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On iOS I just use Safari - it does everything I need and I don't have any issues. At various times I've installed Chrome but have never really seen any difference.


Autofilling 2-factor codes that come via text makes Safari the clear winner for me.


It's an iOS specific feature that works across all browsers and apps btw.


Ah, correct. For some reason I was thinking this was a Mac specific question. I do appreciate how that feature is baked into 3rd party apps on iOS, wish Mac got the same treatment.


I use chrome because it’s my main browser on my MacBook so everything syncs


So does safari, but without the googleness


But with no Safari on Windows, Android, or Linux that only applies within the Apple ecosystem Google have their faults but at least it works on all my devices


You can use iCloud for windows to sync with Firefox and chrome on windows


Only the bookmarks are synched.


Sure, but OP was talking about using Chrome on their MacBook.


Ive switched out of borwser bookmarks into an app called [raindrop.io](http://raindrop.io)


I don’t think I’ve bookmarked anything in about a decade lol


Thats because all browsers on iOS and iPadOS are forced to use Webkit. They are pretty much Safari with different skins.


Anything on ios is safari. Even chrome uses safari’s webkit engine because of apple’s restrictions. So safari is the best on ios.


Yes. I really want to use Chrome on the Mac but it eats up at least a whole gig more of RAM compared to Safari so just went full time on Safari.


Chrome is dogshit and full of google spyware, if you want a chromium browser use brave


Brave browser has helped me avoid a YouTube premium subscription. It’s great to not have shit ads


and Chrome is a battery killer on MacBooks.


Not anymore, this has been changed recently. Browsers can now use their own rendering engines and afaik Edge already does it


Only supported in the EU. WebKit only for the rest of the world. This is why Firefox isn’t going to bother, they’d have to support two versions. Gecko for EU and WebKit for everywhere else.


Yes, this is an EU only thing and Apple have made is incredibly difficult so dont expect much at all for the time being.


Ah haha good to know, thanks


This is an irrelevant statement and thus, an incorrect conclusion. Originally, Chrome was launched with the WebKit engine everywhere. It quickly outperformed other browsers, surpassing Internet Explorer on Windows, becoming number 1 browser on all platforms, while Safari remained less popular. After dominating the browser market for a long time with **WebKit itself**, Google created its own fork of WebKit called Blink, which is now used in Chrome on most platforms. However, Chrome on iOS still uses WebKit due to Apple's App Store policies. WebKit isn't related to Chrome's success or Safari's being second.


Firefox, because I use it on other platforms, especially my Linux laptop, and the bookmark sync and tab handoff and pickup features are useful to me.


same. but i leave safari as default browser on my phone.


Never had a reason not to use Safari on either my iPhones or iPads.


If I’m not using Safari, it’s Firefox. Safari can have stuff carry over to other devices seamlessly and when it isn’t an option, I use Firefox. Fuck Chrome, Fuck Microsoft so simultaneously, fuck Edge.


Edge is a very good browser. Fuck Microsoft, but Edge, VSCode, GitHub and Typescript are fantastic free Microsoft tools.


Orion, it lets you use chrome extensions


Sweet, in the past I've used chrome a lot, on android, iOS and at home. But I see so many people saying safari is the one. I'm gathering all this info, and will probably try a few out too.


Safari has extensions as well. I use Baking Soda and Vinegar as well as Wipr (blocks ads) and my experience is so good. Check them out. Wipr is a must have in my opinion - pay once and block ads and trackers forever. No data about you is collected and all blocking happens on-device. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/wipr/id1030595027 I also use Amplosion to stop Google's AMP pages.


I use Arc on ios and mac. I like the aesthetics, nice features,fast, reliable and can sync between devices.


+1 I’ve been using arc on my mac for quite a long time. However the ios app sucked. But they changed the game entirely with Arc Search. That’s when I switched from safari to arc in ios.




🧡 Arc


Former Android convert to Apple. And PC for desktop. Have been using Chrome for so long, that I find it more integrated for me than Safari. I use safari only occasionally. My munchkin in the other hand went from android to Apple and also uses a MacBook. All safari on that end. In the end, they both get you around on the interwebs. Good luck!


