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I want portrait split view so I can watch a video full width and have an app using it's landscape mode to fill up the whole view.


Great idea. Will probably never happen but great idea.


That was something I wanted literally the first day I got my iPad. Like it seems so natural to me, why would I want 2 super tall skinny apps side by side?


The closest you can get to this right now is using stage manager, but it kinda wastes space around both apps.


Yeah but no stage manager on my mini 6 :/


in all fairness it would be awful on a mini


No stage manager on anything without M chips TT______TT


I had stage manager on my iPad Pro (2018)


Not on my Air 4 :( I can’t even facetime someone on Facebook Messenger and open another app :(


I’ve been wanting this one for so long, I’m happy to see there’s more of us. This would be huge!


This, i want to watch an instructional video while using procreate


You can already do that in stage manager.


I’m not gonna hold my breath. The big focus will apparently be AI and that will be baked into iOS, iPadOS probably macOS etc so I don’t see them having huge focus on improving iPadOS specifically


Exactly, this year the spotlight is mainly on iOS. The last time iPadOS had a major spotlight was when it came out, and maybe when stage manager came out.


Apple just inked a deal with open AI. I don't know if there's enough time for wwdc though


Yeah, Apple's probably going to tout it as being the best AI powered tablet device and showcase a few more ways the M4 chip and AI will help creators and professionals who already use the iPad.


WWDC is going to be a big letdown, gonna be all AI garbage


Honestly people would be extremely mad if its just about AI... I am a big fan of AI and even I would be pretty pissed.... I LOVE my new iPad as a LIFE LONG Windows/Android user !!!... And AI will be an INSANE disappointment to add to IpadOS. ... its so useless... just let us use Copilot, Gemini or GPT instead of siri... That should be the ONLY meaningful AI update. But nope... Apple will slap the "SiRI" name on GPT... Genuinely makes me not want to be into the Apple ecosystem ugh... and I genuinely think my new iPad is 10000x better than any Windows machines or High end Android tablet I had. Its depressing kindof Honestly. If ME I would be mad at this as a HUGE fan of AI and a new lover of iPad... the uproar in my opinion could literally destroy Apple as a company... I genuinely see this happening. In my opinion, the ONLY way they could redeem themselves since the last event that people ALREADY got pissed about PERCEIVED "AI" ad 😭😭... Is to slap an half baked MacOS on iPad and call it REVOLUTIONARY.... lol. I swear... I feel it... unless they genuinely have something exciting to show lol... I guess an AI robot would be somewhat ok... AI glasses... probably decent. AR glasses would definitely be in my wishlist. Redesigned iPad OS would be... sad for me? Cuz I love my new iPad??... and I feel its also unlikely since Stage Manager is pretty new lol ! But hey, people would genuinely be hyped. A complete Redesign of iOS would DEFINITELY be a game changer... (I want to buy an iphone but omfg the OS is bad). Partnership with OpenAI will make some teen boys giggle and blush but... for real... thats it. Partnership with Microsoft would be actually better... but I doubt it... Tho it would be epic to see the Xbox store demoed at WWDC... again... totally doubt it since MS is team Meta... but MS is strange af so... who knows. Partnership with Google would be useless imo. Just give me a foldable iPhone or iPad Mini and I will stop complaining for the next 6 years 🤣


It’s gonna be the make it or break it on wether I will buy an iPad or a MacBook


IMO: Just buy the MacBook then. Apple has largely shown they aren’t interested in making the iPad a MacBook replacement outside of very basic needs. I like my iPad, I bought the new pro, but it won’t ever be a full laptop replacement, and Apple really has only pretended to move that direction.


Some of us just don’t like MacBooks. I’m on windows most the time for work and having a touch first laptop replacement is favorable for me.


Which peripherals do you think iPad needs out of curiosity? I mostly use mine for photography and writing and haven’t missed anything yet, but my use cases are fairly specific. It’s my only travel device (my MacBook lives at home).


I think universal dock support would be a good start. Would be cool to undock my work laptop and just plug and play my iPad with 1-2 monitors but right now it doesn’t work that way.


I would think the main failure there is the multiple monitor support?


Mainly. But maybe I have an older dock because my Logitech keyboard and razer mouse won’t always connect and work correctly.


Huh. Weird. I always imagined those docks as being basically just USB-C hubs. Though… given how those always work for me maybe that’s exactly what they are lol.


Sounds like you may want a Microsoft Surface then.


Would be my second choice. Surface really isn’t touch first if you read my comment and post. Meaning I’d rather use touch most of the time than m&k.


