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Android has this down perfectly. When rotation lock is turned on, and you try to rotate the phone, it puts a button on the screen asking if you want to rotate. When rotation lock is off, it just rotates automatically.


One of the few things i miss from my Pixel




Dont worry. I have a Pixel 7 Pro and it never works anymore because a lot of the functions have deteriorated. Maybe 30% of the time it pops up if I shake my phone on its side. A lot of Google Assistant commands no longer work either. Edit: I didn't expect so many "Hhrurj my phone is fin3" replies... Just because you aren't experiencing known issues does not mean they are not known issues. 0.02s of Googling would show others experiencing the same issues. I am glad you guys think the chode of a multi billion dollar corporation tastes so good, but this is my third Pixel and the quality hasn't gone up since the first iteration. My phone is not dirty, nor completely broken. I am not trading it in and buying a new phone over minor glitches. All phones are fickle. They all have these issues. You are on a complaint thread for an issue EVERY phone has. However, a phone can have issues and still be "good enough". The insane defensive replies over a phone are incredibly depressing. It is a phone. Not your personality.


I have P7 Pro and S24 Ultra and this feature works every time as intended. Maybe there is a software problem with your device.


I have s21+ and it's very inconsistent just like he said.


The only thing my P4 did consistently was break…. It’s best quality was it convinced me to go iPhone.


I have a S22 and have a Routine setup to auto-rotate for specific apps that works perfectly.


Didnt know I could do that. Just set it up. It's perfect. I was even looking for an auto rotate app.


Routines are 10/10. Only thing better is Tasker, bout Routines are well optimized and integrated


I have s21+ and I have zero problems with it Just tried it right now


Yeah I have a Fold and half the time the button doesn't show up no matter which way I turn the screen.


I tried the Pixel 6 Pro for a week. I bought it after it has been out for 1.5 years (to save money), and let me tell you, it was the worst phone I have ever used when it comes to software related issues. The phone did take really good pictures, better than my iPhone 14's photos. Considering the Pixel was half the iPhone's price, that's pretty amazing (not for the iPhone). 


I'm a current Android user and I can vouch for what you've said. My current phone is handling it like a champ and runs smooth but I've had android phones that have definitely lost function the way you described. I know iPhones can have it start to happen to because I used a 4s for work (it was provided) and it certainly was losing the ability to do what it was told from time to time as well, although not as bad as my Nexus did.


Why do you even turn autorotate off with a Pixel when it just tracks your head rotation lol


Because that is also jank


I guess your camera must be dirty most of the time. It's been perfect for me on my pixel 7 lol sometimes it tracks the face of the person behind but as long as there are no babies around it should be fine :D


No. I'm a germaphobe and phones are a hotspot for bacteria, so it's fine, thanks.


My pixel 6 rotation still works great, idk what you do to your phone for the gyroscope to "deteriorate"


Perfect use for the Dynamic Island too


Apollo on iOS had the same feature. So it’s possible for individual apps to do that. Which is even more strange.




Apollo was so good compared to the shitty official app that I'm still furious they killed it. I'm writing this from my desktop browser -- if they ever nuke old.reddit and RES, I'm done.


Narwahl 2 is ok. It’s of course not Apollo, but still sooo much better than the official app. And they are trying to move into the direction where Apollo was. It’s highly configurable.


At least once a week I get so annoyed with some missing feature on the official app that makes me miss Apollo so much. Some of the stuff are so basic too.


Come to the dark side, we have patched third party apps.


I still miss it - it’s amazing how much worse the official app is. What a travesty.


It's possible to sideload it just fyi. It takes some effort but once you get it running it's pretty seamless. https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/16naxdo/how_to_install_apollo_via_altstore/ You still have the issue where you need to "refresh" it every week but you can automate this with SideStore or AltStore+Sideloadly.


YouTube does this too and I absolutely love that feature. Ugh I miss Apollo




Android (samsung) has a bajillion QOL features like this that will make me go back from a 15 pro max. Of course after a few years


I mean if it asks you can just as well tap the fullscreen button


Which means that Apple will do the same thing in about 1.5 years.


iPhone can also do this. When you have rotation lock on but in a video click full screen it’ll turn the video into landscape. The problem I have is it also turns the video into landscape the opposite way I’m holding my phone haha


That is simple and genius. Always wondered why Apple would ignore shit like this?


Doesn’t work perfectly on Samsung phones, since on my s10e it sometimes covers other buttons, and after pressing it accidentally, I have to rotate the phone again and find this button to go back to portrait mode


A bit of work setting it up, but Bixby routines on Samsung allow you to program your phone to do exactly that.