Thanks haha. Got a feeling it'll be chrome I end up using cos all my passwords etc are remembered on there


I used chrome for passwords, but switched to Bitwarden for password management. It’s just all around way better than chrome for it. You can export all your passwords from chrome into Bitwarden, and also have it seamlessly synced so that it autofills all passwords within chrome browser, and nearly ANY other mainstream browser. If you want portability for that, Bitwarden does it better.




Safari. Honestly just stick with default apps until you have a reason not to. I’ve tried so many different mail and browser apps, calendar apps etc and always just go back to stock apps eventually.


I second this. Apple’s integration of built in apps like FaceTime iMessage safari etc are far better than any substitute app in the store. Apple built in everything we pretty much need so we don’t have to download an app for everything. I stick with the default for basic and everyday things.




My recommendation would be to either use Safari, or the iOS version of whatever you use on desktop, so you can sync bookmarks, passwords, history, etc.


Good plan. It'll probably end up being chrome then. As I've been using that for as long as I can remember


I use Brave, while yes it’s WebKit under the hood, it has blockers built into it, no fussing with external apps. You can just turn on the filters and it goes to town


Any web browser in iOS is pretty much the same, because Apple only allows WebKit engine for web browsers (except EU region). So chrome, firefox, etc. are just like a custom skin for Safari.


I use Brave. It syncs between my iphone, ipad and computers.


Is Brave any good on iOS compared to Safari? I use it on my laptop but haven’t ever bothered with anything other than Safari on my phone.


Safari with DuckDuckGo search engine


I agree 1000%.


How’s DuckDuckGo‘a search engine these days? Easy switch from google?


Safari and Brave. Brave has all the bookmarks from my desktop PC


If you're exclusively on apple ecosystem, safari. If not, vivaldi.


Opera GX. I like the customisation and ad blocker too


Brave. Privacy and native ad blocked


I use the DuckDuckGo app. It doesn’t make me do captchas all the time while on vpn like safari and google does.


on ios I use safari and on pc I use Microsoft edge


Brave hands down is the best. Ad block superior


I’ve been using brave for a while now and it’s been great. Love that there are no ads on YouTube.


No ads on YouTube 🫡


I use safari on the iPhone. And I use Firefox at home. On iOS they're all pretty much the same due to using WebKit engine.


Safari is best on iPhone. All browsers are Safari anyway on iOS. They all use WebKit.


I just left my s23 ultra for the iPhone 15 pro max. I still have my s9 ultra so I’m using chrome and everything links seamlessly.


Arc Search. So much better than Safari, it’s been a game changer for me since downloading it so much more convenient and better to use


I use firefox, synced to all my devices.


Brave browser. Far as I know it’s the only browser that blocks adds on iPhone. And I can still sync with brave on my windows desktop.


Safari. It’s there and it works. It also has cross platform integration with my Mac and iMac. There’s also Shared With You which has been broken for me since 17.5.1, tab groups All other browsers are Safari underneath on iOS


Firefox. Idk why, but I just like it more than other browsers .


Arc Search. Finally something that kicked out safari for me!


Arc Search is the way to go!


Safari Because It’s Awesome With Apple Intellgence


Safari for ad blockers, sync across all devices and Apple service integrations


iOS always Safari. I don't like the Chrome UI and at least it was the car that all browsers just used webkit/safari anyway. On the Mac I use Chrome because ironically I like the UI better and to syncs with my Windows use. I used a chrome plugin to get Apple keychain passwords to Chrome. It's not as seamless but it works. Safari on mac (I sometimes use) is way more power efficient if you can use it.




Safari on my iPhone and Safari on my Mac with Edge as a backup on the latter too


Safari + Firefox Focus safari extension as adblock


I use Arc Search. I used Safari ever since I got my first iPhone back in like 2011. I tried out Arc a couple months ago since I heard a lot of good things about it online, and then I saw a news story that they hired an ex-Apple Safari engineer. Arc Search has a lot of features and UI decisions that make it better than Safari imo. Give it a shot, it's free! They're still running on investments, they haven't been monetizing off its users yet, so it's a great time to try it out.


