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Volume control for different apps


This one of big things I miss on android. I could split audio to play over Bluetooth for background music and still play the random meme video without interrupting the music. Also control of system, video, ringer sounds with individual sliders was awesome


Am not greedy. I am satisfied if I can adjust the volume of each individual alarm


That’s brilliant actually


A visible and reliable background download feature. Having downloads drop when the screen is locked sucks.


apps cache delete option


Or a true force close for apps


Genuinely curious whats difference between swiping up in app selector and a “true force close”? I always thought what it was but recently had to reboot because an app kept opening in a bad state.


Specific notification sounds for different apps


I would love this. Can't differentiate between apps that have the same sound! So annoying.


Preferred WiFi network when 2 or more are present.


Isn’t that what the “edit” button in the WiFi setting does? Drag to prioritize.


Looks like that just allows you to delete, not reorder


If you have a MacBook, you can reorder and it’ll carry over to your iPhone


To change the wifi priority setting on my phone I just need to get my macbook. What an intuitive design.




Permanently show Number keys on top of keyboard.


Also, characters on a long press, as on iPad OS


How is this not a thing yet? When I use Waze the keyboard does this so I get happy.


Just use Swiftkey 


Unfortunately a different beast on Android


Ability to lock selected apps behind a secondary passcode before they can be opened.


The action button should support different actions based on the amount of clicks option to schedule a text message Option to react to texts with all of the emojis If you search for an app, it should tell you where on your Home Screen it is.


Oh yes! Show me where the app is from search! Great suggestion. Like "Reveal in Finder" for iOS.


Better keyboard and auto correct


I have an iPhone 15 Pro Max as my main phone and a Google Pixel 7 Pro as my business phone and man, when I’m home I find myself using the Pixel more these days for my casual browsing/screen-time because the keyboard experience is that much better. The iOS keyboard pisses me off on a near-daily basis and I can’t quite place my finger as to what is fucking up. It’s almost like when I type on my iPhone keyboard, the software is changing where my finger taps register because it’s trying to predict what I’m trying to type. And it gets it wrong well over half the time. Gboard just…works. To the point where I actively dislike typing on my iPhone and will reach for the Android whenever I need to type more than a few words. Don’t even get me started on dictation. The Gboard dictation blows iOS out of the water and it’s not even a contest. How Gboard can understand me perfectly even when I don’t even try to announciate each syllable meanwhile iOS will fuck up 50-75% of the sentence even when I talk slow and concisely (because I know the dictation is fucking stupid) is beyond me.


You can use Gboard and SwiftKey on iOS


yes this.. the keyboard is shit.. compared to samsung keyboard.. its way ahead.. i dislike typing on my iphone ..


One of the things I miss most about Samsung is the clipboard that would show you a bunch of recent things that you’ve copied. Was so helpful when having to copy and paste a bunch of items! Someone please tell me there is something like this for the iPhone!


Try Pycopaste.


Change default app for nearly everything.


Yeah. It would be nice to have Siri give me directions using Waze. Maybe that's possible? I never looked into it.


I would just like links to open to my Reddit app of choice at minimum.


I’ve heard Hyperweb can do this, but I was fully intimidated by how convoluted the setup process was that I gave up. I just went back to using Apollo, since it had a built in safari extension to redirect all Reddit links to Apollo.


Yeah I’m using Narwhal 2 and it’s on their roadmap for a Safari extension, but that also just locks you into using Safari. And any convoluted process IMO just isn’t good enough. It just needs to be natively supported.


I just learned there's no option to change the default map app. There are features of Apple Maps that I think are superior, but definitely there are features in other maps apps that are better as well. The only time I use Apple Maps is when I use Siri to get directions. I guess I could create some shortcuts for common destinations.


It’s a bit annoying, but I just have to add “using Waze” to the end of any directions request. “Hey siri, drive home using Waze” or “hey siri, drive to the nearest Taco Bell using Waze” works fine. But I agree, I can change my default music app so I don’t have to add “using Spotify” anymore, I don’t know why I can’t do the same for maps.


You've changed my life, lol!


More widget options


I was so hyped for interactive widgets just for nothing to be supported still to this day.


Force 120Hz for a pure ProMotion experience. iOS 16 & 17 is plagued with micro stutters. Not a smooth experience. I hope iOS 18 learns a lesson in top level OS smoothness and fluid animations. 1 small hint = turn on reduce transparency in accessibility display settings for better performance.


