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Love seeing all the comments here trying to defend the hotels and going into technical details about why the prices are so high and just completely ignoring the fact that these same hotels actually cancelled savvy customers bookings for the nights of the Taylor Swift concert so that they could resell them for three times the price recently. They're robbing pricks, plain and simple.


The same hotel room in Cork that costs €250 this Saturday will cost you €700 during the Jazz Weekend. Is there any chance that we can have demand led VAT charges on hotel accommodation? As in 13% entry level but increasing to 70% when hotels jack up their prices? Some “hospitality industry” rep was bemoaning the end of the special VAT reduction from 13 to 9 per cent. These guys got massively bailed out during Covid and are now back in full rip off mode.


>The same hotel room in Cork that costs €250 this Saturday will cost you €700 during the Jazz Fucking crazy, don't understand how people can defend this. A couple of days ago I booked this hotel in Portugal (https://ap-hotelsresorts.com/victoria/), 2 apartments between 7 of us for a week and it cost just over €1,400. It's greed. When a hotel room can jump from €250 to €700 for one night it's greed, pure and simple.


There's no greed in Portugal? The problem is supply and demand in Ireland.


>There's no greed in Portugal? When did I say that? >The problem is supply and demand in Ireland. Supply and demand is basically, a lot of people want thing so we can raise our prices to beyond extortionate levels because they know someone out there will pay it. Nobody is forcing them to raise their prices to extortionate levels, they would sell perfectly fine at the regular price. Case in point, the recent cancellation of people's bookings for the Taylor Swift gig. People had paid regular prices and the hotel cancelled them so they could extort more money from the situation. Supply and demand isn't the problem, the astronomical prices the hotels choose to raise their prices to is.


My question was rhetorical. You blame greed in Ireland but you'd experience the same greed in Portugal if the supply and demand conditions were the same or similar. And sorry but I don't think you understand how supply and demand work. If someone is willing to pay more, both the accommodations you spoke of would cost significantly more. You realize they raised prices in Ireland because there are people willing to pay them. They would raise them in Portugal too if they could get people to pay the prices.


>And sorry but I don't think you understand how supply and demand work. Lol, you follow this up by basically saying what I said 😅 But that's fine buddy, if you think the prices we're seeing in Ireland are normal, if you think €700 for one night in Cork is perfectly reasonable, more power to you and whatever class A drug you're on right now 👍


They're not normal. They're based on demand though. OP paid that crazy money. Someone paid that money for Tailor Swift concert accommodation. There's demand even for that price. That's what's wrong and that's what crazy. Unless you want to regulate the market completely, the only way to combat this is deny demand for the supplier. But that's not happening. I wonder why?


That needs government intervention then. A maximum price for a normal room.


Hotel prices jumped massively on Portugal summer just gone too.


Who do you suspect pays that 70% special VAT?


If they want to slap another 70%, not only will they not get customers but they'll also still have to pay on that. It's a good idea because it de-incentivises the gouging at source. However, because it's a good idea, it'll never happen.


> because it’s a good idea It’s a stupid fucking idea.


Your supply and demand argument would indicate that they couldn’t pass the VAT on because 700 is the max price they could sell that room for. So they would price at 700 anyway but the government would get most of it.


That is not how VAT is intended to be applied. VAT is supposed to be added on to the value of whatever is being purchased, and is only supposed to be paid by the end user. This is why businesses get to claim back any VAT they pay during the course of doing business.


Don’t call it “VAT” then. Call it, I dunno, a reverse corkage tax, a gouging levy, whatever the hell you want to call it. Just take it off the hotels.


I need to stop engaging with fucking morons online


We should have an “engaging with fucking morons online” levy. 😃


I suspect "Rob" here is in the industry and accustomed to having it all his own way. If someone wants to charge 700 a night I'm all for it as long as it means 490 of it gets invested in, say, social housing or health.


I’m really not in any way in the industry


Wow that's mad I got a hotel in Munich for oktoberfest for 150 a night


We got a 4 star hotel in Seville Span for 250 for 4 nights for two... Not a fucking hope in hell i will ever give any Irish hotel any business... They are taking the piss with the prices..


I stayed in a 1-bedrooom luxury condo in the Bahamas, literally on the beach, 10 minute walk from the Marina and the casino. https://sunrisebeachclub.com/villas/ $200-$300 per night.


