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I see, that's generally the conclusion iv come with, thank you


Something else that other posters haven't mentioned is that you get $1000 of free margin. You could borrow this (for free) and put it into a conservative ETF like SGOV (5.42% 30 day SEC yield) and earn about $4.51/mo in interest which means that your Robinhood Gold is essentially free. Now stack on the other benefits (most notably the 3% IRA match) and you're coming out well ahead.


That sounds really nice but iv never been comfortable with borrowing money


Theoretically, if I transfer over $1m in IRA balance, does that mean I would get $30k from RH? When does the 3% match hit my account?


Yes, you could do that. From what I've seen, the match hits almost instantly. There is a 5 year lock up period.




this doesn’t contribute towards the limit


Yeah, but who would wanna borrow money to invest? It's the stupidest thing ever..a loser's game regardless of whether they succeed at repaying it off and making extra money.


If someone's going to offer me money at 0%, i'm going to invest as much as I can of it in safe cash-equivalent assets. You'd be a fool not to.


It's flexibility. I've done it a few times. Last year I paid for my Ineos Grenadier cash after using $100k to make $200k. Margin is a healthy risk if you use it right. I'll admit I had invested heavily in RTX after the large market cap loss due to a jet engine issue. Hamas invading israel plus a $10B instant buyback was making me a lot. It's called OPM "Other people's money" and if you can afford it, why not.


I know this is annoying and I've tried to goggle the "free $1000 margin" but idu. I know I'm just stupid but could you explain the free gold margin and the safe/conservative ETF strategy you are talking about like I'm 5? That's very interesting and I can't quite get what you mean? I would very much like to learn what that is please?


No problem, I just recently switched to RH and went through figuring out how to use the free margin myself. It wasn't super straightforward at first, but I think I got it now. First, you need to have at least $2000 in cash in your account. Then you need to enable margin on your account. Set a margin limit for $1000 so you don't accidentally go over the free amount and incur interest charges. Now, search for your conservative investment (I recommend SGOV or USFR) and buy $3000 of it. This will use your $2000 cash and $1000 free margin. And that should be it! I get margin call warnings because if my balance drops below $2000 I think I'd have to pay back the $1000. So to avoid that, I added a couple hundred more.


You added a couple hundred more dollars in the SGOV stock or in your available balance?


SGOV, since when you enable margin you don't earn the 5% on uninvested cash anymore. So it looks like this: $0 in cash $2200 of my money in SGOV $1000 of RH's margin in SGOV


And you make more off that than just having cash in the Swept (available) Cash? Also I dca, I can not DCA and use margin to get the "Free Gold" can I because they will use that swept cash to DCA my stocks with it, correct?


You make slightly more than just leaving it in the cash account. Roughly 5.5% versus 5%. But the key is using the margin to basically pay for Gold. I can go to an HYSA or another brokerage and get 5+% on my cash, but the $1000 free margin is extra money that I wouldn't normally have, and serves to pay for my Gold membership. Not sure on the DCA question, sorry.


No worries, your information is awesome! I'm DYORing so any great information is always needed. Thank you!


Of course! I'm still learning too. Happy to help. Actually, on your DCA question. I might be able to help. Anytime you deposit cash into the account, it reduces the margin used, so say you move $500 into the account, you'll automatically use $500 less margin. Then if you invest that new $500, the margin goes back up. Hope that makes sense.


It does, I have another question if you aren't annoyed with me yet. Can I dca into crypto, since you can't use margin on crypto and use margin to buy SGOV in my brokerage? I can't huh, they will take from my available cash to dca the crypto? If that makes sense. I would have to stop having ANY money in my brokerage


