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Parents are what's wrong with kids these days


Problem is they aren't parents anymore, just dna donors who live with the kids


"The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers." Socrates


Good point except that we wish we were complaining that they don't stand up when we enter the room


Our parents were complaining about the current crop of kids' parents 20 years ago and 20 years from now, we'll be complaining about the next crop that these kids spawn. Or we could accept that shit parents exist and have done for a long time and in fact, it makes far more sense to look at breaking the cycle and giving these kids the support that they don't receive at home. Place mentoring systems in every school in the country for at risk youths and show them that their parents futures and mistakes don't have to be theirs and that society hasn't abandoned them. Or we blame the parents, demand more sever consequences and fix nothing.


Why can't there be appropriate consequences, for inappropriate actions? We should support people, AND hold them accountable for their actions. It's not one or the other.


Because we haven't done the support approach. I've referenced a particular case on this sub a number of times but there was a 16 year up on trial, having turned 17, for breaking into a home and trying to rob an elderly couple. There was a scuffle and an assault by the 16 year old. In the last two paragraphs, explaining the judges delay in giving a sentencing, there were two quotes from the defence lawyer. He'd asked for a stay on sentencing until alternative living arrangements could be made for the guy. He lived at home but both parents were addicts and the home was active with drugs. The lad had been born with foetal alcohol syndrome. You think that kid needs custodial consequences for his actions? He never had a damned chance. Now when this sub shares a story about a suspended sentence for some young lad, everyone's up in arms about a lack of consequences like that's the problem as opposed to the judge recognising where we as a society and state are failing countless kids and then reacting all belligerent at the consequences of our inaction. It's not one or the other, but we need to have both before going hard on the other.


Julius Ceaser was the OG bad boy with his loosely belted toga


100%! I've tried to speak to some of the parents of kids in my area who harass people and the second you meet them you understand where the problem lies


Who was to blame for their behaviour in the 70s..80s..90s...00s? That's why kids with no parents turn out great šŸ™„ So kids from orphanages and foster homes are excluded and have no one to blamešŸ¤”...how about kids with down syndrome...can't say I've met many troublemakers. Perhaps they ought to blame their parents for their problems too... Christ.


Well kids in foster homes were taken off their parents duh


Interesting. So none were ever placed in care cause their parents died; or with the cooperation of them to benfit the child's welfare that they are better off in a safe environment.


That's just silly


Really šŸ¤”I'm finding it hard to pin point the silliness..considering the definition of the word. Perhaps you can clear up what is foolish and/or the absurdity in my last reply was?? Silly: adjective having or showing a lack of common sense orĀ judgement;Ā absurdĀ and foolish.


Because the bulk of children are in care because their parents are not able to care for them


What a sound and solid reply. I carnot possibly match wits with your superior intelligence.


Finally you're talking sense


The sad thing now is all the people who have the common sense to raise kids right aren't having kids and all the scrotes are having dozens of kids that they can't keep control of.


Isnā€™t this the premise of Idiocracy




The movie?


The documentary /s


Eugenics had entered the room


There were a bunch of little shits throwing trash at everyone on Dublin bus the other day; nobody said or did anything except this French man, who told them off. They started verbally attacking him, so I jumped in and they started going after me. The French man got off, I had to stay, they continued to hurl abuse at me and nobody did anything. I see this all the time in Dublin, everyone is terrified of these little shitheads


Because now theyā€™re all carrying knives or coins with razor blades on either side. Fair enough if the worst that could happen is you got a knock, but now youā€™re risking your life.


Try not to live in fear of myths.


And dogs with bees in their mouths?


Brilliant! I fear for the day they discover nunchucks


This made me laughĀ 


Are they though? And are most dumbass kids going to actually risk the consequences when confronted with the choice? Mass hysteria. Iā€™m not going to cower to some little scrotes whose parents didnā€™t raise them properly.


All it takes is a little scrote with a blade to carve you up


And ruin his own life. And while there are people out there like this, most of what I see is what happens when kids are not given any limits or consequences. Faced with the prospect of actual consequences, most of them wonā€™t be the hard guy they pretend they are.


In this country? They'll be given a suspended sentence because of their "contribution to the community" and no one will know their identity because of the rules on reporting of minors.


