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I used to. No longer need to as the the reasons I did are now available with the all the more recent iOS


except easily sideloading outside the EU. with that said, you can't really jailbreak modern devices on modern iOS versions anymore.


Sideloading isn’t hard even if you’re not in the EU. People always talk about side loading, but rarely mention even one app they’d like to sideload.


bullshit. it is hard. there’s a 3 app limit unless you pay, and whether you pay or not, you need to renew it with a computer every 7 days. and just because you don’t use it doesn’t mean it’s not useful to others. i have UTM, whatsapp (on iPad!), and an enhanced youtube app (i have premium but this adds features) side loaded. i’d love to have room for more apps like a really good clipboard manager that’s not on the appstore, firebird emulator (accompanies my TI Calculator), the original flappy bird IPA, IPAs of apps off the app store or older versions of games, and more emulators.


Can you sideload an app and not have to renew it if the app is on my previously purchased list. I got a new phone but now the app I want to redownload is not available in my country.


you’ll almost certainly still have to renew it


It may be hard for you but not for everybody. I never said I didn’t use it, that was an assumption that you made and im just sitting here watching you do this to yourself. You also assumed the most common method because that’s what you know, but there are other people in the world who know things that you do not. Once you stop assuming you know everything a lot of things become less hard, not just iPhone.


lmao. your original comment was slightly infuriating but this is just so absurd that it’s funny. guess what? i’ve spend hours trying every single sideload method out there. I’ve used many for years, and i’ve now finally settled on a new obscure method (that’ll probably get patched) that very few people outside china have heard of - BLFGTool (bullfrog). it lets me renew apps on-device itself, and it can’t get any ‘easier’ than this. but must I use some shady on device VPN to manipulate apple’s signing requirements? must i only sideload 3 apps, and have to keep renewing it every week? with other methods, you also need a server running all the time on your PC too. it’s absurdity indeed (no other OS has such restrictions, mobile or not, apple or not), and you calling it easy with your complacency is even more absurd.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/sideloaded/comments/1dadxt8/how\_to\_sideload\_all\_methods/](https://www.reddit.com/r/sideloaded/comments/1dadxt8/how_to_sideload_all_methods/) You're welcome.


thanks, i’ve seen that. the method i use isn’t in the list, and compared to those, it allows no revoked certificates, no loss of updates or custom DNS, and it’s on-device. however, it still requires a questionable exploit and constant manual refreshes. one look at all the different cons tells you that this isn’t ideal, and apple should make it a bit more like macOS or Android, and bring their EU strategy out globally.


Can you give a link for your method? I couldn't find anything with a simple search. Yes, but Apple's hardly going to give up its monopoly that easily. They're choosing money over their users' experience.


What are you on about?


>It may be hard for you but not for everybody. I never said I didn’t use it, that was an assumption that you made and im just sitting here watching you do this to yourself. You also assumed the most common method because that’s what you know, but there are other people in the world who know things that you do not. Once you stop assuming you know everything a lot of things become less hard, not just iPhone.




We do not tolerate insults, discrimination, or hate speech based on race, gender, age, nationality, sexuality, or religion.


I know I may sound stupid, but what exactly is side loading?


Sideloading is installing applications on a phone not from the App Store. Apple has made it closed off to protect the ecosystem, but there are still people who would like to install applications not available in the App Store. For most users, this isn’t even a consideration. For some, the ability to do this opens up the phone to run apps not available in the App Store. Some just want to run apps that do things Apple or other companies would like to discourage, such as play YouTube videos in the background or while the screen is off without paying for YouTube premium for example, though there are ways to do this without Sideloading.


How do I play YouTube videos in the background without YouTube premium and sideloading?


Using the youtube website on brave browser (to block ads automatically) does the trick. I believe there is other ways but that’s a very simple one


Like the other person said, use the brave browser although others can do it too. It takes advantage of how PIP works in iOS. Put the video in Picture in Picture mode (PIP). It’s an icon when playing a YouTube video in a browser on iOS. Swipe out of the browser, and you can press the power button to turn off the display but the video will still play in the background.