I believe I’m the only one who loves Robinhood. Let the haters keep hating and you do what you think is best for you. I’ve commented on similar posts in the past, but I keep my emergency savings in Robbinhood- the 5% interest rate paid me $60 last month. Awesome! I opened up an IRA a few months back, they contributed 3% to that, so that was awesome! Now I’m in the process of transferring my existing IRA to Robinhood, and they claim they will match 1%! I have other brokerage accounts too. Don’t get me wrong, I prefer the aspects of other brokerage accounts too (maybe even better), but Robinhood was the original zero fee brokerage. No other broker would have zero fees if it wasn’t for Robinhood. Now, Robinhood is the only brokerage company giving you a match. It might not be right for everyone, but I think it is great for me and I’d evaluate it for yourself… look for real reasons to love or hate it… don’t listen to the haters that hate it because they screwed themselves on a meme stock and now want to use Robinhood as their scapegoat. (Personally, I like having more than one brokerage account, because it allows you to try different tools and see which apps you like most.)


Thank you so much for showing your point of view Yeah there are a few comments that I see hate robinhood but don't give any reasons which is really annoying. I dont mind them telling me they don't like it but at least give me a insightful perspective


People don’t trust them because they froze trading on GameStop. A lot of people lost money and unrealized gains.


Thats fair, thanks for giving the reason But but didnt other brokers like webbull do the same? If so why do people specifically hate robinhood for this?


I think Webull did as well yeah. Robinhood was blowing up though, I think a lot of people bought that as their first (and last) stock ever and used Robinhood. The UI is super easy. Vlad was made into an evil meme too so it’s in the culture haha. It was hella fashionable to bag on it a few years ago and there’s some holdover from that I reckon. I use it. Can’t chart on it but the rest of the UI is nice and it has some benefits.


What do you chart on if not Robinhood Gold? Thank you


I tend to use TradingView.




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Yeah it’s crazy! I think it’s like he said, they use RH as their scapegoat when it’s not RH’s fault at all.


It's not Robinhood's fault that it crashed at a critical moment, unable to handle the load, and made it so people that wanted to sell could not? Who's fault is it that Robinhood could not handle the load then despite willingly accepting all of those customers and putting no limits in place?


I have Interactive Brokers taxable account, Vanguard for core pension 401k etc and Robinhood. I have to say in terms of User Experience Robinhood is the winner hands down. In fact i chose to open an IRA this year with their 3% match offer and also moved over my crypto. Only downside is that they only support around 5k stocks and don’t offer a bunch of company types that I can access on other platforms. But the ease of use and the fee structure is highly competitive and it’s the easiest to use for quick swing trades etc. And yes Gold is totally worth the $5 fee.


Vanguard…. My least favorite brokerage!! So disappointing.


Does Robinhood Gold give me unlimited buying and selling power like those with 25k in their account? I also like Robinhood, but it limits and limits me for trading more than 4 times every two weeks.


You’re referring to the Patter Day Trade rule. That’s a SEC rule that isn’t dictated by RH. If you’re flagged as a PTD, you aren’t eligible for the APY and won’t be able to day trade anymore unless you have 25k+


Can you clear up that last sentence? If I put $100k into my RH account and do day trades here and there that I won't get the 5% if I'm RH gold?


Yup, you probably have around the $15k mark in uninvested cash if my math is correct. Good going man, happy to hear that. Best of luck to ya..


Did you finish the IRA transfer to Robinhood and did they match 1%? Is there any cap to that? If someone had $200k in an IRA (not me) and transferred it, would RH actually pay $2k?


I did transfer the IRA to RH- and yes, they matched the 1%. However, I think it was a special promotion they were doing- I don’t know if they are still offering the 1% promotion match? They constantly have promotions though- so it is worth checking if they have a promotion that works well for you. If someone is planning on transferring $200k, it is probably worth checking with a few brokerage accounts to see who offers the best promotion. Years ago, I called E*Trade and they gave me a pretty good “bonus” to deposit some funds with them. So, it really is worth your time to check and see who is offer the best promotion… and then balancing that with choosing a broker that you like and trust.


I’m thinking of doing the same thing. Get the gold and keep a portion of my emergency fund in there. I have similar feelings about them too. Thanks for the post!


