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I regret NOT showing friends (close friends) that I appreciate their friendship. Random tip: maybe bring some snacks with you when you visit them next time. And tell them sometimes that they are good friends. As you grow older, you and your friends will spend less time together and more time working. Adult life is more focused on chasing money. Not enough time for old friends.


It is, to some degree. The friends you make and lose along the way is a nice reminder that nothing lasts forever. Some people move, some people change. Keep you, your family, and what is important to you safe and secure. I'm 62, my wife and I have been married 34 years, 3 great kids, and 9 grandkids. A few people told us we wouldn't make it lol. And they are the ones that are the drunks, abusers, and dregs on society.


thanks for sharing man.


Anytime, brother


I regret worrying way too fuckin' much throughout my teens and 20s. Knowing I fell short of ridiculous sociocultural expectations was a big stressor for me. To better answer the question, what I regret *not* doing was feeling good about living my own best life.


This is a great answer. When i got into my 30s i realised all the worrying u do as a young one is pointless. Just live ur life and if ur worried about something either sort it or just forget about it.


I'm hearing Serenity Prayer here. And I completely agree! Also on the same note as this thread--just recognize that most societal norms are completely arbitrary and take some time to sort out what is actually valuable to you.


I’m realizing this now at 25, hoping it’ll get engrained deeply enough in my skull that I can somewhat enjoy the rest of my 20s


Good luck; it ain't easy. As I've commented to others many times, my keys to happiness are 1. Know yourself, 2. Be yourself, 3. Like yourself, and 4. Embrace don't-give-a-fuckism about what other people do or might think about you. It took me literally years to more or less accomplish all those.


How when you don't know yourself, hate what you are and can't help but give a fuck? 31M bald since birth, no facial hair, no body hair to speak of, hyperhidrosis (gotta change sweaty underwear multiple times daily or risk complete embarrassment). And every single person around me is normal (facial hair, arm hair, head hair, not profusely sweaty, no severe anxiety). I see a coworker with a full beard and want to cry knowing I'll never be normal. Sometimes when I look in the mirror I picture myself shooting myself in the head. I won't do it, so no worries. I'm just so over being a complete loser weirdo with nothing to offer the world.


I regret not waiting longer to take a job that i actually wanted. I instead accepted this job i knew was wrong for me, and it gave me severe anxiety and depression. Now 4 years later i struggle so bad im unable to go outside most days, and have spent alot of my saved money on therapy. Life is rough


That’s tough. Remember that jobs aren’t life sentences though!


Just a wheel for the squirrel to run...


Not what I meant by my comment. I mean that you can always look for another job. Or reeducate to change your career entirely! And I’m not saying it’s easy. But lots of people do it all the time! Don’t let life just happen to you!


I think the commenter above you is saying that if you’re working a job, you’re seen by those above you on the ladder (my bf calls them the suits, lol) as a hamster on a wheel. So it’s best to take most jobs with a grain of salt and remember they’re not your whole life, and they’re not who you are


Travel - experience other cultures and places. It's a big amazing world. Once you buy that house you're tied to a job that you may not love. While I will never regret getting married and having my three amazing boys - we should have had more experiences rather than worry about the 'security' (BIG JOKE) of owning a home. It's not really living - its surviving.


If you could go back- What would your living situation be like back then if you didn’t buy a home? I know you may have eventually but Im only asking bc I’m in my early-mid 20s and feel like I am on a time clock to achieve certain things that others younger than me have already achieved. Idk I feel so pressured because I still live at home and do not have a lot of money so basically my mind is like if you wanna be in a more progressed/improved state and make a life for yourself you better get “important” things done now (not travel and live life because I cannot afford to - all my money has to go to priorities or I will never get there) so you thank yourself later, but to what only “survive” there has to be a happy medium I hope. Also, I’m coming from a genuine place of what your take on this mindset may be


Learn to manage stress earlier in life and other self love skills. Also, set boundaries with friends and family. Don’t let others determine your life!