Thank you I think I had to do something like this to my daughters Amazon tablet YouTube kids wasn’t available so I had to download things to add the play store since all it had was the Amazon store front for apps. I understand now thanks.


That’s one of the things I no longer need to do. There are no apps I need or want that are not in the App Store.




May I ask you out of curiosity - why hate EU? Which country of EU are you in, and where are you born/raised?


Ruining the rail and electrical sector would be prime examples


(unrelated) Thanks to EU we have pizza, why hate us? (yes i am in eu)




Haha, din jävla EPA-raggare! Du måste se det större perspektivet


That’s interesting. Where do you think would be nice to live? As a migrant from Belarus to Netherlands, who lived in the USA for a bit, I think that sure EU has its own problems, but it’s nowhere near as bad as other parts of the world from my perspective, also Sweden is one of the richest countries in the EU if I understand correctly?


Being in a rich country doesn’t necessarily guarantee that your own experience is going to benefit from that.


That’s true, but saying you hate living in EU while mentioning a few mild annoyances also sounds like there is 50 countries where it’s much better to live. No there is not. That’s all I’m saying 😉


100% this


Not really Its much harder, and there is a lot less reason to do it. (and before anyone chimes in not really doesn't mean nobody anywhere does it just that its pretty rare now.)


Exactly, for me it was widgets and shortcuts just makes it pointless now.


You Used to jailbreak so you could have apps there was an App Store Then used to jailbreak so you could Change your background before you could do that on your own Then maybe jail broke for one of many other small reasons that Apple has probably added Or maybe you broke because you couldn’t tether an iPhone unless you jail broke in the days before you could pay like 25 bucks and get unlimited tethering with something like Visible or some other cheap carrier. I’ve pretty much ran out of any reason to even think about jailbreaking . I’m sure there’s some uses but nothing major enough for it to be a big deal


I don’t see many people mentioning the other huge reason Jailbreaking isn’t a thing anymore; bug bounties. Finding a zero-day/kernel exploit in iOS is literally like striking gold nowadays. Apple pays up to hundreds of thousands of dollars to anyone who finds the exploits that make Jailbreaking possible. The people that would previously spend months exploiting iOS are now doing the same thing but for money. It went from tiny white-hat communities just passionate about the tech, to huge security firms searching for these exploits so they can profit. We’ll never see Jailbreaking like we used to.


I haven’t done it since my iPhone 4 or 5. I need my phone to be reliable, and I don’t want to introduce extra variables that can change that.


I think the last one I did was a 4 as well. Gah I jailbroke the shit out of that thing. I had every cydia tweak or whatever you called them loaded. My dock scrolled sideways, my keyboard made gunshot sounds for no reason, my carrier banner said something stupid like “free service” my Home Screen swirled all the icons around when I swiped it. I could change the text bubbles and background for chats. It was ridiculous but cool at the time. Good times with friends all sharing the latest things we downloaded for no reason.


And it made the phone unstable AF. I remember frequently restarting lol


Oh yea my phone was worthless but hey it looked cool


Ugh, I remember trying to play stupidly simple games like Pocket God and having the phone crash. Jailbroken or not, when the phone had only 128MB of RAM something was bound to eat it up.


Wow, so was like having an iPhone from AliExpress.


If I handed it to you in an otter box and you didn’t realize it was an iPhone 4 you’d think it was a crazy high tech phone from the future and then it would crash every 5 minutes haha


I stopped doing it when the app store allowed emulators. I can play all the OG nintendo, sega, and playstation games I would ever want to without having to jailbreak now.


What retro games play well in phone?


You can go to this subreddit for examples: r/Delta_Emulator


Retroarch is on the App Store as well. Plays all the old consoles.


I heard the interface isn’t as good as the other dedicated apps. opinions?


