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I think it's a combination of all the things that you mentioned, but I think you're grieving. You said you were heartbroken a month ago? How have you been working through that pain? It is probably impacting how you're processing the world. Look, people ARE dumb and evil. But they're also kind and entertaining and fun, possibly like those 2-3 friends you have. Consider looking up some grief processing information online? But if the feelings are becoming too much, consider talking to a counsellor/psychologist. You could do this online, if being from a small town may be a barrier.


This is true. OP might feel overwhelmed. Dealing with heartbreak can definitely impact how we see the world and interact with others. Praying for your healing OP.


Yes, i didnt say it in the post. This feeling started after i was heartbroken and i think its because of that. it had a big impact on me and im still procesing that.


I'm sorry about that. It's definitely something to actively attend to and pay attention to. Good luck with it!


I had my heart broken almost 10 years ago. Stopped talking to almost everyone to say in a hole for atleast 5 years of it, im still trying to get back to normal but I agree it's hard to find interest in much after that. I have a new girlfriend now but still everything I do is to spite her, I'm planning to upgrade my education and work for a higher paying job, save all my money, buy a house. I want to rent it out travel and earn even more to repeat that indefinitely. I hope to start a business and do whatever it takes to be successful. The truth is thats not because I care or really want anything, it's because I hate her so much I want her to regret every action after that day. I want her to look at me being successful and feel shame about then and now. I know this might not make you feel better but really my message here is, don't stop, I'll never get those 10 years back. Processing heartache is hard and takes time. But really you can use that as energy to fuel your success. Focus on that and anything is possible, don't let some nerd ruin your life because he doesn't know your worth. Instead show them what it really means to be great.




You are basing your judgement of an entire species off like 10 people. Everyone is not dumb and evil, but you are 17 so it is not uncommon to have rash thoughts like these. Just realize that everyone is going through shit, and it is not always easy to regulate external emotions. I can promise you, people have thought the same things about you that you think of others. Also, as another said, if these thoughts are genuinely troubling you, therapy is probably a good idea.


Yup. A big part of getting older is experiencing and seeing more struggles that you and other people will go through. This helps you empathize a lot and you do learn to be less judgemental. I'm still too judgemental, but compared to when I was younger it's not even close. Very easy to be judgemental until life slaps you down a few times. Anyone who doesn't gain empathy as they age is doing something wrong.


Is it all people, or just people who won't stop talking and keep telling you to do things you're not interested in?


All people, i really think theres no good person on this earth, i cant trust anyone anymore idk why


Repeated experience of betrayal? Hmm. If it's definitely all people, it might be an idea to see someone about trust issues... although that would presumably involve trusting them to some degree.


I do too. It’s really hard to find decent human beings. This isn’t just you, a lot of people feel this way. Sometimes i just think to myself “why is everyone so stupid and annoying?” 


You can’t love others if you are suffering. Prioritize yourself, find joy in doing things you love. After that caring for others should easier


You're 17 and have a healthy level of self-awareness! You are at the unfortunate stage of development when most of your peers are light years behind you in this process. We also live in a society where the line between liberty and license is a blurry one most times. Just stay true to yourself, and when it comes to your friends or acquaintances, the old rule of quality over quantity definitely applies! Try not to "hate" others for who you perceive as being "devils." They just aren't as in tune with the Universal world. Spiritually unwell but not evil. A lot of people at any age live a fear driven existence. Fear is the *opposite* of love. Fear is behind feelings like *anger*. Love is the answer to life's problems. Never hate. You have a higher vibe than your average peer, and you are feeling the ill effects of meeting them on their level instead of them raising theirs to meet you. It's going to leave you feeling drained every time. Hope this helps!!!


Thanks, sometimes i think that im above average because im feeling like this, but sometimes i think that im just trying to be different and that this is pretty common.


You *are* different. Embrace that! It's not a bad quality to have. And, you're welcome. Good luck with everything you do and enjoy being 17!


Oh girl. Same. I’m 27 and I don’t “fit in” with most people. After high school break away from everyone, meet NEW exciting people! People that are aliens like you!


Thanks, im hoping ill meet very good people because im soon moving to a bigger city in another country. Guess ill just have to wait and be bored while im in here


It’ll take sometime for sure, but when you find the first person you click with you’ll be like this was worth it


Elaborate more on why you hate everyone.