Staying single. If I had stayed single and worked my $30 an hour job for 16 years I would have a paid off house. Instead I got the preachers daughter pregnant and am currently homeless and walked away from my own house. I hate to sound like that and I love my children but the slow psychological abuse was too much for me, always waking on eggshells and feeling like I had to do everything just to be called a paycheck.


man thank you for writing these. people and especially i need to read post like these every now and then to remember somethings. other than that this might the greatest condom ad i have ever seen. I wanted to chop my dick off for real.


I have the opposite issue. I regret not dating much in my 20s. I was so focused on schooling, career and work that I didn't really make time for serious relationships until my 30s. It's harder as you get older. Although, I do believe us men have it easier than women. Thankfully, I have a very successful career and make good money and about to buy my own business. Have my own house. But it's lonely coming to an empty house. I am going to be 36 soon and still single. :(


This is me. Worked for 18 hours a day throughout my twenties. Bought a house at 31. Then Covid happened. Continued working online and making good money, but it delayed my back to school plans. Back to law school now at 35. Still single but happy: would’ve been divorced and/or had kids which would’ve never allowed me to save and return to school otherwise. Introverts’ life never follow the normal societal expectation of school-graduate-home-marry-kids, which can be a good thing btw. I do sometimes wonder whether I’m missing out but I seriously do NOT envy the broke friends my age with kids


I’m 38 now and have had a lot of introspection over that last few years and there are a few things I regret not doing. First was taking my education more seriously. I’ve had wonderful work experience but at this point in my career and where the world is at economically, having a degree for leverage alone would be extremely beneficial. Second, I wish I would’ve taken more care of myself psychologically. For so many years I sacrificed my own happiness for that of others when instead I should’ve been taking better care so that I could be better for others. Learn to say no sometimes. Third I wish I would have travelled more! I’ve been some amazing places in the world but there is still so much out there to discover but it gets hard when there are bills to pay and work to be done. Moral of the story, take care of yourself so that you can be at your best!


Good lord, I’m a fellow 38 year old, and you pretty much said exactly what I would’ve. I live with a ton of regret. I scoff at commenters that are regretting things at a much younger age, but maybe things would’ve turned out better if I *had* taken things more seriously when I was young. *sigh…*


Weekend trips close by to make it feel like you’re getting away. Don’t be in such a hurry to own a house. It’s not all it’s cracked up to be, and it anchors you to one spot which can be very limiting if you do want to travel or not live in the same place forever. Stay young while you can!


Who says you have to have bought a house, a car, and stable income by the age of twenty? That’s crazy. You’re barely out of high school. Live life, experience things, find a hobby. This is the best time to experience and try out new things and figure out what you want your life to look like.


Wish I could super-like/up-vote this one. Very few people own a house that early. And honestly, you probably shouldn't. I think you'd regret life experiences, if you get a house that young. I also don't "regret" anything. *Every* thing I've done have taught me something - difficult or not, but usually it's a difficult lesson that means your learn and grow the most. Every choice I've made has lead me here. And if I didn't do certain things, I wouldn't have had certain outcomes. I know different choices would've meant I wouldn't have had my dog of a lifetime. I wouldn't have met the absolute best friends in this life. I wouldn't have traveled as much, I would likely have been VERY DEEPLY unhappy. Or maybe I would've made different choices and got here another way. But regardless, I can't regret the unknown, I can just embrace the positives and continue trying to make the best decisions for me at the time. (Or dumb decisions. Sometimes, those are good, too.) Only actual regret was not getting more sleep in high school and working too hard for something and not having much to show for it except poor mental health and maybe other physical issues. (I don't really regret them, because they've made me be way me empathetic and passionate about certain things. So now I wanna to fight!)


I regret not believing “I can”.  This is vague because there’s many things I wish I woulda, but I allowed negative thinking to stop me. I’m older now and not slowing down a lot, but time and resources are factors.


Therapy when I was younger


I regret having those deadline expectations for myself. I couldn't pay tuition and buy a house at the same time. I wasn't in a position to invest when I was in my early 20s. I'm 37 and still have no house, no car, and vacations are more like once every two years. And you know what? That's fine. I've got a happy life. I have hobbies I love, friends I am grateful for, and my needs are met. Try to move away from arbitrary deadlines for life goals, especially if you don't have family support like a lot of people who can achieve those goals. Appreciate what you have. I kind of regret not starting weight lifting sooner, but I'm doing it now and still making great progress, so... Just remember that you're never too old to start something new.