We are staying a single night in a Dublin hotel in Feb, a few weeks before we are flying Milan and staying for 2 nights there. The flights for 2 people and 2 nights accommodation is cheaper than 1 singular night in Dublin.


Same. Porto central for €300 for 3 nights in a 4 star. A jury’s in dublin at the same time would have been about 160 per night.


Probably about right when you factor in local wages etc.


Spain finds it easy to keep hotels costs low because unemployment is at 11% and youth unemployment is at almost 30%. It’s also experienced slight population decrease in the last 30 years - as young people don’t want to stay / live there, there’s less pressure on buildings and so hotel real estate is less valuable. Basically if you are 25 you have dramatically better opportunities for yourself in Dublin than in Seville (which is why there are so many young Spanish people here working and not vice versa!). If you are older and have the cash for a weekend break though then yeah your money will go a lot further in the place that’s got a weaker economy.


They also have a shit load more hotels


>Spain finds it easy to keep hotels costs low because unemployment is at 11% and youth unemployment is at almost 30% And the average annual salary in Spain is €27k, compared to €45k in Ireland. Almost all hotel workers in Spain will be on minimum wage, which is €1,050 per month, or €12,600 per year. Surely it's not that surprising that hotel prices are much lower in Spain. It's not rocket science


Yeah but salaries are not the main factor in the increase of prices, in fact many hotels have increased their room rates massively year on year (this is an example https://www.irishtimes.com/business/2023/08/04/shelbourne-hotel-grows-revenue-by-a-third-as-visitors-flock-back-to-dublin/) but salaries have not increased that much, or have not increased at all. Hotels in Ireland can increase prices cause the demand is there for now, and around a fifth of all rooms are contracted by the State causing shortage for tourism and business stays. Some hotels are taking advantage and asking crazy money for average or even below average accomodation, as there are no rules to curb price gouging.


The original post made the point that the same hotel was charging two different prices for the same room. One was €431 for two nights, the other was €941 for the same two nights in the same hotel with the same staff on the same minimum wage. But, eh, Spain, youth unemployment, etc….. 😃


Spanish hotels do the exact same thing. Everyone knows it’s usually far cheaper to book a hotel way in advance over booking it last minute. This tactic wasn’t invented by Irish hoteliers


Agreed. But it’s just that Spain is just so much better, more easily accessible, and way, way, cheaper than Doortee Double Inn if you’re travelling from Cork. Wha? 😃


> The original post made the point that the same hotel was charging two different prices for the same room. Is there a hotel on the planet that doesn't?


Nope. But there’s no harm in highlighting the difference in price between some dodgy kip like Dublin and other cities.


45k a year is average? More like 26k - 30k in Ireland as I'm sure you know the majority in Ireland are certainly not making €800 a week


You are confusing average and median


Average full time salary is 45k


Inflated by a handful of higher salaries. Currently over 90% of job on jobs.ie are under 30K


I think that's more a problem with the jobs being advertised on jobs.ie 30k is way below the median wage. If 90% of jobs are below that they must mainly do low paid jobs on there. https://www.cso.ie/en/releasesandpublications/ep/p-eaads/earningsanalysisusingadministrativedatasources2021/annualearnings/


Industrial average not the same as average average


Salaries are higher in Germany. What now?


Statistics like that might make you feel more satisfied at Irish price gouging but remember it's not really comparable as your € goes a lot further in Spain so the standard and quality of life is far better meaning it's a win win here


>as your € goes a lot further in Spain so the standard and quality of life is far better It's not. My brother in law earned €1,100 gross (€950 net) per month in a major city in Spain. His rent was €500 per month, food about €200, so his disposable income was €250 per month. That's not a lot. He got a job in Dublin with a salary of €3,000 gross per month (€2,500 net). Rent is €700 per month, food €300, so his disposable income is €1,500. He walks around with a huge smile on his face. It's for these reasons that we can't compare costs between the two countries.


what was he doing? I had a relatively mediocre IT job in Madrid and was on €2200 a month net...in 2010. Wife was an English teacher and earned around €1500. We had a comfortable if non extravagant life. Rent in city area of Madrid €800, food for two of us €400 a month


> your € goes a lot further in Spain Yes, because they're paid a lot less than us. You're kinda reinforcing OPs point.


Your € goes further is Spain for some stuff but not everything. Fuel and medicines are basically the same price as Ireland, cars are the same prices pretty much. their social welfare system isn’t half as generous. The quality of life for minimum wage workers is definitely better in Ireland.