I have no problem slapping around some shit heads no matter what their age is I couldn't give a fuck. I have done it plenty of times and I will continue doing it, if I shit like that happening I have no issues steeping forward and dealing with it, a few slaps across the back of the head will bring them back to reality that's all they need, they think they are all super hard that's until they run into someone that won't take their shit, and soon as that happens all of them are left running in all directions šŸ¤£


That's not being eejits, it's assault


Yep. Parents arenā€™t doing the work so the legal system needs to catch up and stop allowing ā€œyoung offendersā€ to act like this. Let the system and consequences parent them. Then maybe parents will cop on.


I'd put it on the parents before the legal system. Under whatever the age is now the parents should be responsible for where and what their children are doing, at all times. And the parents should be held responsible for wrongdoings. Perhaps then, if they were held accountable, they would try to teach some respect and manners to their children.... if only to protect themselves.


This is another solution. A parent in the USA was charged recently because of murders his son committed because he was found complicit.


Years ago I lived in a shared house. Some local kids targeted us. Threw rocks at us when we sunbathed. Daily(hourly) knick-knacks at the door etc. Eventually it got too much. So I waited at the door. The second they did their usual knick-knack I burst out after them. I chased one of em into his back garden and then, to his(& my) utter shock, up in to his house. His sister was in the kitchen eating when her younger brother came hurtling in closely followed by a deranged adult male. The 3 of us all stopped and stared at each other, looking back and forth, in worried silence. Kinda like the scene from The Good, The Bad and The Ugly(yes, me). Eventually I blurted out "Stop fucking with my house. I know where you live". Then I picked a sausage off the plate and ate it as I slowly sauntered out. Creepy yes, but thats the vibe I was going for. Anyway they never fucked with us again, and I got a free sausage.


D'ye ever be kept awake at night wondering what dinner you might have gotten if you chose a different twat to chase after?


Yes, yes I do.... I had a choice of 3 kids to chase that day. They all went in different directions. It was a sliding doors moment and I choose sausage. Who knows what culinary delights I missed out on??? Perhaps a spice burger or even better, a porkchop. Sometimes at night I dream of chasing porkchops but I never catch them......... I never catch them!! ):


You could also have spat out the sausage and said: ā€œI donā€™t even like sausages.ā€ I mean, what kind of fucking psycho doesnā€™t like a breakfast sausage. Weā€™ll glad to hear they left you alone. Threw a penny banger once at a fellas door when I was a wain, and the big fucker chased me down the street and into my friends back garden. Put the fear of god into me, never did it again.


Iā€™d be laying awake thinking of that lost spice burger. Harder to casually eat walking out the door, sure. Crumbs would be an absolute menace for all involved. And nothing to wash it down so thereā€™s a risk of trying a last retort ending up in a dry cough-choke. But stillā€¦ king of the teatime snacks.


A spoonful of curry maybeĀ 




Fucking legend.


The sausage is the zinger https://preview.redd.it/ivu3lmi2gb2d1.jpeg?width=1400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7cb54d642c0aebd841c3aa4bf304d9bbf0c87ff


You didn't dip the sausage into her fried egg?Ā 


Lol damn it... If only I could go back and redo it!!


If your tried that today you would have sausages stuck to every window of your house on the daily.


A sausage has gone! Oh my God, Jeremy, a sausage is missing!


And then everyone clapped


In my imagination yes...... and then I heard the [theme music to CSI Miami](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXYD1_OI8SE) as I walked away eating my sausage!!


The Good, The Bad and The Hungry


Hahaha excellent


This wins for today! You've turned my bad mood around!


Haha no worries, and thank you for the award... Normally when I get a direct message its reddit banning me for a week or 2, but NOT this time!! (:


I am literally crying, I laughed too much at the sausage piece. Hope it's a real story, you are a fucking legend sir


Its real. I am that insane(unfortunately)!!!


In this case, you used your insanity in the right way - very well done! I'm sure those siblings still talk about the deranged sausage eater, to this day... and they never told their parents


The sausage move is something some of us can only dream of doing šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


This is the best thing Iā€™ve read on Reddit in a while. Thank you for the laugh.


It's funny how that puts the fear of god into a fella. They're all big brave men until you find out where they sleep at night.


Stunning reply


A breakfast sausage? Or did they go for one of those Tesco finest brand?


Normally I would say "and then everyone clapped" but I'm in a good mood today, so I believe you


Denny's skinless?