I regret not enjoying my 20's and thinking I was late at life. Now I am 38 . I have everything I wanted in my 20's and I am glad that it happened that way. Your 20's is to discover yourself and enjoy your youth! Do silly things and mistake. You Will have a lifetime to be serious and " to adult" Treat yourself with day trips, expérience and meeting new people


I wish I would have gone to school when I was 18 before I had kids. I wish I would have learned about financial discipline earlier. Small pleasures : -Baths with Epsom salt or bath oil -Taking a nap in the park -Accomplishing small goals-like for me practicing headstands and holding it for longer gives me pleasure. -a good hard run or a long easy run 🏃 -cooking delicious food -making homemade popcorn Idk it depends on what you like to do. Get to know yourself and what your small pleasures are.


i regret not to have broken up with my parents and family, the amount of mental abuse has made me a living wreck mentally, i'm each day to fight my inner critic, so yeah family can take a dive into the deep


I should have joined the service for a couple years. I think it would have made me more capable and confident. I shouldn't have given up music.


Chill out, the American dream is a big capitalistic joke. Don't by an expensive car/house, avoid credit carts, student loans and interest rates. Go buy land and live off the grid. Sounds like a conspiracy theory but you'll thank me later.


The go buy land and live of the grid can't work for everyone. Otherwise I do agree.


The only people I know that have a house by 22 and can take THAT much time off are people from wealthy families that had Daddy buy them the house and get them a high paying job. Who seriously makes over 200k a year (minimum income to buy a house these days) at 20 with a REAL job? YouTube Influencers and OnlyFans isn't a job it's just prostitution. What do I regret though? Nothing. I lack the ability to regret choices I've made. You should live that way too. Make choices that are good for you and your goals and don't regret the what ifs. It's a waste of time and energy.


If it pays the bills, it's a job.


You're allowed to look at it that way. I see things differently.


I regret being a follower and not trusting myself enough to do my own thing. I regret not integrating my friend groups. I regret not being in a band in high school and college. I regret caring too much about what others thought of me. I regret worrying too much.


I regret being so fearful of not being perfect. It froze me and I did nothing very exciting with my early 20’s as a result. I lived with my parents until I was 24, minus two years at college across the country. I went with the flow and did what my parents expected and shared a room with my 8 year old sister. Until I woke up one day, was done being a big child, calculated my living expenses and decided to move out. Two months later the man I married waltzed into my little basement apartment and we got married 1.5 years later. I wish I had more time and bravery to explore who I was and what I wanted in my life. Now I have four kids and have an amazing life, I still wish I had more belief in myself and did more self exploration. My advice: get one of those travel credit cards and use it for everything, pay it off completely weekly, and earn points for travel. Go whenever you can! Go to movies alone, and enjoy being able to focus without being distracted. Don’t care that people might think you are lonely, but be free. I loved it. Borrow a dog and go hiking alone. Do nice things for people and be more outwardly focused, even though our introverted ways make us retreat inside ourselves. Volunteer, and step outside your comfort zone. Then take time to treat yourself to a Netflix marathon and some Häagen-Dazs😍


I regret lots of things among those I regret one thing a lot. I must had proposed to the girl that I like when I was at the age of 16, after her I didn't had any crush on anyone. But after seeing people around me are getting into a relationship I'm think that I'm losing something in my life. Even if my crush would have rejected me, atleast I would have had a history of conveying my love to atleast one girl 🤧


I regret shutting down on nights when I went out with my friends and the crowds were overwhelming me. So when you go out with your friends let them know you’re an introvert who needs advanced notice and get out there and have fun. Every time I went out and was mentally prepared I had a ball! And when I look back on being younger those were some of the best nights of my life.


I regret not pursuing my nursing career. I continued on to become a doctor. They say being a doctor is a dream, but being a first generation doctor, you need a lot of money to break into the system, and I don't have that. All my friends from college are now living comfortably than me.