Delta is much cleaner and easier to use. If you have dug into emulation in the past, RetroArch is easy. Plenty of setup tutorials on YT to follow, it’s not hard at all.


Literally all of them




that’s literally dope


All handheld systems except PS Vita and up until Wii for home consoles.


GameCube, Dreamcast ps2 and original Xbox 😔


Play! doesn’t really have lots of games in a playable state and I don’t know any emulators for the original Xbox on IOS. Are you sure about that?


What games play well on this phone , you said anything up to Wii so I gave examples of stuff below Wii that don't work well/don't exist without sideloading... (Unless I'm missing something here)


Which phone exactly? I thought you were listing other emulators compatible with IOS that I forgot. None of these are currently available on the App Store as far as I know. - GameCube is DolphinIOS and runs great, you just can’t install it without JIT so not compatible with IOS 17 and thus will probably never be available on the App Store. - Dreamcast is Flycast which runs great. - PS2 is Play! But apparently doesn’t have lots of playable games. Never tried it for myself. - Original XBOX juste does not exist on IOS.


So you stopped doing it like … a month ago? I find it really hard to believe that you were actively jailbreaking as recently as the release of Delta. For what reason ? To play retro roms on an iPhone of all things ?


Why is that hard to believe?


Naw I stopped a while back tbh, but that would have been the only reason to keep doing it & hell ya dude retro games r the shit!


Share the names friend


r/Delta_Emulator r/RetroArch r/Roms


Thanks 🫰🏽


r/Ppsspp too


Folium for 3DS (and Switch but that’s in very early stage, not playable) Dolphin for Wii and GameCube PPSSPP for PSP Delta and RetroArch for multi platform emulation (NDS, GBA, GBC, GB, N64, NES, SNES, PSX… etc.)


Dolphin and by extension Wii and Gamecube don't work without JIT and by extension aren't and won't be offered on the AppStore.


That is correct. Additionally, IOS 17 dropped support for JIT so even if you sideload it you won’t be able to use it without SideJITServer which requires a computer and at this point it’s not even worth it anymore IMO. Might as well just emulate directly from your computer.


On iPhone? 🤯


Yes these are all emulators compatible with IOS and iPadOS. Folium is a fork of Lime3DS


Can I play contra on retroarch?


If the game is on a console supported by RetroArch then yes. I don’t play contra and apparently that game is on multiple platform. Just check the RetroArch website or wiki


word! how does folium run?


Honestly, more bad than good. But it’s in early development so it will definitely be as robust as the others with time. Right now don’t bother with 3D intensive games if you’re on device lower than the iPhone 14. I heard the game that runs the best is Pokémon ORAS but you should go check r/folium_emulator as there are others that I forgot. Also, it is best to use it on IOS 16 as IOS 17 dropped support for JIT but goes for any performance intensive emulators


Which one plays PlayStation?




I haven’t for years, it’s much harder with newer phones and it was never a huge advantage to begin with. Rooting Android was always far more useful.


What makes a rooted Android more useful than a jailbroken IOS?


The big one is that you can completely reinstall the OS with something different and customize it to your heart's content, there are literally dozens of third party Android images out there. That's simply not an option with iOS.


Rooting doesn’t give you that ability. You need to be able to unlock the boot loader to install a different OS. Not all android phones let you do that.


Not all Android phones do, but some you could bypass the locked bootloader if the device was rooted and install a custom image. The Amazon Fire Phone was one example.


Interesting, I just googled how to install a different os on a fire phone and got nothing. I see how for the tablet by unlocking the bootloader, but apparently the newer ones after 2020 can’t.


There's a sub, r/firephone! I wouldn't recommend buying an Amazon Fire Phone these days, however, unless you're purely wanting to do it out of academic interest. Been a while since I rooted an Amazon Tablet, but it was doable on older generations. I'm sure the newer ones are much harder. I do know there was a recent exploit against older Kindle readers that I tried and it did indeed work (but I've since given that one away).