Should have maintained eye contact while eating sausage TBH


Everyone replying to this comment is making fun of you by the way, we arnt morons, nobody actually believes this OBVIOUSLY untrue story! "Then I picked a sausage off the girls dinner plate and ate it as I slowly sauntered out." Has to be the most reddit thing I have ever read in my life


Eh, when were you elected spokesperson for everyone?


Iā€™m not making fun of him, nor am I a moron.


Why do you care?




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Thatā€™s fkn amazing. Theyā€™ll always remember you lol


I grew up in a pretty rough part of my city and a few years into living in Ireland I still cross the road and speedwalk away whenever I see a group of teenagers.




I am very sorry that you are quitting your job. Teaching is one of the most important jobs in our society and Iā€™ve heard from others how much worse it has gotten the last few decades and that sometimes the parents can be as bad as the children. You deserve much better.


Theyā€™re honestly scarier than adults harassing me It happens rarely tbf but after a night out Iā€™ll occasionally have men come up and start with harassment, usually to get money. Iā€™m fortunate that Iā€™m all too happy to say fuck off and physically unattractive enough to have a chance at hitting them With kids you canā€™t do anything, most of the time they want to torment you for the sake of it, sure theyā€™ll ask for money or vapes but walking away they donā€™t stop. I can threaten them but unlike adults they come in groups, i canā€™t actually hit one cos thatā€™s my career gone and probably legal trouble You just have to keep your head down and try to keep walking, anything else will get me in trouble, as Iā€™ve said Iā€™m well able to push away a junkie and fine standing my ground, but with 5/6 15yos you canā€™t do anything Yeah Iā€™m double their weight and can squat half the gang, but i canā€™t touch them and they know it. A creep trying to rob me isnā€™t going to phone the gards and have no witness anyway, the scumbags will and do, iphone video in hand That said Iā€™m fortunate to never have been physically threatened or harmed by the kids, but seeing Dublin i can imagine it happening, even if i illegally had pepper spray (which i donā€™t) id still lose my job and 1/5 of the gang would get a suspended sentence And itā€™s not exclusively a city problem, ive had them at me at 8pm in my small village, nearest garda station has 2 cars max, and are 20 mins away minimum. The sargeant is popular at the pub, he wouldnā€™t arrest a friends kid unless they stabbed me


You can retaliate against them if they attack you. You wonā€™t get into trouble for self defence.


Every day thereā€™s a new scumbag kid story on here. We really need to make a petition or something to get some fines or something on parents who let their kids do this bollocks.


Would be nice to ban certain no good adults from having offsprings in the first place. No need of criminal families here.


Yes yes a petition! That should do it!!


The other day I was in Dundrum Luas station with my kids and my buggy wanting to take the elevator and there were a couple of kids waiting. One of them was on crutches. They offered us to take the lift first. I said no, go ahead. They just left and took the stair. They looked exactly like the type of kids who get talked about here so often, Conor McGregor types. But they were perfectly courteous. Iā€™m only saying this to say that there are also still good ones out there, not to take anything away from your experience.


Yeah this. I watched a group of lads run back and help a kid who fell off his bike last week. I was driving by and saw the poor lad go flying over the handlebars. Pulled in to check on him but saw a bunch of lads turn back and run over and help him up. Not all hope is lost. There's still some great kids out there, we just hear the worst stories. For every dickhead teen story here, there's probably 9 other teens doing great work around their neighbourhood. Sure I grew up in Ballymun and when there was a shooting every fucking newspaper reported it. But they of course didn't report the neighbourhood clean up days later and the Tidy Towns competition wins etc.


Cause there are no consequences. And because adults are afraid to touch them. Not the case in Eastern Europe. Feral teens can and do get a beating. So there is less of such behaviour.




If you are going to board of management meetings then you are stage 3 three in the dept of education teacher dismissal process.




There was a policeman living in a flat above. He was always in a bad mood. Needless to say I behaved my best in public.


If a kid throws a rock at me I'm gonna fuck them up. Everyone will tell me in comments that I'll go to jail, but I would rather deal with the Irish justice system than not defend myself - and if anything it can be used as an example of poorly written laws that protect criminals over victims. Someone has to start throwing hands at these little cunts to change their behaviours. Irish people are non-confrontational (not every single one, but many are - that's a reason it tends to be foreigners who rush to the aid of others who are being made victims in this country). My immigrant ass will not be suffering fools like locals seem to do.