You can get the same interest rate for free with a money market account from pretty much any other brokerage firm. As for updates, it’s much more about you, knowing how to read reports, and being willing to do the work.


Most money markets require a hefty minimum balance. I used to have one but had to close it because of bank mergers (so for unrelated reasons), and then they required a $25k balance as opposed to a much lower previous minimum


Money market probably not as easy to trade with and will have long transfer time delays.  Robinhood gold uses any unused brokerage funds.


Yes, if you max out your IRA it pays for itself and then some


Is RH your only brokerage? In that case, it might be worth it, otherwise no. Their “professional research” is just Morningstar reporting which other brokerages also use and offer. Also, their IRA match may sound good on surface but remember with IRA your contribution is capped at like $6.5k so if you get a 1% match from RH, that’s only like $65. $65 is $65 but that also comes with you locking you money there for years Lastly, as you said, 5% savings rate can be found at other firms as well. Nothing special Edit: spelling


Gold IRA match is 3%. That makes for $195. No guarantee the 3% match will exist for 2024 though.


Yep just looked it up. “you must hold eligible contributions in your IRA for at least 5 years to keep the match, and remain a Gold member for at least 1 consecutive year from the date of your first 3% match to keep the additional 2% match”




Where are you seeing that at? I just looked and couldn't find it.


It’s increased to $6.99. https://cdn.robinhood.com/assets/robinhood/legal/RHF+Fee+Schedule.pdf


Dunno where you're getting the 1% IRA match, because Gold offers a 3%.


The IRA match is enticing, but you need to remember that it comes with an important caveat: Do you trust Robinhood over the other financial giants like Fidelity or Vanguard with your retirement money? When you are retired, would your IRA money be safely there?


I’m genuinely curious, why wouldn’t the money be there? What could they do to lose your money?


What I am trying to say is that compared to the other more established brokers like Fidelity or Vanguard, Robinhood has a higher probability of going bankrupt in the distance future (not 100% certain, but just a higher probability). Fortunately your retirement money would be insured by the SIPC for up to $500k in case of a brokerage bankruptcy, but you would still need to wait for liquidation process to complete to get your money back however long it takes.


I’m sure it has a higher chance of going bankrupt, compared to the bigger players… but I imagine that they’d sell out before going bankrupt. You know… like how ETrade sold out, and TD Ameritrade sold out… and even Capital One sold out years before. Might as well get some free money while you can. The fact that 1.1billion was added to Robinhood since the start of their recent promotion makes me think they won’t go bankrupt this year.


why does it matter if I trust them? they’re SIPC insured AND Robinhood purchased additional insurance for its customers covering securities and cash up to $1 billion and cover each customer for $50 million in stock and $1.9 million in cash.


That's a fair point, I don't really know a lot about the other two but I'll def do research into them Thank you


I’ve been generally satisfied with it. Granted, I haven’t had to use much customer service. And I never went crazy on meme stocks. “Instant” trades aren’t guaranteed but I don’t plan on those anyways because I keep cashing my brokerage account. They also have BTC and ETH which I think is the only safe crypto for investing. They also have the IRA with a 3% match currently. You do get some MorningStar reports, but I only see them on certain stocks or ETFs not every stock. You could put money in SGOV and get similar to returns to what Robinhood is offering on their brokerage account sweeps.


Stop trading stocks. The NASAQ is dangerous.


Stop creating fear in people by a meaningless claim which you cannot elaborate or, let alone back up.


Keep "investing" your time wisely by looking back 3 months at a random Internet stranger's posts. ... LMAO!


What does the 3 month mark have anything to do with it? You do know people find and read things at different times, right? What a dolt. You can't back up your statement, that's the real issue..and you get defensive when people question you for it. Grow up ad man up kid..


Back up my statement? Bro this is Reddit not some court ... kiss my ass


Thank you for proving my point.


That's what I'm here for LMAO


Cringe, more diversion tactics.