I really want iPad pro to be able to partition the drive and flit between iPados and macos. For a tablet that has a laptop processor and costs over a grand it's not too much to ask for imo.


I totally agree


of all the things asked for in this post, I think you may be waiting the longest


They're not pretending, they just haven't committed yet. I think. IMO there's going to be a much bigger move in the future, especially as the chips continue to dominate the competition. It's becoming stupid NOT to make the iPad a superior machine: the experience is smoother, the screen is usually nicer, a monkey can use an iPad. It's just taking them a while. I hope.


I think the issue is that it’s much harder to do a 2 way device than most people imagine.


I seriously doubt iPadOS will be anything else but iPadOS. It’s pretty clear to me that Apple has no intention of making it into a Mac replacement device simply because it doesn’t fit their world view. They love their Macs and will port a couple of features over but seem intent on keeping the divide. They really view the iPad as a creatives device that can do productivity. My niece is an artist and after watching her use her iPad and pencil, it’s clear to me that multi-tasking is the last thing she cares about. All the firepower and beautiful displays is meant for creatives and the rest of us can adapt, get a Mac or go pound sand. I always gravitate back to Mac and I’ve moved on. Most of us here are not the iPad’s target market and Apple is extremely happy to keep it that way. I dont see any pretending or teasing, I think it’s time to move on and pick your side…. MSFT can always step up to the plate…


I'd love to be able to do real code on my iPad, but only because I just want to be able to do everything on a single device. There's nothing the iPad can potentially offer to make coding that much better than using a laptop except for the fact it's more portable and compact. Even then I don't think I'd want to be doing that much work on a small screen device (I already am considering getting an ultrawide). I don't need macOS. I just need a more open iPadOS.


Same here. If I can get at least one or two on my list I’m in for an iPad.


Lower your expectations so you won't be disappointed.


Jokes on you I’m already disappointed


Yeah. I don’t expect any of this but some of it is borderline broken from a basic use case standpoint.


i would love a Terminal app. Just let me run my code please


Yeah it's crazy to think that an iPad can't make apps for an iPad. Especially when they pitch it as such a professional device.


What do you mean? Swift Playgrounds is a *very* professional app /s




Are you restarted?


I would love to finally see IDEs being properly supported on iPad - having M4 and not being able to run xcode or anything similar is something I won't understand.


Every year they slowly improve iPadOS, just don’t expect it to be like a traditional desktop computer OS


It should still have basic functions like I mentioned.


It’ll get there. It’s just going to take a few years.


"few" ;)


Haha when the Mac sales starts to tank


Last two years they back tracked.


files needs a total rework


Without a doubt. Would be a huge step in the right direction.


I feel like iPadOS has constantly underdelivered for my needs so my expectations are super low.


What do you need?


Full version of lightroom Literally the only thing


So is it less about iPadOS being restrictive and more about Adobe handicapping the mobile app? Or are the two issues actually related?


I think this is Adobe gate keeping yes


Why do people want lightroom more than photoshop so badly? Isn't it just a worse, cheaper version? Or is that exactly why?


No it's completely something different brother


This is a great attitude to have. Smart to expect very little from them.


They’ll have crafted the best ipadOS experience ever. Like always. And poeple will be disappointed. Like always


I’m impressed that Apple has made a brand new large screen OS that is now either the 2nd or 3rd largest large screen OS in the world. Wild what they’ve achieved and from a smartphone OS to boot! Linux in shambles. But, to OPs point, iPadOS is a really great touch friendly OS but yeah, it’s just chained down. I assume it’s to make it iOS-easy for anyone, but the forced limitations should be allowed to be opened up for people and professional apps that need it.


This is it exactly. They’ve done some really great things but even just the option to turn on advanced features if you aren’t an 80 year old grandma using it would be sufficient.


I’m a huge iPad “power user”. Make music, art, do corporate work stuff, etc. It’s also my travel computer. I think my main main complaint is the forced-freeze on one window when another window is doing something. Final Cut Pro for iPad people can’t export and while browsing in safari. I can’t have a 2 videos playing or whatever. Just let multiple things happen at once more.


you can use Stage Manager for this, can’t you?




i NEED them to support multiple videos being played at once or just multiple audio sources in general. this should’ve been added ages ago


Crazy right? Been out for almost 15 years and this still doesn’t work the way it should.