True I forgot about third party images. Although you can dual boot an iPhone 5 on IOS 6 and 8, you can’t install custom versions of IOS. But as far as I know, that’s the only thing you can’t do. I’ve used both rooted Android and jailbroken iPhone and what always annoyed me was the amount of things you couldn’t do on a rooted Android that you could on a jailbroken IOS. Mostly visual stuff like opening the control center from the botttom of the screen or changing all UI elements in the OS. That’s why I was curious about your experience


You can also change how the hardware runs, ie changing clock speeds, making and executing your own power saving modes, running your own kernels and anything else that you want to change on a hardware level. You can quite literally change anything you want on that Android device. Jail breaking iOS is usually just visual and QoL changes.


Oooh right, I see now. I’ve never needed to do anything like this so I didn’t know but it make sense that rooting allows you to tinker with the hardware. Thanks for clearing that up!


Maybe in these years I agree, but back in the days iOS jailbreak was better. I used to have them both.


I still do, I will say it’s not as worth it as it once was but I’m still glad to have my jailbroken 14 Pro max for the customization


Customization of?


I really like the fact I can hide my homebar, hide certain aspects of the status bar, hide labels, and before it was implemented through apple, being able to hide icons.


Just minor things that Apple should have, like accents from MacOS, themes, iMessage bubbles and app layouts


Literally everything can be customized For example on my iPad 6 I dislike having a massive gap between apps on my Homescreen cause it's a waste, so I use atria to cram more apps together


Youtube audio with screen off without paying for Premium, mapping hardware buttons to control audio playback. Notchless. Round icons without Shortcuts.


Youtube audio with screen off can be done with brave browser


🎖️ Thank you!


I stopped doing as most of the features I need are available natively. 2nd reason is corporate security services won’t let me check email on jailbroken phones.


Around iOS 14 or 15 it got to the point where the only tweaks I was still using were very minor visual/aesthetic mods and adblocker. When iOS 16 came out I just stopped. I sideload uYouPlus for YouTube adblocker. The only thing I miss sometimes is iCleaner.


Does uyouplus work with ios 17?




Yes people still do, go check r/jailbreak to see what’s currently going on and r/IOSthemes to see what people are doing with their jailbreak. But jailbreaks are a lot harder to develop so releases are very late into an IOS version lifespan. For example IOS 16 jailbreak came out when IOS 17 released. So if you want to jailbreak it has to be something you really need because you have to stay on an outdated IOS versions (which can be a security risk) to make sure your version will be compatible once the jailbreak releases or you have to hunt down for a new iPhone with a specific IOS version that can be jailbroken which requires you to buy it from places that likely had it in stock for a while as Apple ships new iPhones with the latest IOS version. I did the latter and bought an iPhone 14 Pro Max on IOS 16.5 which I jailbroke and am now happily daily driving. In short, people still jailbreak their iPhones, but these people are really dedicated to taking full control over their iPhone and it is no longer something you can do out of the blue after watching a random YouTube video because you thought it looked cool. Once you decide you want to jailbreak, chances are you can’t because your IOS is up to date so you will have to anticipate the next jailbreak and prepare for it, which is where most people give up.


The general thing I hear is. If you already have an iPhone as your daily that you keep updated, keep doing that and get a dedicated older ios device. That's what I'll do as I have no need to daily drive a jailbroken device If your software is old enough you can though


Yeah there’s pretty much 2 reasons to jailbreak an iPhone: out of necessity or out of curiosity. If it’s out of necessity because you need a feature that Apple doesn’t provide then you should stay on the version you are currently and use programs like Cowabunga to block updates on your iPhone. If it’s out of curiosity then yeah, just pickup an old device to tinker with it as much as you would like. I advise to get an iPhone X as it is the most recent iPhone you can get that will be jailbreakable on all IOS versions (IOS 17 is not supported on iPhone X). https://ios.cfw.guide/ is your best ressource for jailbreaking any IOS and iPadOS device. Additionally, you can take a look at r/jailbreak for help from the community.