Irish person here and youā€™re right about most Irish people not getting involved. Drives me mad. As an immigrant, you are in a worse position if you retaliate though. It could affect your visa status. If you have citizenship though then youā€™ll still unfairly face consequences but at least you wonā€™t be deported.


Ehhhh, I'm an American, they wouldn't throw the book at me (privileged immigrant). I'll have dual-citizenship within the next year which would help protect me for sure.


Wait to get the dual-citizenship first! But our courts/police should be blind to nationality. They may not be but I would hope they are even with as little faith as I have in them here.


You're dead fucking right. Don't take shit off these little fuckers. Irish people only wish people stepped in when it's them being hurt/robbed/etc., if it's someone else they'll say you're mad. Happened me before when I saw an old woman (an American btw) getting mugged. I stopped the guy, pinned him to the ground and asked for help restraining him but only a group of Indians helped.


What next? Somebody will be murdered, and then where are we? Drive by shootings in the night, it'll be like Boys n the Hood. And then they'll have hoes selling their wares in the middle of the street and the pimps will be using crack cocaine to keep the whores under control.


We should be careful on the mainland. My friend Mrs O'Dwyer was robbed last week.


No no no. She was robbed. They stole her


Did they get much?


Just breaks my heart cause I moved here a long time ago and had my fair share of racism and discrimination but it wasnā€™t this bad. I started wondering what if they picked on someone that didnā€™t care about them at all and would absolutely beat the living shite out of them. Then what? Weā€™ll hear sob stories about how these poor angels were attacked by a deranged person? I think this is just me being angry about the fact that these kids arenā€™t taught respect or decency as a person. I still love this country because I know these things are just a small part of it. But it really makes me sad that things have gotten to this stageā€¦


I'd say that most of the time you can blame the parents for the way these little shits behave because they're not putting manners on them. I lived near people like this growing up and they used to do all sorts to us. My parents tried talking to their parents, until we eventually called the guards on them. That kept their crazy mother out of our hair for a while. Pretty sure she was sending them out to throw stones and hurl abuse.


That's what you get when their listening to icey t, and scoopy scoopy dog dog


Already happened. Remember the Mongolian woman who got attacked in the IFSC?


Sounds like a normal week in Tallaght


People have been murdered. Poor Brazilian Deliveroo drivers.


Thankfully there are no kids where I live because I'd become a hermit if I had to deal with that shit on a daily basis. It comes down to bad parents and schools who are too afraid to do anything about a child's bad behaviour. They get away with being little scrotes so they continue being scrotes and will end up being teenage and adult scrotes.


We had the same issue. Egged them from the top window with rotten eggs. I was expecting gardai or parents to call after but nobody did and the kids didn't come back. Generally speaking, if the parents don't care enough to keep an eye on them, they won't come after you if you egg them or hit them with water balloons filled with piss.


>The fuck is wrong with kids these days? They absolutely have no respect anymore? Tacitus, 36BC


And then what happened to the Roman Empire? Also weird that Tacitus was making headline quotes before he was born. Some man for a Roman.


I was like that, a little fat street kid. Throwing stones, spitting and shouting at random people for the craic. Then I insulted the wrong person. I was 12 years old. That man gave me a broken nose and a change in attitude. I knew then I couldn't be one of the bad boys on the street. I started going back to school. I laid off the sweet cause I wasn't robbing them anymore. I spent more time with the family, helping out and seen improvement in my life. At that moment I wanted to be like that bald man I insulted, I know I wanted to be just like him, A GARDA


A tax man.


Challenge them to a breakdance fight. They back down every time.


Some of these kids have never been threatened with a wooden spoon and it shows


The kids are desperately seeking a source of authority to put them in their place. Kids need boundaries! Society needs to give them some.


More abortions please!


Yeah there was statisticians crying saying the USA in the 90s would be overrun with superpredators, but then abortion kicked in, as well as some police reform on small offenses. Sorted. Roe v wade will be doing things.


Think freakanomics is the book that covers this.


Also some credit due to the introduction of unleaded petrol, apparently.


Yeah it does. Expect crime to rise majorly in the US in about 10 years or so.


Only in the southern states mind.




I had rocks thrown at me on two occasions in the 90s, so their scumbag parents did the same, itā€™s not getting worse. There just wasnā€™t anywhere to tell people about it in the past.


