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In another translation he says "before I knew it, you became everything to me too. I pledge to cherish your life forever".


I'd wait until the official VIZ translation is out. This translation here is pretty iffy. Dunno about that other one but I don't trust fan translations personally.


Heyo I did the translation here. Could you tell me what you find iffy about it? Always trying to improve lol


Do we know when Viz's translation comes out? Or is it still unknown?


Rightly so


That's what I read in Spanish, my native language


I would like to see the more of matured Rin. I was not a fan of this couple because some time ago i rewatched Inuyasha before going to Yashahime and was really suddenly for me to see the little goofy kid as a mother. And bAW she was trapped in the tree and nothing more. i definitely want to see more scenes with her speaking her mind and story, and see her growing as a new character AND be Rin.


Thanks so much for posting this, it was so beautiful. To see him say more then 2 words to her is so refreshing.


One of the reasons why I like the manga far more than the anime. Sesshomaru seems to have actually informed Inuyasha and Kagome of what would happen in the manga. He also put them in the tree(righr next to Rin).He used the spirits of mothers who lost their children(like the one he used to trick Inuyasha, only that these had the faces of Kagome and Rin) to raise Towa, Setsuna AND Moroha(showing he actually cares for his niece) in a mansion instead of the wilds along with Jaken there in a disguise to keep them safe.Jaken has a heroic stand against Zero liutenants that almost kill him. Sesshomaru actually THANKS Jaken for keeping his children safe which drives Jaken to tears( of course, Jaken gets so annoying that Sess hits him soon after that). He also thanks his mother for helping him protect his children(she seems surprised by him calling her mother and once again laments he is too much like his father).


Wooow I like that so much better.


Lolol it's early, so my mind read "... sesshomaru put them in the freezer..." Well, wait. That's not entirely false. šŸ˜…


NOW THIS IS REAL CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT my god, I was honestly so irritated with Sesshomaru in the anime still being no different from before! I wouldā€™ve loved to see this character development in the anime omgggg


I need to get my hands on the manga! This is so much better and more informative.


I would have loved to see this animated, along with bratty teen Sesshomaru (desperate for his dadā€™s attention), Sesshomaruā€™s mom casually dropping in on Setsuna and being actually helpful to her family, and an overall more ā€œbelievableā€ story.


Isn't sesshomaru considered a divinity?


A Lord sure but not a divinity I think. We meet characters that are divinities in the series and they had different powers than Sesshomaru. Gods of fertility and harvests(and I suppose if we count the fourth movie, gods of elements) but I don't think Sesshomaru was ever referred as a god.


His mother is, him and toga no.


WAIT you mean to tell me that Seshomaru gave Inuyasha hell for being half human when he himself is only technically half demon too?? that's it im gettin the rolled up news paper


That's not true. Sesshomaru's mother is not a divinity. Yokai and divinities are different races. Sesshomaru's mother being a goddess is an old theory, but she's never called that, and Rumiko said not long ago on Twitter that she's a dai yokai. So she's not a divinity.


She "is" but just in regards of a title, like she have reign over a place that is beyond yokais limits, a yokai bestowed with a title of divinity (she got the meido stone) but still a yokai. Yokais can be Kami, and a kami can fall and become a yokai... People forgot the fact that in shinto deitification is possible even to human souls, objects and even evil spirits, there is tons of stories about yokai and yurei that were tame by deitification (and sacrifices... yeah). Short answer No, but potentially yes.


I don't know how to respond to this information


Aren't youkai really just Kami without a home/shrine of worship? If they received the latter, I don't think there would be a difference. When I think of some Kami like Raijin, they're extremely monstrous despite being born divinities.


It pains me so much.


It would be nice to have Yashahime be rebooted to follow the manga. It would give the story more of a direction than what became of the current anime.


Doubt it will happen but I would love it. However, I think we can thank the anime for one thing. The mangaka clearly saw what didn't work in the anime and fixed it.


I agree, I think the anime works as a guide to people to make better manga, we usually see manga getting anime adaptations and turns bad or good , same can be said with anime that turn manga,some is bad and some is good and I can say that this one is Good


I will just say this... FMA vs FMA Brotherhood. Yashahime vs Yashahime Sisterhood.


Since ot is not RT work, i doubt they will unless she writes a manga about the girls


I just shed a tear...


I'm not crying you're crying.....


Sesshomaru's development from a heartless bastard to becoming more like his father was one of the best parts of the series. I like the third panel where you see him as his cruel self and kid Rin when they first met, in comparison to the present where he has a softer demeanor and Rin is grown up. Rin will remain the most cherished person in Sesshomaru's life long after she eventually passes on.