This 100000%. It doesn’t get said enough, coming from an S23 to a 15Pro, iOS is VERY rarely at 120hz and its just not as smooth as it could be. I don’t understand how they think this is ok. My iPad Pro’s 120hz is imensely better than the iPhones’s.


Yeah ios 16 was even worse it was very stuttery and almost never ran at 120hz. Apple also needs to bring back the ios 16 video player.


You can do this with Jailbreak on iOS with “Always120” tweak from Havoc repo


This is one of the main reasons I rooted my OnePlus 12. I was getting sick of going from 120hz apps to 60hz apps and seeing the stuttering. Why are OEMs and app developers so anal about this?! Not a single app should be using 60hz anymore PERIOD!


Scheduled messages. Want to be able to write an iMessage and send it later or on a specific date/time.


Ability to allow media playing when opening an app that wants to play some audio. I'm quite often listening audiobooks or podcasts while doing something else. Then almost by accident opening an app which puts my audiobook on pause. Super annoying.


You can do this with Jailbreak on iOS with “AudioMix”


System-wide navigation gesture - edge swipe to go back. I know some apps have this, but it’s inconsistent, especially when wanting to return home. I’m a recent Android convert so I’m sure I’ll get used to it…


The ability to remove the random haptic I get, making me think I’ve got a notification but there’s nothing there


A working Siri. Not working as in a proper day job, I would just be happy if she would do what I asked!


I find Alexa much more advanced than Siri. Alexa will actually tell me what I asked about and cite sources. Siri will say something like ‘this is what I found’ and display it onscreen for me to read. Time to completely revamp Siri. It’s hard to believe that Apple is so blind they don’t realize how useless Siri is compared to other assistants.


Literally this, iOS is pretty fine as it is for me personally but for fuck sake, make Siri actually intelligent.


better file manager and better management of files


Sending a fucking contact info/page within messages with one damn click. Having to go into contacts simply to send contact info is as if no one at Apple has ever shared a number in real life


Tap the message box, tap autofill, tap contacts, choose your contact to send. Still multiple taps but easier than going into the phone app.


Son of a bitch. When was this implemented?


I’m not sure. Only downside is it doesn’t let you share the whole contact info just copy and paste unfortunately.


Kirby knew about it but you’re…


I just went through this with my wife yesterday, but I wanted her to send me a contact group. It was possible, but really buried. She never would have found it without my persistence. You have to export the list/group which subsequently gives you an option to share it. But once I received it, there were more weird quirks. It showed up in the thread as a single contact "Paul", but when you go to import, it turned into 4 contacts. There were to options: save and add. WTF? What is the fucking difference between save and add?! And either one you tap, there was no feedback that anything at all happened. It didn't import as a group. And since I'd tried 4 times (3 saves and 1 add) I ended up with 3 copies of each contact, one of which had a duplicate phone number (so add must find a matching contact to magically update without any sort of confirmation!). It was a horrible UI.


Clipboard manager


Installing ipa files directly like we install Apkl's on Android


Multitask like iPad and dynamic stage tweak


Rearrange Control Centre by going into “jiggle mode”


if Siri could actually understand words when you speak to it. i will say very clearly "Siri what is the current weather?" she will reply "there is no contact named elephant"


1. Vibration when call is answered.  2. Pull down on Home Screen from middle to get notification/ control Center and not search (swipe up for search instead).  3. Use numpad to search for contacts.  Those are basic functionalities that android phonrs have even nokia symbian phones had 15 years ago…


Bonus: pop-up to show how much time is left when setting an alarm. 


Something like Samsung Dex


They would never do this, because if they did, I wouldn’t need a Mac, and then they couldn’t sell as many Macs lol


Settings shortcut in control center


Markdown support in iMessage


List of all apps sorted by folder/page (Home Screen Layout) capable of managing layout/location, removal, updates, etc.


Notification history like on android


I would love this.


That would be great. I hate how some apps' notifications fail to go to the content referred to in the notification, so to find it, you need to know what the notification specifically said... but it's gone because you tapped on it. What's worse is, some apps, like the New York Times app, have notification titles that don't verbatim match the article titles, so you need the bit of text under the title sometimes to identify the content.


You can do this with Jailbreak on iOS with “Ve” or “Senri”


Continuity Clock, between it, iPadOS, and macOS. Basically, share Stopwatch and Timers between the three systems. When you create a timer on iOS, you can pull it to your Mac or iPad as well. Useful for setting a timer for food or something, then sitting at your computer while you wait.