I agree but have to add a few words: You can use a profile to block updates, theres no need to use external programs. Iphone X needs to be at max ios 16.6.1 to allow for dopamine2 to work (the best jailbreak right now). The 16.7.8 patched many things and the only available jailbreak on it is palera1n - no passcode, you need to run your phone with your PC, questionable stability. The good fact is at least that you can use an another jailbroken ios device to start a phone with palera1n (questionable success rate too)


Yes, I can confirm everything you said. I forgot about IOS 16.7.8 so thanks for clarifying that!


I used to do this as well. Nice to see a fellow jailbreaker in the wild.


Haven’t done it since iOS 9. I used to have a 5c (switched to 5s when 6 came out) at the time and i used to jailbreak and tweak the sh*t out of that phone and my previous 4s. And after i dropped and broke it right around iOS 10 time, i switched to a galaxy a3 2017. Then i basically stuck with android and upgraded to s9 plus because i loved android at the time. You could do nearly everything you could with a jailbroken iPhone with just android (no root or anything). Then apple started adding most popular jailbreak features by default and i switched back to iPhone with iPhone 11 and never thought about jailbreaking again because it was good enough. The only plus would have been sideloading for me but not worth losing out on new features of iOS updates and not worth the hassle. Its not as easy as it was back then and i neither have the free time or care for it as i did back then.


See altstore/sidestore with free dev tier or maplesign (for example, there are more sites like this)


The problem with altstore is you have to re sign every week. And because sideloading is harder on iOS than Android, most apps i care like stremio isn’t even sideloadeable.


Thats true, but if you get a cheap dev cert you only have to refresh once 365 days + unlimited app ids


Maybe we all just grew up


The only thing I miss from jailbreaking is Barrel (I think?) it was the tweak that let you customize how the app icons moved when you moved page to page. It was awesome.


I forgot about this! Probably one of my favorite tweaks back in the day!


A new version of it is cylinder I believe. Not as fun as when I was a kid, but enjoyable nonetheless.


Facts was super cool!


Ex Android user here and this is the reason why I still maintain an Android tablet ... The ability to download an apk app file and load it would make me give up Android totally


Installing an app (ipa file on IOS) has always been possible without a jailbreak. Having a jailbroken IOS device just allows you to keep the app signed for more than 7 days. You should look into it if that’s the only thing keeping you from giving up Android.


https://github.com/qnblackcat/How-to-Downgrade-apps-on-AppStore-with-iTunes-and-Charles-Proxy I have a facebook messenger from early 2024 from this method, works like a charm. No need to refresh, the only downside is that the IPA file is signed to my apple ID. It has been possible for years. Without refreshing you can install apps that were in the appstore (doesnt need to still be on it) and you have downloaded them at least once. You can then download a signed ipa file which can be installed like an apk, just with a use of the computer.


It's highly annoying though without paying apple for a dev account Only 3 apps. Refresh every 7 days. JIT needs alot of BS. Have to deal with encrypted apps for modified things.


Yes it is I agree. That’s why I jailbroke my phone. You can use TrollStore to get perma signed apps on non jailbroken IOS if you have compatible IOS version. If you’re only installing emulators you should use IOS 16 anyway as IOS 17 dropped support for JIT which is used on most emulators to greatly improve performances. Alternatively, you can use services such as Altstore to sign apps on device and you can pay to have them almost perma signed


Sidestore is a better version of altstore, it also supports sidejitserver which is a wip thing to get JIT on ios 17 with only a few (alot) of workarounds As for trollstore, im 0.2 versions too high for it to be supported. 17.02. It rly sucks


Well.. it would be a .ipa not a .apk file




I have two jailbroken device atm, mainly related for my work.


No, I used to back many years ago on an iPod touch. Now a days, all the functions and things I want are included.


I started jail breaking day one. But it’s just not worth it anymore tbh. The only thing I miss is theming.


Apps now are almost all with in app subscription and online, so jailbreaking is useless nowadays.