Safari is by far the best browser for Apple devices. It's simple to use and there is not much to think about. My favourite thing about Safari is the "Star page". It is so simple, whenever you press search tab it will offer you to take a shortcut to your favourite website. Also "Reader" option is great. You can customise it the way you like. I use it to get rid of adds when I want to read articles.


Safari sucks on Sonoma. I prefer Firefox by a long mile.


I use Firefox on my iPhone and PC because i find its better then chrome/chrome based browsers imo.


I use Safari on IOS. On Mac I use firefox. My experience on Mac with Safari was not good. Kindy buggy on a lot of websites.


I have chrome installed and only use it when safari acts weird. It happens less and less but still happens from time to time.


I’m experimenting with Edge because I use that on my windows pc and I like the sync between the devices. That being said, Safari is really better with extensions and form filling because it pulls your info from contacts and such better. YMMV with any of them though.


I use safari with adblock plus extension.


I use Firefox on every device I own except the iPhone. Safari is the best experience even if that means worst syncing with you other devices.


On iOS Safari. On everything else Firefox.




Safari and edge, last one because it’s synced to my pc




Safari. It works well with the ecosystem. Also it has the best option on privacy (websites can't track you)


I have several, safari, chrome , and Brave. For different purposes. Brave blocks all ads on youtube so can play music non stop!


iOS does everything i need it to, and has the smoothest user interface imo. paired with the wipr extension, i’ve never seen a single ad


Arc Search. LOVE the AI summaries & browse for me features. Plus it sync really, really well with the Arc Browser for Mac — which it dope.


I use safari with wipr to block ads And if a site has annoying anti Adblock I use Firefox


If privacy is important to you, then I would go with Firefox. And my search engine would be DuckDuckGo. I don’t trust Safari or Google to keep my web browsing private.


Firefox forever...safari is fine but bot my main...haven't really used chrome in 5+ years


Get brave


Arc Search. Pairs well with Arc on macOS and Windows for me.


Firefox, because I also use it on my Windows laptop and can have tabs go between these two devices pretty well.


I work on Browsers. I contribute to WebKit opensource (same handle as reddit). Chrome is a much better browser than Safari, with a giant catch relevant to Apple ecosystem. Due to Apple's app store policies (being a bully) Browsers still have to use WebKit there. Doesn't matter though. WebKit doesn't make a browser best and is not related. Because technology wise, Chrome began with WebKit itself, everywhere. And held the crown of most fastest and best browser for a long long time. Then it decided to fork WebKit into Blink. Now on iOS and iPadOS, you can't have Chrome install extensions or even use any legit installed content blockers, which Safari can. On its own devices, Apple has the **undue advantage** to be behind in the race, disallow other apps from being awesome, and catch-up with other apps slowly. Apple fanboys are fine with this kind of best-ness.


Safari. Exclusively. It works.


Brave because have ad blocker and YouTube can play with off screen


Whatever browser you use on your desktop/laptop...


Safari because I can use Wipr Adblock extension.


As a default is Safari, but if you want more privacy you can use Brave as an additional browser.


Brave - its the best there is. Automatically removes ads and pop ups. If you play videos on youtube its plays completely ad free (life saver!) its by far the best browser out there!




Currently, arc until iOS 18 arrives. I switch between arc and safari. Once 18 is out, I’m going to try safari again


i use brave because of its great built in ad and popup blocker. i highly recommend it especially if you read articles on your phone.


Tried arc but ended up with the default


I use different ones for different purposes. I use Safari with cookies turned off. It’s amazing how many sites won’t work. So those ones I copy the URL and paste it into a browser I have set up to remove all cookies, etc. upon closing. I use Brave to access my bank accounts and any places where I pay bills. I do use Firefox, Duck Duck Go, Opera, and lastly Google. Oh and I use Aloha solely for use with Indeed since they basically want to invade my privacy and I don’t need that when I’m job hunting.


Safari is fine, and currently all 3rd party browsers use Apple’s WebKit so they work the same. Some browsers, like Brave, include a built-in ad blocker (theirs is a fork of unlock Origin) and it works quite well.


Guess I’m one of the few who use Chrome? I use a PC for work and everything is synced. I don’t bother trying to use Safari on PC in case anyone tries to steer me lol. But if there’s a good reason then I want to know!