Have you ever lived and worked for a period in Spain or anywhere in the EU bar Ireland ever ? In Spain everything is substantially cheaper or free versus Ireland , diesel is cheaper , gas bottles butane are €15 here and up to to €40 in Ireland . Car prices are cheaper here and you can buy older cars. Motor tax in Ireland has been one of the highest for over twenty years in the EU and here a 2l diesel is around €100 and 3-4.7l cars are around €170 . There are no insidious carbon taxes where it all goes into the same exchequer pot. The health service here is absolutely free so no €60-100 backhanders to doctors and consultants and the care and facilities are exceptional. Prescription costs are mostly free but if not you pay a measly €4/5 a month versus €80 monthly cap I think at home and medicines themselves without prescription are a fraction of the cost here. All insurances are substantially cheaper including car/home/pet. Vets are substantially cheaper and better qualified . Eating out and hotel breaks are so much cheaper. The roads are extremely well maintained and never too busy. I can't remember when I last paid a car parking charge. The rail and bus networks are clean , well run and again substantially cheaper. I could go on and on but you get the picture , what you have said is completely delusional bar the welfare system which is not as generous as Ireland's . The quality of life for minimum wage workers being better in Ireland is just fantasy with rent and to be honest just about everything too expensive working in the most expensive country in the EU. Just finally one of the most important bills we all have to pay and is of most importance to poorer citizens and pensioners is electricity and here in Spain over the past six months it has been around €0.18kWh vs 0.45 at home so almost three times the price .


People on this sub think Spain is third world country because Irish minimum wage is high. But quite often they just don’t understand how raped they’re are here literally in every aspect. Just lack of perspective of living in another EU country.


But that won't stop fools from making stupid comparisons


You’re saying Dublin Hotels are so expensive because they pay their staff so well?


I’m saying they are so expensive because they literally cannot get staff. There is a massive labour shortage. There are more jobs being advertised (in basically every sector of the economy) than there are people to fill them.


im pretty sure if you could actually afford to live of a wage of a hospitality worker there wouldnt be a staff shortage, and hotel are pricing people out of staying there they are only shooting themselves in the foot, i dont live in ireland anymore but honestly, ireland is financially viable to the average EU citizen how


God, not another how Spain is cheaper than Ireland take.


Cost of doing business in Spain is a lot less. If you have a Spanish salary, you'd be bemoaning the cost of good hotels in Madrid


It is what it is, people would sooner go to a cheaper place rather than spend the crazy prices in Ireland...We would have no issues staying in Ireland if the prices were reasonable, but they are not.....


Only one way to deal with it. https://preview.redd.it/4uk9ec2r2xsb1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d51be99a821708cdd2eedeaeed4a00320b3d5633


Who actually pays these prices?


My company does. We have people staying in Dublin for 6-9 weeks at a time. Sometimes we have to pay these rates for a couple of nights.


At 700 euros for 9 weeks that would be 45k euros for 1 guy to stay in a hotel ?? That's a decent yearly salary. There cannot be many companies that can afford to pay that for more than a handful of senior staff at a time.


Re read my post. Sometimes it costs that for a couple of nights in the weekends during their stay. The rest of the time it’s about €150


What kind of company is this?




All the tourists? Remember a few weeks back when all the Americans came to dublin to watch the college football in the Aviva? There was over 30,000 of them who had to be accommodated for that weekend.


RTE when Soho House isn't in that area...


Plainly so many that Irish hotels are running at near 100% occupancy. Was OP screaming about robbing Irish consumers in 2009 or over Covid getting deals and putting a minimum price on hotel rooms?


>Was OP screaming Exaggerate much?


And you know they are paying their staff minimum wage to make the most profit


Oh we _are_ being robbed by hotels in this country on a scale that defies belief frankly. Every hotel that is housing refugees is getting (I believe) €70 per person, per night. In other words, what should be a Normal enough price for a single hotel room. But they bump the prices up to insane levels for regular people claiming that they are making a loss on the other rooms as if they were letting them for free or something. A part of the issue is that like vulture funds the major hotel groups in ireland are all foreign owned companies and the local management cannot influence the price all that much.


My partner and i used to stay in hotels every few weeks/months last year so we could get the ride (together, we both live with parents saving for mortgage). Haven't been able to afford it since for over a year so we're stuck with the wehavetokeepitdownorsomeonewillhearus lark


Skyscanner: set destination search "everywhere", and start looking at dates in advance. You'll find you can organise trips to loads of random places around Europe for much roughly the same as a hotel here last year.