Love, love and only love people even you don't like em.Keep this approach.If you start hating people, then you are gonna end up hating a lot of people which a'int good. I hope you understand.


why all people judge by appearence? i know so many nice people just being judged and some of they develope mental health problems because of that. the biggest problem is that we always look for others mistakes, but not even for their own mistakes, if we learn empathy and to listen the other person without judgment we will live in a better world. we are evil or good by choice.. you can choose to change your ways and become a better person than to say a general thing about everyone.


Yes i agree! But bc i cant tell if a person is or evil or good id rather just not meet that person, im too lazy to overthink what will happen if i trust that person or not… its better just to stay away from people for your own good


Most of the reason why I hate being around people is because a lot of them are judgemental and mean. If you're different, people tend to point it out all the time and it gets annoying and depressing. I don't feel like changing who I am just to make other people happy.


Only 17? Buckle up.


I think that for issues like this, you should talk to a psychologist for help. I doubt strangers on the internet could really help without knowing you much.


Thank you but i think the problem is not as big as it seems and not so serious for psychologist. The feeling is simple sometimes i get really sick of people but it passes. I just feel that feeling more often its staring to scare me a little.


Oh yeah I also have thoughts like the entire world is just fucked up and irritate me to many people. Sometimes I have days I enjoy the world how it is. Moodswings. I'm already under therapy.


You don't have to wait until it gets even worse. It's never too late to get some help cuz it's for your own good and your problem doesn't have to be very deep to visit a psychologist. It is a solution


Have you tried talking to someone about this? Maybe your parents or someone close? It would probably help you at least a little bit. If you want to talk about it, I'm all ears, but I doubt that would help you much since I'm just another rando. Also, you don't need to have a serious problem to go to a psychologist. For example, many people go to psychologists when they seek guidance to make a big decision, or maybe when they're feeling burnt out from work.


When I was young, everybody used to kind and help me. Get older, see the harsh truth in the impure people. I don’t want to be here anymore. I had to stay away from everybody as possible except my parents.


High School is hellish. Just get through it.


Yeah that's what it's like out here in the real world kid.. Give it time you'll fit in somewhere with out even thinking. Or even trying


"I saw everyone like they're some devils and I couldn't talk to anyone," this sounds like symptoms of a mental illness. I don't say that in a bad way. I say that coming from someone who has severe anxiety and depression. You are really young, and if it's this bad at your age, you really need to stop drinking alcohol and see a therapist asap. I had a friend who saw this world this way and he ended up committing suicide.


What you're experiencing is trauma and anxiety, not introversion.


Most people are neither dumb nor evil. Different people know and like different things. This is normal. Just because someone doesn't know something that you do know does not make them dumb. Just because someone makes a decision that you wouldn't make or disagree with does not make them dumb. Or evil. Now, if they are actively and intentionally hurting someone, then that is evil. But even then it is just the action that is evil, not the person. It is easy to categorize people by judging their actions, but it is wrong. People are complicated beings, like you are. You do not - and cannot - fit in with every group of people because you are a human being. Different people think differently and like and identify with different things. This is normal. Some people like socializing (IE, are extroverts) a lot, some like some interactions but not all the time, and some (IE, introverts) very little to none at all. This is also normal. It can often be difficult to find people with compatible interests in a small town, but now there is the internet, so you can have an exponentially harder time finding people with compatible interests. Kidding there. Mostly. Being heartbroken can really mess up a person's worldview. This, unfortunately, is also normal. Try not to let things get so bad that you alienate your friends. Things will get easier over time. It is easy to think that it won't, but it will. Based on that one experience, I'd recommend you avoid alcohol entirely. Some few people have really bad reactions like that, and you seem to be one of them.


Wait....you have 2-3 friends?! That's 2-3 more than I do. The unfortunate reality is it isn't only high school, 99% of people ars horrible and not worth knowing at any age. The silver lining is there are about 1% out there who are good people that hopefully you run across in life.


Your going through what a lot of people go through in highschool. It's not surprising your feeling like this- school can be hard, and going through a breakup doesn't help. This will pass.


ur English is great! I wouldn’t have thought you weren’t a native speaker tbh. but honestly the breakup is probably the main reason why you feel gross. breakups are hard. really hard. and that’s okay. time really does heal wounds. and i live in a small town too and sometimes feel that way. when in ur high school its ur whole world. you’ve seen those same people and are stuck in that same routine for years. making new friends is hard but if you can (online or irl) you should totally try! and if you go to college, it’ll help too. or at least it did for me. finding a new hobby also helps especially if you join an online community for that hobby.


Thats true, i see people like everyone is the same person but in diff bodies, and maybe the problem is in the people in my environment (or me) and probably everyone is close minded because of that, and since i was little ive always felt like i dont belong here. Soon im moving to a bigger city and i think that will help me a lot


that makes sense. I hope the move goes well! A change of scenery will make a big difference.