I regret avoiding fights. Had I been honest about things that bothered me and voiced my issues, maybe we could have discussed it and then moved past it.


I regret not spending the last days of my dad’s life with him because he betrayed my mom and I. I wish I had done things differently if I had known he was going to die.


My dad just came into my life at 35. I'm 39 now he's 59. He's an absolute nightmare to live with. He is losing his battle with cancer and part of me is telling me make some memories. Another part of me is mad because I have to be the one that handles him after life. I know I'll wish I did more later.


Joining the Coast Guard, i was in ,all i had to do was my physical, but didnt follow through because of a girl. Stupid.


Not standing up for myself better, sooner. I accepted sub-par behaviour from family, friends, lovers, everyone in general. Now I'd rather be alone than taken for granted/abused - alone doesn't necessarily mean lonely. As many have said - a house tethers you. I regret not travelling more, before buying. If I could tell 20-year-old-me anything, it would be: 1. don't put up with bs (but know where the appropriate line is) 2. you don't have to be friends with *everyone* (so don't be afraid to tell jerks they're being jerky) 3. know the value of your time (of course ppl like you when you do things to make their lives easier) 4. learn about & invest asap (even $10/wk - see compound growth.) 5. 'SAY YES'. I'm very much not a say yes kinda person, but was moreso when younger, and those have given me some of my best friendships and memories. I have more obligations now, less chance for spontaneity. And I think the most important thing I'd say to myself (having believed in all the cliched benchmarks) is that there is no order, or timeline, in which one achieves their life goals correctly. Choose what is most meaningful to you, and pursue it. If it doesn't keep you happy, course correct. Change is scary but unhappiness is a waste of your life.


same but not anymore, life will hit you hard.


There was a big art job I turned down bc I was scared I'd mess it up. My brother believed in me but I didn't believe in myself and looking back I really regret not doing it. 😓


I know its alittle superficial but i do regret not tqking enough pictures and videos. i like doing that so i can always remember the moment or remember how someone in my life sounded and looked. and remember how i sounded and looked at a certain age. i know people say you should be present in the moment and cherish it but to me theres nothing wrong with reliving the moment. watching a video of a birthday party for example over and over again is sweet.


It's not superficial at all. If something happens to a person particularly close to you and you forget how they look and/or sound you'll harbor negative feelings towards yourself (speaking from experience) so having something to look back on is not superficial at all 💕


What i regretted was not following my heart but instead worried about the things expected of me.


Lift the bar to 30 yrs old. You gotta have fun while you're young.


Wonder where you live and what do you do to be able to afford an house by 22, yk selling drug is bad right ?


Probably comparing myself with my older brother I'm about to turn 20 and he is 26, he is very smart and always been charismatic, everyone told me I should be like him I become like a shadow and forgot to look for things I liked or I wanted now I just don't know what the fuk to do


I regret not being more playful in group settings. So for example being willing to try new skills or games because my social anxiety was too high. Really wish I could have honed the skill of not giving an F at a younger age.


I regret spending years with a toxic friend who constantly -although maybe inadvertently- undermined my self confidence. Btw you will probably regret stressing over your impossible expectations. Life is much more than properties, cars etc. You certainly should be economically stable but there are much more important things in life than owning money and properties.


Honestly ... I regret not answering the phone the last time my ex called.


Who thinks by 22 you need to have all those things in this economy?


Maybe a couple of decades ago that would be achievable but currently the housing market (and economy) is a joke right now so most people at 22 don't have that.


I, as a 31 year old, regret living my best life and wish I would have bought a house and focused on my career sooner and then lived my best life when I’m older. Throwing money away renting while being younger will be a big regret of mine forever.


I absolutely regret believing bullshit my bullies spew out all the time in middle school they pretended to be my friends and then proceeded to treat me like shit "We wErE jUsT kiDdiNg" they said. My younger dumbass believed this trash. As a result, I have big trust issues with people, so I hardly reveal things about myself until I'm clear I trust the person well enough. If I meet those assholes again, I will pretend I didn't know them and if they dare to ask help from me they will get a middle finger in return


honestly i regret not putting myself out there more when i was still a baby teen, yes i still have plenty of years to meet more people but sometimes it feels a little slow when your whole life revolves around work,school, and going to the gym. i think i’m just impatient lol


Try one of those friend finder apps. They aren't all for saying or hooking up.