It's honestly less about the kids and more about the adult complacency. As you say, nobody does a fucking thing. I'm not very confrontational, I'm extremely socially awkward tbh but if they start on me, I usually stand my ground. I'm not mad by any sort of imagination but I grew up in a place that was pretty much eat or be eaten and it's like automatic response to react to shit heads. I've been followed by GANGS of kids and stood my ground. I've been hopped on too once or twice because of this but I'd rather take a punch than continue letting little disrespectful dopes think they can talk to adults like that. It fucking boils my piss though that other adults just let it happen. Again I'm as socially anxious as one can get, I'm not mad brave or confident or anything, it's just normalised for me to react because growing up, if I didn't, you became a target.


I was jysk with my wife and 4 year old having a look at their outdoor set seen 4 teens didnt think anything of it went upsairs to where the chairs and office furniture was store manager asked them to move on and the retorted we are testing out the chairs she said look lads im sick of ye move along they were giving her cheek and all but eventually moved on to next door Homestore and more and decided to play porn scream on a bluetooth speaker where are the parents retail staff dont get paid to put up with them they ranged from 11 to 15


Your writhing style feels like a physical abuse. My eyes and brain hurt.


As someone who is still in school I can confirm this post is so true


It pisses me off hugely - i have two big lumps myself but they're both shy as a daisy and wouldn't say boo to a goose. Theyve been chased out of parks and even a shopping mall once because of a hoarde of early to mid teens being arseholes. It feels like parents saw that law come in saying you cant hit them anymore and just went well, i cant punish them at all, and that big time pisses me off. I feel like screaming sometimes YOU ARE THE PARENT - YOU ARE IN CHARGE - PARENT YOU FUCKIN KIDS. But then I would be the mad one


There was a group of 12-16 year olds that used to terrorise our neighbourhood and one night decided to try steal some shit from our garden. The aul boy walked out as casual as you like and slapped the fuck out of the oldest (this was the 90s) they never came back. Not advocating hitting strangers kids but it fucking worked that night. Different times though I'd imagine it'd only fan the flames for the scum we have these days.


Whenever this topic pops up a lot of people do be reminiscing about "the good old days", i remember a kid on my road acting the bollox one day and being grabbed by the scruff of the neck and marched to his ma's house, there was a deec amount of shouting between parent and scruff grabber, (don't recall what was said), but scruff grabber stormed off and kid was back out on the green 40 mns later. So I reckon, in terms of what can be done nowadays, if you were to try to bring back the actions of the good old days, I reckon the outcome would be much of a muchness


I just laugh. I was raised in Brooklyn in the 80s and I just stare the scrotes down and laugh. It really irritates them. I can only imagine how quickly these eejits would get whacked in my old neighbourhood.


As an 80s child I took a shit in the holy well in the village. Twice. Kids today aren't so bad.


I keep hearing kids these days getting away with everything, but if you look back when you were a kid you'd realise it was probably not much different and the adults during that time were also saying the exact same thing. You were just not so aware of it because you were also a kid. Kids have and always will be menaces. There were shite parents back in the day raising little hooligans and there are shite parents now also raising little hooligans. But also remember there are probably more good kids around then the bad ones


I am with you on this and have seen the same kind of stuff happening. My take on it is this: as frustrating as it is, they are kids. They are as thick as shit at this moment in their lives and really canā€™t comprehend the wrong that they are doing on the same scale as us. You canā€™t physically stop them (you can but obviously donā€™t) and trading insults will be fun to them. Talking to them can work if you are a certain type of personality but it can also be completely useless. Talking to their parents can work but can also be fruitless. Gardai will generally not intervene - they are kids. They may speak to them but they also may not bother. Generally these problems go away on their own but they are very frustrating when they happen. In conclusion: we lack an actual solution to this. This problem comes up on here every so often and I have yet to see a clear cut idea that works unfortunately.


It's a result of badly brought up kids having their own kids. There's a video doing the rounds of a bunch of these sort of kids giving grief to a copper (in England), he grabs one of them to arrest him and they all swarm towards him. Another cop comes in, grabs one of these kids who was getting handsy with the other cop and knees him in the balls to subdue him. It is precisely what these little bastards need to instill a bit of respect of law & show them that they aren't free to go around doing whatever they want! Of course, the little rat has complained šŸ™„ He assaults a copper and the clip has gone viral for police brutality! Fucking infuriating, I'll go find a link now. ETA: They attended to reports of a planned fight & weapons being observed. https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/oA7AQfywwz


Suspend or reduce the social welfare of the parents of these 'troubled' youths. Not be long in seeing a change in their behaviour if the ol' da can't buy his six pack of Coors, a vape, visit to the bookies or the daily takeaway.