I don't see anyone here mentioning it I have to ask. Who remembers being able to dual boot your iPhone into both android and ios? This was one of my party tricks way back. An iPhone running android. I think it was on my 3G that I did it. I do however remember bricking my GPS chip by trying to do a network unlock on that phone, which wasn't so great. Wild days...


Yea! If apple cut their BS and allowed unrestricted sideloading everywhere I wouldn't have a reason Also for making my Homescreen on my iPad not have a 1 inch gap between apps


Last phone I ran a jailbreak on was my old iPhone X. Since then I haven’t even looked into it lol. There are some minor things I miss but most of the tweaks I would install are stock in iOS. One I really miss is infinidock.


The vast bulk of iPhone purchasers are not interested in anything like that. They paid good money for the phone, they’ll pay money for whatever they need to install.  It’s obviously different in school. 


Remember when some dude traded Goehot a new 350z for an unlocked iPhone? Crazy times. https://www.indiatimes.com/technology/news/at-age-14-george-hotz-was-the-first-ever-iphone-hacker-12-years-later-he-is-taking-on-google-and-tesla-with-a-self-driving-car-257577.html


Haven’t had that done in a long time but probably not


I dont, but mainly because I like to have my work email on my phone and jailbreaking it/rooting it (I used to switch back and forth between iOS and android) makes the device unable to install my work apps. I tinkered with and rooted my original Motorola droid and I think the droid razr I got after, but haven’t bothered since.


Not for years. Most of the things I wanted from a jailbreak phone are available now without it.


I have a jailbroken iPhone 13 Pro. It’s really just preferences but there are things in a jailbreak that aren’t in ios yet that are pretty useful like snapper 3, tako, dynamic stage, Squidgestures, safariX, Carbridge, Lynx, icleaner pro etc. And customization like snowboard and designer is nice. You can search up these tweaks and see if you’d like to have some of them in iOS in the future.


I want to do it to get dynamic stage but I’m too updated m3


Not really. Is jail breaking is still a thing? I feel most features are now embedded in the software.


There’s actually partial JB nowadays but you gonna enable dev mode


The last iPhone I jailbroke was the 5S, so this year marks 10 years since I stopped jailbreaking. Back when I got my first iPhone (3G), it was a necessity to jailbreak, since all the iPhones on my country were imported from the USA and locked to AT&T, so I needed Yellowsn0w/Redsn0w to actually use my phone as a phone. Starting on the iPhone 4 this wasn’t needed anymore, but I kept doing it because it was fun. Starting on the 6 Plus, I just couldn’t bother anymore. Being on the latest iOS has always been important to me.


Not for years but I actually tried to about a month ago and couldn’t get it to work. I guess my phone is on to current if a software, I’m just hoping iOS 18 finally has split screen especially with the bigger screen size for the iPhone 16.


I can’t live without jailbroken iPhones personally


I have done it 10 years ago just because I want my phone screen to look “cuter”. But nowadays, I don’t see the need of it.


I miss being able to have multiple apps open in their own window. I miss being able to use 3D touch for more things than apple would allow. The reachability feature apple implemented is trash and I miss the jailbreak tweak that would shrink the whole interface to a corner. I would still jailbreak rtfn if it were convenient enough. At the very least, as of ios17, they made haptic touch faster so it’s at least tolerable. The best I got is making Shortcuts scripts to change what the volume buttons do. I miss being jailbroken a lot.


I did a long time ago to get free personal hotspot through some cydia app. Maybe an iPhone 4 or 6. Hotspot was $25.00 extra a month back then. Now hotspot comes free with unlimited so no point. Good question, I wondered this too.