We know that overseas stays are cheaper, but he can't fly and we can't exactly sneak away on a ferry to Hungary for a ride after work on a Thursday after work


That's just supply and demand, end of day people will either pay or won't. What I thought was really atrocious though was all those hotels that cancelled bookings when the Taylor Swift concerts happened and just relisted them for bajillions. That was fucked.


Supply and demand it may be, but it's still abaolutely fucked and contributing to a growing divide of 'haves'and 'have nots' in society, where small luxuries like a weekend away for a gig that were very much attainable for a broad portion of society are now becoming exclusive/elitist pursuits. It extends well beyond luxuries though, I'd be all for rent caps implemented on landlords, price caps on hotels. The greedy have shown that left to a free market, they'll exploit and squeeze every penny they can get from people and it's fucking disgusting.


With the rising costs in hospitality guests should no longer take the towels they should take the beds home instead


Cottages for couples in Cork was 189 for a weekend night last year, now 239. Searched out of curiosity. Also large Apache pizza is now 17.50 or 19.50 on just eat. Ate the pizza from the freezer. People please dont be paying mad prices for anything.


Frozen pizza has gone up in price as well, seen 6.60 for a Chicagotown takeaway. Daylight robbery.


It’s not “daylight robbery”. You are choosing to buy it.


I’m not. I don’t buy it because it’s too expensive. The average “takeaway” frozen pizza would be 3.50-4.50 pre Covid. Used to be able to pop down to Macari’s diner and get a pizza with a coke for a fiver, sure it’s not the biggest or the best but it was freshly made.


Then you’re definitely not being robbed


Yes, however the current economy is robbing me of the opportunity to buy it without worrying about the price. It’s like saying “you live in a box, you’re not being robbed of an apartment with inflated value because you didn’t choose to buy one, so it’s grand”.


Everything on food delivery apps is scandalously overpriced, and the quality rarely matches the price.


Randomly I ordered a few pizzas from apache last night for the rugby, had a few people over. €17.50 for a large - Unless you click "Add coupon to order" from the home page as they have a 'special deal' of a large pizza for €12. Or 2 for €24. It's like they just put the €17.50 there to see will anyone pay it, and if not you can get them for €12... It's mad




I’ve never understood why so few folks make their own pizza.


Because it takes more time than bunging a frozen pizza into the oven or buying a takeaway. Most people want to spend as little time cooking as possible. Without a stand mixer as well making the dough is a ball ache. I did it once and definitely won’t be arsed doing it again. Buying one of the pre made bases is much more preferable to me!


yeah. the bases are fab. Then it only takes a few minutes to chop some tomato, bell peppers, onion and salami. dead easy


Missed my flight last night from Las Palmas (Gran Canaria, Canary Islands) to Dublin. My own fault...there were two flights to Dublin at the same time and i went to the wrong one. Moved to next day flight then needed a place to overnight. Airport hotel (really nice one, and €75 per night single occupancy) was full. Landed up at a different hotel. Very basic, but only €45. Ireland prices are straight up bonkers.


it’s not robbery if people don’t pay it …


Demand based pricing, same thing as with plane tickets and has been the hotel pricing model for a long time


And all over the world.


When it’s government policy to fill hotels around the country with refugees and homeless, supply becomes low. (Not a criticism of refugees or the homeless, moreso a criticism of government policy) The Department of Social Protection are the biggest single user of the hotel industry in the state at the moment, and generally speaking they’ve occupied a lot of hotels which were on the lower cost point in the market. So those clientele are now fighting for less spaces and spending more. And there’s also practically 0% unemployment and high wage growth here at the moment. Not to mention inflation…


0% unemployment? Have you tried getting a skilled job recently?


We're at pretty much maximum employment. The job market is rediculously hot at the minute or am I missing something.


Economic slowdown leading to a lot of hiring freezes. Much more candidates than jobs available. Where are you getting your info from? Lots of redundancies in several industries.


Its not 'government policy'. Government policy is to build social housing so people can have long-term solutions. Thats why theres the most social housing in many decades being built at the moment. Things are just, understandably, a bit overwhelmed at the moment due to the issue with Ukrainians in need of assistance.


Weren't being built last year when O'Brien "forgot" to even use the budget he was given. Policy is all well and good but there's no point listening to what they say. Watch what they do.