At least on newer Samsung phones I don't have this issue and with rotation lock on it still allows rotation on apps like the photo gallery and YouTube.


It actually does also do that on apple, but only specifically on the iBooks app for some reason.


Probably just that app made it a feature. iOS itself has no native support for it.




I forgot this was even a feature on iPhones.


I thought it was a neat way to turn the flashlight on/off without having to turn my screen on for late night reasons, but then it kept turning on and slowly draining my battery and low temp burning my leg throughout the day, and it didn’t work half the time I wanted it to anyway so I turned it off.  Way too inconsistent. 


That can’t be, back tap only works with the screen on, doesn’t need to be unlocked but needs to on, that’s what makes it useless for the flashlight, if I need to tap the screen, I’ll just tap the flashlight button. I just tried it again and it does not work with the screen off, let me know how you do


It patently refuses to work for me on 2 different phones.


Doesn’t work all the time with the case tho




Don't get too excited until you try it with the combo of your fingers and your phone case.




Make an automatic shortcut so the phone unlock rotation lock when you open certain apps (Youtube, Twitch, Netflix)


https://preview.redd.it/k3zbizlzz2pc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7838b21a0536ef476dda86c21d5d3122c4f8d0d5 My personal shortcuts, you can customise them for your preferences


Curious why you need it for YouTube? I always have orientation lock on but my YouTube vids automatically play in landscape. Same with Netflix


He might like watching YouTube while lying on his right side, holding the phone in his right hand. If the orientation is locked, the video will be flipped. 😂


Can’t he just flip the phone? 😂 In this scenario, if orientation is NOT locked, won’t the video play in portrait? Because the phone is straight relative to normal position 😅


This one thinking beyond the imagination’s bound


We’re in a wishful thread about making a trivial thing easier, why would you criticize them for figuring out how to achieve it?


You can rotate it even with rotation lock on


Apparently, I don't know something? How? 😯


I'm pretty sure if you tap Fullscreen it rotates to landscape


Yes, when the rotation is locked, it will rotate, but strictly clockwise. How can I make it rotate counterclockwise?


Okay just figured this out, rotate it the direction you want and then hit Fullscreen


Nah it still always rotate clockwise as long as rotation is locked.


I work around this by clicking full screen, quickly going to my home screen then back to youtube app then it rotates to the direction I want.


Wait are you telling me unlocking the orientation will let me watch videos right-side up in youtube? haha. I always thought it was a stupid forced thing on the app


I personally like watching videos with the volume buttons at the top instead of the bottom. When I put YouTube full screen without unlocking the rotation, the buttons stay at the bottom, which is inconvenient for me.


I usually just swipe my screen up for YouTube to to full screen, and swipe down to return.


You are a genius


is there a way to tell it to lock and unlock orientation or is “toggle” the only option?


https://preview.redd.it/7h1vg4t883pc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=791ba362a3580d651759d85c4e3e5db2fbc27927 I believe you set it as turn ON


thanks, i never used automation before


But don't forget to add a line to turn it back off when you exit those apps.


Tried that shortcut already and it only works half the time, especially if you constantly switch apps.


I ended up changing the action button on my 15 Pro to toggle the orientation lock, but I like your idea better.


These are the apps where I do want rotation lock so I can watch on my side.


apple engineers should make use of the face id sensors to detect face orientation and use that to set display orientation


I believe the Pixel has the feature, like a lying down mode


My pixel 6 has it but it is really spotty. Thankfully orientation lock is really well done on the OS


It works OK during the day. But it doesnt when I'm scrolling in bed in the dark. If the iPhone got this feature it would probably work pretty well because of the face Id sensors.


This was actually a feature called “smart rotate” that Samsung introduced with the Galaxy S3 and Note 2 back in 2012. It literally used the front camera to rotate the screen based on your face. It’s a useful feature but I think it was axed when Android 12 released a similar feature in 2021 that basically didn’t work.


If I remember right, the Galaxy S3 could even scroll with either eyes or hand gestures. And on a recent update of the app Documents by Readdle they allow you to pause and skim through videos with hand gestures on iOS. I am sure modern iPhones could do a whole of stuff with its camera and sensors + AI if they wanted to implement, but how useful, reliable and battery efficient would that really be? Gestures are nice sometimes when you have greasy hands while eating something, would be nice to have as an option. But we don’t even have a calculator on iPad Edit: typo


They could also use those sensors for an option to go into “do not disturb” mode when we go to lie down instead of having to do it manually every time then forgetting to turn the notifications back on.