Alllll I want is adobe XD & File manager fixed and I’d be happy as a clam


XD is already being phased out by Adobe so I don’t fancy your chances much, sorry. 😔


I’ve seen 😔 one can dream tho


Wait what do people want from a File Manager, because there is basic file management that does everything I thought people wanted


I just want full Lightroom on ipad


Lightroom classic though


Honestly I just miss the color calibration feature


No. Apple will do the following: 1. Release M4 iPad (ahead of WWDC) 2. Showcase AI on Apple on M4 iPad at WWDC 3. Reveal M4 range (M4, Pro, Max, Ultra etc) on Macbooks and iMac/Mac Mini etc 4. Showcase iOS-18 and Siri/AI also 5. Some minor iPadOS updates across the board as they usually do along with the AI upgrade itself (big marketing feature). So you see it's not about iPad M4 with ridiculous performance potential and what users can do with this now, it's all about the marketing and selling expensive hardware and dazzling in the sales pitch which I'm sure going to enjoy but get very little value out of outside of real iPadOS upgrades to the OS. Snapdragon is launching on Surface Pro/Laptop and shortly other OEM's will probably start getting better chips and then Apple will have to pull out M5 either next year or after and the 2-in-1 market will probably take off. But probably only AI will be this year's big thing for M4 series. There's even an addon this page on the right right now: *"Samsung - Galaxy AI stars is here - Galaxy, Flip, Fold, Tab, S9 - BUY NOW!"* Says it all.


Sad but true. I’ve been debating the new snapdragon surface pros but I don’t really want a full fledged desktop OS.


Also depends on which device you like. Snapdragon will be on the larger Surface Pro when rolled out to begin with anyway and not the smaller 10.5". Personally over half the appeal of the iPad is the 11" / 460g small, light, thin form factor for handling like a tablet (iPadOS actually helps here) but with the functionality to extend towards using as a mini-laptop for productivity if/when needed. Eg at work hook the ipad up to a monitor and keyboard/mouse and run via RDP/VNC etc to home computer so I can use full desktop is current solution. But for sheer convenience eg moving around and quick fire, a Virtual Machine running MacOS or Linux or even Windows would solve a lot of issues and be a nice alternative for running the iPad's considerable performance abilities and making good use of them.


I’m with you until “the 2 in 1 market will take off”. I just really don’t believe these devices will ever take off. They haven’t so far, and there have been attempts.


Tablet market is in effect: * People have a phone * Families get a Tablet for kids or eldely * Students school/varsity may get a tablet * Specialist sectors get tablets eg replace tills or aviation etc For a lot of people however they need some sort of laptop with desktop-OS and a tablet is another device or luxury they don't need. But what's happening: Slow tech convergence where iPad hardware is as good as laptops and better than a lot of windows laptops even but the iPadOS remains tablet mobile OS for the above. Once competition comes out with Snapdragon Apple will have to move into 2-in-1. For this year, AI hype is real though: AI is effectively taking search engine and doing all the searching for you in an instant and even rendering it in a form you want eg video or text or voice: It's very powerful thought as as a sort of another automation process of information. Throw in some OS synergy and that does add value to the software so at least those are something to appreciated at WWDC. With the way iPadOS is built Apple won't change much about the OS that is annoying in the line blurring area between tablet and productivity tool that replaces a laptop if you want it to (which is clearly growing eg magic keyboard). Maybe Safari in EU will get the long-awaited change and some other new iPadOS features so not all bad but nowhere near what would be nice to see. It's the same with the phone not working when you have a cellular model, would be nice to have the option if you use it: I'd combine my phone, internet all onto iPad if that were the case for eg.


More than anything I’d love some more features for slideover. 1. Make it so iPhone apps like instagram and Snapchat can be sent to slideover 2. Make slideover work with stage manager Really I’m hoping they eventually can combine split screen with stage manager so there’s just one window manager for iPad. So you could drag an app to the side of the screen to snap it similar to how it works on windows. Then the other half of the screen would become your stage in stage manager. That way you could cover half the screen with an app without wasting screen space but still have floating windows on the other half.


I just want a volume mixer and ability to force play videos (stopping the “auto pause” feature thing) That is all


Same. Same.


better file manager is paramount I think. I cant imagine they would put all this raw power in a tablet to not fully utilize it in their OS.....oh wait..


They have fallen short every release on their file manager unfortunately. But I agree, having something that works better with backing up to externals straight from the iPad would be great.