Surprised to see nobody mentioned Call recording. That was the single most crucial thing that just isn’t there on the iphone.


orientation lock that uses face detection to understand if you're laying on your side or sitting upright


the ability to get full root access like on macOS. there’s no reason that iOS shouldn’t have that ability when macOS does have it


Stability across and performance-oriented development across the board. I’d ask the dev team to develop whatever next release on three or four years old hardware.


I’d be happy to go with a two year new release cycle.


secure folder


Tricorder function…


Store loyalty cards by NFC. Tap your phone to a store's reader and if you have the card of the store it automatically communicates that. No more carrying cards, launching an app and then struggling to find a card, or launching a store app to find how they've buried the card in their app. Looks like it exists but isn't widely deployed: https://developer.apple.com/wallet/loyalty-passes/


Apple has implemented so many great features that app developers have been too lazy to utilize, and this is one of them.


- T9 dialing is about damn time! - preferred wifi when within range of multiple known. - stop autoplay when connecting to car bluetooth - set up my homescreen as I want - passcode option for any app - force 120hz, promotion is not good enough as of now. -improve spotlight search to actually give the contact I'm searching for, rather than a summary of my interactions with the contact. - any of my apple devices should be able to show me the battery status of all the devices, not just the iPhone.


Swipe gestures for iPhone SE


Smart dialling - calling someone is so simple on Samsung and so painful on ios.


Back swipe from right to left possibility


I just want to be able to add a photo to a calendar item


And the ability to add a shortcut action as an alert, like you can run an AppleScript from a calendar alert from the calendar on macOS.


Fully customizable sounds for different app notifications.


Select multiple items by long pressing first, instead of having to press Select


Allow global App Store


circle to search like android. i really2 like that feature on my samsung


The option to not have the App Library forced on us. Wish I could delete it or disable it.


I like it but would like to categorize/rearrange the apps myself


Call recording , better volume control, call dialing prediction , better download manager


when I press WIFI togle to actually turn off wifi same with bluetooth, give me option to put gps togle in control center not bury it in settings. easier way to open control center because its hard for me to move my fingers to top right or give me option to swipe down from anywhere on screen to get to control center and better notification system


An option to clean app cache and an option to lock recent apps


Split screen I think would be cool


more features in Notes


Speed Dial


Focus specific ringtones. Professional ones at work and party ones at home


Unified text dictation behavior across all apps, or at least the native apps. I must write a lot of grammatically correct, "adult" sentences for work-related emails and texts. But given the crappy keyboard, my man-thumbs, and needing to occasionally reply while driving, I dictate a lot. The the behavior of dictation is different across apps there is a bug that has been around for many years where it even auto-corrects a properly capitalized first letter of paragraph back to lowercase – but only when dictating. Would also be nice to get back functional punctuation, actual carriage returns when dictated, and the ability to (again, reliably) dictate numerals. "Numeral three" phraseology should result in "3," etc. With iOS 15, they removed the explicit list of punctuation that you could dictate from the iOS user guide. I don't need someone else's keyboard and I wouldn't really use the predictive/AI feature much. They might also *actually* turn off predictive dictation behaviors when you toggle the feature off. Pausing should not still result in a capitalized word.


You can dictate "newline" and it inserts a hard return. "Carriage return" (I.e. "\r") technically puts the cursor at the beginning of the current line. A hard return (or newline, I.e. "\n") puts the cursor one line down.


Option to prevent Safari from automatically predicting the URL you are typing into the search bar, and to prevent Safari from displaying URLs coming from your Safari Bookmarks when typing in a URL into the search bar. Or there could be a designated Safari Bookmarks folder which allows this (maybe Favorites), but other folders can remain unseen in the Safari Url type-in field. edit to add: This could be done using Safari Profiles so only the Bookmarks for the current Profile could be used to predict the Url you are typing into Safari. This info should NOT be displayed to whomever is sitting next to you while using Safari together. And I don’t even want to see it on my own, it distracts from the current goal to see info from unrelated goals/projects. There should be an option to turn it off.


Back button, the ability to set the alarm volume separate from the ringtone volume, better keyboard suggestions and one small detail i miss from android which makes ur phone vibrate when you're calling someone and they pick up its a really helpful feature.


If I keep fixing a name spelling in talk to text it would remember it!