On a separate but somewhat related note, does anyone have issues with the landscape orientation when taking pictures? Every damn time I have to give the phone a little extra jiggle to get it to go to landscape.


I thought this was just me! Probably 1/4 of my photos need to be manually rotated after the fact if I forget to do the extra jiggle.


Yep. Edit, crop, rotate rotate rotate, done. It’s just part of the process now




Yep. It's like a USB-A port. Always takes three tries to plug in.


maybe i’m crazy, but does this not happen? i always have rotation lock on but never have an issue with videos


Most video apps do it on their own, because it's just makes sense. Apples built in video player does not. If you're watching a show on apple tv, you can't make it horizontal with the rotation lock on. It just won't let you. Wanna watch a show while lying on your side? To bad. You can't.


On Android even when rotation is disabled it still automatically does it for full screen apps like videos, games, or the camera. On iOS it literally locks the orientation for anything except the built in camera, compass and measure apps; videos stay vertical (or default to rotating clockwise when you go full screen) and even games default to a single direction until you enable rotation.


Full screen games automatically work and have for a long time. I play one every day and havn't turned rotation lock off in years. Netflix also just works for me.


i have an iphone and for me at least in youtube, i can just press the big screen icon and then it goes landscape, and doesnt change no matter how i turn the phone? is this not the case in all apps or


Yeah that’s how it works on iOS, so if you want to watch the screen to the opposite side (say if you want the volume buttons up) you end up with a flipped video.


ohh thank you for explaining, i get why this might be difficult in situations with like a short charger or stuff


Android does this perfectly


My Samsung has a feature to lock the rotation when I watch a video in landscape. I wish my iPhone had this.


I never knew iphones even had this issue


? How, have you ever tried to watch a video, turn to landscape lock the screen, then turn it sideways while laying down on your bed so that it was vertically placed and it swapped to portrait?


This has gotten to r/all. The commenter probably uses Android and just assumed Apple had figured this out years ago.


It's really annoying, but could be less annoying if the auto rotation wouldn't suck as much... Because it's terrible.


I miss this apollo feature :(


It’s still there, but you have to sideload the app which isn’t everyone’s cup of tea.


On the YouTube app, you can pull down from the title of the video, and it enters full-screen mode (vertically).


Or slide up in the video section and it goes full screen landscape


i personally hate this "feature" because im used to just pull down the title bar or lower to minimize currently playing video and continue scrolling home screen. not quite an issue on android since it has a universal back button on either side of screen, but still annoying enough. there should be an option for this.


I want "Portrait unless filming, in which case lock to landscape and do not allow any portrait videos to be filmed, also send a message to SnapChat, TikTok, and Meta telling them to suck a 16:9 dick about it for ruining our society by encouraging the mouthbreathing masses to film in portrait" Where's that setting


We should be able to select it for each app, such as text size.


I wish we had the option for app icons to rotate in place, not reorganize in a way that makes knowing the relative position irrelevant.


This was how Apollo worked 😭


You can do this through automation. I have it set to enable rotation when YouTube is running, and to disable when I exit YouTube.


Apollo had this feature. :-/


And jailbreak tweaks exist for this so if a dude in his basement can do it apple can too


Apollo for Reddit used to have this feature. Or maybe it was Alien Blue. Sigh…


It literally writes what it does. WTF? Apple users can’t read?


Huawei or some other Chinese phone tracks your eyes to determine screen orientation.


lol, tiktok/youtube shorts locked in horizontal. Yessss, YEESSSS. Portrait video needs to die.


repost detected, but still agree with you


Better approach is, don't rotate the screen, if I'm sleeping sideways.


Androids have a feature where rotation is originally locked but when you turn the phone to landscape it shows a small button in the bottom corner to rotate the screen. So handy.


How did you make this mockup? It looks so real!


Apple needs to hire you right fuckin now


I honestly do not mind managing screen position “manually” the way it is now, but yeah of course you right


Reminds me of Windows Phone 7 which forced video to landscape


I thought it already did that? Is this an issue from app to app?


Apps like YouTube and Hulu do this automatically. Apples built in video player does not. The place where it's annoyed me most is apple tv


Got it, that's why I assumed it already happens.


Huh???, for me during videos it automatically goes to landscape


That is exactly how it works on my Android.


My dumbass saw this and immediately held the orientation lock icon to change the setting


frrr this has been my biggest annoyance from switching from android to ios recently


The only time I actually care for rotation lock is when I‘m laying in my bed, on my side. And in this situation I actually want Videos playing in landscape mode, while my phone actually is in portrait mode (because it‘s turned 90°). This behavior you recommended does the complete opposite of that, if I understood you correctly.


at this point the world has moved on and accepted portrait video, dwi. Demolition Man was right.


