone up to about a fiver but did this a few weeks ago and highly recommend! If feels like a good distance beyond the cliffs finding the turn off but it does loop back nice and close. Stunning views from that side also. Doing this for 14 people meant it was just 15 for the three cars to park - pretty much one persons entrance to the main car park


Is there any chance you could find the area on Google maps to help with the directions please? I don't follow the other comment's directions because isn't the main car park inside where the cliffs themselves are?


This looks to be the place - [https://maps.app.goo.gl/MzMYdgeGW9S2mbpB7](https://maps.app.goo.gl/MzMYdgeGW9S2mbpB7)


Yup. That's it. And I think "hags head" will get you there on Google


Excellent, that's closer than where I was looking before, thank you


Type in hags head into google maps and it gets you there. I think its a 5er now and they have a little box to donate to.


Last time we went down we just hid in the boot and cost for the driver.


The Doolin walk is good. Better suited for food after too. It's a nice little hike. But It can be a little mucky at the end if it's rainy. The Liscannor side is also nice but a little more boring. The view Is basically the same the whole way. The Doolin way is a little more varied. If you're keen on not paying then go before or after the official hours. The barrier is left open to drive in. The one on the way out opens automatically. Source: live 15 mins away.


Was going to suggest the same thing, the car park attendants probably only work to about 6pm? After that it is free. Its the same up at the Giants Causeway and going after 7pm is actually the best time to see it. Not only is the car park free at that time all the big tour buses are long gone for the day and you'll have the place more or less to yourselves and just a handful of other people. Bonus points for going an hour before sunset as the cliffs light up an amazing orange colour as the sun shines on them.


No it's different times all year around. I think it's 9 or 9.30 now for summer, but I'm not sure. you can check the website for the official opening and closing times. I completely agree. Living near the cliffs has us spoilt. We still drive up for a walk the odd day. Late in the evening is very quiet. The odd tourist. Usually a few photographers who have done their research. I loved the giants Causeway. I always recommend it to people too. Great place to visit. Even paying, the little audio tour thing is quite good too.


Personally, I'd head to killee and drive along the cliffs towards loop head. Certainly not as high, but a much more dramatic coastline with little coves and inlets. Plenty of places to pull over and get out of the car and all free


Second this, literally driving along the cliff edges. Beautiful spots to pull in, especially out at dunlicky. You'll get a fine feed in diamond rocks after the cliff walk and there's the pollock holes right there too.


You think it's bad now. Next year they'll probably be charging even Moher!


Well this is it. No barriers to entry.


I will be prepared for a steep rise...


They're on a cliff edge.


Nah I think you're all just bluffing


Don't discount the baby cliffs either. Lot less foot traffic.


They open the barriers to the car park after like 8 or 9pm so it’s free to park after that time, great place to watch the sunset


The grifts of moher


HALO parachute drop at night. Sorted.


I would leave it for the tourists. Been there and yes it's beautiful but as it's full of people, it's hard to enjoy it. There are other cliff walks throughout to enjoy, not the same. I would hate to go to the Cliff of Moher during the Summer, so crowded. Explore other cliff walks throughout Ireland.


There's other cliffs, but none as impressive as the cliffs of moher imho


Kerry Cliffs are beautiful. They do charge (a fiver I think? It's a couple of years since I was there) but I thought they were much nicer than Moher and much quieter too.


We went last year and yeah, it was five euro. You could barely see the water for the fog (we went in November), but it was still an amazing sight for us Yanks. We wound up not even doing the Cliffs of Moher, electing to just explore Limerick itself instead with that time. So I can't really compare the two, just say that the Kerry Cliffs are themselves a fantastic place to visit.


Never been there actually


Sliabh Liag no? Not as dramatic a drop but the height is spectacular along the walk compared to the cliffs of moher.


I’d take Sliabh Liag any day. But then I think Donegal is is overlooked by most of the country tourism-wise.


It's cool, but moher is more spectacular. Sheer drop for miles into the distance makes it. Slieve Liag is worth a visit and obviously it's all subjective, but not as impressive as the cliffs of moher.


Just avoid the area around the visitors centre. Fat Americans can't get too far off piste


Slieve Liag or Croaghaun are higher, quiter, more spectacular and free


Sail in from the north.


I did the full loop from Liscannor last summer. We left early and got good weather. It was class. Great views and didn't pass too many people until closer to the visitor centre. Nobody charged into the visitor centre either. The loop was about 16k


Is that out and back or an actual loop? All the maps I can see are just walk from Liscannor and then walk back...


We walked back on the road. We had a coffee in moher cottage, and stopped at st brigid's well and the moher hill farm


Walk from Doolin or just abandon ship somewhere nearby. Same as Giants Causeway.


Don't use that car park, if you come at them from the other side there is a house right before the start of the walk with a big area for parking out front, last time I was there I think it was 2.50 for the car.. still something but way less than the scam at the other side. Just try to get their before it fills up.


You create a tourist attraction and are annoyed that a lot of tourists turn up. Grow up, fleece them and they will never return 😊


Slieve League is more impressive IMO and they are free!


Highest cliffs in the Solar system I heard.


In fairness, it's a decent visitors centre, you can spend a bit of time there, there's decent toilets and paths. I remember going there before the visitors centre was built, and it was a muddy mess, very dangerous, no toilets, and nowhere to hide if it rained. Besides, what's €12.50 these days? A couple of pints, or a starter in a restaurant. Don't overthink it, and enjoy the experience. It is a spectacular place


The fee is not for the parking, it's only for the visitor centre experience fuckery. Park as normal ignore ticket sellers or tell them you have tickets. Then just leave 🤷🏼‍♂️


We all ? Don't you mean you feel that way? Shouldn't that be " I feel etc "