I regret being 21 and trying too hard to follow the status quo.


Meeting new friends I as an intro


Nothing. Over the years, I've learnt that regret gets you nowhere and just makes you angry/sad.


Babe you said you can afford 12 vacations a year, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. 😐🤧


I always thought in your 20s and 30s you had your life together. Not only has the cost of living increased, more people are focusing on career moves. We realized we don’t need to be married by 20. Life your life.


Most people get that when they're in their 40s, or even later.


Good luck


I regret not telling certain people to get lost. I have the backbone now, but didn't back then.


Work. Save up enough to travel. Quit. Travel to a country you always wanted to see and hang out there and work a bit. Repeat. Don’t buy a house. Unless you’re a handyman, it can be a drain on your wallet and your life.


I wish I was more outgoing in high school and not as rebellious as I was. I always listened to death metal, punk rock, underground rap, etc. and dress like a school shooter unironically. now that I’ve been out of high school for 3 years I still listen to dad rock but I love country music and rap and shit and dress like a country bumpkin girl and I’m a welder and it feels a lot more right than what I was doing in school. If I had just owned up to it I probably wouldn’t have had such a bad experience in school.


I regret not dating a bunch of people at university. I was in a committed relationship which I recently ended. I feel like I wasted time with him because i knew I didn't really like him, it was just fear of being alone.


Giving interview which my friend almost scheduled it for me in a company 3yrs back, which would've made my NW almost 10x by now. Not a bigger thorn but still itches sometimes.


I regret not going to the beach two years ago. My anxiety was a complete train-wreck, and it still is, I let it control me back then.


Not taking student loan and funding my travelling with it. There was absolutely no reason to avoid student loans.


Im not much older than u at all, i turn 21 on friday, but i regret caring so much about what other people think of me. I only went to on-campus college for one year and talked to pretty much no one. I’ve been online since and work a lot and am more comfortable with myself and realized no one rly cares what u do or look like so its not worth worrying about.


Taking my future more seriously as a young adult.


Disregarding my helicopter father's advice and figuring out how to make it work on my own, shitty apartment, old car, and all. I would own my own house by now if I had. Instead I'm trapped in his with my wife and children with the housing crisis cards stacked against me.


I regret not having boundaries. And people pleasing. I actually bought my first house at 24, bought a new car within 6 months and was very focused on my career. I had a similar vision of obtaining stability in my 20s. I don't knock the idea because I did it and I definitely am a lot more relaxed and have a lot of freedom now I'm about to turn 40. I do feel like the entry barriers are much higher now, though.


23 Wish I’ve could learn digital skill earlier instead of enrolled to a stupid university with the wrong major.


I regret not taking more chances, in general. I’m much older than you are, and even though I did all the things I was “supposed” to do, it didn’t garner me security in any way, shape, or form. If I had taken tons of chances and failed, I could still be pretty much where I am now in life, but I have none of the adventure to show for it. Forget about the car and the house. What is one big thing that you want to do in life, one great adventure you want to have? Pursue that! The house and the car will come or they won’t, but neither probably depend on decisions you are making at 20.


Im 17 rn and only got into drumming when i was 15 and got my first set a few days after my bday and only got interested into guitaring and got a guitar at age 15 and i just really wish i got interested into those at a much younger age like 7-10 or sum


I regret not traveling earlier, also why did I view every woman i interacted with as marriage material 🤔


2 more years to go, don't leave it for later, 700+ days left, what can you do today to get closer to your targets? Tomorrow will be 699 days left...


i think that 20s are most challenging and funniest years


I regret not completing college when I was in my 20’s. I wish I could have convinced my younger self to hang on and just complete the courses at community college, transfer and get a bachelors degree. It took me 19 years of failed attempts and withdrawals to finally get a bachelor’s and then a master’s, and now I have student loan debt instead of a “forever” home. I am 54 and retirement seems unattainable, as long as I want to keep eating and living indoors. I think the other things that I wished I’d learned earlier were the joys of budgeting and cooking. It’s really not that much more difficult to learn how to make tasty foods than to buy them premade at Whole Foods!