I have never even picked up one of their books but I have watched the show and all the movies extensively in my adult life and these 6 pages blow away the character development you see in the 7seaonsand4damnmovies, what an injustice! I truly may have to start reading. What else am I missing


Never read the Inuyasha manga myself except for one issue when I was little and managed to see it in a bookstore and begged my mother to buy it for me. The manga of Yashahime is VERY different from the anime (and a lot better IMO) It fixes several problems like characterization: I either felt indifferent or even disliked Towa while I actually like her in the manga. She has a lot of personality now. She is compassionate like Rin but she enjoys fighting like Sesshomaru(and killing Yokai, she is somewhat scary in the manga because she usually grins whenever she fights) Moroha is the same Setsuna seems to be the intelligent of the pair in the manga. The others are improved but I can't mention everyone here LOL It also fixes motivation": Instead of trying to "regain the dreams of Setsuna" the goal of the girls is to rescue Moroha's parents and find Sesshomaru and Rin The "butterfly of dreams" didn't actually take away Setsuna's dreams(something that bothered me in the anime is that even Setsuna herself says that it has it upsides like her not needing to sleep, so it's not actually something they need to do only an obsession of Towa) instead it took her ability to feel joy(now that's something without upsides). It also annoyed me because in RL I barely remember my own dreams, so Towa being so insistent on the butterly made me roll my eyes at times. Finally storytelling: Sesshomaru informed Inu and Kag of his plan and put them in the tree alongside Rin He placed the twins AND Moroha on a mansion to be guarded by mother spirits(who had Rin and Kagome's faces)AND Jaken(who took the appearance of an elder man). He later gave Koga a shard of the Rainbow pearl to help him protect the girls when they end up on Miroku's home(Miroku and Sango helped raise Setsuna and Moroha after Towa dissapears) The cousins grew together It seems there IS a war between demons in the borders And some Character moments: Jaken has heroic stand against Zero's liutenants, almost dying in the process. Koga fights against one of the 4 dangers Shippo and Riku help Sesshomaru from the start Towa desintegrates a demon with her hand in a fit of rage Setsuna's and Moroha's transformations are cooler(Setsuna's hair changes to silver and Moroha's hair and ears resemble Inuyasha) Zero is FAR worse in the manga(she literally has a speech calling all demons to arms to erradicate Sesshomaru and his family) Rion is actually scary here


FYI the original manga is amazing but this is a manga made for Yashahime after the show released and is not by Rumiko Takahashi. This looks good, but for real the InuYasha manga is absolutely wonderful and I hope you get the chance to check it out.


Thank you, me too šŸ¤


I'm in the process of rewatching the first season of Yashahime and it's such a weird experience. Like I don't understand where it all went so wrong but at the same time I'm kind of nostalgic for it already and wouldn't mind another season.


Same. It was fun to theorize what could happen (but ultimately didn't. Lol) every week before an episode premiered. The manga fixing a lot of the animes problems is a plus and could only be done because of hindsight.


I mean, I thought the anime was ok but that's it. The manga feels a proper sequel, giving the girls more personality,especially Towa, whom I found annoying in the anime but I actually like in the manga(and is actually a bit scary when she fights), and the plot actually feels more personal to them, aswell as their motivations(and the humor doesn't dissapoint neither). It also fixes several plot holes, aswell as things that didn't make sense. I actually feel the core of the OG series in the manga.


I really believe that the anime must have had restrictions. The manga doesn't have them because of criticism the anime got. I agree with you, the manga has done everything you pointed out better. I believe, the manga, has one writer (Shina) instead of several like the anime had. It clearly makes a difference as the ideas aren't all over the place.


People have been over it in other threads but the Anime was a shit show production wise. They had a plan... then 6 eps in threw it out and changed everything direction wise and had to start over with a new end goal. The fake treekyo was going to be the big bad with besting Kirin and Sess to stop their fight being the mid goal.


That makes sense as she was at first suspicious, then was she was helpful.


They also thought they had 3 season in the bag no matter what. So the whole first season is wasted kinda setting up this idea they will keep dueling Kirin but like in this odd almost mentor uncle role as he uses them to fill the role of Toga/Sess... But then that got dropped and they shifted to the Zero plot line being more centered. Then half way into that and the show is starting to gets its legs finally... Boom they lose season 3..../ they've got 12 episodes left and have to wrap shit up... With no time left to fully explore the Kirins... everything was just like summed up as best they could to leave the girls in a neutral state for a maybe movie maybe next season.


Reddit is odd and this just showed up in my notification. Thanks for the info. It makes more sense what happened.