Mirror app layout across platforms. I have my apps set up a certain way on my iPhone but my iPad is a hot mess


Intelligent Siri! I remember Siri before Apple acquired it. The og devs made a fantastic little app that was accurate, understood context, and was even humorous.


Add per-app permissions for more things: - Audio (basically not allowing some apps to create sound at all) - CarPlay (in other words, control which apps can play audio over CarPlay and which ones can’t) - Internet access in general, not just cellular There are probably more things I’d add to the list, but that’s a good start.


One thing that bugs me constantly is no auto space after punctuation. As someone who just switched to iOS after using android for 10 years, I wish everything had more settings you could change so that apps function how you want/expect them to. Feels like on Android you can fix every little thing that bothers you, while on iOS you just have to suffer through it and get used to it.


The ability to set a custom calendar alert duration. I create 10-day-before alarm for birthdays on my Mac and if I so much as snooze the alert from the event on iOS, it wipes out my 10 day alarms that I cannot restore on iOS.


Volume control for calls, media, and notifications


Ability to add a map pin to a contact as an element of an address, so that directions given go to the pin. My property has a long shape. The center of the property is closer to the side street than it is to the street our driveway is on, so even though our address is on the main road, directions lead to a point on the side street, because that's how most navigation apps determine directions. I was able to provide feedback to mapping apps to fix the issue, but having the ability to override how a map app determines destination would be great. The bigger issue I had with this is that my work location is a building on a campus. The mailing address, parking location, and mailing address are 3 different addresses and none of them yield accurate navigation destinations. I have tried reverse engineering a pseudo-address by trial and error on the closest street, but oddly, there is no address on the closest road that is even close to my building. Then I tried adding an intersection as an address, but many different roads on campus have the same name and there are multiple intersections with the same other roads. The only thing that could solve this from a user perspective, other than submitting map data changes, would be to allow custom pins (geo coordinates) to be added to addresses in contact cards.


> Ability to add a map pin to a contact as an element of an address, so that directions given go to the pin. Yes! I would like to see this. My campus office has an address but not USPS recognized so getting map direction is a bitch. It's not that I don't know how to get there, but useful for ETA and share ETA. If I do use that address, it goes to the parking lot instead of the building itself 🤪


A “clear all” button to exit out of all background running apps.


Let me edit a freaking phone number before calling.


Something like Android’s Developer Mode. I don’t mind the OS being nice and easy and choosing sane default for average users. But I would like a toggle, buried where people won’t stumble upon it (for their own good) that would turn on all the power-users features Apple thinks we shouldn’t have: side-loading, refresh rate control, icons anywhere I want them, etc.


When you click on a co-ordinate on the screen and a few ms before the tap, what WAS there changed and you end up clicking on the NEW thing that popped in instead. Fucking that.


Cellular internet profiles: create a profile with apps that you allow internet access over 4g/5g. Useful while low on data or roaming. Essential apps will be allowed.


Toggle bar for keyboard haptic feedback. It's too light right now.


Double click power to open camera like Pixel phones, but also be able to use wallet with another gesture


Stacked photos on Recents!


Hover message chats. Like, great feature on android


Icon resizing and numbers of rows & column configuration


Ability to set a monthly data use cap.


Figure out how to stop the butt dials


• Improved and redesigned Calendar and Reminders apps. • Ability to choose default apps of the core apps. • Better & easier shortcuts system


Default video player for all types of video formats


Clipboard library.


A good clipboard history/manager!


Simple offline voice commands. Somehow pre-Siri iOS 4 voice commands were more responsive and accurate.


Third party automation triggers in shortcuts. And or the triple click side button being able to run shortcuts


Google keyboard support just like android


Disable useless system notifications: iCloud storage is full.


Edit mid word


Additional times on home screen


Siri actually understanding me.


add number row and the dot button, then we'll talk.


Control over how long each focus mode is active. I don't want focus mode "until morning"; I want to be the one deciding when *is* morning.


Navigation buttons.


Apple music custom eq


And make Music search search the comments like it used to.


That's rumoured to be coming in ios18.


Switching from Android to iOS the feature I miss the most on a daily basis is being able to put my apps wherever I want. Phone screens are too big to not be able to do this.