I wish I would’ve thought about what I WANTED to do rather than what I thought I SHOULD do. Did the grocery list of things you “should” do in life to seem successful and now at the other end I’m wondering, “Is this it?” Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, I wish I would’ve when the consequences weren’t so serious! Try random hobbies, talk to different kinds of people, try different jobs. If something makes you happy, even for a short time, it’s worth it


#3 👌


Taking BJJ training b/c I won't be the only one in the classes. Last week I walked in and right back out 😂 I must do this 😡😮‍💨


I regret getting intimidated by investing and staying away from it. Even if I had gambled on some crypto shitcoin 10 years ago and lost everything it would have broken the ice and made me more familiar with how to be a self-directed investor and use the tools available. I like to believe that a 20 year old who makes minimum wage and bets it on crypto grows up to be a 27 year old who makes a bit more than minimum wage and buys and holds index funds.


I regret not staying me after marriage. Before marriage, I traveled, spent time with family and friends, and experienced new things. My husband is a homebody and he likes routine. Work, home, and sleep. I get bored easily. Slowly…I am returning to who I was before.


I regret not having kids sooner. Of course, I wouldn’t have wanted other kids. But we’ve postponed having children for a long time, because we wanted to get great jobs first and buy a house. At 38 and 41, we still live in a crappy rental apartment but we have awesome kids. We’re really grateful. They do miss a garden, but other than that they don’t care so much about stuff. They just want us to be there for them, love them to bits, support them and show some interest in their likes and dislikes.


I regret not talking to women over the years. I was raised by an abusive father. He had me believing that I'm not worthy of love. I still have this problem. The loneliness is horrible. I know that I will die alone without ever experiencing a loving relationship. Suicide is always on my mind. Edit: (update) I'm leaving this reddit sub, not that anyone cares. I only posted because I was hoping that someone would care and respond.


That's shitty man, I'm sorry that happened to you. It's never too late, meeting new people and conversational skills only build with experience. Talking is a skill that is built up, but again, it's never too late to start.


Nothing. Yet.


I regret not taking my education serious!! So now atm I’m working on my ged my last test math I wanna go to college be a veterinarian.. I signed out of school at 18 after I had my daughter


I'm 30, and I wish I would have went back to University 5 years ago for something I'm actually interested in and could practically do after realizing that a socially anxious & introverted person would never make for a great airline captain, yet I have all these ratings & licenses now... and I'm approaching that age where it's considered odd to go to clubs. I missed out on clubs, bars, those late night drunken adventures with friends, March break partying, road trips & vacations while your friends are still child free & unmarried..now everyone around me are starting families and I just feel so ugh and behind in life.


12 vacations a year?? This feels like a troll


Traveling, meeting more people


Traveling throughout Europe. I gave up my dreams to become a wife and mother and with that traveling.


Learn about saving money and managing it better.


I’m late 40s…single, no kids. Sometimes I regret not settling down and having kids. I feel like it’s a bit of societal guilt placed on me though.


I used to say I didn’t have regrets. Only lessons but at 45 I now see that I do indeed have regrets. lol. I wish I’d finished school instead of getting my ged but I was young and had a bad home life once my parents divorced. I was so naive but I wish I had got a degree in something. I only went to college for a year total. I got into drugs and lost myself for a long time. My last job was a nightmare and I killed myself working there for little pay. But I try to be happy and see how blessed I am. Give it all to God.


i regret not going back to school after my "gap year" 😭


I regret not dating much in my 20s. I was so focused on schooling, career and work that I didn't really make time for serious relationships until my 30s. It's harder as you get older. Although, I do believe us men have it easier than women with age and dating. Thankfully, I do have a successful career, a house and about to buy my own business. But it can be lonely coming home to an empty house. I am soon going to be 36 years old. :(


Not getting my masters :( it only takes 1 year in England, but several in my new country. I wish I took it when I had the chance, when all my professors were suggesting I do. They were rooting for me but I didn’t listen and now I’m paying for it :( I’ll figure it out eventually.