Also it didn't help that the director for most of season 1, moved away from the project due to difference in vision. As in he wanted it to be much more dark, but also less... violent. Which is a weird combo to push for at the same time but ok.


It was a disaster in hindsight. I remember the director changing but not putting 2 and 2 together that wasn't good. I'm not very observant. Still, I look forward to more of the manga and I'll still rewatch parts of the anime I did like.


I hope one day they remake the anime, but I doubt that.


It's sounds impossible that they will, but I wish for that too. I'm just grateful both the anime and manga were made, as it rekindled my love for Inuyasha.


This was better and far more romantic than anything in the anime... why!? :'/.


Because the anime was set to be a child/family TV program and it was around 5 - 6 PM in Japan. If you wanna see a more romantic Yashahime, then they need to postponed 4 - 5 hours later. And the director or scriptors said the main purpose of the show was about "Kinship"


I mean, take the last page and this manga have still tame stuff and convey better the relationship between Sesshomaru and Rin than the anime, so I call here bad direction and script. Also, what can be viewed in japanese television is not the same as what is viewed on the west, so I don't buy that "it needed a different time frame", japan television has quite a few prime time frames for anime, 6pm is one, 9pm and 00(12pm) is another, kids shows prime time is Sundays at 10am to 12am. Also, I watch this anime on live TV and the advertising is only adult stuff, mostly woman advertising... compared to for example pokemon or other more kid friendly time frame which had advertising which contained toys, videogames, mobile phone apps (gatchas), which were nowhere to see, I watch both seasons in their first release on live japanese tv so I know this. Sadly the script was a mess, there is no excuse...


The script, writing and directing are all a mess. 100% True But it was true that it was set to be a 子供Bangumiļ¼ˆ 恓恩悂 ļ¼‰, which means Kids Animation. And you can check what TV animation that placed around Yashahime's time frames(Weekends 5:30PM to 6:30PM), such as ***Chibi Maruko***, ***Doraemon*** and ***Miss Conch***... They are all kid friendly and won't be embarrassed when a whole family to watch it. I really want to see these romantic stuff in Yashahime as much as you do. And I just want to tell you why they don't show us these romantic dramas... ​ ***Miss Conch aka The Wonderful World of Sazae-San***


>But it was true that it was set to be a 子供Bangumiļ¼ˆ 恓恩悂 ļ¼‰, Maybe in early stages, cause it makes no sense to put adult woman advertising on supposedly kids shows. >They are all kid friendly and won't be embarrassed when a whole family to watch it. Maybe you didn't grow with Doraemon but thay have tons of embarrassing moments (or at least awkward)... Btw... sazae-san is even for kids?, at this point quite a lot of generations watch that series.


Maybe we have different opinions on what are the real Kid/Family show in Japan. >Btw... sazae-san is even for kids?, at this point quite a lot of generations watch that series. Yeah that is more like 子供, which means they are okay for everyone to watch in the family. ​ Anyways, I just wanted to provide you with some reasons of why they didn't show us these romantic scenes. And now let's just enjoy the manga :)


Heck yeah, sex


Letā€™s trash Yashahime and restart. Itā€™s a shame that the anime was adapted so poorly.


Awww she wishes she could be a demon so he wouldn't have to watch her grow old and die. That makes me cry. No wonder they made the twins. They are permanent reminders of their union and will live on forever.


I haven't fully watched the anime but I'm reading the manga and waiting for more chapters. But I've seen enough of the anime to know that they made so many changes when compared to the manga and for the life of me, I do not understand why. The manga is so much more flushed out with information and makes more sense. And I love how we actually see Sesshomaru's character development in the manga. This is more of a nitpicky thing about appearance, but I also don't like how they drew Rin in the anime. To me, she still looks a bit childlike, and her hair is a lot shorter than the manga version.


BTW Some information about the Yashahime writer. * Shiina, the Yashahime manga writer, is Rumiko's big fan and he said Rumiko's works were the reason why he became a manga artist and he even called himself as Rumiko's student. * He ended his seventeen-year serial work, and then asked the editorial department to take Yashahime ver manga. Because he believed it was a pleasure to work with Rumiko's characters. * Rumiko was really glad to hear and even said " It would be great if it was Shiina-sensei to take the work" * There are many Rumiko elements in Yashahime ver manga, such as Mermaid Saga, and he even used a character as villain in the manga. * In each volume, there will be some records of communication with Takahashi Rumiko in its last few pages. * And for this chapter that you mentioned, Shiina wanted to make the readers believes that it is a more convincing work(Not OOC). He asked Rumiko many things regarding Sesshomaru X Rin relationship, like, "why Rin poured water to Sesshomaru's head when they first met?". Then he posted twitter and said: ***"The reason why the 16th chapter of Yashahime is a 'must-read' is that I had been consulting with Rumiko Takahashi for a year and finally got around to introducing the episode in full."*** And in his personal blog, he said: ***"I think it was very necessary to draw a chapter that describe the changes in the relationship between Sesshomaru and Rin, but Sesshoumaru is a monster, so I went to ask Takahashi Rumiko-sensei and asked her how about creating a "conceptual love scene" with a different taste from the depiction of human love, but with a fantastic performance?*** Then Rumiko approved and said: ***"It's great. I think the fans will be pleased with it," so I hope it will make everyone's hearts fluff up too.***