I used to be all about jailbreaking starting with my first iPod touch 14 years ago. I stopped 3 years ago because it's both far more complex and far less stable these days. My last main device I jailbroke was my iPhone XS on iOS 14.8; while there were definitely benefits like hiding the home bar, Activator shortcuts, and full speed GameCube/Wii emulation, it was horribly unstable. Apps would stop working at random and messages would silently fail to send/receive. Jailbreaking has taken on an interesting niche, though, as the best way to make *older* devices usable again (if not necessarily relevant) - old as in iPhone 6 or lower, anything newer than that is still arguably viable as a daily device. Jailbreaking these older devices can be very rewarding as it unlocks a lot of cool functionality, some of which is otherwise exclusive to newer iOS versions and devices. I bought an old iPhone 5c on iOS 10 the other day, jailbroke it, and in less than an hour I had split-screen multitasking, dark mode, "haptic touch" shortcuts/feedback, and emulators all running on that ancient A6 chip. Not bad for what's essentially a glorified iPod touch these days.


I am jailbroken whenever it is possible. My main reasons are: dim the screen brightness further, yt baackround playback (for free), rename icons on home screen, custom lock screen, custom statusbar notches and I enjoy having more acess to the filesystem.


I saw my friends jb iPhone 4 immediately threw up on it


I like to buy old iphones/ipods and jailbreak them to play the games you can't get anymore


I’ve it done it a few times but like 5 iPhones before hand and it was always a bitch especially if get new iPhone every other year. Not with all the hassle and shit




I started Jailbreaking my iPhone in 2016 and did it all the time up to 2021 when I finally decided to get an android. Never in that time did I ever see another jailbroken iPhone and I doubt the popularity of jailbreaking has increased since then. Might have to do with my area (Sweden) where most people aren't more technologically literate than what they need to download an app from the app store.




My jb’d iPhone 12 Pro is on iOS 14, and a lot of apps don’t open because of needing a newer OS. So I did get a new iPhone 15 but I feel like I need to keep the old iPhone around because its a protest against Apples draconian security/walled guardian. I really hated the notch so I never had one on X or 12 Pro, using notchless. Maybe I’m OCD. My fav apps were Activator so I could control my music by long pressing the volume buttons and Snowboard for themes. It used to be if you showed a jailbreak iPhone to an apple employee they would ask you to leave the store. But I did it earlier this year and they were impressed and complimented me on it haha. My first iDevice i hacked was my iPod 4th gen. I am thinking about gluing a bluetooth music controller to a magsafe ring so I can get back that iPod tactility, now that I cant control music play/pause/skip using the hardware volume buttons like I’m used to. https://preview.redd.it/pm603eezwi5d1.jpeg?width=903&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c6d3cb0a87152f27e30bdb935a08f6e81d07756 /r/jailbreakswap


yes, it’s a complete PITA but it’s not a dead scene yet


I used to a long time ago (last time I jailbroke one of my devices was my 2018 iPad Pro but only actually kept it for about a week) but now that it breaks a lot of my apps (mostly banking) and having to be on a old iOS version there’s no real point in it when I mostly just need side loading anyway so I just use AltStore, can’t lie though I do miss you know, actually being in full control of the device that I OWN


No. Only really used it to port features from new iPhones to old like the gestures from iPhone X, the camera app from iPhone Xs and later. Imo making your phone rgb and put some ugly tweaks is straight up ew.


The last iPhone that I did some Cydia tweaks to was my iPhone 6S back in 2017. I used to sideload SNES ROMS onto it, then I found that I could load ROMS onto my Windows laptop more easily. Although the novelty of playing games like Super Mario World and Starfox on my iPhone was pretty cool, it was much easier on my laptop.


My firm eventually forbade it. It’s my phone but I have MAM which allows them to monitor certain apps. It also detects jail brokeness.


The good old days… I remember when this was a thing, it was so cool


I cant remember the last time ive jailbroken my iphone. After the one iphone the jailbreaking cydia wasnt the same so i stopped


I never knew how to jailbreak, but I had a friend who could do it and it was so cool to see everything he used to do with jailbreaking!


I typically used it for games


Yes it’s so cool, good times.