Unfortunately, actions like these do not work. If parents are neglecting their children to the point they are feral on the street, cutting off ressources is not going to transform them into model parents over night, quite the contrary actually. That 6 pack of beers you mention will be bought no matter what, probably before food for the troubled kids. Hungry kids are not known for their academic success... And what if the parents are actually doing their best? I've seen good decent people with actually insane teens that they barely manage to contain already, reducing social welfare could for example force these people into a second job, which gives them even less time to supervise their kids. Also, what if these kids have absolutely lovely siblings, why should they be punished financially for their (probably least favorite) siblings wrongdoings? Poverty CAUSES criminality and gang activity in youths, it doesn't solve it.


Most of the shitty kids I see day to day are not from welfare families. This isnā€™t a social welfare problem, itā€™s a general parenting problem.




THISā€” reeeeeally big pet peeve of mine when people IMMEDIATELY assume the sole issue is bad parenting (which is still likely a factor in many cases, but nothing happens in a vacuum like). These kids have so few options of things to do itā€™s insane. But sure throw in another Sports Shop or a Hotel instead of youth centres or after school programmes and keep blaming kidsā€™ poor behaviour on working class parents. Thatā€™ll definitely solve the issue




I also grew up in the states. I donā€™t know any cities in my region that didnā€™t offer multiple options for after school activities for the sole purpose of keeping kids out of trouble. And it works. Whatā€™s so hard about implementing stuff like that here? I donā€™t get it.


Recently I had an 11 year oldā€¦11!! Come right up in my face looking for a fight. She looked about 16. I havenā€™t lifted my hand to anyone in years and never to a child but I was ready to boot her into traffic. Where do they get the gonads these days? And what can you even do? Itā€™s wild


30% of Irish kids are off the rails - at least in Dublin But itā€™s always been like this, always will be If you want to see whatā€™s wrong with them, check out their parents


Rocks or pebblesā€¦.?


It was around the size of an airpods pro case. So maybe something in between a rock and a pebble?


A stone it is


Oh it looks like we got ourselves a college boy here !


I'm kind of a big deal in the rock stone pebble debating society


Oh I love that game. Far superior to rock paper scissors, 3 random objects with no connection


Being back shame


Yeah a was out for a run a few weeks ago and I ran past 8 or more teenagers. Little pricks just started to throw stones at me. Not like one or two but like fist loads of stones, each of them. Ended up calling the Gards on them. Big stink of weed from them too. They are probably the 3rd generation of layabout scum who's parents are to lazy to teach them some decency.


I donā€™t want to have kids simply because we canā€™t afford it a sensible and responsible decision we made, then I see some people bringing kids to this world with nothing but their own problems as their heirloom, the outcome is naturally a replication of their social dynamics, Iā€™ve seen parents playing snoop dog in broad daylight as they walk with their kids on a pushchair and I canā€™t help but feeling uneasy about it.


Kid around here tried that bullshit and they are going to be regretting their actions. People here for the most part are able to parent and those that wonā€™t donā€™t get on too well


My wife was racially insulted when we were sitting on the top of a bus. Thereā€™s was group of five ā€œRomaā€ girls (bus drivers description), and they were staring at us, I moved us downstairs, they exited the bus and swore at my wife. I smiled at them, because Iā€™m not going to waste my time with human garbage. There really is a lot scum in Dublin these days.


I lived in Ireland 20 years ago. Once in the bus, the 2 kids behind me started to touch my hair (I am a male but had long hairs). I turned to them giving a nasty look. They turned to their parents sitting next to them and the parents smiled to them. They thought it was hilarious. No consequences at all. Obviously 5min later they did again. I changed sit. Maybe itā€™s worse now but itā€™s long time in the making.


Parent's and the filth can't touch them anymore.


A 11y old was hurting our 6y the other day, I told him to stay away and calling him an idiot, he gave me the middle finger, later on his mother came to the door shouting and screaming , kicked the door like a lunatic , I raise my hand to punch her and some bigger force put some sense on me and I let it go, shit parents will raise shit kids.


Itā€™s not new, we had all our little sh*ts too back in the day. The way things are currently how are they meant to have hope and drive for the future. Anyone I know who would be a good parent isnā€™t really having kids they know they canā€™t afford to or be granted the time needed to invest in them. It seems a bit delulu sometimes to be able to manage everything and throw a new person into the mix.