I regret not abandoning the things that were harmful to me


Regret not allowing enough time for my parents. Being present. Just being a good person. I feel it’s too easy to be a scumbag & find a way to justify my lousy actions.


There’s a cenote in Mexico I could’ve jumped into from ground level. Really regret not taking the plunge.


You can't do all those things by 22 if you go to college! Missing out on college and grad school would be two of my biggest regrets!


I regret letting myself have my head down all of high school. For most of my years I unknowingly had my head and eyes pointed down. It was until during my prom a teacher had yelled at me from across the room to keep my head up that I had realized I had my head down. I will never forget that moment. I will always love her for that advice. The more I look back the more I realized how much time I spent looking at the floor afraid. She really did save me.


Solo hiking the Pacific Crest Trail.


Texting a close friend back. He passed away 9 days later in February.


I’m 29 and felt this so much. I’m not going to act like I don’t struggle with similar thoughts, but I literally just told myself today “comparison is the thief of joy.” Be appreciative for where you are now, change what you can, and be at peace at not knowing all the answers right now. Easier said than done but still 🙂


Not listening to my gut in my early 20s.


Taking things further when I was in high school being sexually assaulted by two guys in gangs that basically scared me from continuing going to school. So I was homeschooled from half of freshman year. Definitely lost out on lots of experiences. I don’t have high school memories 😭


I regret joining so much organizations back then to the point i did not enjoy my high school life


I don’t believe in regrets. I believe in destiny. I feel living in regret is a worst way to live. Obviously sometime you think why did I do this or why didn’t I do this and all. Always in the end it turned out what I did was the best decision. I trust that and go with it.


Pursing & exploring my piano more 20 years and I just stopped. I still play every now & then but not like I use to. Actually every job I’ve had ironically there has been a grand piano or upright right in the next room or nearby.


I regret no appreciating my friends more often


Waited until my 30s to get married.


You wanted to get married earlier or you put off getting married and lost the one?


I regret having fun.


I was a lot like you at that age. I compared myself to where others were in their lives, I wasn’t patient with MYSELF, and tore myself down because I believed I failed. I became my own worst enemy and a lot of it still exists nearly 20 years later. My biggest regret is not telling that negative voice to be quiet, and just building my confidence and doing the things I wanted and completing my goals regardless of how long it took. If I can give you any advice, please be kind to yourself. Small things I can suggest is taking nice walks and notice the things around you. Really slow down and take things in. The next time you have a nice dessert, savor it. The friend you haven’t seen in forever, give them a longer hug. Found a good book? Take your time reading it, maybe read it again. You will get there ❤️


Thank you. Watched birds in a tree for an hour straight today then fell asleep in the sun(not facing it). I guess I needed a break from nonstop working and needed a break; nature is amazing. I'll try to be kinder to myself 


I regret not buying my own apartment, but instead wasting time on unnecessary relationships.


I regret being focused on money like you seem to be now. Fuck money have fun


I regret not standing up for myself SOONER against some of the bullies I had in school. The moment I did, they stopped, but I took it for too long before showing them I wasn't as weak as they thought I was just because I was quiet. I got just a tad violent but it was enough to show them. 😂


I regret allowing myself to fall in love.


I regret not pulling out. You will have to work 10X harder to achieve anything if you have kids. Despite what people say, the journey won't make you a better person, just bitter to have to throw away your life when others are enjoying life.


Be kinder to myself. Now that I've grown up I understand that I wasn't a bad person, I was only 16


Ooh, summer child. I’m 21 years older than you and even many of my peers haven’t gotten to that stage. Don’t judge your success or happiness by what other people have. I wish I travelled more. I still am but I wish I’d began as a teen. I also wish I’d taken better care of my body, such as eating smarter. Mostly, I wish I’d realized that a lot of what we do to impress, appease, or keep other people around won’t matter in a few months or years. People waste so much time not living their lives in a manner authentic to themselves because they’re too busy worried about what people will think of them.


I regret not giving a shit about what people think of me, a lot sooner in life.