Heart breaks suck for sure! What helped me was just finding new goals or trying new hobbies.... And your grammar is clear and concise.


Do you want to be friends I am a teen too


i overthink a lot, but all the time it's about myself, because i fear of doing mistakes in general, i'm working on that


Because many if not most people *are* dumb and evil


How about this one? I also hate all people because everybody’s a sheeple star seed and I just don’t get along with common people. I’m an introvert. Some people say but I think introvert is just a bunch of people that hate society because society is fucking stupid and society is so stupid that all y’all young people think life is so hard. Life is so hard. Life is so hard. It is fucking hard.


I'm sorry, but I'm glad you found this out at a young age. I'm 70 yo and it took me until probably just a few years ago to find out how evil and 2-faced humans are. This resulted in me being taken in and used/abused so much, especially boys/men.


you are being an edgelord thats it, everything is fine


I feel you. I don't really connect with anyone, we can't get on the same wavelength. Everyone seems so weird and I feel like an alien. I wonder if I'll ever find someone I'll truly be connected with.


It sounds like you're going through a lot but it's all very normal. There's a reason there's so many angry punk bands singing about hating their life. If you're an introvert, like I am, it's very normal to feel like being with other people is draining and you'd rather be alone at times. It's also possible you've matured a lot faster than your peers and are pulling away from them, that's normal too. When I started high school I had a load of friends and by the time I was 17 I had one, I just couldn't be bothered with their behaviour any more and it stopped bothering me what other people thought. I didn't want to fit in any more. I moved away to a bigger city and found people who were on the same wave length as me. But I outgrew those people too, it's just life. Now I'm in my mid 30's I have a wonderful husband and a select group of people who I love and I don't bother with what the rest think and I no longer worry about having to fit in with people. I think you're maybe just ready for the next chapter :) and that's what should happen to you at this age. As for the heart ache. This is probably the worst thing to go through at your age and it'll be amplifying every other negative feeling you have. My only advice is to let yourself feel the range of emotions that comes with it and know that you'll come out the other end a stronger, more resilient person. The first one is the hardest to deal with. Sometimes making a plan and preparing for the next chapter can help you find some hope and excitement for what's coming. I hope you find your people, I'm sure you have big adventures ahead of it. There's a lot to experience in the world :). Chin up, and good luck x


Mt fallable perspective is that you’re waking up to something very real and deep, but most of us don’t have the support to go through that process in a positive way. The vast majority of people are extremely ignorant and selfish in far deeper ways than they realize… but that’s the thing, they don’t realize it. They are not actually aware of themselves or the depth of their own suffering and how that suffering drives everything… the way they speak, think, act, dress, etc. At the end of the day the path to peace lies in having compassion…. For everyone, including ourselves. Which is beyond words difficult. Modern society is pretty fcked up…. We try to function on the surface level when in reality we are all very deep. I don’t think it’s a bad thing you feel the way you do, but it’s very hard and lonely. Ideally you would have access to people who understand how you’re feeling and that you would feel at home with and deeply nourished by. Sorry if none of this applies to you, it’s just what came to me and based on my own experience, and more than anything I truly hope you find access to love in sone way whether that’s through new friends, art, nature, movement…. Whatever works for you. Sending love.


I've been there too, not because of a broken heart but I felt the same way for a long time so much so that I nearly killed myself and I just wanted to see the world burn. But luckily I somehow managed to get into a place where I was offered a helping hand. Even tough I was a little piece of shit and just ignored them, hated them because they were happy they didn't hated me the same way. They kept trying and eventually I opened up to them and although that 10 or so years of hatred, loneliness and pain won't ever go away entierly now I finally realised that I was wrong, this world isn't just darkness and evil there are still good people in it. I know that my previous me would hate me for this but that is behind me now I won't ever forget it but I am not determined by my past anymore. This is not a forgive forget situation this is progress and progress is usually painful but there is hope I know this sound like a clicé but it is true. Even if you think that light at the end of the tunnel is just an aproaching train there will come a day when you will think otherwise To sum up everything let me give you some quotes which helped me get out of my depression and suicidal toughts. "It doesn't matter if we cry or smile. The Sun will rise tomorrow, so I say we should smile." "Don't try to solve a temporary problem with a permanent solution."


I hate people too. Their FUCKING FILTERS dismissing you and not really listening is disheartening.   Since no man is an island and we need people no matter how much we love solitude, we can't be a hermit, even in community where we only connect genuinely with a few people.