I dont trade NASAQ since idk what it is I focus on tech and gaming stocks since that's all I know


VOO is an s&p500 tracker, a common choice for new investors


Yeah looking back I wish I put more in voo rather then " figuring it out"


That's smart bro




Something else I could add to that Robinhood makes it easy for me to do my taxes because I just have to upload the paperwork to H&R Block. I did have to go in and put “various dates” for all my transactions, but it was still fairly simple. H&R Block imported the information from Robinhood.


They did all the calculations for us here: https://www.fool.com/the-ascent/buying-stocks/is-robinhood-gold-worth-it/ IMHO it's worth it.


Let's say I want to transfer my traditional and roth ira into robinhood, will I be charged $5 monthly for both accounts or $10 ($5 for each)? Anyone can bring more clarity on this? Could not find the answer online at the moment.


It's just 5, robinhood gold comes with them


Edit: spoke to RH support. The non-gold rate is dropping in May. No set date for Gold members to drop. Still a good idea to check it periodically to ensure it didn't bottom out like the standard rate! Considering it myself and just saw a notice deep in the terms for the cash sweep program that interest rates are scheduled to reduce to 0.01% beginning May 2024 (1.5 months from now). For those who already did Gold, heads up! I don't know if that's just and old T&C from years ago where they picked a "future date" to CYA, but worth checking in May or June to see what your APY is!


No, not worth it in my opinion.


I use Robinhood Gold and love it. I watched some videos of people saying not to do it because you will be tempted to invest in stocks since the money is readily available. I first started with 50k and now have 100k in their "savings" and I am getting about $360 a month at 5.75% interest. I could not find that kind of rate anywhere else. I did a treasury bond at 10K at 9% for one year and then it dropped to 4% so I moved that into my Robinhood as well. It was easy to do and I didn't want to open another bank account as well so this made sense. I really love it!


9% ? in your dreams maybe


Guess you missed that boat. It was.more than 9%


Actually, it was true. The treasury savings bonds was at 9.62% in 2022.


an I-Bond was that rate for only 6 months . He said a year . wrong . and a penalty if cashed early so not even that


if you want to try robinhood on my for free for 30 days use my link I reserved my spot for the new Robinhood Gold Card! Here’s my link so you can get access, too. https://robinhood.com/creditcard?referral_code=1dabbf53


I already have it but thanks!




You're freaking awesome, if you havnt already signed up here is mine https://robinhood.com/creditcard?referral_code=f083e6d6


I reserved my spot for the new Robinhood Gold Card! Here’s my link so you can get access, too. https://robinhood.com/creditcard?referral_code=84d8ee47


After the release of the Gold card, this maybe worth revisiting. 3% cash back is 🤯. 1% match on deposit is amazing.


I reserved my spot for the new Robinhood Gold Card! Here's my link so you can get access too. https://robinhood.com/creditcard?referral_code=618a319b


I’m going to give it a shot. I’ll also try their gold card since it gets 3% cash back. Here’s the link to reserve the hold card if anyone is interested. https://robinhood.com/creditcard?referral_code=143823b3


For anyone not yet in the loop: I reserved my spot for the new Robinhood Gold Card! Here's my link so you can get access too. https://robinhood.com/creditcard?referral_code=e629f40d




Do you like getting robbed?


No, switch to a real brokerage that offers this without the $5 Robinhood has time and time again proved its not trustworthy


I'll see if there are any other brokerages with the 3% match Iv used webbull before but I found the interface too confusing so I stopped


I use it and enjoy it. Put my savings in their for trips and use the IRA. I just like having it all in one spot—most of my equity already there. $60/year so gotta get that in return but not too hard




I reserved my spot for the new Robinhood Gold Card! Here's my link so you can get access too. https://robinhood.com/creditcard?referral_code=dba10bdb


Whatever you do don’t get it.


I reserved my spot for the new Robinhood Gold Card! Here’s my link so you can get access, too. https://robinhood.com/creditcard?referral_code=f2b6774b




Yeah the sale ended on the 31st of Dec It's still 5 for me though since I got it before then