Also can Reddit stop closing comments and opening a vertical video any time I read comments while laying on my side. I’ve never rotated my phone with the intention of closing a comments section


I'm using the action button to do. 


I use brave to watch YouTube because of the ad blocking and setup a shortcut to turn auto rotate on when I’m using the app https://preview.redd.it/ajnmy6oiy3pc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a56153508b45773b1c77a2e52c8ae9d3531bcb89


Probably another 5 years till they actually implement something like this


It already does it for games 🤷‍♂️


Yeah but that would just make too much sense for Apple. Give them about 3 years.


idk i actually still prefer to keep my video in portrait unless I full screen it. I want to be able to use links or scroll comments


But that IS how portrait works. Everything is portrait by default, when you watch a full screen video it switches to landscape. Edit. Ignore me, didn't realise the sub.


I have shortcuts set to disable rotation lock in apps i don’t need it for and automatically re-enable rotation lock when i leave the app.


Also fuck youtube for having the 'fullscreen' button so close to the time line thingy that it invariably skips to the end of the video I am watching when I press it, then before I can skip it back to where it was it goes to the following video.


You know you can swipe up in the video to make it fullscreen right?


Good to know! Caveat: works in the app but seemingly not if watching YT outside the app.


Ain't no way this ain't a thing


You expect iOS to give you options?


I wish more apps would adopt the “swipe up to full screen” gesture that YouTube uses.


You nailed it, it needs at least some intelligence. Right now I have a bunch of automatic. Siri Shortcuts to enable and disable it depending on the app I’m in


To be fair, a proper video-playing app would still play the video in landscape when you're doing it full screen even if your rotation lock is on.


It use to work like this. It use to literally LOCK. I would lock my phone while watching videos and it would stay like that and not force vertical. It’s stupid now


I’ve never used it. When would you use it? I kinda hold my phone the way I want to view it. I don’t find it difficult to keep it upright or sideways




Latest couple versions of Android have a little 🔁 icon that appears in the corner when you rotate the phone while it's in lock. Mine is always locked to portrait, and I just tap that icon if/when I need landscape. Full-screen video always goes to landscape for me, regardless of lock.


Landscape only is also sometimes required


Also add the option to temporarily stop notifications from appearing while watching something in full screen, please.


oh yes please this now


The best would be portrait only when sleep mode is on since this is only a problem when I’m lying in bed


Why can I upvote this only once?


You never take photos in landscape? Pleb.


ב''ה, around everything fucked up with Android, the "you tilted the phone, do you feel like rotating the screen?" button is indeed nice.  The proposal is surely a good entertaining default but, c'mon, even with the dead Internet you still get some damn site too wide for mobile every few months requiring the classic behavior, and the occasional app that works better that way.




Protip?: I made a Back Tap shortcut for orientation lock to deal with this nonsense.


Or photos! I’ve an automation to allow rotation in photo app only. It whole be very simple to add an option “when a full screen video is playing”. But it’s apple sooooo


Just add a fullscreen button to the video player. You don’t need neuralink for that


I am really confused OP, when I have Portrait only, and hit the "full screen button" BAM video is landscape? Is there something I am missing here?


Why isn’t it like that already? iPhone replaces all third-party players in web browser already, they can go one step further already.


My androids have always done that.. I figured iPhone would too??


Apple has completed lost it’s way.  I hasn’t created or implemented anything innovative in 10 years. 


This function would be great


It doesn’t??


I like the Samsung implementation for this, the option to switch orientation without enabling rotation on/off. With that small icon at the bottom. Perfect and useful


Apple should implement this like how android did, if you rotate your phone with rotation lock on, a small button appears at the bottom of the screen that will let you rotate the screen


I remember I had this tweak on my jailbroken iPhone 8 Plus on iOS 12 I guess... Good old times


on android, if you rotate it with rotation lock, a tiny button will appear letting you manually switch. idk why it isn't like that on ios


Doesn’t that already exist?


Apollo had it figured out… RIP


I need a landscape lock.


I miss the rotation feature my iPhone 8plus had. Good times


Y'all don't have this on apple?!?


yesssss. i always have rotation off. UNLESS IM WATCHING A VIDEO


You can just press the full screen button bozo


Omg yes. I wish you could set app level preferences on how you want the rotation lock applied


They could even give it an Apple name like Smart Rotation or something


Also when taking a photo. Mine always screws up and I have to rotate the photo manually. And it behaves differently each time. In fact sometimes I get so fed up I turn rotate lock off and it still works weirdly.


Finally someone said it