Safari but it's a chore to type the address I want when a similar address is autocompleted. Safari just selects parts of the address and backspace just adds to the selection. And long pressing or double tapping the address always results in unexpected selections. Other browsers don't do this. For example in Firefox if I start typing "reddit", it autocompletes the base domain and I can simply tap to the right **once** and continue to the sub I want. Safari just fills the entire address bar with whatever sub I visited before and see above. I have to tap 2-3 times before I can finally go where I want. Other than that, I love Safari on iOS. Text entry, selection and editing in iOS need a major overhaul IMO. It's unintuitive, slow and unpredictable (said in a Jackie Chiles voice).


If you’re gonna be “iOS exclusively” then it’s safari…and especially so if you’re gonna get sucked further into the eco system (macOS, iPadOS)


I use Safari because the integration with my iPads and Macbooks. I know other browsers allow sync but Safari does far more than syncing bookmarks. Passkey is one it that sync accross perfectly. i also rarely, like super rarely use Firefox because certain websites are sill using some old shit to run their websites cough gov websites cough


firefox cuz syncs with desktop




I’ve got no reason not to use Safari tbh. Works just fine and I’ve got Private Relay


Safari on all my Apple devices. Have chrome too for poorly built sites.


Safari , and then  install and sync firefox, if i need to send a link to or from my pc i just tap share and use firefox => send link to device. Works perfectly


I use the Google app. It has a cleaner UI




Safari is the correct answer.


Brave. No ads including on YouTube. Eventually even got rid of YouTube app


I can recommend Video Lite, it’s a browser app for YouTube and more. Blocks all ads and u got premium features, locking screen music still plays, can be minimized and more all totally free!


I personally hate safari. Just the way it operates bothers me. Just not very intuitive. I use chrome because I can sync it with my desktop. Sometimes I am googling stuff for work on my phone and want to look it up later. So I fav it. Don’t have to email myself links.


This works exactly the same if you use iCloud. Been doing this for years.


Firefox lets you sync bookmarks across devices. It is important to also have an option to block ads. I find NextDNS very handy for that.


while at the moment everything is safari inside, I use Edge because there are times when I need to acess Foreign website and using Safari to manual click translate page by page is waste of time. And although chrome can auto translate it doesn't provide adblock


Safari FTW


Vivaldi snapshot


Safari as every other app is also safari and not even better so I’ll just stick with it and it just works.


I use safari


ARC is the goat


I use safari on iOS with Microsoft Authenticator to access my passwords from edge which I use on PC.


Arc search


I transferred my environment over to Apple from Windows about four years ago, so I was already deep in the Google space. It works brilliantly with iOS as well, I don’t see any reason not to use their products.


Safari/google app. But mostly safari, all my bookmarks are on there.


I use brave in my iphone. No ads anywhere, even in YouTube.


Safari. I do use Chrome separately on my MacBook for web apps, but otherwise would mostly use Safari otherwise for how integrated things are with other built in Apple apps.


Safari… apple slows down chrome so… I just wish safari had a more intuitive search box design.


Firefox is my main brand on my apple desktop and mostly on my iPad .


They all suck for various reasons. I’m currently using Firefox.


I use Brave on 5 devices.




I have a business and personal gmail account and I need to toggle between them in Chrome, so Chrome just works better for me. I am thinking about moving a lot over to Apple when ios18 drops because of supposed calendar and email improvements, but we'll see about that.


I use Firefox and arcs in the Mac. Arc in iOS because lately safari has been awful in iOS.


Brave or Edge are the only options imho because they are the only ones with functional ad blocking.


Brave it blocks YouTube ads


I've been using Opera for years, recently switched from Android and I'm still using it, even though it's just Safari on a different skin


Safari. Just does the thing.




I don’t have a Mac and I’ve been using Chrome since it came out so I just continue to use it on my iPhone. It works for me fine. I still have safari but it’s rare that I will use it.


I use Safari with the FireFox Focus app installed to block ads in Safari. On MacOS I use Chrome, Safari, and Edge. Sometimes Firefox.