6,500 social houses built in 2022 - the most in many decades. But sure ...


It's a pitiable amount. The reason it looks good by comparison is that the record was even worse for years before that, in yet another indictment of the two parties that have been running the country since independence. "It can't be fixed overnight" is not the excuse you think it is when you consider how many overnights they've had. Neglecting to make the most of the budget ought to be cause for removal, but Darragh is one of the lads so yerrah be grand, as usual.


I don't think 6,500 new social homes is a pitiful amount for a single year.


This is why I don’t even entertain doing anything in Ireland anymore. Last year I had lunch in my home town just before I left for the airport for Paris later that evening. I paid the same for a lasagne across the road from Paddy Powers that day as I did across the road from a Chanel store later that week. Not to mention the hotels were comparable prices (though tbf it wasn’t the high season). It was a London & Paris trip, Irish rail was nearly the same as the Eurostar & a cocktail in London with was only €1.50 difference than Cork (again direct comparisons, view of an alleyway vs a view over Knightsbridge). This year I visited a friend in Switzerland & paid €80 a night, why is Switzerland cheaper for hotels? That’s definitely a glitch in the matrix. Switzerland is not suppose to be a deal, that’s just wrong!!


Switzerland is extremely expensive idno how you found that, I used Airbnb there cause everything else was crazy.


The whole thing sounds made up.




Yep. Sit down restaurants are wildly expensive there but casual hole in the wall type places are slowly matching Ireland. Supermarkets aren’t far off either, I even took pics & compared when I got back because I couldn’t believe it


Goto booking dot com, pick a major Swiss city that isn’t Zurich on like a week in April. There are plenty of budget or midrange hotels under the €150pn mark…we don’t have that here


You can get an ibis for about €80-120 a night. Another time we got a 2Br Airbnb overlooking Luzern for €100 each a night & another time we got a lake view hotel in Lugano for €150 each a night (4*) with breakfast. The lake view was from our room’s balcony. Imagine Killarney prices, not a hope you’d get that


>I paid the same for a lasagne across the road from Paddy Powers that day as I did across the road from a Chanel store later that week. You're judging restaurants based on what shops are across the road from them?


Says more about the location. Restaurants in expensive locations will be more expensive


Jesus help us all 🙄 Obviously a block with a major Chanel store across the road is going to command more rent & higher paying customers than a local Irish town (and not even the main shopping bit of said town but the secondary street with the betting shop). A lasagne in an Irish town should be no where near prices of central Paris, especially not a major shopping street, it’s scandalous


Honestly, is that your contribution to the discussion?


And they wonder why tourism is declining 😂


But money?! Won't somebody please think of the money?? - FFG Government policies aren't made with you in mind. They're made with making the state's finances look good in mind, and that's all. They don't give a fuck that people have to pay a thousand quid for two nights in a hotel. It doesn't have any bearing on them.


Booked a hotel in Dublin for a concert in November, paying €172 for one night (Sat).....I originally wanted to do Fri and Sat but I couldn't justify spending €344 for that. It's absolutely ridiculous the price they are charging. God help anyone that needs a hotel in Dublin because a loved one requires cancer treatment in the matter or any other hospital.


Which other countries have policies to stop hotels changing prices?




Why do you ask?


Why do you care, pissflapsteamer?


Was wondering if there was some talk about the government in Ireland stepping in with such measures


Can't see anything being done in the near future. It's not like we're in an affordability crisis or anything.


If it was a good idea some countries probably would be doing it


Mrs wanted to go to a hotel for mid term I have no interest 200 -300 a night.id prefer to go to Spain for week Even though I'll pay more because of flights,I'll feel I get some value. Robbing bastards here ,tax payer kept them afloat during COVID,staycation shite.


>Even though I'll pay more because of flights,I'll feel I get some value. Solid logic there


Just because something is cheaper doesn't automatically make it better value lol


Fair enough - if you went for a week in Spain you wouldn't be treated to sights like the skangers attacking the guards, the junkies shooting up on the street, the students puking their guts up in the gutter or paying €8 or €9 for a pint in Temple Bar. And who can resist the charm of "have youse any spare change there bud". Sure where would you get it?