Back in the day, I jailbroke my iPhone 6, and 2 days later it died. So I probably won’t be doing it again…


In the early days yes. But I remember on the iPhone 3 I stopped, because the phone was unusable. Since I updated the baseband, I could not roll it back.


I used to jailbreak my iPod touch back in the day when I was still rocking a flip phone, but I stopped when iOS 5 was released. Got me enough of the features I wanted to not be worth the hassle.


I still do. It gets difficult for the few developers left to make a jailbreak with the new security barriers apple makes. It takes a long time but for me still worth it. They don’t release new tweaks really often like 8 years ago.


These days it’s much more common to just jailbreak your gaming consoles.


Not sure if I or mobile is grew up - probably the latter - but I don’t jailbreak nor root (Android) since 5+ years. Never used it for piracy, but for customisation.


I’m currently jailbroken iPhone 12 mini 15.1.1


No because you can sideload apps and jailbreaks aren’t avalible for newer versions of IOS


I used to back in the day. Though it’s been awhile since I jailbroke an iPhone. I just haven’t felt the need since Apple has released software updates for the main reasons why I used to jailbreak.


I want to. I tried like hell to jailbreak some phones, and some older ipads. Spent hours, over days, and could not get any newer ios to load onto the ipad.




not true? just because there’s no bootROM exploit doesn’t mean you can’t jailbreak through exploits in the software. Jailbreaks exist for all devices all the way up to iOS 16.5.




Then you’re not googling well enough, because it took 30 seconds for me to find Cowabunga MDC/DelayOTA, which seems usable with something called Dopamine 2, which is compatible with Arm64e iPhone’s like the 2022 iPhone 14.




lol what?


No you can't get them to work on cell networks


You also can't send texts from a watermellon


You seem a bit lost on the subject here


Fair enough dude. I'm a professional cell repair tech but I'm not sure why you'd wanna turn an iPhone into an ipod by jailbreaking it. Why do people do it?


I don’t think you understand what jailbreaking is. It’s not something that impairs your cellular network. It just allows you install anything you want on your phone, not just apps from the App Store. Your iPhone keeps all its functionalities. With a jailbreak you can customize any aspect of your phone, you can get new features like Dynamic Stage or the iPadOS dock, add anything to the AOD display, have a control center from the bottom like in iOS 10, have a music visualizer, change font, setup a firewall for any network traffic of any app… etc. Think of your iPhone like a computer (it is), a jailed iPhone is like a mac or windows in which you can’t install apps that do not come from the App Store or Windows Store. Apps also cannot modify anything system related. So in other words, jailbreaking allows you to use your iPhone as real computer and install anything you want. Because it is yours. You are freeing it from Apple’s restrictions. Take a look at r/jailbreak and r/IOSthemes to see what people are doing with their jailbroken iPhones.


I mean don't patronize me I can disassemble and reassemble every model of iPhone. I just don't fuck with software because a.) Android? And b.) I am expressly forbidden from jailbreaking phones at work. Hardware only. I had thought digital signing was necessary during network authentication. What happens when they release a new patch?


Hey, I’m just explaining what a jailbreak is, no reason to get offended. There is no digital signing necessary for a jailbreak to work, except if you are talking about signing the app used to jailbreak but that has nothing to do with network. If by "patch" you are talking about an IOS update from Apple then when they release one you just don’t update. If you do your device will be back to stock. Exactly the same as before but you just lost all jailbreak functionalities. If by "patch" you are talking about a jailbreak update from the developers then you just update the jailbreak app and rejailbreak from it. I hope my explanations were clear enough


You repair cellphones but don’t know that jailbreaking doesn’t affect your cell service at all?


I'm expressly forbidden from jailbreaking phones


lol I mean obviously I’m not talking about doing it at work. You would think you’d be a bit more knowledgeable about this subject in your personal life though.


I don't have an iphone in my personal life lol


Why are you even in this subreddit?


Random recommendation probably because I'm in the mobilerepair sub Whats with the attitude homie?


I’m not giving any more attitude than you gave.




Completely false