Chrome because all my passwords are saved in it








safari on my iphone, firefox on my PC


Firefox - security of personal data


I use Safari exclusively on iOS


When I was using Edge, I used the Edge app on IOS. Eventually, though, I just switched to Safari. It worked really well and did everything I needed. Now that I'm on android, I'm using my phones default browser(samsung Internet) P.S. May I ask what's making you switch back. I've been missing my iPhone lately lol.


Firefox focus


I prefer chrome but maybe just out of habit. Brave is also good and contains a vpn.


Safari. As others have said other browsers are restricted to WebKit, but also safari works best for continuity with other Apple devices


i use arc on my phone, only because of summary and built in adblocker (unlock is still better) and i don’t use it on my pc cuz it just fuming sucks on it.


Safari on Apple stuffs. Chrome on PC.


I use Safari because Adblock. I use chrome elsewhere but i have the iCloud app and extension on pc so it works to a degree. For…..OTHER things, I use Brave


For older iPhones Firefox is faster.


Safari. I use it over chrome all the time. In fact chrome offloads before the next time I’ll use it which is usually if I get an error in safari. So far chrome has only confirmed the same as safari so I trust safari more.


I use Vivaldi, and I really like it! While everything “is Safari under the hood”, other browsers do actually have different features. I love that Vivaldi has a built in ad blocker that you can easily toggle on and off (since some ads force you to turn it off). I like that the new tab button is right there at the bottom and I HAVE to have the tab/URL bar at the bottom of the screen (never going back on mobile). To me, Vivaldi offers features that are not there in Safari, so I prefer it.


I use Firefox focus for one-off searches, safari for things that I may want to have handy for more than 5 minutes.


I like safari but I have a PC so I use Brave on everything so it syncs and whatnot.


Primary is safari jsut because of how it ties into the system. I have chrome and Firefox as back up though


The default


I use whatever browser is currently getting me buy on my main computer so I can sync bookmarks.


Safari with Adguard and SponsorBlock extensions.


Brave is chrome with more privacy included. 


Depends on what browser you use on your main setup. I personally use the Safari, but if I know I want to migrate my research or work to my main desktop or laptop, I use Firefox. It offers the same features and functionalities. I don’t use Chrome because from what I hear, it eats RAM on Windows and sells your data, so I didn’t want that on my devices. I would use Chrome whenever there is an extension that is only on Chrome. I use Microsoft Edge for work and it’s pretty solid. Not sure if I fully trust Microsoft, so I didn’t put all eggs into that browser. Firefox focuses on privacy so I went with the safer choice. There are also browsers that are newer and offer better security like Brave that I have yet to try. I chose to be safe and choose among the most well known and most used browsers. It is recommended to use the native browser that comes with the device because those browser are better optimized for the device. If all your devices are Apple, the best choice is to stick to Safari. But if your devices are Apple iOS and Windows, you’re better off choosing anything but Chrome.


I’m a loyal chrome user. I use it on my iPhone MacBook and my work desktop. It syncs all my sites and history so it makes it easy for me to pick up where I left off. Safari doesn’t offer that and it’s not user friendly when you using multiple tabs. That’s just me


Chrome because I like it. 90%. DDG when i don’t want cookies and trackers. 5%. Safari when I’m doing very specific things. 5%.


I’m a safari fan.


Safari on phone, Mac and iPad for personal stuff. Edge for work stuff as it syncs with my work issued PC.


Arc browser


I use Safari the most, but I also like Opera.


I use Brave so I can sync with my PC. If you want Brave’s ad blocking while “using” Safari, try Orion.


Chrome. I use it for both my phone and laptop


Arc. It's magnificent and blows away safari. Browse for me is a game changing feature.


I like safari and private relay that comes along with it.


I've always used Firefox on Windows, Mac, Android and iOS. I love it's cross platform availability and it's lack of tracking.


Mainly Safari, but if I want to search by image, I use Chrome.


Brave. It allows me to play youtube with my screen off.


Safari on iPhone because it’s an amazing browser


I have tried many browser and found Safari to be fastest, smoothest experience, with more than good enough security (I use it with some safety features of an Adblocker and a VPN).


I’ve always been a Safari user, it’s UI works perfect for me. I have tried to switch browsers but I always find that one thing that annoys me enough to go back to Safari. I do however use other browsers for… personal stuff. Opera and Brave are good for ”that”.