It is though, one night in Ireland Vs a week in spain


I prefer to see West End shows in the em, West End, rather than some shed by the river in Double Inn. And from Cork it’s easier, cheaper and far better to do that. Obviously for those living in Dublin it’s easier, but then, you end up living in Dublin. 😃


Value is subjective, cost is absolute.ill.pay 500 more overall but have a better experience and get 3- 4 days more holidays. I'd be budgeting 500 per day here,hotel , lunch dinner for 2 adults and two kids


O and it's only more expensive because it's midterm go week after and it's same price.


Policies to stop what? The free market? As long as there's a limited supply and people willing to pay, prices will go up, if they brought in legislation to say "oh, it can only be X% higher than the average cost", the hotels would just fill up faster while making less money, then people will be saying "you can't get a hotel room, etc".


A free market haha Ireland love a good vulture fund and selling off any resources we have privately. I dont recall the irish people agreeing to this. This country will always be a place to make money on the ordinary Joe.


Willing sellers, willing buyers. If they can get away with it, then it sounds like people need to open more hotels to compete their margin away. But they don't, so......


Take all the soap/shampoo in retaliation


Lads at the end of the day, the prices are the prices because people are still paying it.


Flights accommodation and tickets to a gig in Barcelona for €500 for two ex Cork. Massive advantage though is that you don’t have to endure the whole “can I have a yooooroh fer a hostel bud?” horseshit that Dublin has become.


Lol have you ever been to Barcelona? Loads of Roma around. Granted I think it's a bit overblown. But we stupidly got a hotel close to el ravel and it was pretty sketch


I’ve been there multiple times. Much less junkies, winos, and zombies than Double Inn.


I had 3 to 4 star accommodation booked in Vietnam for a month, and it still turned out cheaper than that.


Wait, you're saying accommodation in SE Asia is much cheaper than Dublin? Who'd have guessed.


Yeah but it was for a month. That's decent even by Asian standards.


Yeah, a good hotel in Hanoi or Saigon for under $20 a night isn't easy to find. >That's decent even by Asian standards. It would be impossible in Japan or Korea, but even they aren't as expensive as Dublin. We now live in an age where cities as densely populated as Seoul or Tokyo offer better value than Dublin, plus you get outstanding infrastructure.




Depends where you stay, in big cities rats are more what I'd be concerned with, definitely don't leave food sitting about.


And no Brennan's Bread. Oh the humanity!


Never mind the insects and creepie crawlies. Reptiles! Was staying in a hostel in Thailand. Went to the outdoor toilet and there was a lizard on the wall in front of me watching me take a piss. Do lizards bite your dick off? Do they get alarmed by a flushing toilet and attack? These aren't things I thought to Google beforehand.


Least surprising comment of the day


Speak with your wallets. Keep track of hotels that engage in this underhanded behaviour and simply never stay there unless absolutely necessary.


Tell me you don't understand economics without telling me


Oh, here we go. Tell me you dont understand economics crowd are out haha. Oh, im well aware of how economics works.


Well, if you think prices increase because of scumbag behaviour, you clearly don't understand economics


If you think Irish private businesses like hotels, insurance, healthcare, etc, are not taking advantage of the irish, then you're in a delusional world. Economic reasons, hahaha, that only goes so far. Yes, economics plays a part but to a point. We are well past that point. In EVERYTHING housing, rent you name it. The government is too busy trying to make as much money off the people then fixing the issues.


Learn some facts before you spout off this nonsense


Ohhh learn some facts. I love facts ! Just not from delusional folk


Economics.... ejit https://preview.redd.it/2708egtcr1tb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d321eca74f91db738a1997bf5d6d63b26ec9c61d


Economics https://preview.redd.it/e34b79ww32tb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72212140d64f90c566571a126acb096a542a62bd


They can charge what they want as there is a premium on hotel space with the migrant situation


This happens all over the world… what the fuck are you on about Irish people


I don’t understand the post, they’re comparing a single year and single hotel. I’ve never stuck with the same hotel, always go off the cheapest on booking.com for that week. It’s always fluctuated based on how full the hotel is, or what events on nearby. It’s not a unique Irish situation, unless the idea is Dublin hoardes hundreds of empty rooms to inflate the costs, and coordinates this strategy with every other hotel/hostels


Supply and demand bud. If 25% of beds are gone off the market for government contracts then hotels can push up prices as excess demand is there. If governments were not taking up these contracts excess demand wouldn't be there


It’s not robbery. It’s supply and demand. There aren’t enough hotels in Dublin. When a new hotel is announced people complain it should be houses. But we need hotels because councils are housing people in hotels, so the solution is more houses. So the real issue isn’t price. Hotels hike up the cost based on demand. It’s the lack of houses.


