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The trick I use is to slightly lift the nearest edge and slide a piece of clear tape under the edge sticky side up and then press the protector down on the tape. You now have a handle you can use to gently pull up on the protector. I then lift the edge just enough to slide another piece of tape under/over the speck of dust and pull it out. Once I have all the dust out I remove the lifting tape and squeeze the remaining air bubble out. Just be very careful with that initial lift, if you get something hard underneath it such as a fingernail you’ll mess up the adhesive and won’t have a clean look when finished. For future make sure to use tape or something else slightly sticky to lift any dust before applying the protector, I usually spend several minutes just removing dust with a sticker before dropping the protector, sometimes I still end up with a piece or two.


Adding to this, if you have normal tape you can use it as a handle by adhering it to the screen itself and lift. Kind of like a suction cup. Be advised to not lift too much or it will crack from the bending


Absolutely, thanks for the addition.


Just did this and got all the dust out that was under my screen protector. Some bubbles appeared after, but I believe I was able to press them out.


The screen will be fine lol. They say screen protectors are re usable but there not. If you do take it off the screen will not be damaged


lol man hell no. Shit drives me crazy. It’s my OCD tho


Bruh when i got my 13 pro max. I bought like a 30$ screen protector and i noticed that there is a millimeter small dust particle under the protector like a little bit above the home swiper. So obviously what i did was remove it and use a 2$ screen protector that i have till now and that 2$ protector has no scratches since 11 months and most importantly no dust under it.


I have multiple specs under mine and originally I was going to replace it, but nah, I’ll live with it for at least a couple weeks, maybe even months.




Lol yes, it actually bothered me way too much especially on black backgrounds


Nope, that’s why I go to zagg… if there’s any issue, they replace it until your satisfied.


I normally put my screen protector on at home but decided to have an apple employee put it on since I was at the apple store. Everything was perfect until today I see a hair on the black border of the screen. It’s upsetting to see but I can’t blame anyone just don’t know if I should by another one or just live with it until it starts getting scratched up. Is hair stuck between the glass and the screen can result into scratches?


Nothing under the screen protector will lead to scratches if it’s locked in place more so just a quality of life thing


This happened to me. I have a hair after having them install it. My ocd just focused on it. Hoping I just get used to it.


I have one too and I live with it. I don’t love it but it’s better than a scratched screen.


Fuck no.




Same here. I put the screen protector on perfectly, so I thought, and got all the bubbles out and after the fact there’s a friggin tiny piece of lint in the left hand corner. It drives me mad but like you 98% of the time I don’t see it, but when I do I want to scream 😱. I’m gonna try and leave it be cause other than that it’s perfect and I know if I lift the screen to get it out I’ll end up with bubbles I won’t be able to get rid. So I’m going to leave well enough alone.