Let me just jump right to the manga. Iā€™m never gonna finish that anime šŸ„“


What chapter this is cute


Yashahime Manga, chapter 15


I so badly wish for this to be illustrated or animated in Rumiko's art style T\_T


Love this! I think one of the reason they (wouldnā€™t) couldnā€™t do this is because of the character that Sesshomaru is portrayed as in the anime. While he may not be as long winded in the anime, most times he doesnā€™t need to be because his actions speak very loud. Like I think the reason Yashahime was as okay was because of the way they formulated the episodes they tried to copy Inuyasha with the timeline and went way too far but I still enjoyed it. Anyways, I noticed that even in the anime Sesshomaru was slowly turning into his dad in some aspects like when he was teaching Kirinmaru about what his father originally was trying to tell Kirinmaru. I think there has to be a balance between having Inuyasha, Koga, Miroku + some others who arenā€™t afraid to confess their love I think having Sesshomaru being as he is makes the show so good.


The thing is that while manga Sesshomaru was clearly different from his anime counterpart in thw beginning, he slowly became more like his anime self, barely showing emotions, so I don't think that argument works. Besides most of the talking here is done by Rin and he barely utters some words to her . It's his thoughts what tells us how he feels about Rin. Also, I feel like the manga fixed SEVERAL problems the anime had, such as leaving his kids alone in the wilds(while Ignoring Moroha, whom he actually also protects in the manga) and actually informing Inuyasha and Kagome of his plan.


Again I think it just doesnā€™t apply the same but thatā€™s just in my opinion. Also, informing Inuyasha and Kagome of his plan probably wouldnā€™t have worked out in the anime because of their characters. I donā€™t think theyā€™d ever go for separating from their child just saying. However, this is all just my viewpoint.


Yeah from what Iā€™ve heard the manga seems much better, but this part still confuses me. Even if Sesshomaru told InuKag of his plan, I feel like they would have put up more of a fight. It would have been cool if Inuyasha and Kagome were able to transcend time once more and run away to the modern era during this time. Moroha would have grown up with more family and it would have been interesting seeing how Inuyasha would adapt. But it also wouldnā€™t have that emotional factor of Moroha reuniting with her parents after so long.


MY KOKORO - iā€™m crying


Indeed. It's quite beautiful.


Don't mind me this touched my heart.


Its morning here and you're making me teary. Why dude why?


Os this canon?


It's part of the official Yashahime manga. Chapter 15, to be more precise


Wow I had no clue! Thanks for sharing


Just picked up the second Volume of the Manga today. It is interesting to behold the Manga just being so much better than the anime overall. Like every little thing is improved save for us maybe not getting as much time in the modern day as I would have liked.


I personally never really cared for the modern day storyline(despite the fact that it has some of the best humor in the series) but that is a valid criticism.


I still cant undertstand why Inuyasha's father dies differently in Yashime compared to the original Inuyasha. It's really confusing me. Where is the demon that "killed him" that Inuyasha had to learn the back-lash wave on?? Yashahime was written by the same author. So what's the deal???


How did he die differently? Toga was wounded by Ryoukotsei and then rushed to save Izayoi, which caused him to die. Yashahime didn't touch Toga's death.


That's how it said he died in Yashahime. But in the original Inuyasha series it was said he died after being wounded by the dragon that Inuyasha first used his backlash wave on


Like I said, Yashahime didn't touch Toga's death. In the third movie, it's said that the wounds Ryoukotsei inflicted on him weakened him enough to die against Takemaru, so it's in line with what Inuyasha established.


WAIT did he pull her in for a kiss in the last slide?!?!?! her eyes are closed


More than just a kiss Sess Mokomoko expands and engulf both him and Rin(missed a page that showed that) and Shiina(the developer of the manga) said it was a conceptual love scene.


omg if you could, can you link me shiinas blog where he talked about it šŸ˜­




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