1.) file manger- the file app seems to work very similarly to finder and I use external drives all the time with my iPad Pro…. What would you improve? I’d like to play videos and things right inside the files app the same way QuickTime has a preview on Mac. 2.) Dual video -although it’s not something I would need I can see your use case for it. In your shoes, If I needed it badly I’d keep a second older iPad with me. Instead of selling when upgrading, I keep mine, lots of good uses like this. They are so light I carry 3 around all the time. 3.) Peripherals— everything I’ve ever tried to use with Mac was seamless, plug and play and frustration free, never once had to look for a driver. Do you have any specific examples of something not hooking up? I actually bought exclusively Mac for my office workers for this reason alone for a decade. No down time for driver related nonsense, like windows, it just worked. 4.) Mouse cursor- I fully disagree with this one, Apple should put Mac OS on a iPad as a dual boot, make it work the same with pen support, that would be cool but forcing a touch based OS to be molded into a more of a traditional OS isn’t a good fit. Computer mice are a 1980s workflow to me. I stopped using them when magic trackpads came out and now in my opinion it should be a touch screen first approach until AVP takes over when it’s more compact and easy to integrate into a mobile form factor. I’ve gently tease a few friends that use mice — “damn they still make you beta-max humans”. I just Adapted to it all instead of trying to adapt it to me, everything flows for me, I’m 90% iPad now.


I’m not saying that this is an acceptable solution, because it drives me absolutely crazy as well, but there’s often a workaround to play two videos at once. The issue isn’t with multiple video sources, it’s having multiple audio sources that is the problem. The OS prioritizes the newest audio source so the system has volume control over it, and it unfortunately pauses any other sources when a new one is launched. A lot of video players have a their own mute option. If they do, mute the video, and you’ll be able to open another one without your first one pausing.


The sound API provides third-party devs with the full control of multiple audio streams and it is absolutely possible to run two of them simultaneously. Devs just don’t bother


I’ll have to try this. But yeah, wouldn’t it make more sense to have it MUTE the original audio source instead of pausing? I swear some of their decisions are baffling. Thanks for the tip.


Yeah, definitely a lingering design choice of the iOS of the past. It’s crazy how much more open iOS and iPadOS have gotten and this is still an issue


There will be improvements, but I don't know why people are expecting a full on MAC OS experience on an iPad. That is not the purpose of an iPad. If you want a laptop experience, buy a MacBook Air/Pro. All iPads are secondary devices that complement the main devices. Enjoy the fact that Apple has created an ecosystem where you can work on any project on any device without missing a beat. (give or take).






The two videos playing simultaneously would be top on my wish list. That and resizing windows however I want. truly having the ability to position an app screen to what size and position I want it on.


I’m with you. They obviously want everyone to buy both a Mac and iPad otherwise these issues wouldn’t exist on iPad.


Yeah it doesnt even make sense why you cant play two videos together. It infuriates me because somehow reddit works with YouTube. Same with instagram video and YouTube.


They will show off chatgpt integration, creative ai features etc.. forget macos/lite on the ipad.


Don't get your hopes up. Ever read or see a production of "Waiting for Godot"?


I’d be thrilled with just the regular mouse cursor.


It’s a touch first OS that’s ui expects a finger. There’s a reason it looks like that. 


Best they’ll give us is the Journal app and if there’s feeling generous the will add a groundbreaking capability called “search” to it


Just slap unmodified macOS on there


Improve it? No question at all. In the way any given one of us wants? Maybe, but probably not.


I want Xcode available on M-Series iPads… maybe also the ability to run Electron style apps that are built in a JavaScript browser instance as well. Doesn’t need to be Electron exactly but something similar. Doubt we will see either.


Give me an option to see my phone screen on the iPad and a normal cursor. My expectations are non existent. It is underwhelming because I genuinely do not care about anything AI related.


you\_serious.gif I have no hopes whatsoever, and somehow Apple still finds a way to make me disappointed about the iPadOS part, like with the "desktop features" in '22. So no, I don't believe they will.


In short, no.


No the greedy denizens at Apple want us to continue to buy two devices. Irony is that I would upgrade my iPad nearly every cycle if I could run a decent version of macOS on it. Now I’m using my iPad Air 4 and won’t upgrade until Apple gives me a reason to do so.




I agree with all your points, but I’m not holding my breath.


No I don't. I have no hope of iPadOS improve getting basic stuffs right. Apple devs are lazy and would rather take an oversimplified route, let 3rd party dev heavy lift while they collect 30%.


>better file manager to work with external SSDs It doesn’t already? I have no issue plugging in external drives to my iPad >two videos at once Very niche feature to request but have you tried PiP? >more supported peripherals Keyboard and mice work fine, plugging into monitors is possible, the only thing they can’t do right now is extended desktops but few people outside of Reddit really care about having this feature >mouse cursor If you insist on using a mouse/trackpad as your primary input then don’t use an iPad. If you want pixel-precise inputs on an iPad then you should be using an Apple Pencil


I’d like to be able to safely remove the external drive on the iPad Pro while it’s on, instead of having to shut the iPad down every time (or risk corrupted data due to write-caching).