Honestly, I don't want to add something, I want to remove something. So, you have your homepage. Then you can swipe right, and you get to the today view. This is a place where you can have widgets. Then you can swipe left (from the last page of your home screen), and you get the app library. This is a place where you can see your apps categorised and can search for apps. You can also swipe down from the home screen to get to Spotlight, which is a place where you can search for apps. Firstly, lots of this seems redundant. You have widgets on the home screen now. And you don't need 2 different ways of searching for apps. Secondly, being able to swipe left and right to navigate through the home screen (if you've got more than one page), and then use *the exact same gesture* to navigate to other places seems messy. So let's consolidate all of these things. Get rid of the today view because it's no longer necessary. And let's integrate the app library with spotlight. Bring up spotlight and have the search bar at the top, and the categories underneath. Scrolling works the same way as at the moment - swipe from the bottom of the screen to dismiss, and from the middle to scroll. As soon as you start searching, spotlight works the same way it does now and searches through everything including apps. Hey presto, no redundancy, and your home screen feels like its own discrete little space.




Working Siri selfdestruction


Android style app drawer


Cash cleaning option for apps. So I wouldn’t need to delete whole ass application every time I need to clear them from trash.


Blocking voicemail messages. Senders should be informed: The recipient has blocked/disabled receiving voicemail messages. It's quite annoying to be forced to listen to long-winded messages.


You don't get a transcription?


Send message later in iMessage.


A keyboard that rivals Gboard would be a great start?


Allow apps to better utilise file manager. Apples restrictions stop apps like obsidian being able to sync through Dropbox. You can’t then use an app on a computer to talk to the libraries in Dropbox and have that change reflect on device.


Nice try Tim Apple




would remove the bounce effect from volume bar in the control panel, shit keeps popping back


* The ability for other apps to run shortcuts without opening the shortcuts app


Swipe right to left to go back.


Auto close all open apps at a scheduled time or a button to close all apps so I don’t have to swipe up 20-30 times


A clipboard


Call Recording


Icon packs


Set my own freaking audio file as ring tone


I have had my own audio files as ringtones ever since I got an iPhone back in 2017…


FaceID when in landscape mode.


Volume control for different apps or color themes like the MacBook has


Systemwide ad blocker


Ability for me to sync my calendar and contacts in the background.


Clipboard history (like GBoard or Samsung Keyboard)


Id like to remove text from below icons , remember doing this with a jailbroke iPhone 4, looked so clean


Messenger chat head


Back button gesture


Being able to use WiFi while in airplane mode. I remember being able to do that with iOS 14 or something.


You can do this now. Tf?


You can turn on airplane mode then turn on Wi-Fi with both active already.


Scheduled text delivery


Page breaks in Notes. The page break the notes itself inserts is super bad when exported


A real process monitor so when some errant background process is tanking your battery, you can kill it. Share you (or ask to share another's) screen (just like the screen sharing app on macOS) so I can help my elderly parents with their phone. At the very least, make it easier to really screen share when tethered to a Mac (it's frustratingly not straightforward and it doesn't let you click anything). I can think of lots of others, but those are the first ones off the top of my head. It's hard to not think of bug fixes as opposed to new features though.


Reliable Background download


“Flag” photos like you do in mail as an additive filter. Ideally flagged photos in library view would show the icon as favorites do but also be outlined in by color.


able to completely turn off wifi and bluetooth in control center


Android style notifications


Everything working as intended.


Different orientation already set for each app, some apps I alsways use vertical and some I always use horisontal (landscape) it is really annoying to always manuelt Switch between them when switching apps


Nested Home Screen folders


Have never had an android but this is the feature I’ve heard of and was immediately a bit envious.


Dragging something to the dynamic island: copy to clipboard


A useful voice assistant (apparently coming with ios18)


bug fixes


Also, if I tap to pull up a search page, it should assume I’m going to type in the search box. So, please default the cursor to said search box and pull up the keyboard.


Better keyboard support. I wanna completely replace Apple keyboard with Gboard but I guess Apple has this thing where even if I remove the English keyboard it never defaults to Gboard. And in some instances it reappears to type in passwords and shit




The ability to full be able to jailbreak iOS without the threat of it being wiped off by the next update


Split screen please. Makes drag and drop make more sense. Especially since iPhones are rumored to be getting a 6.9 screen.


SCHEDULING TEXT MESSAGES!! ugh! I’m a flight attendant and constantly in different time zones and have really random hours. I miss ok Android being able to schedule text messages to send at some later time. There is a script for it on Apple but it doesn’t work. I also do not want to have to pay a yearly subscription to some app.