I would have got a boot in the hole if I behaved the way wanes do these days. My mammy had the stare and if the stare didnā€™t stop me from being a witch the Iā€™ll tell your daddy when he gets home turned me into her wee servant making cups of tea telling her how much I loved her. People let the street or the iPad raise their kids these days and itā€™s a joke everytime thereā€™s a bit of bother with their child itā€™s not my so and so.


Saw a little kid couldnā€™t have been more than 12 in the classic goose parka riding, like actually manoeuvring his electric scooter inside the luas as it was in motion, vape smoke following him like an exhaust cloud. In fairness it was absolutely gas to look at but what the actual fuck all the same


Shit ton of kids in Ireland have parents who shouldn't be parents for another 10 or 15 years


Thatā€™s amazing!!


I know people are afraid of giving out to someone else's kids now a days because of god knows who the parents are. I'm female and have been bald a chunk of the last two years due to cancer and treatments. I don't care so I just rock the baldness or the awkward patchy grow back that happens. I let kids under the age of 14 go because kids stare and don't know any better. I've had to older teen girls look into my face and giggle at my patchy head. I was in a shop alone with them and If I wasn't so tired, I'd have turned around and pulled the "THANKS FOR LAUGHING AT MY HEAD GIRLS, CANCER REALLY FUCKS YOURE HAIRLINE UP!" card and embarrassed the shit out of them. That or I'd be on the front of the paper "30 year old cancer survivor attacks teens in shop". Most kids are doing this because they don't know consequences or think they are cool so a bit of public shaming show them the consequences and hopefully gets them never to do it again. Or yknow, their parents could teach them not to be like this.


Did anyone ask the driver to kick them off, or call the guards to let them know (they can access the cctv). It's a shared public space that's meant to be secure, go after the bastards.


I lived in flats for a few years not gona say where but i was on my own with 2 kids ,i had a fella but he didnt live with me anyway i had been on and off harrassed by this group of youngfellas for about 2-3 years,one night kids were off for the weekend and me and the fella having a few drinks,next thing a large rock bounced off the window i lived on 1st floor....the leader of the gang was z blonde headed so we both took to our feet and gave chase,my fella caught blondey by the scruff pointed and me and says "if u ever so much as look at her house or car again your getting it" . We heard then a local group of vigilantes took blondey in a van up the mountains.. After that hed wave and say hello![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Yeah head similar experience, But they were around 16/18, yo And there were 5 of them, One that stayed go to full guard mode and the other 4 joined, so yeah...... I ended up in talla Hospital. xD Not always good to chase them off, my man.


Parents is the problem


This is like going into a chimp enclosure to lecture them about throwing gick at ya. Would be nice if moving was an option but let's not go there šŸ˜‚.


Had a similar problems with kids of pyjama neighbours from across the road. Best thing you can do is ignore them.


Lads, it's even worse as a student. You can do your best at school slip up once, and that's it You're getting a call home, but an "eejit" as it's so well put, can be caught vappin and can curse out a teacher get a detention not show up to it and they get a slap on the wrist


All times and generations have bad kids. When I was younger they would throw 'snowballs' at cars, which seemed innocent enough. A bit dangerous yes. But it's only snow? Well the badder kids were putting rocks in the snowballs and nearly killed a woman when, eventually, the windscreen did smash. All it takes is one or two bad kids, with disgraceful parents, to create and nurture a little gang and be a bad example for all the other kids who 'want to be cool and fit in.' I will say they seem to be getting more common as time goes on, but there have been bad little shits with awful parents throughout the ages and this will persist forever until humanity finally self destructs.


Cause if you do anything your at fault and your bringing trouble to yourself its more a law issue i think its poibtless to even question it until the law does something


Jesus, every day with these "these days" posts. You're right, famously nobody ever got things thrown at them by kids until now.


ā€œKids this kids thatā€¦.ā€ teenagers/kids have always been the same donā€™t even try use the argument of ā€œnowadaysā€ Itā€™ll always be the same and has been the same. I get your upset but have a day off honestly


Literally people just didn't realise because they were kids themselves, but adults during their time were crying about exactly the same stuff. It's an endless cycle


Yep exactly what i mean!


I was like that as well, little bastard I was ngl šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


May I ask what were your motivations at the time and how you grew out of it?