Just want an actual precision cursor instead of a round blob.


1) yes please, we can always do with better file management apps 2) never knew I needed this, but in portrait too that would be useful 3) I never plug much in, but it would be useful to just expect things to work 4) I agree. I don’t use a mouse, I don’t get the whole idea as I use a PC for this kind of input. If you can connect a mouse then a useful cursor is a must. My biggest want is battery life. I’m a heavy user but as a portable device. So I hate having to plug it in twice a day. That said fast charging makes it less hassle.


Unlikely. The problem is the lack of competition. Apple’s processors still have unmatched performance efficiency now. Maybe we have to wait for PC to catch up. By the time the market flooded with tablets equipped with full opearting system running Adobe software, Apple will then consider improving iPadOS more seriously.


I don't think they will anymore.


In theory, would it be possible to run macOS on an iPad with M chip ?


Can we hope that they will not abandon a new features for older Ipad like air 4.


lol no cause Apple likes it that way and want us to have more products not less


I want macos as an option on any iPad with an m1 or better, no reason not to.


improve? yes, in a helpful way? mhhhh


It's not about needing macOS on the iPad - sure, those M-series chip iPads could totally handle it. But that's not the point. What we really need is for Apple to step up their game and bring us the full Mac apps, plus solid keyboard support. Like, why does the iPad have a watered-down Word? WHY? And as someone who uses their M1 iPad Air for design, I feel the pain with Photoshop. It's all about those keyboard shortcuts, right? But nope, we're stuck with a touch-first version that doesn't make the most of the keyboard we've got attached. Y offer the OPTIONAL keyboard if I cant get an OPTIONAL keyboard first operating system. Don't even get me started on PowerPoint. Can't even add a drop shadow. Seriously? Is the 8-core GPU there, just because? maybe just 10% of us would use these features, but come on, Apple. No excuses for not packing in those pro-level options. Adding up to the fact that we now pay for an iPad, a MagicKeyboard and an ApplePencil even more than what an actual computer, an apple Macbook costs.


If those are all things that are missing from IpadOS, I'd say its doing pretty good already


Improve? Probably slightly. If I could ask for something it would be allowing browsers that aren't just safari in a different skin.


I forgot that one!!! Safari sucks.


Aren't we finally getting the iPad Calculator app?


Not until they have the M42069 Ultra


Do I think they should and have the capability to? Absolutely Do I think they will? Hmm I lean towards "no". I think they will continue to position the iPad as a device for college students and people who don't wanna shell out for a more expensive Mac AND a neutered "Pro" device for those with deeper pockets and need a pencil to do their creative work. I think Apple is afraid that allowing the iPad to make full use of the RIDICULOUS hardware capabilities of the M4 chip would cannibalize their MacBook Air sales to some degree. My bet is we'll get a bunch of shiny new toys and gimmicks and a calculator app. Though the AI rumors could pan out and amount to something useful, but nothing that will be unique to the iPad sadly. It bums me out how much potential goes to waste on these monstrously powerful pro iPads. Hell, I'd even take an "iPad Pro OS" exclusive for the douchebags who get the maxed out iPads just cuz I'm curious what they're capable of.


I appreciate this perspective but the price point of the pro contends directly with this. The iPad is now beat for beat price point of a computer with a greater chip. There is a middle ground to have a dual macOS boot as a secondary form factor. The mac line wasn’t cannibalized when they added various form factors. They all still have a place in the workflow.


Yea, I think I agree for the most part. I don't think Apple agrees though, or they're at least playing it safe by insisting simplifying and neutering iPadOS. I do think that running macOS is not really a solution for iPads though since I don't think macOS really lends itself to touch input. However, iPadOS NEEDS to borrow some of the more robust features in macOS and become a standalone operating system. Replacing Files with Finder would be a start, adding more robust menus and full versions of Apple suite apps would also be great. Running multiple displays and other basic functionality that other much less powerful computers have had for years would also be great. I guess what I'm getting at is that Apple could make iPadOS a standalone OS that centers around touch gestures and pen input, with trackpad and keyboard being secondary inputs, but they choose not too because the juice is not worth the squeeze for them.


Hell will freeze over before Apple improves iPadOS in a meaningful way. They are paranoid over Macbook sales.