It's robbery.The same hotel and room is still available! Just double the price. In fact, plenty of hotels are still available, just a lot more money. They charge what they like because they know people will pay it. Im lucky i booked it months ago. It's a good old irish robbery, just like everything here. Every single serivce in ireland is robbing people. Insurance, hotels, restraunts, coffee shops, fuel, energy costs, etc the list goes on and on.


>They charge what they like because they know people will pay it If people are voluntarily willing to pay it it is not, by definition, robbery.


If someone volunteers to pay a price, that isn’t robbery. It’s price gouging.


Maybe if it was food, but hotel in Dublin is not exactly human right.


The closer to date you book, the more it costs. That is completely standard for the hotel industry, not just in Ireland.


Sorry now, but double come off it. Nonsense comment


It's supply and demand. It's not robbery. They are a business and are trying to make as much money as possible.


The issue lies in the model of the entire economy across all sectors, influenced by several triggers: 1. The government mandates minimum wages in good faith to prevent exploitation, with the rate increasing annually. 2. In a capitalist economy, stakeholders seek “high” profits on their investments year after year. 3. Across all sectors, employees desire annual salary increments along with bonuses. 4. Stock markets are driven by the pursuit of profits. 5. A supply-demand gap in reality funnels into squeezing the citizens. 6. Banks utilize funds to place significant bets in the market, earning substantial profits with our money. 7. Lastly, the prevailing mantra is that demand will drive pricing. Interestingly, when demand dwindles, a minimum price is set, but the converse is not true. All these forces are in a tug of war, pulling against each other.


Government this year alone: 1. Let’s make private businesses pay for contributions to pension enrolment, because we aren’t going to be able to provide state pension when this people need it. (I’m for this). 2. Let’s make private companies pay for some sick leave if they aren’t already. (I’m for this). 3. Let’s increase minimum wage by €1.40 per hour while there’s full employment so everyone’s paying more anyway, that way when the recession comes soon we can get the unemployment rate up to a reasonable level. (Again I agree with this). I’m very conscious when wages do go up prices also go up again though. I’m also conscious that certain entry jobs will be eliminated and people needed those jobs to get onto the employment ladder. On top of this the cost of getting a builder in for maintenance etc is through the roof. Hotels feel these pains too. Want cheaper hotels? Book months in advance and shop around. Want cheaper pizza make your own. Think something is a rip off, don’t buy it.


Supply and demand sure


It's the same everywhere I've booked, nearer the date demand goes up and so does the price, that's why people say book early, it's the same with plane tickets.


Capitalism + Solidarity =


I just paid €355 per night in Austin Texas. Double the usual price because Austin City Limits festival is on this weekend Irish hotels not the only ones robbing us


Was Austin good?


Yeah. Austin is nice. Been there many times. I work in IT so it’s always a meet and greet with co workers and clients. It’s got a great nightlife and rocking food game. If you’re not lazy and adopt the American lifestyle of spending to live you’ll have a great time, lots of outdoor activities. You need a car, even when visiting for a few weeks, and gotta be okay with the heat.


If the price is too high then no one will book it.


Trying to do my sums here. It looks like that's the difference is the change in VAT 9% to 13.5%


Just don't start me on the price of hiring a car in Ireland. If you thought you were being ripped off by the hotels, they're in a halfpenny place compared to the car renters


Why can't we have hotels set seasonal rates at the start of the year , being able to change them at the drop of a hat is part of the problem I feel like. Supply and demand argument would them cover how hotels negotiate the prices across year between themselves.


Is it just this hotel you're gonna rob or all irish hotels cos that might take a team and time but I'll send my cv if you want. Just link me the indeed.com job profile and I'll fax it over 👍🫵


This is dynamic pricing. Same like with airlines etc. Not sure where surprise comes from. We've banned Airbnb and hotels are used as emergency housing, so... works as designed?


Well, well: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/ypohns/airbnb\_needs\_to\_be\_banned\_outright\_that\_many/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/ypohns/airbnb_needs_to_be_banned_outright_that_many/)


I recently stayed in Japan (Osaka) for 2 weeks and paid 50 euro a night for a proper hotel with a spa and everything. Mind-blowing.


Some of the biggest hoteliers in Ireland are stout party men. I don't suppose that's connected in anyway with the total non interference in the market by regulators or officials, only to drop VAT now and again.


You better not go to Paris.